Heart of the Highlands: The Beast (Protectors of the Crown Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Heart of the Highlands: The Beast (Protectors of the Crown Book 1)
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“Wait a minute! That’s it? That’s all yer going to tell me? Ye haven’t told me anything like, why are ye keeping me captive? What crime is Laird Chisholm accused of? And who are ye really?”

Ian walked toward her until he stood nearly a foot away. So close, she could smell his scent of horse and leather.

“Lady Sinclair, I do no’ have the authority to divulge my orders to ye nor the details of my mission. Can ye just trust that I am only looking out fer yer safety and that I will disclose to ye what I can when the time comes?”

Keira saw nothing but sincerity in his eyes. Perhaps she had been a tad irrational and quick to judge. After all, he had kept his word thus far.

“Alright! Ye leave me little choice but to trust ye.”


Keira let out a breath and followed Ian. Over a small hill, she spotted his horse grazing on the tall grass. Amazed at the sight of it, she was still perplexed at how he had followed her, on horseback of all things, without her knowledge. Perhaps her banter had kept her from noticing the obvious.

Keira allowed Ian to help her mount the tall creature without dispute. Mounting behind her, he led the horse back the way they had come.

Chapter 7



Ian and Keira returned to the camp just as the men were beginning to awaken. She was surprised to find that she had not gotten as far as she’d hoped when Ian came upon her, as their return trip took only a matter of a few moments. Even if he hadn’t found her, based on the distance she’d managed to travel this morning, it would have taken at least a month for her to reach the border of her land. It only proved that she had little choice but to trust Ian and his word to return her to her family.

“Where have ye been?” Rylan asked.

“Fer a short ride,” Ian replied.

Keira shot a glance over at Ian. He lied for her. Why? Perhaps he did not wish to anger his men with her rash decision to leave. Whatever the reason, she felt grateful. It was as clear as spring water, these men did not think highly of her and she did not want to do anything that would further provoke them.

“Are ye and Leland packed?” Ian asked.

“Aye, we are,” Rylan responded, looking at them both suspiciously.

Ian turned his attention back to Keira. His look was like the calm before a storm.

“My lady, if ye wish fer some privacy before we leave, I suggest ye do so now. I wish to cover as much land as possible today.”

“How long will it take to get there?” she asked.

“Tis a two day journey from here. Can I trust ye no’ to run?”

Keira bit her bottom lip. She had every right to run, but the scowl on Ian’s face had a way of making her feel guilty about her need for freedom.

“Aye,” she whispered, speaking the truth.


Ian allowed Keira her privacy but stayed within hearing distance, making sure that she did not back down from her promise.

He had never known a lass to keep her word. One or two had made an attempt to keep their word to him, but in the end, women always did what they wanted if they could get away with it.

“She ran, dinna she? I told ye, she would be nothing but trouble,” Rylan said, more as a statement than a question, grabbing his pack from the ground and swinging it over the saddle.

Ian grimaced at his accusation but did not respond. He’d made one excuse for the lass already; he was not about to make another. Nothing ever seemed to get past Rylan. The damn man was too clever for his own good, but that cleverness made him a good warrior.

A few moments later, Keira reappeared. Her eyes were puffy from lack of sleep and it appeared she had to will her body to move. It served her right for trying to escape in the first place!

Ian looked down at her skirt as she walked. He imagined it was hard for the lass to ride with such a large bundle of fabric underneath her bottom. Then an idea came to him. Ian pulled out a small, short-bladed dirk from his belt and tossed it to Keira. She caught the small knife in her hands and studied the blade.

“Do yerself a favor and cut off the under layers of that skirt of yers. All that fluff is no’ necessary and removing it will prevent ye from tripping all o’er it when ye walk. Plus it will make ye much more comfortable on the horse.”


Keira looked down at the sharp blade in her hands. How could he have been so trusting to think that she wouldn’t use it against him? The small knife wouldn’t amount to much in battle but it was enough to slice a man’s throat or cause a man to bleed out if she stuck it in the right spot.

Keira had never harmed another before in her life, but that did not mean she couldn’t gather the courage to at least make an attempt, especially if her life was in danger. But was it? So far Ian had kept true to his word and not harmed her. And if he had not been concerned for her protection, he would not have followed her in the woods and returned her to camp. Any other man would not have bothered. Perhaps there was more to him than he let on.

