Heart Melter (14 page)

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Authors: Sophia Knightly

BOOK: Heart Melter
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"I called Maggie, but she wasn't home, so I left a message with Dugie,” Natasha said.

Ian barely heard what she said. All he wanted to do was take her there, on the floor in front of the blazing fire.

Natasha cleared her throat. "Did you hear what I just said?"

“Aye,” he said hoarsely. He glanced at the tiny pulse leaping in the hollow of her throat above her cleavage and couldn’t think of anything but having her—now.  

Natasha seemed to go boneless before him. Her lips parted and she drew in shallow breaths as a rosy flush crept up her neck and flooded her cheeks. "Do you want more wine?" she asked softly, her tongue wetting her lips.

"No. I want you." He rose from the table and pulled her up, coiling his hands in her glossy hair and holding her still as he kissed her slowly, deeply. Tasting of crisp white wine and heady desire, she clung to him, her arms locked around his back, her lush breasts pressed against his chest. Not taking his gaze from her heated eyes, he led her to the bed and sat her on the edge. He untied her sash and opened her robe, revealing her beautiful body to his fiery gaze.

“Gorgeous,” he breathed, tracing a finger down her neck and across her graceful collarbone. He cupped her breasts and kissed each pink tip, reveling in their velvety softness. Kneeling before her, his hands slid under her bottom as he kissed her belly and sweet inner thighs.

“Ohhh,” she moaned, inhaling sharply when his thumb stroked her wet heat. Her nostrils flared as his breath fanned her pulsing feminine core and he kissed her there, his lips feather light.Seconds later, Natasha quivered violently and clutched his hair as the building crescendo overtook her and she shattered with keening moans. Ian held her in his arms, gentling her with Scottish endearments until she calmed. He undressed quickly, his trousers joining his shirt and socks on the floor. Not taking his eyes off her lush body, Ian reached for the box of condoms in the bag he'd left beside the bed. He tore open a foil packet and pulled on a condom before joining her.

"Come here, angel," he murmured huskily, pressing her back into the mattress as he began a kissing celebration of her fevered body.

Natasha’s nails lightly raked down his back before her soft hands curved over his hips. Braced above her, Ian fitted himself between her thighs and lifted her buttocks to meet his first thrust. Joined together, he surged inside, over and over, his breath hot on her neck as he nipped it.

“So beautiful,” he whispered hoarsely between thrusts. “I can’t get enough of you.”

Her face tightened with sweet agony. “Take me. I’m yours,” she cried eagerly. “All yours.” She came with shuddering sobs and Ian groaned savagely, hugging her tightly as he climaxed with powerful, shuddering force.

Later, they lay fused together and drained of strength, cozy in bed. Ian held Natasha close to his heart and kissed the top of her head as he caressed her smooth back. After a while, she pulled away and ambled to the table. Placing two pillows behind his neck, Ian sat up and watched the provocative play of muscles in her shapely buttocks and long legs.

Natasha returned with the bowl of raspberries and fresh whipped cream in a meringue shell and two spoons. He was already hard when she balanced the bowl on his chest and climbed on top of him, her lithe thighs straddling his hips. They ate dessert feeding each other between kisses. Natasha put the bowl on the nightstand and leaned forward, kissing him with a mouthful of whipped cream. Ian licked the cream from her lips and swallowed the sweetness.

"Now it’s my turn to pleasure you," she murmured, her glistening mouth erotic and inviting.

And pleasure him she did until he came with such force the bed shook.

Natasha collapsed against him and buried her face in his hot neck. “You are so delicious, Ian. I can’t get enough of you either.”

“You might have gotten too much of me last night.” He slid his hand up and down her spine, enjoying the suppleness of her skin.

She lifted her head and stared at him with questioning eyes. “What do you mean?”

“We didn’t use a condom. It was reckless and impulsive.” He didn’t want to consider the consequences.

“I’m only reckless and impulsive when it comes to you,” she said.

He stiffened, remembering she’d just come off a relationship with Tony. That had been reckless. Jealousy and raw distrust surfaced. “The idea of you sleeping with that
Tony makes me sick…or anyone else for that matter,” he grated.

“I never slept with anyone but you,” she said, rubbing her cheek against his chest with a ragged sigh.  

He pulled back to stare at her. “Are you telling me the truth?”

