Read healing-hearts Online

Authors: Yvette Hines

healing-hearts (9 page)

BOOK: healing-hearts
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“Thanks for calling.”

“No problem...”

Then there was the uneasy moment. Her family had never been ones to say
I love you
to each other, and it always left a void.

“Take care of yourself, Laura.”

“Yeah, you do the same, Yasmine.

They hung up.

Yasmine returned into the kitchen in more of a funk than she had been. She couldn’t wait until this weekend. She really needed to relax and get her life in order.



“Okay, everything is all set. You all have the morning to yourself and I’ll see you in the ballroom an hour before the party starts. Any last minute questions?” Jason asked his staff.

Five heads shook from left to right.

“Then have fun. I saw some great booths for shopping and some wonderful marine life exhibits set up on the beach for the festival. If anyone needs to get a hold of me, I’ll have my cell phone even though I’ll be right in the hotel.”

His staff dispersed, eagerly taking advantage of the personal time to enjoy the Neptune Festival and the elegant hotel in which they had rooms. Jason had to admit to himself, things were going smooth as icing, which gave him some personal time.

The pool had been calling his name since he’d toured the hotel upon arrival and that was where he was headed. He went up to his hotel room and changed into his swim trunks, a T-shirt and water shoes. After a few strokes through the cool water, he would then be ready to get a little rest before the evening’s festivities.

Opening the side door to the hotel’s outside pool, he stepped out into the humid air and froze in his tracks. Through the semester of Greek mythology in college, if he had ever had a vision of what Aphrodite would look like emerging from the water towards her lover, it would be the sight before him.

Immediately he recognized the woman. Yasmine Sousa. Her complexion reminded him of a select bottle of champagne. The sight of the full body bathing suit clinging to her skin intoxicated him. No curve was hidden from his sight. His reaction to her was instantaneous as he noted the distended points of her nipples as they responded to the air around her.
Is that a sign of how sensitive her body would be all over?

His lower abdomen muscle clenched as his arousal built and his manhood began to rise, tight and throbbing.

It had been a long time since he had been with a woman and his desire for Yasmine was overwhelming.

“Whoa, there big fella,” Jason whispered. He began to take deep breaths, attempting to calm himself. “This is no time for you to rear your head.” Struggling to bring his body back under control, he stepped back into the chilly air-conditioned hotel.

He stood there a moment longer to get himself together then exited into the humidity again. By the time he had reached her side, she had dried herself off with a towel and relaxed on her stomach on a poolside lounge chair.

“Should I offer to rub suntan lotion on you?” He laced his voice with humor, but the urge to slide his hand up her body made his palms itch.

Yasmine turned her head toward him.

Jason watched as recognition lit in the sexiest, coffee brown, gold-flecked almond shaped eyes he’d ever seen.

At that moment, he was positive she hadn’t been aware of his observation.

Shading her eyes from the sunshine, she looked up at him. “Mr. Richardson, I never expected to see you here.”

“It’s part of the hotel’s gift package. They’re throwing in sexy heart patients for free with every overnight stay.” Jason graced his statement with a smile.

“What do I get if I stay two nights?” Yasmine turned over so she was sitting up in the chair.

Jason could admit to himself that he had been enjoying the view of her backside, but would never complain about the sight revealed to him now.

“You don’t want to know.” Taking a deep breath, he used all his willpower to keep his eyes focused on her face. He knew if he allowed himself even a small glimpse at how the bathing suit hugged her breasts and waist, or saw the evidence of the wet spandex cupping her sex the image would burn itself in his mind. Or worse, he’d cum in his pants like a teen and embarrass them both.

Jason sat down on the lounge chair next to her to keep either event from happening. “I’d tell you but it’s top secret. I’d have to ask to see your clearance pass.”

Yasmine laughed. The tone sounded like music to his ears. For some reason he got the impression it was something she didn’t do often. Every time he saw her, there seemed to be a hint of sadness in her eyes.

“Would you believe me if I said I was writing an article on women who chose to swim alone?” Jason smiled.

“No, I wouldn’t.” She performed a brief once-over glance down the length of his body. “Maybe a male model for a swimming over-thirty magazine.”

“Funny. I guess I’m starting to show my age. But, actually I’m here because my company is putting on a promo for a client.”

“I never did ask you what you do for a living?”

“You didn’t have to, remember? I’m the business exec who had my heart attack at my desk...or was it during a meeting?” Jason joked.

“Ouch! You make it sound as if I insulted you.” Yasmine tilted her head to the side.

Jason liked that look; it made him think about nibbling at the spot below her ear.

Get a hold of yourself.
Jason mentally shook himself. He didn’t know what it was about Yasmine that made his mind wander around like an early pubescent schoolboy.

“No insult. You were pretty much right on the money. To answer your question, I’m in advertising.”

“How in...?”

“I’m the head of my own division.”

“Wow, nice spot.”

“I didn’t do too bad for myself.” Jason couldn’t help the proud smile that crossed his face.

“You sure didn’t.”

“So, what brings you here to the festival?”

“I had forgotten about it actually. I’m here on a girls’ weekend, you remember Leigh?”

“The spicy redhead you work with?”

“Very good description.” She laughed again. “I’ll have to pass that on to her.”

“So where is she now?” Jason looked around, not remembering seeing anyone else by the pool. Then again, he had been so focused on Yasmine, there could have been an entire synchronized swim team performing in the pool and he would have missed it.

