Hawkmoon (The Hawkmoon Chronicles) (6 page)

BOOK: Hawkmoon (The Hawkmoon Chronicles)
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                                                         Highway Robbery

Mira woke to the new day, birds  clamouring , insects  buzzing.  She would break camp, and eat in the late morning.   … A stone bridge crossed  the Blackwater. Now the river would be on her left. Something told her that her days of ease were nearing their end.  Rather than hurry she slowed her pace to enjoy the last of them.

As evening  came the forest drew back at the  Falls of Doon. A deep pool beckoning she  undressed  in the shadow of a tall rock.   The water was delicious, still warm with a hint of cool .  She  set the horses to graze near water.  Finishing an early meal, she looked for her books.

She had two: Masell’s, Jouneys in the Southwest and a book of love poetry by Katum the Dasarian.

She sat on a log as the shadows lengthened.. She was gathering firewood when her senses became aware of a changed atmosphere. She looked around ... The forest was silent, tense and watchful .

The trees are aware; they sense what I am about to do.

She dropped the firewood.

Later that night two winged forms  circled above.. One broke away to the west , the other continued  until it passed over where she slept. The wolves  came out from the trees to form a circle around the sleeping girl.  The pack leader spoke.

There is nothing to find in these woods, go south.

With a plaintive screech the abomination turned away.


Next day  began with a heavy mist.  Mira huddled under the covers, reluctant to get up. .. Her little troop managed to look resentful as she loaded them ... Stopping at midday, she allowed them to graze by the river.  She ate cheese and fruit sitting on a ledge.  She followed  the track to spy out the rest of the day’s journey.

A  small man sat  on a branch. He was ten feet  above her head with a crossbow .. He looked nervous.

“Hallo”, she greeted. “It’s a lovely day. What are you doing in a tree? You don’t look very comfortable.”

“I want one of your horses and money… And food.” He added, nodding as if to confirm his requirements.

Mira folded her arms. “Indeed. And what if I were to refuse such an impertinent request?”

“Why then Madam I would be compelled to shoot you… with this”. He  gestured with the weapon.  “It would be regrettable but you would leave me no alternative. I am a robber after all.”

“What is that?”

“What is that, she asks. It is a crossbow madam. Have you never seen a crossbow?”

“Not like that one. Did you make it yourself?” She asked.

“No. I repaired it. It is in good working order I assure you”.

“It’s not as good as this one,” she said drawing the weapon Kerris gave her”.

“It is unloaded”

A bolt flew past his head  to bury its head in the bark of the tree.

“Oh dear”. The would be robber groaned.

Mira looked up at the little man. “You’re not very good at this are you? “

“It was a bad idea.”

“It was a terrible idea. Is this your first time?”

“It is”, he replied morosely.

“Climb down and we’ll talk.

“I can’t.”

“Of course you can, you got up.”

“That was last night. There was something above the trees. It was hunting. Did you hear it?”

“I sleep like a baby”.

“Well, if you had you would have climbed a tree.”

“You can’t stay there-“’

She was interrupted by a cry as he  pitched from the branch. Landing with a thump he lay, groaning

Mira crouched beside him. “You’re as skilled at climbing as you are at robbing. What’s your name?”


“You may call me Lady Mira, or, My  Lady.”

“Yes My lady. Are you from the Keep?”

“I am.”

“Oh Lawks” he moaned,” you’re a witch. Please don’t turn me into an animal or  something”

“I would  turn you into a Sheriff if there was one about. As a thief you are a bigger danger to yourself… I am not a witch.”

“What are you doing here so?  He asked sitting up. He was similar to a dwarf in height; without their sturdiness.

“Can you stand?”

Norry got to his feet.

They walked back to the horses. Mira handed him oatmeal cakes and a cupful of  Myrd..

“Can you ride?”

“Yes my lady, I used to ride for the Parish”.

“Take the smaller of the ponies. Don’t turn your back on the mule. He bites”.






                                                            The Awakening



A woman put something in his mouth; sweet and cool. The sky was blue. He was moving. Sounds of animals, people talking. He drifted again.

A much loved face. Brown eyes,.. Another  woman . Unearthly beauty. ..Cool air rustling silk sheets. A door opens . Lovely girl, she places a tray by the bed.

His body went into spasm, eyes flaring  wide in a room with  high ceilings. Light streamed through a bay window. As his eyes  adjusted he looked out on the sea. Sails in the distance. Men running, others  practicing with swords. He turned back to the  shadows ; a full length mirror by the bed . Easing himself  to a sitting position he looked at himself, his feet bandaged, legs, thighs and arms  covered in bite marks. On the inside of his left arm, a tattoo of a raptor.

Someone had left a tray by the bedside, a bowl of fruit, apricot and slices of apple dipped in honey.  He drank water cooled in a  glazed jug. The door opened . An tall  man came in bearing a tray.

“Ah, you are awake, good.”

Remembering his nakedness he reached for a linen robe on the sideboard..

