Read Haunted Online

Authors: Meg Cabot

Tags: #Social Issues, #Ghost stories, #Teenage girls, #Action & Adventure, #Juvenile Fiction, #High school students, #Horror & Ghost Stories, #Fantasy & Magic, #General, #Interpersonal Relations, #California, #Mediums, #High schools, #Schools, #Supernatural, #Ghosts, #Fiction, #School & Education, #Adolescence

Haunted (4 page)

BOOK: Haunted
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“No,” Brad said. “’Cause they aren’t going to be around Friday night. Dad’s got that guest lecture thing up in San Francisco, and your mom’s going with him, remember?”

No, I did not remember. In fact, I wondered if I had ever even been told. I had been spending a lot of time up in my room lately, it was true, but so much that I’d missed something as important as our parents going away for an entire night? I didn’t think so….

“And you better not tell them,” Brad said with an unexpected burst of venom, “or you’ll be sorry.”

I looked at him like he was nuts. “

be sorry?” I said with a laugh. “Um, excuse me, Brad, but if your dad finds out about this party you’re planning,
the one who’s going to be grounded for the rest of your life, not me.”

“Nuh-uh,” Brad said. The look of defiance had been replaced by an even less attractive one of something that was almost venal. “’Cause if you even think about saying anything, I’ll tell them about the guy you’ve been sneaking into your room every night.”



That’s what you get at the Junipero Serra Mission Academy when you sucker punch your stepbrother on school grounds and a teacher happens to notice.

“I can’t understand what came over you, Suze,” said Mrs. Elkins, who, in addition to teaching ninth- and tenth-grade biology, was also in charge of staying after school with juvenile delinquents like me. “And on the first day back, too. Is this how you want to start out the new year?”

But Mrs. Elkins didn’t understand. And I couldn’t exactly tell her or anything. I mean, how could I tell her that it had all just suddenly become too much? That discovering that my stepbrother knew something I had struggled to hide from the rest of my family for months now—on top of finding out that a monster from my dreams was currently stalking the halls of my own school in the guise of an Abercrombie and Fitch–wearing hottie—had caused me to melt down like a Maybelline lipstick left in the sun?

I couldn’t tell her. I merely took my punishment in silence, watching the minutes on the clock drag slowly by. Neither I nor any of the other prisoners would be released until four o’clock.

“I hope,” Mrs. Elkins said when that hour finally arrived, “that you’ve learned a lesson, Suze. You aren’t setting a very good example for the younger children, now, are you, brawling on school grounds like that?”

Me? I
wasn’t setting a good example? What about Brad? Brad was the one who was planning to have his own personal Oktoberfest in our living room. And yet Brad had
by the short hairs. And did he ever know it.

“Yeah,” he’d said to me at lunch, when I’d stood there staring at him in utter dumbfoundedness, unable to believe what I’d just heard. “Think you’re so slick, don’t you, letting the guy sneak up into your room every night, huh? How’s he get in, anyway? That bay window of yours, the one over the porch roof? Well, I guess your little secret’s blown now, huh? So you just keep quiet about my party, and I’ll keep quiet about this Jesse guy.”

I’d been so flabbergasted by this news that Brad could hear—had heard—Jesse, I hadn’t been able to formulate a coherent sentence for several minutes, during which time Brad exchanged greetings with various members of his posse who came up to high-five him and say things like, “Dude! Tub time. I’m so there.”

Finally, I managed to unlock my jaw and demanded, “Oh, yeah? Well, what about Jake? I mean, Jake’s not going to let you have a bunch of your friends over to get wasted.”

Brad just looked at me like I was nuts. “Are you kidding?” he asked. “Who do you think’s providing the beer? Jake’s gonna steal me a keg from where he works.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “
Jake’s getting
beer? No way. He would never—” Then comprehension dawned. “How much are you paying him?”

“A hundred big ones,” Brad said. “Exactly half of what he’s shy on that Camaro he’s been wanting.”

There was little Jake wouldn’t do to get his hands on a Camaro all his own, I knew.

Stymied, I stared at him some more. “What about David?” I asked, finally. “David’s going to tell.”

“No, he isn’t,” Brad said confidently. “’Cause if he does, I’ll kick his bony butt from here to Anchorage. And you better not try to defend him, either, or your mom’s gonna get a big fat helping of Jesse pie.”

That’s when I hit him. I couldn’t help it. It was like my fist had a mind of its own. One minute it was at my side, and the next it was sinking into Brad’s gut.

