Heat of the Storm (12 page)

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Authors: Elle Kennedy

BOOK: Heat of the Storm
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“At least, oh, about a thousand more.” Garrett jabbed Carson’s ribs. “Hey, you
my wife. The Lieutenant’s a choir boy in comparison.” The chatter died as the helicopter landed. The six men immediately jumped out, and Wil watched in amusement as his teammates took off. Carson and Garrett moved the fastest, obviously eager to wash the mud off and go home to their women.

Which is precisely what Wil planned on doing.

Striding into the building, he headed down the corridor and walked into the first empty office he saw.

He made a beeline for the phone and dialed so fast he feared he’d pressed the wrong numbers.

And then he heard her voice.

“Hey,” he said softly.

A stunned silence, and then, “Oh, thank God! Oh God. You’re okay! Oh Jesus.”

He fought a smile. “Is it inappropriate to say I told you so?”

“Very.” There was a soft sniffle. “I’ve been going crazy with worry, Wil . Your commander cal ed me when you lost radio contact, and he sounded freaked, and… Oh God. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yep. In perfect health too.” He wrinkled his nose as the aroma of mud and swamp drifted up to it. “I smel like shit, though. I should probably hop in the shower before I—”

“Don’t you dare,” Mackenzie cut in. “You’re to do nothing but get in your car and come home.”

“It’l take me an hour to get there. You’l have to exercise some patience, baby.”

“Don’t talk to me about patience. I’ve just spent the past three days waiting by the phone.”

“Wel , sit tight for just a while longer, baby. I’l be there soon.”

“Wil ?” Her voice shook. “I love you.”

“Wil ?” Her voice shook. “I love you.” His heart did a dumb little flip, but lord, how he loved hearing those three words come out of her mouth. “I love you too, Mac. Always have, always wil .”

“Good. So come home, Wil . Now.”

He grinned. “Yes, ma’am.”

About the Author





El e,



www.el ekennedy.com. Send an email to El e at el e@el ekennedy.com







Look for these titles by El e Kennedy
Now Available:

Bad Moon Rising

Dance of Seduction

Heat of the Moment

Midnight Encounters

Going for It

Heat of Passion

Red Hot Summer

Hot Summer Nights

On the road to forever, anything goes…

Heat of Passion

© 2009 Elle Kennedy

Out of Uniform

Carson Scott is the king of one-night stands, so a naughty encounter with a sexy brunette in a nightclub supply closet is right up his al ey. When his mysterious seductress disappears, he’s blindsided by an unfamiliar emotion—disappointment. One thing’s for sure…if he ever encounters his lady of the evening again, he won’t let her slip away so easily.

Between her catering business, family issues, and her broken heart, Hol y Lawson has too much on her plate to think about committing to a serious relationship. Hot, sweaty, anonymous sex with a Navy SEAL…now that sounds like the perfect appetizer to take the edge off. With no plans to ever see him again, she indulges in a fling. Only to come face to face with him weeks later while working a wedding.

Worse, Carson is hel -bent on the one thing she doesn’t want. The R word. She has no intention of fal ing for him, but in the face of his seductive, mind-changing methods, her resistance is crumbling…

Warning: This title contains a ridiculously hot
Navy SEAL, a sassy heroine, and sex in a supply
closet. Read only if you have time to take a cold
shower afterwards. Graphic sex, explicit language.

Enjoy the following excerpt for
Heat of Passion: Carson swiveled his head in the direction of the voice, just in time to see a petite brunette in a yel ow halter-top emerge from the shadows. The second floor of the club had a loft feel to it, a huge open space with a handful of floor-to-ceiling beams, and the brunette must have been leaning against one of those pil ars, because Carson hadn’t even seen her approach. Which raised the question, just how long had she been lurking in the darkness, eavesdropping on them?

The others looked as startled as he felt to see her standing there. “So, which one of you is going to dance with me?” she asked in that husky voice.

Man, how did a tiny thing like her have such a sexy, fuck-me voice? Carson studied her, waiting for flashes from the strobe to il uminate her face so he could get a better look. Each time a streak of light lit up her face, Carson liked what he saw. She had one of those faces you saw in makeup ads—smooth creamy skin, a smal upturned nose, and natural y red lips that were lush and sensual and ridiculously kissable. He lowered his gaze and liked what he saw there too. Perky breasts, smal but in proportion to her petite frame. She couldn’t have been tal er than five feet, but her sexy little body was a total turn-on.

The biggest turn-on about her was that he could see her nipples poking against her halter. Yup, she wasn’t wearing a bra.

He noticed his teammates checking her out as wel , saw their appreciation, and an odd pang of possessiveness gripped his insides.

“Wel ?” she prompted, her voice barely audible over the music.

Wel , what? Right, the dance. Carson quickly moved his gaze away from those smal , tantalizing breasts and took a step forward before any of his friends—mainly Ryan—snatched up this hot little pixie.

“Sweetheart, I would love to dance with you,” he drawled, shooting her his trademark ladies’ man grin.

Women always told him that grin of his was hot enough to melt a glacier, and sure enough, he saw the brunette’s cheeks redden a little. It could’ve been the shadows making her look flushed, but he preferred to think the grin had done it.

A pair of catlike green eyes focused on Carson.

Shit, she had nice eyes. They tilted up just slightly at the corners, giving her a very exotic air. “Let’s do it then.”

Oh, he wanted to do it al right. Although he’d never admit it to Ryan I-Need-To-Get-Laid Evans, it had been way too long since Carson had slept with anyone. Five weeks, to be exact, and he was getting real tired of flying solo. That three-week mission in Colombia played a part in his current celibate status, but after that he had no excuse other than he simply hadn’t encountered a woman who set him on fire. Six months ago, he might’ve settled for the first available warm body, but ever since his best friend had fal en for Shelby, Carson found it was getting harder to justify screwing random chicks. Garrett and Shelby were so disgustingly in love, they made him feel sleazy about his casual lifestyle. Not that he was looking for love or anything, but lately he was pickier about who he fel into bed with.

