Heart of the Family (7 page)

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Authors: Margaret Daley

Tags: #American Light Romantic Fiction, #General, #Romance, #Fiction, #Fiction - Romance, #Romance - General, #Christian, #Religious - General, #Christian - Romance, #Religious, #Christian Life, #Foster children, #Pediatricians, #Social workers

BOOK: Heart of the Family
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Hannah held Nancy in her lap, the child’s head lying on her shoulder. “Just as soon as they come up with a cure for the common cold and a few other illnesses.”

He knelt next to Hannah. “What’s wrong, Nancy?”

“I don’t feel good.”

He leaned closer to hear the weak answer. “Let’s take your temperature first.”

While he rose, Nancy’s eyes grew round. “I don’t want a shot.”

Hannah cradled the child against her. “I gave her something for her fever last night, but she didn’t sleep well. She ended up in my bed. She complained her throat hurts.”

“Nancy, can you hop up here and let me take a look?” Jacob patted the exam table.

The little girl nodded, then slipped off Hannah’s lap. Jacob helped her up, then placed a digital thermometer into her ear.

Hannah stood next to Nancy. “What is it now?”

“Hundred and four. When was the last time you gave her something for her fever?”

Hannah checked her watch. “Four hours ago.”

When the nurse came into the room, Jacob examined the child, then took a swab of her throat. “Strep is going around. We should know something in a few minutes.”

He handed the sample to Teresa, who left, then shook out two children’s pain relievers and gave them to Nancy. After chewing them, she sipped the cup of water Jacob filled for her.

“If it’s strep, you’ll need to keep her away from the other children. It can be very contagious. I often see it make the rounds in a family.” Jacob jotted something on the girl’s chart.

“I’ll have her stay in my room, but she ate dinner and breakfast with the whole crew.”

“I’ll give you a maintenance dose of antibiotics. I don’t want you getting sick, too.”

The door opened as Nancy leaned against Hannah as if the child didn’t have the strength to keep herself upright. Teresa entered and handed Jacob a slip of paper.

He frowned. “It’s strep.” He scribbled on a prescription pad, then ripped it off and handed it to Hannah. “Get her started on that right away. I’ll come by this evening to check the rest of the kids, as well, and see how Nancy is doing after she’s had a dose of antibiotics and lots of rest. I’ll bring maintenance doses for the children to take when they get home from school.” He smoothed the child’s hair from her face. “You’ll rest for me, Nancy?”

She nodded and buried herself even more against Hannah.

“Great. I bet Teresa has a toy for you from the box. Do you want one?” Jacob sent his nurse a silent message.

Nancy’s dull gaze slid from Jacob to the nurse. “Yes, please.”

“What would you like?” Teresa took the child’s hand and assisted her down from the exam table. “We’ve got some coloring books. Do you like to color?”


“Then you can pick from several different ones.” Teresa left the room with Nancy in tow.

The second they were gone, Hannah rounded on Jacob. “What didn’t you say in front of Nancy?”

“This could be serious. Both Terry and Susie get strep throat easily. Last time Terry was very sick from it. I’ll be there not long after they get home from school. Has Nancy been around them much, other than at dinner and breakfast?”

“Susie read to her last night. She’s the one who came and told me Nancy wasn’t feeling well and was hot.” Hannah pictured the children all in bed with sore throats and fevers. “So do you think I’d better dust off my tennis shoes and get ready to run between bedrooms?”

He chuckled. “That’s a possibility, but I’ll help as much as I can.”

The barrier around her heart crumpled a little as she looked into his eyes. Since he’d come into her life, he was doing that a lot—helping her out.


Hannah collapsed onto the couch in the living area and rested her head on the back cushion. “Thankfully Terry doesn’t have strep yet, but I’m worried about Susie.”

“I’ve got her on an antibiotic. We caught it early this time so she should be all right in a few days.” Jacob settled across from her in a lounge chair.

“Are you as tired as I am?”

“I could fall asleep sitting up in this chair.”

