Have No Mercy (22 page)

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Authors: Shannon Dermott

BOOK: Have No Mercy
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Tatiana greeted me with a kiss to
each cheek. “Lady Mercy, our kingdom waits. Come with me.”

She air-kissed Rowen before she
took my arm in the crook of hers and led me down the path to a castle that rose
from the ground like a crown jewel.

My skin didn’t crawl like it did
in the presence of Madeline, but there was something that made me not completely
trust her either.

“There is so much we have to do
and we only have three days.”

“Three days?” I questioned taking
a peek of her profile out of the corner of my eye.

She turned her head slightly to
eye me. “Well, the wedding will take place then. And there are fittings and
balls to attend.”

“Wedding?” I felt slightly dizzy.
Had I left one nightmare to step into another?

“Yes dear. You will marry Rowen
in three days time. Quite a catch isn’t he? Many of the ladies of court will be
disappointed he is off the market for good.”

“I can’t marry him,” I blurted.

“Oh, I know about your young
Flynn. But marriages in the human world have no standing here in this realm.
Plus, he is to marry Morgana if my sister’s message is accurate.”

I stuttered to a stop because I
couldn’t take it. It was too much. Flynn, my Flynn, was going to marry someone

“Come dear,” she said, and I
noticed large wooden doors five times my size opening by the hands of what
looked like two trees who stood on legs or were their trunks.

Beyond the door, marble tiles the
same color as Madeline’s except they didn’t have the sterile feeling as they
did in Fairy. An opening above a cavernous hall let bright light shine in. Fey
in human and plant form stood on either side of the long hall and each balcony
five stories up.

“Smile dear,” Tatiana prompted.
“Wave, like this.” She held up a hand much like Miss America would do on a
float down Main Street.

Reluctantly, I lifted a hand.
“I’m only seventeen,” I muttered under my breath.

“In my day,” she began. “You
would be considered an old maid.”

When I gave her a blank
expression, she said, “What is that you young people say now. Oh, a spinster.
You’d be considered a spinster at seventeen and unmarried in my day.”

Clearly, she hadn’t been in the
human world in quite some time.

“Now smile.”

My frown upturned, but it felt
pained like I had diarrhea.”

“Why would you want me to marry
Rowen, I’m no one.”

“Ah, but your Summer royalty.”

“How can that be? I thought the
Fey couldn’t lie, and Madeline told me I only had a drop of common Fey blood.”

“We can’t lie. But in Winter,
Madeline doesn’t have to acknowledge a Summer royal other than me the Queen.”
She smiled bigger and waved more enthusiastically while we continued the walk
towards the end, which was about the length of a football field away.

“See everyone here. You have a
chance to restore them to their former glory. By marrying my son, you will
bring life to everyone here. You seem like a girl who cares about others. I
would think this would make you happy. They are all very excited for you

The sunflower that bowed as I
passed made me feel as though she was right. Maybe I could make a difference. I
noticed among the crowd, there were more planet creatures than human looking
Fey. Trees and flowers of all kinds with faces of sorts were sending out shouts
and cheers. It should have been creepy. But I felt pity. They were, in fact, a
dying race. Yet, I wasn’t home. As much as I did care for the wellbeing of
others, I had a family to protect.

She patted my arm. “And my son
has been a different person since word of your arrival from my trusted knight
and lady. They brought news of a beauty to revival all beauties. My son was
disbelieving of course. However, after I confirmed that I’d seen you for
myself, he had to go to you expeditiously. He couldn’t wait for the
arrangements to be made. He went to Winter without a formal invitation. I
couldn’t stop him.”

It was all too much. My smile
hurt and my hand was tired. “Keep it up dear,” she said. And I sighed and tried
to find my second wind. “You will need to learn to do this. Why at all formal
gatherings you will be received with a Queenly welcome. And you must have on
your best face.”

“Also know that I received
Tristrom, son of the Winter consort and Queen Amavara.  I didn’t have to
receive him as royalty. I could throw him in the dungeon; it’s not like my
sister has use for him. But as a courteous for you, he will be treated as a
guest in my home. Don’t make me change my mind.”