He might, however, make an exception for the woman who’d just asked him to dance.

She walked ahead of him, and Carson took the opportunity to admire the way her short black skirt hugged her firm little bottom. He usual y went for curvy and leggy, but something about this woman’s fragile figure made his blood heat up.

He tore his eyes away from that delectable ass and fol owed her down the open spiral staircase leading to the main floor. When she reached the bottom step, she cocked her head as if to check if he was stil there, and when their gazes connected, he saw a sensual smile tug on her pouty mouth. Damn, those lips belonged in an X-rated video. Preferably one that featured him and the lips in question wrapped around his dick.

Amusement danced in her green eyes. “You’re staring at my mouth.”

“You’ve got a nice mouth,” he answered glibly.

“So do you.” She studied him. “In fact, you’ve got a nice everything. Are you an actor?”

“Male model,” he lied, only because he didn’t feel like tel ing her he was a SEAL. Women had a tendency to go a little nutty when they found out what he did, got al wide-eyed as fantasies of being swept off their feet by a real-life hero fil ed their pretty heads.

And Carson had no desire to sweep anyone off her feet tonight, unless it involved sweeping this appealing brunette to the nearest bed.

She smiled again, but the look on her face said she didn’t quite believe him. “Interesting. Do you pose in the nude?”

“Al the time.” He curled his fingers over her arm and led her toward the packed dance floor. The music was a lot louder down here, so he dipped his head to her ear and added, “I could give you a private show if you’d like.”

She laughed, the sound quickly swal owed by the reggae song that pounded out of the speakers.

Leaning up on her tiptoes, she brushed her lips over his ear as she said, “First you can dance with me, then I’l decide if I want to see you naked.” Carson grinned and pul ed her into the throng of people. She immediately pressed her body to his and started to move. Those curvy breasts teased his chest, sending sparks of heat to his cock every time her smal , erect nipples pushed against him. The top of her head barely reached his chin, and her soft wavy hair tickled his neck. She smel ed like flowers and honey, the aroma fil ing his nostrils, subtle and yet far more potent than the scent of sweat, perfume and aftershave mingling in the hot air of the club.

He rested his hands on her tucked-in waist, slipping them under the hem of her halter-top so he could feel her bare skin. As he moved his body to the rhythm, he slid his fingers over her warm flesh, enjoying the silky feel of it. She sighed, her breath tickling his col arbone and searing right through his black T-shirt.

“How am I doing so far?” he asked.

She tilted her head up to look at him, an enticing smile playing on her lips. “So far, so good.” She punctuated the words by rubbing her lower body against his pelvis.

His cock rose to attention, thickening to a long ridge that strained against the zipper of his jeans.

Never missing a beat, he spun her around then pressed his erection against her ass, running his hands up and down her bare arms. He lowered his head to her ear again. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”

A beat of silence. “Jessica.”

“I’m Carson.” Then, unable to help it, he slid his tongue over the shel of her ear before sucking on the delicate lobe. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Jessica.” She pushed her butt out and rubbed it over his erection before spinning back around and wrapping her arms around his neck. Their gazes locked, and the hint of sex sizzled in the air between them.

Actual y, scratch that. He would definitely be having sex with this green-eyed seductress tonight, no
about it.

If you can’t stand the heat…don’t let go!

Anybody but Justin

© 2009 Shelli Stevens

Chances Are

Gabby is serious about her search for Mr. Right, but no one can say she hasn’t had a good time looking.

She enjoys her numerous dates and the sex that comes with them. Until she finds herself fal ing for the one man she vows to never love. Her best friend and roommate, Justin. A player in every sense of the word

—and a reminder of her awful past.

One night, with the help of a bottle of tequila, things get a little too hot for comfort. She moves out, intent on removing him from the line of temptation.

Justin has different plans. The tequila did more than just change how he sees his good friend. It made him realize he doesn’t want to be just friends any more.

He’s ready for something more intimate, and he’l do whatever it takes to find out why she’s running. And convince her to stay.

Warning: This book has hot sweet lovin’ between
friends who become lovers.

Enjoy the following excerpt for
Anybody but Justin: Justin’s heart thundered in his chest as the almost crippling desire he had for Gabby consumed him.

She was going to let him make love to her. She’d given him the green light.

He slid his hands down to her ass, lifting her, and she immediately wrapped her legs around his hips.

His tongue plunged deep into the warmth of her mouth to explore the hot and moist interior.

The rub of her breasts against his chest had his cock hardening further, nestling snug against the softness of her bottom.

He moved them toward the bedroom, groaning when she sucked his tongue into her mouth and squeezed her thighs tighter around him. He kicked open the half-closed door to his bedroom, then kicked it shut again. He moved them toward his bed, stumbling over his work boots.

He fel onto the bed, rol ing to take the brunt of the fal , which brought Gabby on top of him.

Straddling him, she tore her mouth off him and sat up. She reached for the hem of her shirt, jerking it above her head.

The V of her black satin bra pushed her breasts together to display an impressive amount of cleavage. His mouth watered and he lifted his hands to tug away the cups of the bra.

Her pert breasts fel free, the light pink tips already textured and hard for his mouth. She was so damn pretty, sensual in a subtle way. A way most men probably wouldn’t discover until they had her naked.

He opened his mouth, needing to tel her how sexy she was.

“What about Steven?” How the hel had he al owed himself to ask that instead?

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