“Are you going to be all right driving home?”

One corner of his mouth lifted. “Sure, if I can persuade you to fix me a cup of coffee.”

“Won’t that keep you up after you get home?”

“I’m just hoping it will keep me up
I get home.”

“If you think there’ll be a problem, you are welcome to stay here and sleep on this couch.” She patted the black leather cushion.

“No. My new car practically drives itself.”

Summoning her last bit of energy, Hannah pushed to her feet. “One cup of java coming up then.”

In the kitchen she quickly brewed some coffee, amazed that she actually invited him to stay over. It wasn’t as though they would be alone, not with eight children in the house—six of them sick and probably up and down the whole night until the antibiotic really took effect.

But a picture of his tired face popped into her mind as she stared at the dark liquid dripping into the pot. It was after one, and he’d spent over nine hours here, helping her with the children—and that was after working a full day at his office. With Meg off, she’d needed the help, and she hadn’t wanted to expose anyone else to strep.

Thank You, Lord, for sending him to us.

The aroma of coffee permeated the kitchen, tempting her to drink a cup herself. But she needed to get what rest she could so she only filled a mug for Jacob, then walked back into the living room to find him sound asleep. Even in relaxation he appeared exhausted, his pale features highlighting the dark circles under his eyes.

After placing his coffee on the table beside his chair, she grabbed the coverlet from the couch and threw it over him, pausing for a long moment to stare at him. Until she realized what she was doing. Quickly she dimmed the lights and tiptoed out of the living area. On her way to her bedroom, she checked on the children. The sick kids were separated from the two who were still healthy and she hoped stayed that way.

All seemed well as she headed for her room and bed. She was so tired she didn’t even bother removing her clothes. She plopped down on the bedspread and fell back onto the pillow. The softness cocooned her in luxury that her weary body craved.

A thought seeped into her mind. She needed to get up and take her maintenance dose. She’d forgotten earlier. She would…soon….

The next thing Hannah knew someone was shaking her arm. She popped one eye open to find Nancy by her bed, her thumb in her mouth, her face flushed. “Baby, what’s wrong?” She pushed herself up on her elbows.

“I can’t sleep,” she mumbled with her thumb still in her mouth.

Hannah touched her forehead, then cupped her cheek. Fever radiated beneath her palm. She slid her glance to the clock. Four. She’d slept almost three hours. “Let me give you some more pain reliever.”

Hannah hurried into the bathroom off her room and retrieved the medicine and a paper cup full of water. When she returned, she found Nancy curled on her bed, still sucking her thumb. “Here, chew these first then drink some water.”

Nancy did, then lay back down, her movements lethargic.

“I’ll carry you to your room.”

“Not mine. It’s Susie’s. Can I stay here?”

Hannah pulled a chair near the bed and sat. “Okay. This time. I’ll take you…”

The child’s eyes drifted closed. She’d wait until Nancy was asleep then take her back to the bedroom she shared with the two other girls. Fifteen minutes later she scooped up Nancy into her arms and strode out into the hallway and nearly collided with Jacob, who held Andy against him.

“What happened?” Hannah stepped back.

“He’s sick, too. He woke me up in the living room.”

“That makes seven now.”

“Put him in my bed. I don’t want him going back into the room with Terry.”

Jacob passed her and entered her bedroom while she quickly took care of Nancy. She tucked the little girl in and brushed her fingers along her forehead. Her skin was cooler to the touch. Relief flowed through Hannah as she checked on the other two girls then slipped out into the hallway. Hopefully by this evening the children would be much better with no complications from the strep.

When Jacob came out of her room, she asked, “Are you hungry? I’ll fix you an early breakfast or a late-night snack, whichever way you want to look at it.”

“I never turn down a chance at a meal I don’t have to fix. And after the past—” he glanced at his watch “—twelve hours I’m starved.”

As she made her way to the kitchen, the hairs on her nape tingled as though Jacob was staring at her. She didn’t dare look back to see if he was. Just thinking about it caused her cheeks to flame.