We stopped talking, and I
downloaded all the information. Coming to Fairy for Tristrom had seemed simple.
It was far from that. I held his life in my hands much as Flynn held mine in
Winter. Do what you’re told, and you’ll keep the other safe. Then, I had
cryptic messages from Hell from my grandfather to decipher, Belial and Madeline
in league to take over the world, Flynn’s marriage or forever stay in fairy and
now my own wedding. I had to find the scepter and get out of here as soon as
possible. There was no way I was marrying Rowen, handsome or not. I had to make
sure Flynn was safe and get home to clean up my mess with Sebastian.

There were only four steps to the
raised platform where a single throne sat dead center. Tatiana stood in front
of it, and I ended up on her right. Rowen joined us on her other side.

“Welcome everyone.” She didn’t
yell. The acoustics in here were amazing. Her voice pierced the cheering crowd,
and everyone went silent.

“Today we welcome your future,
Lady Mercy. She and my son will be married in three days’ time. And we will
usher in a new day and bring life back into Summer. With the birth of their
first child, we will begin the repopulation of our lands. Then we will pierce the
veil of the human realm and reclaim or brothers and sisters lost there all
alone. We will usher in a new time where Summer shall rule, and humans shall

Cheers broke out with a
thunderous roar.

“After the death of Merlin and
Guinevere, my husband the King was taken from us. We will not only avenge the
death of our brother and sister of Summer, we will avenge my husband, Rowen’s
father, and your King’s death. We will bring the human that dare cross us to
their knees.”

Stomping cheers went riotous as I
knew more than ever I had to get out of here. I couldn’t help these people even
if I wanted to. The humans currently on earth had nothing to do with the past.
Apparently, time moved slower in Fairy. She didn’t seem to have the concept
that the story she referred to was centuries ago. That thought made me sick.
Would centuries more have passed by the time I made it home?

“They try to write our history
away and call it fiction, tales for children the humans say. But we are fact,
and we will use the scepter to invade the lands of old and take over the castle
and restore honor and virtue back to the human realm. And we must hurry, for
Winter wants the same. We must make our move now and declare ourselves guardians
of Earth.”

Holy crap, did Madeline want to
rule as well. Take a number as Hell also wanted to rule. And despite Belial
insistence that he would rule with Madeline, I didn’t believe it for a second.
My planet would become a supernatural war zone with humans as cannon fodder.

“We shall feast tomorrow. Let’s
let Prince Rowen show Lady Mercy the beauty of our lands. Go forth.”

Chapter Forty-Three



Tatiana received guest while
Rowen and I stood behind her. Tristrom had been standing on the side up front
but not on the platform. He watched me, and I wondered what he would have to
say about all of this. Tristrom was a listening not a talker. I was sure he was
often looked over and heard much.

Most of the Fey had departed.
Only a few still remained in the receiving line. I watched as a girl of average
height with dark hair cross over the vibrant maroon rug that had lined our path
to the throne. It was covered in flower petals, which seemed odd considering.
But my focus was how she ran towards him like her life depended on it.

He was still watching me until
she was in front of him. His face lit up like fireworks had gone off. His whole
body relaxed even though he stood tall like his father. Her arms were around
his neck as he continued to eye her like a ghost. Who was she?

“Prince of Winter, please join
us,” Tatiana crooned as she spied the reunion.

The receiving line parted and
allowed Tristrom to stand in front of her at the landing just before the first
step. The Fey girl hadn’t let him go.

“I see you know this human. She
showed up in our lands over two years ago. And we took her in and gave her a

He bowed to the Queen, and I
wasn’t sure what that was about. She was talking to him like she did him a

But then he said, “I thought I’d
lost her.” His voice nearly broke. “I’m grateful for your kindness.”

“You must go and rekindle your
past. Cuileann, show him to his quarters. You know where, don’t you?” The Queen
eyed the balconies on the right before returning her gaze back to the girl. She

Tristrom trotted off with the
girl. And I was left with Rowen and Tatiana and a bunch of people wanting a
closer look at me.

“Rowen, take the girl for a
look-see around the castle and gardens.”

“Yes mother.”

He took my hand in his and I let
him. Now wasn’t the time to protest. I’d learned a lesson that there was a
place and time for everything. Embarrassing the Queen would in no way help my

Thankfully, we didn’t head back
the way we came. He ushered me out a door to the back and left of the stage. We
walked down a short hall and out into the sun. We were under an overhang that
held chaise lounges and small tables for conversation and entertaining. There
was a large pool that had to be Olympic size not too far from where we stood.