She sat up. "Of course. Why would I lie? "

“You’ve lied to me before,” he said, watching her face crumble.

“I didn’t lie about loving you or wanting to be your wife,” she said with a catch in her voice. “If this is about when we broke up, you never let me explain, Ian. I wanted a chance to perform on Broadway before settling down. It was always my lifelong dream.”

He didn’t feel like hashing it out. They would only be talking in circles. Ian ran a rough hand through his hair. “Tonight was a mistake," he said flatly.

Natasha yanked the sheet and wrapped it around her with shaky hands, shielding her naked body from his eyes. "Why?" she asked, red-faced and blinking back tears.

“Because you’re a drug to me and I won’t get addicted again.” He got up from the bed. “Are you ready to tell me anything has changed in seven years?”

Natasha gnawed her lower lip, her soft blue eyes anguished as she silently stared at him.

“I thought so.” He drew in a harsh breath. “No one, not even you, Tasha, will stand in the way of my dream of returning to Scotland,” he said and walked to the bathroom.

When he returned, she was on her side on the bed, turned away from him. Ian sank down on the sofa and rubbed a rough hand over his face as he eyed Natasha with deep regret. Hot passion scorched between every breathing moment she was near. His libido had ruled over rationality tonight, hoping she would remain emotionally detached as they enjoyed a night of hot sex. But who was he fooling;
wasn’t detached. It was impossible to be when it came to Tasha. When they made love, the raw beauty of her soul shined in her eyes and held him spellbound.

I never slept with anyone but you.
Her admission invaded his peace of mind, haunting him, stripping all defenses and leaving him vulnerable. It shook him to the core and made him want to pull her in for a long bout of lovemaking and mark her as his. But he couldn’t.

Ever since she’d snaked back into his life, Tasha had acted as if everything was the way it had been before their break-up. It annoyed him that she could be so naïve, and it annoyed the hell out of him that he didn’t have control when it came to her. She’d only been in Scotland two days and he was supposed to be protecting her, but he couldn’t keep his hands off her. Like a siren luring a drunk sailor, she aroused erotic feelings he couldn’t resist.

Damn her,
she was a thistle in his heart, pricking him with her magnetism and luring him with tenderness. By coming back into his life, she had decimated his hard won control and filled his heart with joy…and false expectations. But he wouldn’t let her cripple his defenses again. He had to keep a distance and a level head. If he let her back into his heart, he wouldn’t let her go. Not now. Not ever. And sooner or later, she’d choose New York again.

If he allowed their intimacy to deepen, his plans for the clinic would be sidelined.

He’d let his guard down twice now. He’d be damned if he’d do it again.




Chapter Twelve


The sound of a ringing phone jarred Natasha awake, and the gloomy reminder of how last night had ended enveloped her. She tried to focus her vision in the hotel room, still dark from the drawn curtains. A glance at her watch told her it was only 7:00 a.m., early for a phone call. Ian was in the shower; she could hear the water running.

The phone rang again. In the dark room, she groped the nightstand and realized it was Ian’s smartphone ringing. When she answered, a child's quivery voice said, "May I speak to Dr. Ian, please?"

Surprised to hear from him so early in the morning, Natasha said, "Arthur, is that you?"

"Yes, ma’am," he replied softly.

“Hi, sweetie. Hold the line. I'll run and get Dr. Ian for you." Natasha raced to the bathroom door and knocked several times, worried that Arthur might be crying. 

Moments later, Ian opened the door with a towel wrapped around his lean waist. He looked like a sleek wolf, his dark hair rumpled and wet. Too bad he hadn’t come back to bed last night, instead sleeping on the couch like a disgruntled lover.

"Arthur's on the line. He sounds upset," she said, tearing her gaze from his hot torso.

Ian reached the telephone in seconds. When he hung up, his eyes were sharp with concern.

"What's wrong with Arthur? He sounded like he was crying," Natasha said.

Ian nodded grimly. "The lad begged me to start the treatments as soon as possible. He wants to get away from the orphanage."

"What happened?"

"A group of kids got the card I gave him and tore it up last night.”

“That’s mean. How did he call you then?”

“He had written down my number thinking Mrs. Byrne might take the card from him. They beat him up too." Ian’s jaw clenched and his eyes glittered ferociously. “I’m taking him out of there,” Ian said, pulling on jeans and sliding his arms into a slate blue shirt.