After flipping on the light, she crossed the room, opened the refrigerator and removed ingredients for scrambled eggs. “Frankly I love having breakfast at any time of the day. Mom used to fix pancakes for dinner once a month.”

When he didn’t say anything, she peered back at him. A shadow dulled his eyes until he saw her staring and a veil descended over his expression.

He moved to her. “Can I help?”

“Someone who professes not to cook? I don’t think so. Have a seat. This is the least I can do for all your help with the kids.”

“I’m their doctor.”

“Who’s gone above and beyond the call of duty.”

He scooted back a chair from the kitchen table and sank down onto it. His gaze captured hers and for a moment she forgot everything but the charming smile that tilted the corners of his mouth and the gleam that sparkled in his eyes.

She blinked and he looked away. She quickly turned back to the counter, found a mixing bowl and began cracking eggs into it. “What made you become a doctor?”

A good minute passed before he answered, “I wanted to heal.”

The anguish that slipped through his words froze Hannah. Heal himself? Or heal others? Suddenly she remembered anew who was sitting a few feet away from her. For a while she’d forgotten that he’d been responsible for her brother’s death. Her hand trembled so badly she had to grip the edge of the counter.

“Hannah, are you all right?”

The sound of the chair scraping across the tile floor focused her on the here and now. Jacob had asked a question. She needed to answer him. She cleared her throat and said, “I’m just tired and concerned about the kids.”

“They’re a tough bunch. I think we caught it early.” He stood right behind her.

His presence electrified the air.
Lord, help me to forgive. How did You do it on the cross?

“Are you sure I can’t help?”

Fortifying her defenses, she swung around and took a step back. “Yes, I’m sure. You’re my guest. Now, sit and behave.” She needed him across the room. She needed some space while she mended her composure, and it was hard to think straight with him so near.

He held up his hands. “Okay. I’m going.” After he resettled in the chair, he asked, “Has being a social worker been everything you wanted it to be?”

That was an easy question thankfully. She turned back to finish preparing the scrambled eggs. “Yes, I love kids and wanted to make a difference in their lives, but I couldn’t see myself as a teacher.” She poured the mixture into the heated skillet. “I like a challenge, and I think social work is definitely challenging.”

“That’s putting it mildly.”

She stirred the eggs. “I would think being a doctor is one, too.”

“I guess you and I are alike. I enjoy a good challenge. It keeps life interesting.”

The third thing they had in common. At this rate there would be no differences between them. After sticking four pieces of bread into the toaster, she withdrew some dishes from the cabinet and brought them to the table.

Before she went back to the stove to get the food, Jacob caught her hand and held it, drawing her full attention to his handsome face. “Thank you for covering me with a blanket.” His voice dropped a level, a huskiness in it.

His hand about hers, warm and strong, robbed her of words. For the life of her, she couldn’t look away, as though his eyes lured her into their brown depths. “You’re welcome,” she managed to say, her mouth parched.

The silence grew until she thought he must hear her heart pounding. All she could remember was his dedication to helping the children the evening before. A connection between them sprang up that staggered Hannah, a connection that went beyond what they had in common.

Finally he released her grasp. A smile dimpled his cheeks. “You’d better get the eggs.”

She spun around and hurried to the stove, gripping the wooden spoon and counter to keep her hands from quivering. What just happened? How could she betray her brother’s memory like that? It was one thing to forgive—but to forget? No!

While she saved the breakfast from being ruined, she tried to bring her rebellious emotions under control. It was because she was so exhausted, she told herself, that for a moment she looked beyond what Jacob had done in the past to what he was doing in the present.

Chapter Seven

annah sat at the kitchen table, trying to drink a cup of warm milk to help her sleep. It curdled her stomach. She pushed it away and buried her face in her hands. Fever singed her palms. Her throat burned. She didn’t need a doctor to tell her that after a day and a half taking care of the sick children, she’d caught what they had. Thankfully most of them were on the mend, except Terry who had come down with it earlier today. Jacob didn’t think the boy would have it too badly since he’d already taken two doses of the maintenance antibiotic. Up until an hour ago when she began to feel sick, she’d forgotten to take hers. Obviously she was too late to prevent it totally.

