Healing a Cowboy's Heart (Cowboy Dreamin' 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Healing a Cowboy's Heart (Cowboy Dreamin' 2)
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you, ma’am.”
He appeared moments later around the
crop of rocks not a hundred yards away. “I don’t think we’ve met,” he said,
holding out his hand.
“Jackson, ma’am.
I’m the second
eldest behind Jeff.”

blushed to the roots of her hair as his laughing gaze trailed down her body.
“Terri Kennedy. It’s nice to meet you.”

your swim?”

It was very refreshing.”

like it.”

small smirk on Jackson’s face made her want to slap it right off his lips. “I
believe we’re done here, right Jeff?”

We were about to head back anyway. You can go on home, Jackson.”

swung up onto the back of his horse and tipped his hat as he kicked the gelding
into a canter, riding off into the brush.

so embarrassed.”


the hell not?
He probably heard me scream your name
as I came all over your fingers!”

but it ain’t like he hasn’t heard it before,” Jeff replied, earning himself her

bring a lot of women out here and fuck their brains out?”

didn’t fuck your brains out, Terri. If you remember correctly, I didn’t get to

Should I take care of it for you before we head
back?” Her sarcasm seemed lost on him.

necessary right at the moment, darlin’, but I wouldn’t mind

you later in your cabin.”

thought there was some kind of rule about you guys and the guests?”

told you?”

shrugged as she examined her fingernails on her left hand. “You told me in the
tack room, remember? You do have a little gaggle of geese who love to follow
you around with their gaze just like the rest of your brothers.”

scuffed his boot in the dirt. “We do have the rule.”

I guess you already broke it since you fingered me to orgasm a few minutes
ago.” She picked at her wet clothes hoping they didn’t chafe her thighs on the
ride back to the ranch. “I guess you could come by my cabin after supper.” The
thought sent a thrill through her belly. The thought of actually making love
with this man brought another rush of heat to her cheeks. Yeah, she’d gotten
off with a pretty terrific orgasm, but he hadn’t. Riding back to the ranch with
a hard-on probably wouldn’t be the most comfortable thing to do. Oh well, it
couldn’t be helped. He really did need to get back if Jackson’s conversation
meant anything.

Terri. Maybe this isn’t such good idea.”



didn’t think there really was
an us
, but why not?”

there is sort of. I just think with our differences of opinion on the land
development, your involvement in it, and how I feel about it, we shouldn’t be
doin’ anythin’ together.”

fucking, Jeff.
Nothing more.
It’s a little release
from the pressures of everyday life. Don’t read more into it than there is.”

not. I don’t need a woman in my life. In fact, it’s the last damned thing I need.”

if you did have a woman, you wouldn’t be to fucking up tight!”

I’m not uptight!”

You’re wound so damned tight, I’m surprised your dick even works!” She climbed
back into the saddle as she watched the magnificent butt of the man next to
her, do the same thing.

show you how well my dick works, baby. Just spread them thighs, this dick will
make your pussy weep.”

because I haven’t had any dick in two years.”
She turned her horse back toward the house. “Any dick would do.”

want dick, honey, you come lookin’ for me. You’ll stay away from my brothers.”

fuck whomever I want.”

you will not!”

face looked thunderous so she backed off. She didn’t know the exact details of
his past relationships, but obviously there was something there she didn’t want
to go into. It wasn’t like she wanted any of his brothers anyway. She wanted
Pain in the ass and all.




supper bell clanged as Jeff stood in the doorway of the barn watching the
guests wander toward the main lodge.
Should he join the
family for supper or not?
He really wasn’t sure. If he did, would it
give Terri the impression he would join her afterward?
Should he? He didn’t know. He wanted to. God, did he want to.

about her turned him inside out. He wanted to see her blonde curls spread out
over the pillow as he pounded into her hot flesh or tickling his abdomen while
she sucked his cock until he squirted cum down her throat.

never wanted a woman so badly before. The thought drove him nuts.

you going in?” Joey asked, coming from the stable to the left of the barn.

I’ll be there in a second. I need to check on something.”

shrugged and walked toward the house.
“Hey, Ms. Terri.”
He waved as he caught Terri walking up the concrete path toward the house.

watched from the barn doors while Joey caught up with her and walked her into
supper. Jealousy surged through him, catching him unaware.
Why should he be jealous? He didn’t care a whit about her. Well, maybe a
little, but he couldn’t get caught up in her at all.

her didn’t fit with his
either. He didn’t want
to hurt her. He hoped she wasn’t thinking anything between them could go on and
turn into anything permanent. He didn’t do permanent. Not anymore.

came running from the swing set they’d put up for him in the side garden. “Come
on, Daddy. It’s supper time.”

comin’, son.”