The fight was over in a second. A half second, even. Mr. Gillarte, the new track coach, pulled us apart before Brad had a chance to get in a blow of his own.

“Walk it off,” he ordered me with a shove, while he bent to tend a frantically gasping Brad.

So I walked it off. Right up to Father D., who was standing in the courtyard, supervising the stringing of fairy lights around the trunk of a palm tree.

“What can I tell you, Susannah?” he’d said, sounding exasperated when I was finished explaining the situation. “Some people are more perceptive than others.”

“Yeah, but
?” I had to keep my voice down because a bunch of the gardeners were around, all helping to set up the decorations for the feast of Father Serra, which was happening on Saturday, the day after Brad’s hot tub bacchanal.

“Well, Susannah,” Father D. said. “You couldn’t have expected to keep Jesse a secret forever. Your family was bound to find out sometime.”

Maybe. What I couldn’t fathom was how Brad, of all people, knew about him when some of my more intelligent family members—like Andy, for instance, or my mom—were totally clueless.

On the other hand, Max, the family dog, had always known about Jesse—wouldn’t go near my room because of him. And on an intellectual level, Brad and Max had a lot in common…though Max was a little bit smarter, of course.

“I sincerely hope,” Mrs. Elkins said, when she’d released me and my fellow prisoners at last, “that I won’t see you here again this year, Suze.”

“You and me both, Mrs. E.,” I’d replied, gathering my things. Then I’d bolted.

Outside, it was a clear, hot September afternoon in northern California, which meant that the sun was blinding, the sky was so blue it hurt to look at it, and off in the distance, you could see the white surf of the Pacific as it curled up against Carmel Beach. I had missed all of my possible rides home—Adam, who was still eager to take anyone anywhere in his sporty green VW Bug, and of course Brad, who’d inherited the Land Rover from Jake, who now drove a beat-up Honda Civic but only until he obtained his dream car—and it was a two-mile walk to 99 Pine Crest Drive. Mostly uphill.

I’d gotten as far as the gates of the school before my knight in shining armor showed up. At least, that’s what I suppose he thought he was. He wasn’t on any milk-white palfrey though. He drove a silver BMW convertible, the top already conveniently lowered. It so figured.

“Come on,” he said, as I stood in front of the mission, waiting for the traffic light to change so I could cross the busy highway. “Get in. I’ll give you a ride home.”

“No, thank you,” I said lightly. “I prefer to walk.”

“Suze.” Paul looked bored. “Just get in the car.”

“No,” I said. See, I had fully learned my lesson, insofar as the whole getting-into-cars-with-guyswho’d-once-tried-to-kill-me thing went. And it wasn’t going to happen again. Especially not with Paul, who’d not only once tried to kill me but who had frightened me so thoroughly while doing it that I continually relived the incident in my dreams. “I told you. I’m walking.”

Paul shook his head, laughing to himself. “You really are,” he said, “a piece of work.”

“Thank you.” The light changed, and I started across the intersection. I knew it well. I did not need an escort.

But that’s exactly what I got. Paul drove right alongside me, clocking a grand total of about two miles per hour.

“Are you going to follow me all the way home?” I inquired as we started up the steep incline that gave the Carmel hills their name. It was a good thing that this particular road was not highly trafficked at four in the afternoon, or Paul just might have made some of my neighbors mad, clogging up the only pathway to civilization the way he was driving.

“Yes,” Paul said. “That is, unless you’ll stop acting like such a brat and get into the car.”

“No, thanks,” I said again.

I kept walking. It was hot out. I was beginning to feel a little moist in my sweater set. But no way was I going to get into that guy’s car. I trudged along the side of the road, careful to avoid any plants that resembled my deadliest of enemies—before Paul had come along, anyway—poison oak, and silently cursed
Critical Theory Since Plato
, which seemed to be growing heavier and heavier in my arms with every step.

“You’re wrong not to trust me,” Paul remarked as he slithered up the hill alongside me in his silver snakemobile. “We’re the same, you and I, you know.”

“I sincerely hope that isn’t true,” I said. I have often found that with some enemies, politeness can be as strong a deterrent as a fist. I’m not kidding. Try it some time.

“Sorry to disappoint you,” Paul said. “But it is. What’d Father Dominic tell you, anyway? He tell you not to spend any time alone with me? Not to believe a word I say?”