The sound of the door opening alerted Hannah she wasn’t alone. Dropping her hands onto the table, she straightened as Meg came into the room.

“Everyone’s in bed. Anything else you need before I go home?” Meg stopped near her, her eyes narrowing on Hannah. “You’ve got a rash, Hannah!”

“A rash?”

“All over your face and neck.”

Hannah glanced down as though she could see it in the surface of the table.

The older woman touched Hannah’s forehead. “You’ve got a fever. Come on. You’re going to bed now.” She took her arm to help Hannah rise.

She tried to stand and swayed. The room spun. “But the kids need—”

“I’ll take care of the children. Don’t you worry.” Meg supported most of Hannah’s weight as she headed toward the bedroom area.

“But you might get sick, too.”

“If I do, then I’ll deal with it. Right now you worry about taking care of yourself. I wonder why the maintenance dose didn’t work for you. You’ve been on it for a while.”

“I forgot until an hour ago. I was too busy taking care of the others.”

Meg flipped back the coverlet and helped Hannah ease down onto her bed. “I’ll get you some aspirin.”

Hannah slid her eyes closed, listening to Meg move about the room, the sound loud to her sensitive ears. Her face felt on fire. Pain gripped her throat and drummed against her skull.

“Here.” Meg slipped her arm underneath Hannah and lifted her up to take the pills and drink some water.

The second Hannah managed to swallow the aspirin she sagged back onto the mattress, shutting her eyes to the swirling room.

As the pain continued to do a tap dance in her head, she embraced the darkness.


“Why didn’t she say anything to me before I left this evening?” Jacob stared at Hannah sleeping fitfully on her bed.

“I don’t think she was thinking about herself. She’s got a bad rash,” Meg said.

The tiny red spots stood out like a neon sign against the otherwise pale skin. He brushed back a strand of hair from her face, feeling the warmth beneath his fingertips. “That can happen sometimes with strep. I’m going to give her a shot.” He opened his medicine bag and took out a syringe and a vial of antibiotics. “I hate to wake her up, but she needs this now.”

“I’m staying tonight to make sure the children are taken care of. You take care of her.” Meg crossed to the door and left.

Gently, he shook Hannah awake. Her eyes blinked, then drifted closed.

“Hannah, I need to know if you’re allergic to any medicine.”

“Medicine?” she mumbled.

“I want to give you a shot of an antibiotic.”

Her eyes popped open and focused on him. “A shot? I hate them.”

Jacob pulled a chair close to the bed and sat. “I’m worried about you. Are you allergic to anything?”

“No—you don’t need to worry…” Her voice floated into the silence as she surrendered to sleep again.

She flinched when the needle pricked her skin, but her eyes stayed closed. Again he combed the wayward lock back from her forehead, then went to the living room to settle into a chair for the long night ahead. He wouldn’t leave until he was sure she would be all right.


Hannah moaned. Every muscle ached. She tried to turn over onto her side, but someone held her hand. Easing one eye open, she stared at Jacob stretched out in a chair next to her bed, asleep. She tugged herself free at the same time he snapped upright, disoriented. His hair lay at odd angles, making him appear younger.

He chuckled. “I guess you caught me napping on the job.”

Her mind still shrouded in a fog, she mumbled, “What job?”

He bent forward, taking her wrist and placing his fingers over her pulse. “Caring for you.”

She struggled to sit up. “I don’t need you…” She collapsed back onto the pillow.

“What were you saying?”

She inhaled a shallow, raspy breath. “I’ll be fine with some rest.” She shifted her head until she glimpsed her clock on the bedside table. “I’ve only been sleeping a few hours…” The light slanting through the slits in the blinds attracted her attention. “What time of day is it?”

“It’s eleven in the morning.”