“She ran out to a boutique we passed earlier while shopping. Speaking of that, I need to get going.” Jason heard her say, before she stood up and grabbed the towel off the chair and wrapped it around her waist.

“Hey, before you go, I’d like to invite you to the party this afternoon.”

“Umm...I don’t think so.” She took a few retreating steps backwards toward the door.

“You can bring Leigh if it makes you feel more comfortable.” That seemed to make her feet pause.

“You’d be willing to subject yourself to her scrutiny?”

“If it gets me a chance to see you again, outside of you being my health counselor, then I’d do just about anything.”

Yasmine’s full lips pulled up into a grin. “That’s sweet, but I’m still going to pass. See you around.”

Jason watched her spin around, hurry into the hotel and out of his sight.

Snatching his T-shirt over his head, Jason removed his rubber shoes and dove head first into the icy water. Pushing himself, he didn’t stop until the little voice inside of his head telling him he had been a fool to listen to his brother’s advice faded.


Yasmine took a brief moment once she got into the hotel to turn and look through the tinted glass window to the view of the pool. As she watched Jason remove his shirt over his head, she couldn’t help noticing the firm, lean chest. It was smooth, with the exception of a sparse amount of hair in the center. She remembered him saying that swimming was something that he did often. She could definitely tell that by the muscle play in his broad shoulders as he brought his arms down and tossed his T-shirt on the chair. Her nipples tightened and pressed against her swimsuit, sensitive. She didn’t waste time fooling herself that it was the hotel’s A.C. that caused the reaction. It was Jason.

Leigh would be shocked to know Yasmine could now confirm he had not had open-heart surgery.

Yasmine took a deep breath and turned away from the sight as thoughts of running her hand down his chest to his taut abs entered her mind.

She shook her head to halt her train of thoughts and allowed herself another quick look as she admired Jason’s athletic skill when he dove into the pool. She couldn’t fool herself in believing that she didn’t desire to go out with him. As she sat across from him, his smile had driven her crazy. She couldn’t seem to stop the little flip her heart performed when it appeared on his face. She tried to brush it off by telling herself he had worn a scowl when she had met him, so it was just a result of the surprise of seeing her.

As much as she would like to do something as simple as a date, she knew it would not be possible. She couldn’t allow herself to be put in a position to be hurt again. Her track record proved she was not the best judge of character and her getting hurt was inevitable.

Turning away from the sight of Jason slicing through the water; she went to her room.

When she arrived there, she showered and lay down on her bed, then grabbed the romance novel she was almost finished with from the nightstand. She stared at the hero on the cover. “Why can’t I find a man like you or the other guys I read about? Bet I’d never have to worry about you hurting me.”

Yasmine set the alarm on the bedside clock before opening the novel to the marked page. She and Leigh were going out to dinner, then to the fireworks show. Most likely, afterwards her friend would try to get her to go out dancing again, as they did last night, and she wanted to make sure didn’t read to long and run late.


Desire led her back out to the pool in search of him. Now, she lay on her stomach before him, willing and waiting. This wasn’t her. Never before had she availed herself to a man. But, he tugged at something so reckless, so forbidden deep inside of her, she couldn’t resist.

His lips started at her ankle and made their way up her body. The light kisses he placed on the back of her caves, caused tingling sensation to dance across her spine. When his wet tongue touched the back of her knee, her body temperature rose. Her sex began to ache as strong, open mouth suckling began on the back of one thigh then the other.

His hands joined in the play as he massaged her behind, gliding up her back where the bathing suit left her bare. Her body quivered with excitement at electric touch of his hands.

Her breath became labored as the tip of his tongue traced the edge of her suit from hip to the crease of her thighs. The lips of her core were full and throbbing. Her butt arched into his touch.

“Spread your thighs.”

She wanted to object. She was fully aroused and wet. If she parted her legs she knew it would be evident to him. She could feel the moist seat of the suit as it molded against her, clinging to her sex. But neither could she resist.

“Wider.” It was a command. The deep timbre of his voice commanded obedience.

She obeyed.

Her legs parted until they touched the edge of the poolside lounger. She knew he could see how much she wanted this…wanted him. Turned on and swollen.

He was looking. Staring.

She could feel his intense gaze on her heated sex, she was seconds away from an orgasm.

But, he wanted more. His hands pushed at her thighs until her feet fell over the sides to the cement surface, causing the core of her desire to lift in blatant display.

“Yes.” His voice hissed with passionate approval.

She wanted to turn over. See his face. Know what desire looked like on him.

Before she could assuage her curiosity, firm masculine hands grasped her hips and a hot kiss seized her pulsating sex. The first stroke of his tongue against her covered clitoris catapulted her into a body-shuddering climax.

The knock at Yasmine’s door awakened her. She sat up with a start, her body still shaking as the memories or the erotic dream ebbed away. She had been dreaming about Jason.

Rubbing her hand briskly over her face, she looked at her clock to make sure she had not overslept. It was twilight outside, her room filled with shadows, so she turned on her bedside lamp.

As she got up from her bed, she noticed the book was lying on the floor.

“Thanks a lot.” Yasmine aimed an accusing finger at the book.

Another knock sounded at the door, reminding her about what awakened her. Better yet, saved her from a fruitless fantasy.

Yasmine trotted to the door and checked her peephole, then opened it.

“Hey, Yassi-girl.” Leigh breezed into the room.

Yasmine stifled a yawn as she closed the door behind her friend. “I thought we were going to meet in an hour—if you’re already hungry give me a few minutes and I’ll get dressed.”

BOOK: healing-hearts
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