He turned to face me. Alone, I
wondered what he would say next. Would he still be the nice guy he acted like
or would a snake or horns release itself.

“I know this is happening
quickly, but I want us to get to know each other. I haven’t had a lot of time
with you. Things were kind of crazy the last few days. But I like you. And I
hope one day you’ll like me too.”

He almost sounded human. And I
had no idea what to say to him. It wasn’t like I planned to be there in the
next few days to marry him.

“I thought I would show you the
grounds.” He faced outward, and I followed suit. There were hedges in geometric
patterns around the pool area. They started off about a foot tall or so, and
each ring back was higher until from what I could tell, the tallest was about
my height, not as tall as the Winter labyrinth. I had to guess if I found
myself lost in that section; I could easily jump to see over the top and find
my way out. Intermixed were flowers and hedges cut into art like human shapes,
which only reminded me of the ice sculptures from Winter. I shivered a bit.

“It seems like a far walk,” I
muttered. “I’m pretty beat.”

“That’s why I thought I’d show
you on this,” his head shifted and I followed his line of sight. Out near the
first row of hedges, was a black glossy horse.

“I don’t know how to ride,” I admitted.

“That gives us something to do
together. I’ll teach you. But today, we’ll ride together. And I’ll show you the
gardens and all they have to offer. Then I’ll bring you back to your quarters
where you can rest.”

It hardly seemed the time
considering everything I had on my plate. But I couldn’t put my plan into
action, not yet at least. On the way out, we’d past a glass case that held what
looked like a golden staff with a round opaque ball encased by swirls of gold
lattice. I was pretty sure that was the scepter. I didn’t ask about it on the
way out because I didn’t want to appear interested in it. It was there for the
taking, but I needed time like when most were asleep, to get it and me out of

“Sure,” I agreed. His smile was
broad as he led me over. The horse was handed off to Rowen by a servant dressed
in work jeans and tee shirt. Summer was definitely a different place than
winter. People had been dressed up in the hall, but it was nothing like the
medieval dress Madeline seemed to prefer.

He helped me up on the horse as I
sat sideways with my voluminous dress. I should have asked for a change of
clothes, but it was best to get it over with. Once he was on as well, the large
beast began to trot, and I was given a reason to love Summer. It was simply

While Rowen talked, I thought
about Flynn and everything we’d said to each other. Why was it that we couldn’t
connect? The time never right. Was it not ever meant to be? Not that I had a
choice anymore.

By the time we’d made it back, I
felt bad that I hadn’t listened to the history Rowen had been intent on giving
me. Back in the castle, I did very much care how I got to my room. I would need
out once everyone was sleep.

“These are your quarter. I would
show you around, but it’s not proper for me to be alone with you in there. Not
yet at least.” He held out his hand to the right. “Tristrom’s rooms are next
door and,” he pointed across the open expanse of the hall. “My rooms are over
on the other side, if you need anything.”

“Thanks,” I gave him a smile.
Rowen was a decent guy and in another life I would have jumped at the chance to
get to know him. “I do have a question.”


I pointed to the sky above. “What
do you do when it rains?”

He smiled. “Mother controls the
rain. At night, a covering is placed across the opening, and a gentle rain
comes. Only when Winter control the scepter do we leave it closed because we
never know when a storm will come our way.”

I nodded. “Thanks for the info.”

“Tomorrow then?”

I nodded again.

“There should be food in your
room in case you get hungry.”

“I won’t,” I said a little too

He’d made a move to walk away,
but stepped back. “It’s human food. I swear to you. We have the scepter, and
Mother wanted you to feel welcome. I noticed you missed every meal the last few
days. I sent someone to bring you food from your world. You can trust me.”

“That was kind of you.”

“I see that you don’t believe.
It’s in your beautiful eyes. This is hard. Let me make this easier.”

He bent at the knee and took my
hand. “I vow on my honor to always protect you and keep you safe. I will be
your Summer Knight until we are wed, and I become your husband. Your safety is
my first and only priority next to your happiness. I vow this on my life and

Not only did his words move me,
but I noticed a faint accent. Irish maybe?

“Do you accept this?”

What was I supposed to say? His
head was bowed, and we’d begun garnering attention. I heard shouts of
and see
. And murmurs from somewhere behind me. “Yes.”

He placed a kiss on the back of
my hand and said, “Goodnight, fair lady.”

And he left me to stand and
wonder what I agreed to.


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