Haunted Warrior

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Authors: Allie Mackay

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Praise for the Novels
of Allie Mackay

Must Love Kilts

“You almost feel that you have actually visited Scotland yourself after reading [Allie Mackay’s] books because of her vivid descriptions and the realistic scenes that she paints with her words.”

—­Sapphire Romance Realm

“A good book filled with strapping Scottish warriors, evil curses, and lots of fighting of the Vikings. Not a bad way to pass an afternoon.”

—­Book Binge

“A delightfully lighthearted time-­travel romance. Talented author Allie Mackay brings Scotland to life for her readers with her descriptive phrases and settings, showing her own love of the location she chose for her books….The heated romance, passion, witty repartee, inept witches, plot twists, Scottish allure, and hunky hero in this story combine for an entertaining read that readers will hate to see end.”

—­Romance Junkies

“Mackay’s lusty romance is an action-­packed trip through time.”


Some Like It Kilted

“I’m a kilt convert! After plunging into the rowdy world of
Some Like It Kilted
, I would follow Allie Mackay’s hot Scot anywhere!”

New York Times
bestselling author
Vicki Lewis Thompson

“If you want a fun and passionate ghost love story, look no further than Allie Mackay!”—­Sapphire Romance Realm

Tall, Dark, and Kilted

“An engaging urban romantic fantasy with a touch of mystery and a terrific twist….The story line is brisk and breezy from the moment the ghost and the American meet, and never slows down. With a strong cast, paranormal and human, fans will enjoy Cilla’s Scottish adventure in love.”

—­Genre Go Round Reviews


Highlander in Her Dreams

“Scottish charm, humor, and…hot romance.”

—­Night Owl Romance

“Sexy…imaginative…a fascinating mix of exciting action and passionate romance.”

—­Romance Reader at Heart

“[A] pleasing blend of wit, passion, and the paranormal…a steamy romance that packs emotional punch.”

—­Romance Reviews Today

“A fabulous mixture of magic and romance. Allie Mackay has penned an enchanting romance of lovers from different times…a captivating paranormal romance and a wonderful addition to a book lover’s library.”

—­Fresh Fiction

“Cleverly plotted and well-­written…a fun, sexy story.”

Romantic Times

Highlander in Her Bed

“[A] randy paranormal romance….The premise is charming and innovative….This novel definitely delivers a blast of Scottish steam.”—­
Publishers Weekly

“A yummy paranormal romp.”

USA Today
bestselling author Angela Knight

“A delightful paranormal romance. The writing is poetic, compelling, and fun, and the story features an imaginative premise, crisp dialogue, and sexy characters whose narrative voices are both believable and memorable. HOT.”

Romantic Times

“A superb paranormal romance.”—­
Midwest Book Review

“A sexy, humor-­filled romance with delightfully amusing characters. Artfully blending past and present,
Highlander in Her Bed
is an entertaining read. Well-­written. Readers will enjoy this one!”—­Fresh Fiction

“Appealing and amusing. Sizzles with passion.”

—­Romance Reviews Today

“A whimsical read that will have you panting from start to finish! Mackay knows what a Scottish romance novel needs and socks it to you! Red-­hot sizzling chemistry ignites from the moment Sir Alex materializes in front of feisty Mara…a sure-­bet bestseller.”

—­A Romance Review


Must Love Kilts
Some Like It Kilted
Tall, Dark, and Kilted
Highlander in Her Dreams
Highlander in Her Bed


Allie Mackay

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For Griff, a mini dachshund with the heart of a Great Dane, the bravery of a Highland warrior, and enough charisma to rival a romance novel hero. He was Lily’s canine protector and soul mate, the love of his mommy’s life, and very dear to me as well.

I couldn’t have loved him more if he’d been my own. He left this world much too soon, leaving us unprepared to say good-­bye. Like Jock in this book, Griff was extraspecial, making all who knew him love him just a bit more. I know he’s smiling and wagging his tail at us still, eager to run into our arms again. As Graeme and Jock will agree, it’s only a matter of time. Until then, Griff, you’re in our hearts!

Table of Contents



The Beginning

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18


My books are always inspired by my great passion for Scotland. Home of my ancestors and land of my dreams, Scotland calls to me as nowhere else, and I visit as often as I can. To me, every inch of Scotland is magical. There’s enchantment in ancient rock, blowing mist, and wild, windswept moors. And who wouldn’t find wonder in the quiet places, awe in the huge seas and soaring granite precipices? Each time I return, I’m reminded anew that Scotland truly is a place like no other. Yet some places there, and the memories made in them, wrap themselves just a bit more soundly around my heart. When that happens, stories are born.

Haunted Warrior
is set in one of these special places, beginning at Balmedie Beach, where I’ve enjoyed walking on chill autumn afternoons as Kendra does in the book’s opening, and ending with a tiny fishing village on Scotland’s northeastern coast that’s exactly as I’ve described Pennard. The real Pennard shall remain unnamed because, like Graeme and Kendra, I believe its charm would be dimmed if it were “discovered.” Luckily, the cliff road, which really is harrowing, and the frequent thick sea mist (haar) that rolls in to cloak the shore, help the village remain a near-­inaccessible hidden gem. I hope that never changes.

For the curious, I once did spot a lone man atop the high dunes at Balmedie. As Graeme is doing when Kendra first sees him, the man I saw was looking out to the North Sea. He was tall, striking, and kilted. And he had an air about him as if he owned the strand. The word “guardian”
struck me as I watched him. And as I did, he vanished before my eyes. Balmedie is known to be haunted. And it is true that many ships have met their doom in the rough seas there. I’ll never know whom I saw on the dunes. But it was an unforgettable incident and also inspired another book of mine,
Highlander in Her Dreams

Concerning ghosts, they’ve always fascinated me. So much so that I’ve spent years traveling the UK with two like-­minded friends, exploring haunted locations and enjoying extraordinary experiences. Like Kendra, I believe spirits are just people, too. Whether they haunt a country manor house, a castle, a medieval battlefield, a pub, or a ruined abbey, they should always be treated with respect.

I’d like to add that driving on the left isn’t as bad as I make it seem in my books. But it does have its moments. Even so, it’s the best way to see Scotland.

Three special women helped me through this book’s writing. Roberta Brown, superagent and my dearest friend. She’s my champion always. Thanks to Kerry Donovan, my talented editor, for her input and direction. Thanks, too, to my copy editor, Robin Catalano, for her skill and sharp eye. She makes copyedits a pleasure. Ladies, I’m appreciative.

Much love and appreciation to my very handsome husband, Manfred. Keeper of my stronghold, he fends off all trouble, not letting anything darken my days. I’m eternally grateful. As ever, my little Jack Russell, Em. He’s the whole of my world and my greatest love. I hope he knows how much I love him.



“The dead don’t come back to life. They never stop living.”

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