“I slept all night?” Again she tried to sit up and managed to prop herself on her elbows. “What about the children?”

“Meg has been here taking care of them. I’ve looked in on each one, and all of them are recovering nicely. And there were no cases at the other cottage.”

“What about your patients?”

His chuckles evolved into laughter. “I know I work a lot, but today is Saturday. I’d planned to spend it here making sure the kids were all right.”

“You were? I mean, I don’t remember….” She rubbed her temple, the pounding in her head less but still there. She swallowed several times to coat her dry throat. “Can I have some water?”

“Sure.” He rose and settled next to her to hold her up while she sipped some cold liquid. Despite its coolness, it burned going down. “I need you to take these.” Jacob produced some pills. “And there’s no forgetting this time.”

She winced each time one went down. “I guess I forgot to tell you I used to get strep throat every year while growing up.”

“No, you left that out.”

“It wouldn’t have made any difference. I’d still have taken care of the children. They needed me.” The sound of her voice grew weak in her ears.

Jacob laid her gently back on the bed and stood. “Somehow I figured that. But now I’m your doctor, and I’m telling you to sleep and not worry about anything.”

“You’re a pediatrician.” Her eyes fluttered closed.

“But I’m free and here. You aren’t going to get rid of me.”

That last sentence comforted her as sleep descended.


“She’s awake, Dr. Jacob! She’s awake!”

Nancy’s shrieking voice thundered through Hannah’s head, threatening to renew the earlier hammering pain.

“Shh.” Jacob filled the doorway with several children standing behind him, peeping into the room.

He looked good to her tired eyes. Very good. Slightly worn but handsome as ever with his tousled brown hair and gleaming eyes that held hers. “How long have I been asleep?”

“It’s Sunday afternoon and Laura and Peter are here.”

“I lost another day.”

Nancy appeared in her face. “I was worried about you.”

Other than the ashen cast to the little girl’s features, she looked all right. The dullness in her eyes was gone and a smile brightened her face. “I’ll be as good as new in a day or so.”

“Okay, everyone, Laura and Peter have dished up some ice cream for you in the kitchen. You’d better eat it before it melts.”

The sound of running footsteps faded down the hall, leaving Jacob alone with her. He moved into the room.

“I have news for you, Hannah. You won’t be up and about in a day or so. You had a bad case of strep on top of exhaustion. You need to get a lot of rest if you want to be as good as new by Thanksgiving.”

She frowned. “You aren’t going to be one of these demanding doctors who insists I follow your instructions.”

He stood with his feet slightly apart and his hands on his hips, glaring at her. “Yes, I am.” But the merriment in his eyes mocked his fierce stance. “I came close to taking you to the hospital.”

“You did?”

The implication threw her. If her aching body was any indication, she realized she had been very sick. But the hospital?

“Oh, you are awake? The kids said you were.” Laura walked to the bed and positioned herself on the other side of Jacob. “I brought you some ice cream.” She held up the bowl.


Nodding, Laura sat in the chair nearby and scooped a spoonful of it for Hannah. “Peter could use your help, Jacob. By now all eight children are clamoring for more ice cream.”

“Make sure she stays in bed,” was his parting remark.

Laura laughed. “He can be so demanding when a patient doesn’t follow his instructions.”

Hannah scooted up against the headboard and took the bowl from Laura. “This does make me realize I have to find a doctor. I haven’t yet.”

Laura’s laughter increased. “Jacob has a way with children, but I can see his bedside manner might be lacking with an adult. He does mean well, though.”

Hannah slid the spoonful of ice cream into her mouth and relished the coldness as she swallowed the treat. “I wouldn’t know about his bedside manner. I was pretty out of it. I remember him making me take some pills, though.”

Laura’s expression sobered. “Yes, I know. Peter and I have been here helping Meg with the children. You should have let us know how bad it was. We could have come sooner.”

Hannah stared at her ice cream. “You have four children. I didn’t want you to be exposed to strep, so I played it down when we talked.”

“And got Meg and Jacob to go along.”