“Who are you?” he asked. His voice sounded strange to his ears. The man placed the tray on a table by the window. He was tall with the stoop tall men sometimes adopt. His hair was braided tight to his head. The eyes were those of one who missed little. “My name is   Paldor Please” he indicated the food” you must be hungry,”

“.I don’t know you, or this place. What am I doing here? How did I come to be here? What is this place?” He stopped, looking at the old man. “Who am I?”

“This  is Holgun . If you look to the  South you would see Holgun Volcano .You were brought here se months  ago by  Gypsies.You were  ill .. We received instructions  from a   client that your expenses would be met and when fit  you were to be trained in the use of weapons and  … other skills… Loss of memory is common with head injury. No doubt you will regain your faculties in due course.”

“Who is your client?”

“We never reveal information of that kind.”

“I cannot remember my name.”

“Your name is Hawkmoon.  The gypsies said so”

He looked at his arm.

“That’s not my name…”

Paldor rose   to leave.” Finish your meal and we will speak further... A representative of our client will visit shortly . I am sure he will be in a position to enlighten you. In the meanwhile you should occupy yourself with a full recovery.”

“And if I decide to leave?”

Standing Paldor opened the door. “This is not a prison. You may leave at any time. I suggest  you remain here  and wait until our client’s representative  comes to see you”.


After breakfast he walked on the beach. He tried running but gave up after twenty paces. He sat in the sand waiting while his heart settled in his chest.  Fragments of memory, the cold, attacked by dogs. … The ocean breeze was warm on his face. If he was ill there were worse places….

A  man approached from the villa. He moved in balance, like a dancer. The newcomer bowed.” I am Chagatai”. He said, waiting to be invited to sit down. His eyes were  black, with high cheekbones, golden brown skin .  He  was small in stature with a physical presence that belied his size. 

He looked  down the beach, from where the warrior had come. He could see  the tracks  his feet had made in the  sand. Of Chagatai’s there was barely a trace.

There were round boulders to his left. Rising he walked to one of them and sat, inviting Chagatai to sit on the other, twenty feet away.

This one is cautious…Good.

“I tried running back. It was all I could do not to leave my breakfast on the beach”.

“Many breakfasts have been left on this beach. Before we are finished  there will be more.”

“What do you know about me?”

“Only what I have been told. I am to see to your training in the use of weapons”

“How long will this take?”
Chagatai shrugged “As long as it takes.”

“Shall we run back”

“If we take it easy”

He had five days while Chagatai finished with  other recruits. Training began a week later. Morning    runs on the beach grew longer with every passing day. At first they stayed on the hard sand where the surf broke. As time went by Chagatai started to add packets of sand.  More sand followed every week. He considered objecting but his pride would not allow   it. When he woke the first morning memories lingered in remnants of dreams. As the weeks passed even those faded… At midnight he would  force himself to eat  the food laid out by the servants before collapsing into sleep.

Hardly were his eyes shut   than Chagatai was beating on the door.  Weeks turned to months... When he stopped, he no longer vomited. Chagatai wanted five miles. He ran seven. Chagatai wanted  seven, he ran ten.

In the Autumn of the year they were twenty miles south on the beach.Chagatai  began to talk about his life. His father  was Khan of a minor tribe. The one who seized power sent  his family into exile. He escaped and   watched as they had slaughtered his brothers on the open plain. Chagatai  had been to  the Royal City, for the anniversary of the King’s Coronation. He had been North twice , once to parlay with the Reivers and once on a trading   expedition.. He tried to hide it but his pride in being a Ranger was enormous.

They stopped to eat eighteen  miles from the City. “I survived the summer. Living in the hills, trapping Marmots. Winter was coming when  I wandered into a village begging for food They fed me well. Then they put chains on me. It wasn’t bad  apart from the  beatings which I was accustomed to. In the Spring we were taken to Pokhara.. It is a free city on the edge of the Steppe where everyone can come to trade… Reivers, Humans, everyone is welcome except the Wampyrhh. One of the men belonging to the new Khan recognized me. I thought I was dead  when he started bidding . Then a round eye put in an offer

As soon as he took possession I told him about the  one he had outbid. That they wanted to kill me and it would be better to let me go and take my chances. He thought I was lying but when they followed as we  left the city he hired  guards. I decided that I wouldn’t cut his throat  when I escaped. His name was Palgon . He was a recruiter  for the Rangers..   I asked him why he picked me ; there were full grown men on the stocks, some trained fighters. He said he liked the look of me. I wasn’t cowed  like the rest.”


Since the first day he  struggled to match Chagatai in the use of weapons .The bruises on his chest, arms, and legs testified to his failures. He took to rising before dawn to practise  on the Ran, a stake with   lengths of chain and blades fitted  to copy a human opponent.

A year since meeting the tribesman he faced Chagatai in the arena.  People hung about. The slave girl, Ilse sat up   in the back with her friends.

Chagatai had brought some of his students to watch ; one  a noble with a haughty manner. He grinned insolently and whispered to Chagatai. The little man laughed and walked over. “He told me to go easy on you. Are you ready?”