Ian’s idea of cutting off the extra, heavy velvet was a sound and logical suggestion. Had she thought of it before, she would have torn off and removed the bothersome train earlier.

Finding some privacy behind a bush, she lifted the top layer of her dress and draped it over her arm. Twisting around, and holding the knife with the other hand, she made a small tear along the back waistline. Setting the knife down on a stump, she ripped the fabric from around her waist, pulling it away from the dress.

With a heap of loose material gathered in her arms, she dropped the heavy train, now detached from the back of her dress. The skirt flopped to her sides, sleek and slender. Keira felt as if she had lost nearly twenty pounds removing the excess velvet. This was much better, she thought. It was easier for her to maneuver and undoubtedly going to be easier for her to ride as well. Of course, she never would have needed to damage the dress had Ian and his men not left her luggage back at the carriage, but that was a well-worn conversation and did not need to be brought up again.

Returning to the group of men, she spotted Ian standing near his horse, waiting for her. She made her way toward him.

“Tis much better!” he said, smiling down at her.

Ian hoisted Keira up onto the horse and jumped on the saddle behind her. Cradling her between his thighs, he lightly placed one hand over her stomach and the other on the reins. The close contact made her shift on the saddle but as she tried to move away from him, it only caused him to hold her closer.

As Ian snapped the reins, the horse jolted, causing Keira to wrap her arm over his to prevent herself from falling. Pressing her back against his front had felt too comfortable. She fit perfectly against him and found that she liked the way his arm wrapped around her waist. Keira relaxed her shoulders and leaned against him. Her skin tingled at the feel of his breath on the back of her neck. It caused her stomach to tense and other strange feelings inside her to awaken. Though it was not meant to be a romantic gesture, it was by far the most intimate sensation she had ever felt.


Never had Keira seen such beautiful, picturesque landscape than God’s creation unveiled before her that morning. The early morning sun cast hues of gold on the peaks of the mountains and deep within the valley, fog seeped through the trees like a blanket of white smoke. Lush green trees and shrubs dotted the hills and wild alpine flowers were in full bloom, adding a delightful mixture of color. Thick purple heather swayed harmoniously in the light breeze across the fields and small white sheep could be seen grazing in the distance.

The land surrounding Castle Sinclair could not hold a candle to the beauty before her. Unlike the green rolling hills of the Highlands, Castle Sinclair was settled on rocky flatland on the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean. It was built on top of bedrock and sandy soil, making it hard for crops to grow in abundance. Although the estate was along the shore of the North Sea, the ocean was the only beauty that part of the Highlands offered.

As the sun rose in the sky, Keira was grateful the sun-kissed clouds showed promise for a warm and dry day. This time of year sporadic downpours were common and she prayed the rain would stay away just long enough for them to reach their destination. Once they arrived and they returned her to her family, she wouldn’t care if it rained every day for a year.

For what seemed like hours, they rode across the land heading in a southeastern direction. Keira’s toes and legs felt numb from staying atop the horse for as long as she had. She thought to question Ian whether they would break soon, but she dared not anger him. He had kept quiet throughout most of the ride causing her to wonder what he was thinking.

As time passed, boredom set in and her eyes began to feel heavy and started to close. Fighting to stay awake was a losing battle. Her eyes were drifting shut, taking longer and longer to open each time. Within moments, Keira fell fast asleep.


Ian glanced down at the lass slumped in his arms. With her head turned to one side, resting on his chest, he could see every feature on her face from her small nose to her pink lips. Raising his hand, he gently grazed the side of her cheek; moving his thumb as lightly as a whisper against her soft skin. She felt as soft as a rose petal. Had things been different, he would not have hesitated to make an advance or make his intentions known, but he was not the same man he once was. He could not offer her protection nor could he truly give her his heart. He could never be a husband again, or a father. He had given up that life a long time ago.

Ian’s loyalty to Scotland was his life. And with all the blood he’d spilled, he was a damned to hell. His only salvation was to serve the crown in hopes of redeeming himself for his sins.