“I thought we were handling it. We did. I just got sick.”

“Running yourself into the ground. In fact, I tried to get Jacob to go home and take care of himself, but he wouldn’t leave your side.”

“He didn’t?” Warmth, that had nothing to do with a fever, spread through her.

“He told me he wouldn’t be able to sleep until he knew you were out of the woods. For the past day and a half he has stood guard over you.” Laura glanced toward the doorway. “Now, I’m gonna insist he go home and get some rest.”

Hannah took another scoop of the ice cream. “Do we have any Popsicle treats left?”

“You must be getting better. You have an appetite. I’ll see if I can find any. The children have been eating them right and left. I had Peter go get some more.” She rose and headed for the hallway.

Hannah finished her treat and placed the bowl on the table, tired from the brief exertion. How was she going to look after eight children? She couldn’t even feed herself without getting exhausted.

She tried to concentrate on that dilemma, but she kept thinking about what Laura had told her about Jacob. He hadn’t left her side. He’d watched over her. She should be upset by that news, but after the past few days working with him to take care of the sick children, she wasn’t. A bond of friendship had formed between them.

Lord, if any good has come out of the illness that took hold of this house, it was that. I don’t hate Jacob anymore. I can forgive him for what happened to Kevin. The man I’ve gotten to know would never have done something like that on purpose. The car wreck was an unfortunate accident that I suspect has left a mark on Jacob, too.

She sank farther into her pillow, propped up against the headboard, and closed her eyes. Total peace blanketed her for the first time in years.
This is why you forgive someone. This is why you let go of your anger. I understand now, Jesus, why You forgave them on the cross. Thank You, Lord.

Footsteps announced she wasn’t alone. She opened her eyes, expecting to see Laura, but instead Jacob entered with a cherry Popsicle in his grasp.

“I hear you’re hungry.” He sat in the chair by the bed and gave her the treat.

“I thought Laura was making you go home to sleep.”

“She tried.”

“And obviously failed.”

“I can be a very determined man.”

“I appreciate all you’ve done, but she’s right. I don’t want you to get sick, too.” She nibbled on her Popsicle.

“I’m not going to. I’ve built up quite a resistance. Remember I deal with sick kids all the time.”

“Now I see why the children love having you come. The gifts you brought them to keep them occupied and in bed were great.”

“I love those handheld video games.”

“You sound like you’ve played your share of them.”

“I’m a kid at heart.”

His smile encompassed his whole face and sent her heart beating a shade faster. “I’ll have to try one sometime.”

“I’ll loan you one of mine. A great stress reliever.”

“I thought exercise was.”

“I’m exercising my mind.”

Seeing his well-proportioned body, she knew he also had to exercise physically, too. “I like to ride my bike but haven’t had a chance yet.”

“There are some great places around here to visit. If the weather stays nice, I could show you one weekend.”

“You have a bike?”

He nodded. “A great stress reliever.”

“Maybe I could get some bikes for the kids, and we could all go on an excursion one Saturday.”

“Let’s get you well first, then we can plan something.”

“I’ll be up in no time.” She fluttered her hand in the air, but immediately dropped it into her lap, her arm feeling as though it weighed more than a twenty-pound barbell.

He rose. “I’d better let you get some rest. Besides, I promised Laura I would deliver the Popsicle and leave. I don’t want to make a liar out of me.”

The second he left, Hannah felt the energy level in the room diminish. He charged the air wherever he was. He had a presence about him that drew a person to him. Why hadn’t she noticed that before?

Because I had been too busy trying to avoid him.

It was nice having a friend in Cimarron City.

A friend?
a little voice questioned.

Yes, a friend. Anything else would be taking this forgiveness thing too far.


“Dr. Jacob has pulled up,” Gabe shouted from the window in the living room.

“Mom’s here!” Andy jumped up and down, then raced for the front door.

Hannah laughed. “I think he’s excited.”

“He’s been marking off his calendar until Thanksgiving.” Susie followed Andy outside.

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