He set himself and waited while Chagatai did likewise.  Chagatai screamed and charged, blade aimed low  .. He staggered back and tripped over his feet. Laughter echoed from the walls while he picked himself out of the sand. The girls tittered. Ilse looked at him gravely. The arrogant one grinned and said something to his friends. He stood, wiping the dust from his clothes. Absorbing  the rage he calmed his breathing, and  waited.

Chagatai attacked.   Waiting  as the blade came down, at the final moment he moved a half step, swaying to let the sword pass. He tried to bring his  sword into play only to have it knocked  aside. Rage burned in him. Once more he calmed his mind. Again Chagatai attacked. At that moment the world slowed .It was like he was underwater... The tribesman was screaming, mouth open in a rictus of hate.  The blade came up, but slow. Taking a half step he  moved  past his opponent. Light burst in Chagatai’s head. Moving forward, he   continued   two paces ,then collapsed  in the sand. No one had seen it happen.

Silence fell across the arena. The Blademaster must have stumbled.   Chagatai lifted himself out of the sand. They bowed and resumed position. The tribesman stared into the eyes of  his opponent. fear tickling his bowels as he understood  what stood before him

Chagatai flicked the tip of the blade at his face. The move was countered. He struck at the knee, changing to a thrust at the groin. The move was blocked. .The tribesman stepped back, waiting .

This is a fine death.  The Sky God has been good.  My sons are brave, my daughters are virtuous.

Rising on the balls of his feet he  stepped forward, blade pointed at the chest, allowing it to last   long enough  that his opponent had no choice but to parry. At the final moment he turned his wrist to bring it to the gut... It was his deadliest move.

His vision exploded in a burst of light. Chagatai fell senseless to the sand His opponent  threw the blade at the group and  stormed out of the arena. He was passing into the cool of the armoury   when someone touched his sleeve. Turning he found  a portly gentleman, well dressed, rings on every finger. The fat mans’ eyes shone with excitement.

“My dear fellow, such a display. Truly wonderful. To defeat the Blademaster in such a fashion. Allow me to introduce myself… Halvar Halvarson , I provide gladiatorial spectacles   for the great houses on the continent. Such  talent;why you could retire in ten years… with the right management of course . Perhaps we can speak later.  . I will send my man. In the meantime, a small expression of my interest…”

He held out an open purse.

“Go away”   The man’s face went white.

Two guards carried Chagatai to the infirmary..

Paldor closed the shutters; the noise of the arena subsiding.

“What do you think” Shen Tzu was slight, exquisitely arrayed in bright silks. He held a scented kerchief to his nose. The scent of the place was really quite appalling.

“Remarkable. The test was arranged so as to goad him into losing control. He took that energy and turned it against his opponent. What happened then is more interesting. I was watching through this” he held up his spyglass” His pattern of movement changed. He moved unnaturally fast, though I am sure he was unaware of it. Such episodes place great demands on the body. It requires expenditure of a tremendous amount of Chi . The Blademastr  knew what he faced and still continued… A brave man. In the Chian we have masters who dedicate their lives to the art. They are old before they are half as deadly as what I have witnessed here today. . Would you be so kind as to send someone to enquire of his present state? I would venture he has retired. Paldor tinkled a small bell.

“We should begin his training in the Occult Arts”

“Is he to be a sorcerer?”

“Heavens no. Not one of those… Tiresome people… There are ways to kill that dispense with the need of bladed weapons…. He has talent, but that alone is insufficient…  He will come  to Xanshi.”

Paldor sat in front of his guest. “Excellency, your plans for him may not go as smoothly as you would wish”

“O, and why  is that, pray?”

“I have observed him over the past year. I find him to be a man of singular independence of mind. He seldom does what others would have him do. If you propose that he should go somewhere because you wish it, he will refuse”

“What do you suggest?”

“He  appears to be content here. He has made friends, the principle  being his trainer, despite what you witnessed today... Send  your instructors here. I will arrange rooms and lecture facilities.”

The ambassador smiled“I bow to your wisdom . I will retire to consider what you have said”

“You will not meet him?”

“Gracious no. The man is exhausted.Tomorrow I will take my leave. With fair weather I will be home in six months.


They sent her to his room a month after he started training. Massage and whatever he desired.  They were good to their slaves here but a slave was still a slave. She  waited for him, sitting on the edge of the bed   The day was warm and she was tired .She lay down and closed her eyes. The room was in darkness when she woke Someone had covered her with a blanket. As she passed the common room he was poring over maps with the tribesman.

Last week, as  she was passing the training ground she heard him laugh.  . They talked about him in the kitchen. He  never  made demands. He was appreciative of the smallest service….

They said he had lost all memory of his former life. Undoing the clasp at her shoulder she  let the  dress slip  to the floor.  His  arms and shoulders were marked  with scars and bruising. The night  was warm.. .

A soft knock came on the door . It opened and a blond  head came round ; Anna, one of the house slaves. Ilse put a finger to her lips. The girl  smiled and closed the door.

She traced her fingers   from the base of his neck to the hollow of his spine. He murmured stretching  an arm across her.  She turned her back  against his chest, her bottom nestling against his stomach.. Lifting her head from the pillow he put the other arm through and  drew her to him. He slept and, after a time she drifted..

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