Keira stirred in her sleep. Pressing her back against him, she turned slightly and gripped the fabric of his shirt. Her other hand rested firmly on the top of his thigh. At the moment of contact, an explosion of unnerving sensations shot to his groin. With her buttock firmly pressed up against him, Ian felt his pulse quicken. He willed away his wandering thoughts and physical sensations but as she clung to him, his animal instincts growled within him.

Ian craned his neck, trying to avoid the lass who lay asleep in his arms, but he was failing miserably and his groin reminded him of that fact each time her bottom lifted and settled back down on his lap from the motion of the horse under them.

As if the heavens were answering his prayers, a drop of rain fell from the sky, landing on his cheek. Looking up at the darkened, cloudy sky, he realized he had missed the approaching storm, too distracted by the bonny lass. Another drop fell and then another, and before he knew it, the rain fell steadily. Thank God; he could use the distraction!


Keira awoke when she felt the tapping sensation of cold water on her cheeks. She quickly bolted upright, straightening her back. All manner of embarrassment came pouring into her mind when she found herself snuggled up against Ian like a wanton whore. She couldn’t imagine what he must think of her, nor did she want to know. In the future, she would have to do whatever it took to prevent herself from falling asleep, no matter how tired she was.

Looking up at the sky, she realized that the clouds had turned grey and covered the sky like a thick blanket.

“I had no’ expected it to rain. ‘Twas so beautiful earlier,” she said, making an attempt to dry her face.

“Aye. That’s the one thing about the Highlands lass. Ye can experience all four seasons in just a matter of a day,” he replied, wrapping a cloak around them both.

Keira gratefully took the cloak and wrapped it over her shoulders, but kept her distance from Ian. She would have protested, but if her choices were between having to travel the rest of the way in drenched clothing or being protected from the rain, she’d gladly choose the latter.

As the rain fell with intensity, the horses slowed their pace. Their hooves began to sink into the sodden ground. The rain hammered down on them like small ice pellets. Keira could feel Ian grip her tighter against him as she started to shiver from the cold. Thankful for the warmth of his chest, she didn’t mind in the least.

“Are ye alright, my lady?”

“Nay, I am no’ alright but little does that matter! Will we be finding shelter soon?” she asked as rain dripped off the ends of her hair.

“If we come across shelter we will stop. Until then, the plaid will have to do.”


They rode for another half hour until they came to a rocky hill with an overhang from a cliff. Ian slowed his horse and called to the others what they had found.

“Is that a shallow cave?” Keira asked.

“Nay! The earth gave way after a heavy rain and created that cavity. ‘Tis no’ what I’d choose for shelter under normal circumstances, but it’s better than riding any further in this pissing rain!”

Ian dismounted before helping Keira down. With her legs sore from riding, she almost lost her balance, and grabbed onto Ian’s forearm for support. It amazed her how strong his arm felt under her fingers, as hard as a rock. His skin was much smoother than she had imagined it would be for a beast like him. He placed a hand on the small curve of her back and gazed down at her. For a brief moment, the atmosphere between them changed, and the air seemed to lighten. She couldn’t decide if it was because of him, or the storm.

Looking up at him, his eyes were the perfect shade of blue, like two perfectly carved sapphires. Her eyes dropped to his mouth. His lips were full and thick like small pillows and she felt the strange desire for him to kiss her. Suddenly, as if his arm had become too hot to touch, she released her hand from it. She stepped away, wringing her hands.

She was getting dangerously close to her captor. She should hate him, fear him, but she couldn’t bring herself to feel that way. Not anymore. Though still apprehensive, she was beginning to trust him.

Keira followed Ian, out of the rain, to the earthen shelter. The muscles in her thighs ached as she walked. Stretching them out, she seemed to be the only one affected by the long travel. Her eyes followed the other two men who seemed to ignore her. Both Rylan and Leland stayed by their horses, digging in their packs.

Digging in his pack, Leland pulled out a small knife from his bag. Swinging the blade at his side, he looked at her and wickedly grinned. She didn’t know what to make of his actions, but Rylan had already voiced his opinion of her, and his dissatisfaction that Ian had decided to keep her with them. Rylan was a man she would keep her distance from as much as possible. Keira swallowed hard when he looked at her, and she took a step closer to Ian. She had learned to trust him but as for the other two, trust would need to be earned. There was no saying what they would do to her if Ian weren’t there to protect her.

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