“Good!” she said, her heart expanding with love as she watched him.

Ian used the discarded towel to dry off his hair and ran his fingers through the thick waves. “I’ll take him to Glenhaven,” he said. “Maggie and Ranald can care for him while I start the treatments."

“Oh, that’s wonderful of you!” She wished she could fling her arms around him and hug him with all her might. “Arthur will love Glenhaven. I’m going with you to the orphanage,” she said, reaching for the bag with the cashmere dress.

Ian shrugged into his black leather jacket. "No, you'll take too long to get ready."

She grabbed the other bag that had the boots he’d given her. "No, I won’t. Give me fifteen minutes,” she said, heading toward the bathroom.

“Be quick about it,” he said briskly. “I’m going to make a few phone calls to check on the legalities of taking Arthur out of the orphanage. If you’re not down in fifteen, I’m leaving without you.”



On the way to the orphanage, Natasha called Saundra, her lawyer, and filled her in on everything. Saundra offered to contact Detective Carson with the drop-off details and also to make sure that the word was put out that the police had the flash drive, not Natasha.

“I’ll handle it from here,” Saundra said.

“You will?”

“Yes, it’s best for you to go through me from now on.”

Natasha breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay, but this might put you in danger too.”

“I’m not worried about that,” Saundra said confidently. “I’ll contact you as soon as I have an update from Detective Carson that she has the flash drive.”

“There’s spotty reception in some areas here. If you can’t reach me by phone, please email me. Or leave a message with my friends, Maggie or Ranald Duncan in Scotland. I’ll email you their contact information.”

“Will do. Be safe.”

“You too. Thanks for everything.”

Natasha hung up and turned to Ian. “Wow, she’s fearless. I’m glad Saundra wants to manage it, but I don’t want her to be in danger. She said she’s not worried about it, but I am—for both of us.”

"Don’t be. She knows what she’s doing.” He squeezed her hand lightly. “Nothing is going to happen to you. You’re safe with me.”

Hearing Ian say that made Natasha feel better. So he did care about her. The memory of his touch last night made her ache for more. Hopefully, he’d come to his senses and give them a second chance.

When they arrived at the orphanage parking lot, Natasha turned to Ian. "Do you think Mrs. Byrne will let him leave with us?"

"It might take some convincing. I’ll sweeten the offer by making a donation to the orphanage. I was planning to anyway."

“Good idea.” Natasha wrung her hands. "I've been praying all the way here that you would take him out of this bleak place."

A fleeting glance of tenderness passed over Ian’s face. "Keep praying, we might need it," he said, taking the key out of the ignition.

“Are you talking about the legal implications?”

“No, I spoke to my lawyer. It shouldn’t be too complicated as long as Mrs. Byrne cooperates. Come on. Let’s go,” he said, opening the car door.

Inside the orphanage, Mrs. Byrne ushered them to her office. She seemed surprised that they were there so early. Motioning to the chairs before her desk, she said, "Please sit down. What brings you here this morning?"

"I want to make a donation to the orphanage so you can buy new playground equipment and whatever else the children might need for entertainment."

Her eyes widened. "Thank you, Dr. MacGregor. How generous of you.”

"You're welcome." Ian leaned forward in the wooden armchair and braced his elbows on his knees. "Mrs. Byrne, I just received word that my laser equipment will be arriving sooner than expected. I'll need to do medical tests on Arthur right away."

"Right away? What does that entail?" she asked, gazing at him with a furrowed brow.

"He'll have to travel with us to Glenhaven today." When Mrs. Byrne's mouth dropped open, he added, "Would you prepare the papers we need to complete before he can leave?"

“Today?” Mrs. Byrne’s astonished gaze traveled from Ian to Natasha, then back to Ian. “I suppose I can,” she said hesitantly. “How long will he need to stay at Glenhaven?"

"I can't say for sure. The treatments should be completed within a year," Ian said in a noncommittal tone.

"A year? Are you sure you want to take him with you? Wee lads of six can be a handful!" She drew her jaw back rigidly, causing several chins to crease her neck.

"Arthur won’t be a problem. He behaved perfectly yesterday. We'd love to have him stay at Glenhaven estate," Natasha said.

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