followed Ben’s little body to the house. Smiling, he ran up behind him, grabbed
him and swung him up on his shoulders, much to the gleeful squeals of his son.

they walked inside the building, he caught Terri’s gaze from her spot to his
right. She sat with a group of women chattering away, but she remained silent
as she watched him set Ben down.
she’s pretty.
She didn’t wear a lot of makeup. Her clean complexion glowed
with healthy vibrance as her gorgeous green eyes sparkled with something he
wasn’t sure he wanted to name. He tipped his hat, catching her little half
smile when he walked by her table.

ladies twittered around her, but he kept walking. He didn’t want anyone to get
the idea there was anything going on between them.
Jackson better keep his big mouth shut.

he approached the family table and his assigned chair, the family got quiet.

did the ride go?” his mother asked, tilting her head to the side as she


went out to find you and Terri, right?”

glared at his brother who just laughed. “Yeah, he did. The ride went fine. I
showed her where the property lines are so she could get some samples and take
some notes. The quicker she’s
the better for all
of us.”

for you?”

I don’t want her here.”

didn’t sound that way to me,” Jackson said with a laugh.


really not causing any harm, Jeff. I’d rather she be here so we can keep an eye
on what she’s doing, which by the way, you haven’t explained to the rest of

handle her, Ma.”

think you already did,” Jackson added.

told you to shut the fuck up.”


but he’s
’ the line.”

not talk like that at the dinner table with the guests here. I’ve discussed
this with you before.”

said I’m sorry.”

She glanced at Jackson. “Apparently you have a secret between you and your
brother. I would appreciate it if you would keep it to yourself. There is no
need to discuss it in front of family or guests.”


should be. Whatever is part of Jeffery’s private life is private. Keep it that

ma’am,” Jackson replied although Jeff could see the twinkle of mischief in his
eyes. It wasn’t over by a long shot.

supper was over, he needed to get someone to watch Ben for a few hours and
needed to figure out a way to be able to get into Terri’s cabin without being
seen. Not like he planned to stay the night or anything, but he couldn’t leave
his son alone in their home without someone to keep an eye on him. He debated
on whether to ask Jackson since he already knew about Jeff and Terri’s
rendezvous by the pond, but he also debated on whether to ask his mother. What
would she think?
She’d be jumping my shit
for fuckin’ a guest.
“Of course, she was all over gettin’ Joel and Mesa

guests cleared the dining room leaving the family to finish up their own

can you watch Ben for a couple of hours?”

course, Jeff.
Do you have plans?”

I need to go into town for a bit.”

know it’s been a long time since you’ve been around a female, son.” She patted
his hand. “I’ll watch Ben.”

glanced at the ceiling as he sighed.
Mom thinks I’m
headed out to find a woman.
“Thanks, Mom.”


I obviously didn’t fool her one

cleared his and Ben’s plates before he hustled his son back outside with the
intention of getting him home and in bed before his mother came over to watch
him. He hoped his mom didn’t know who he planned to fuck tonight, but at this
moment, he didn’t care.

Remember when you gave Joel shit
for fuckin’ Mesa?

really should apologize to his brother when the two of them got back from their
honeymoon. He did come down pretty hard on Joel for sleeping with a guest when
here he was about to do the same thing and enjoy every damned minute of it if
this afternoon had been any indicator. Terri was hotter than a firecracker on
the Fourth of July. She’s been spectacular when she’d come apart in his arms by
the pond. He’d never seen a woman look so beautiful when she came. He hoped to
fuck her face to face so he could see it again.

who was he kidding? He wanted her any way he could get her. In her hot pussy,
up her delicious looking ass, in her mouth. He didn’t care.


Ben,” he replied as they walked through the front door of their cabin.

come Mommy doesn’t come over anymore?”

took Ben’s hand and headed into the bathroom to get his bath ready. “I don’t
know, son. I guess she’s busy.”

want to stay at her house.”

got worried. Ben never said he wanted to stay at
Whenever he did go over there, by the time she brought him back, he was
difficult to deal with for a few days afterward. Sometimes, it was like there
wasn’t any discipline at her house, which he figured was the case. “Why?”

took off his clothes and climbed into the warm water Jeff had run into the tub.
“She lets me eat chocolate ice cream and watch Dora.”

do those things here too.”

come Mommy doesn’t love me?” Ben asked, playing with his truck absently in the

sure she does in her own way, Ben.”

never says it like you
. You always say you love

I do, Ben.
I love you very much.”

love you too, Daddy.”

conversation drifted off into other topics, like his horse, when Grandma was
coming over and did he really have to go to bed. The normal things they talked
about almost every night.

you read me a story, Daddy?”

course, son.
We’re still reading the Tommy the Train
book, right?”

Ben answered, climbing into the bed.

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