“Not at all,” I said in the same distant tone. “Father Dominic thinks I should give you the benefit of the doubt.”

Paul, behind his leather-covered steering wheel, looked surprised. “Really? He said that?”

“Oh, yes,” I said, noticing a beautiful clump of buttercups growing alongside the road, and carefully skirting them in case they hid any dangerous stalks of poison oak. “Father Dominic thinks you’re here because you want to bond with the only other mediators you know. He thinks it’s our duty as charitable human beings to allow you to make amends and help you along the path to righteousness.”

“But you don’t agree with him?” Paul was staring at me intently. Well, and why not? Considering how slowly he was going, it wasn’t like he had to keep an eye on the road or anything.

“Look,” I said, wishing I had a barrette or something I could put my hair up with. It was beginning to stick to the back of my neck. The tortoiseshell hair clip I had started out with that morning had mysteriously disappeared. “Father Dominic is the nicest person I have ever met. All he lives for is to help others. He genuinely believes that human beings are, by nature, good, and that, if treated as such, will respond accordingly.”

“But you,” Paul said, “don’t agree, I take it?”

“I think we both know that Father Dom is living in a dreamworld.” I looked straight ahead as I trudged up the hill, hoping that Paul wouldn’t guess that my staggering heartbeat had nothing to do with the exercise and everything to do with his presence. “But because I don’t want to let the guy down, I’m going to keep my personal opinion about you—that you’re a user and a psychopath—to myself.”

“A psychopath?” Paul seemed delighted to hear himself described this way…further proof that he was, in fact, exactly what I thought him. “I like the sound of that. I’ve been called a lot of things before but never a psychopath.”

“It wasn’t a compliment,” I felt compelled to point out, since he seemed to be taking it that way.

“I know,” he said. “That’s what makes it so particularly amusing. You’re quite a girl, you know that?”

“Whatever,” I said, irritated. I couldn’t even seem to insult the guy successfully. “Just tell me one thing.”

“Name it,” he said.

“That night we ran into each other”—I pointed toward the sky—“you know, up there?”

He nodded. “Yeah. What about it?”

“How’d you get there? I mean, nobody exorcised you, right?”

Paul was grinning now. I saw, to my dismay, that I’d asked him exactly the question he’d most wanted to hear.

“No, nobody exorcised me,” he said. “And you didn’t need anybody to exorcise you, either.”

This came close to flooring me. I froze in my tracks. “Are you trying to tell me that I can just go strolling around up there whenever I want?” I asked him, truly stunned.

“There’s a lot,” Paul said, still grinning lazily, “that you can do that you haven’t figured out yet, Suze. Things you’ve never dreamed of. Things I can show you.”

The silky tone of his voice didn’t fool me. Paul was a charmer, it was true, but he was also deadly.

“Yeah,” I said, praying that he couldn’t see how fast my heart was beating through all that pink silk. “I’m sure.”

“I’m serious, Suze,” Paul said. “Father Dominic is a great guy. I’m not denying it. But he’s just a mediator. You’re a little something more.”

“I see.” I hitched my shoulders and started walking again. We had reached the crest of the hill finally, and I entered some shade afforded by the giant pine trees on either side of the road. My relief at finally being out of the heat was palpable. I only wished I could rid myself of Paul as easily. “So all my life, people have been telling me I’m one thing, and all of a sudden you come along, and you say I’m something else, and I’m just supposed to believe you?”

“Yes,” Paul said.

“Because you’re such a trustworthy person,” I quipped, sounding a lot more self-assured than I actually felt.

“Because I’m all you’ve got,” he corrected me.

“Well, that’s not a real whole lot, is it?” I glared at him. “Or do I need to point out that the last time I saw you, you left me stranded in hell?”

“It wasn’t hell,” Paul said, with another one of his trademark eyerolls. “And you’d have found your way out eventually.”

“What about Jesse?” I demanded. My heart was beating more loudly than ever, because this, of course, was what really mattered—not what he’d done, or tried to do to me—but what he’d done to Jesse…what I was terrified he’d try to do again.

“I said I was sorry about that.” Paul sounded irritated. “Besides, it all turned out okay in the end, didn’t it? It’s like I told you, Suze. You’re much more powerful than you know. You just need someone to show you your true potential. You need a mentor—a real one, not a sixty-yearold priest who thinks Father Junipero Whoever is the be-all and end-all of the universe.”

BOOK: Haunted
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