Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality (26 page)

BOOK: Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality
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A sudden grin flashed across Mr. Goyle’s face and he spun around and raced away.

Ernie stood still for a moment in surprise, and then shouted “Hey!” and ran after Mr. Goyle.

And Mr. Goyle grabbed a broomstick, hopped on with one smooth motion and took to the air.

Harry’s jaw dropped. Hadn’t Madam Hooch said that would get him

“That idiot!
” Draco hissed. He opened his mouth to shout -

” shouted Ernie. “That’s Neville’s!
Give it back!

The Slytherins started cheering and hooting.

Draco’s mouth snapped shut. Harry caught the sudden look of indecision on his face.

“Draco,” Harry said in a low tone, “if you don’t order that idiot back on the ground, the teacher’s going to get back and -”

Come and get it, Hufflepuffle!
” shouted Mr. Goyle, and a great cheer went up from the Slytherins.

” whispered Draco. “Everyone in Slytherin would think I’m

“And if Mr. Goyle gets expelled,” hissed Harry, “your
is going to think you’re a

Draco’s face twisted in agony.

At that moment -

,” shouted Ernie, “didn’t anyone ever tell you that Hufflepuffs stick together?
Wands out, Hufflepuff!

And there were suddenly a whole lot of wands pointed in Mr. Goyle’s direction.

Three seconds later -

Wands out, Slytherin!
” said around five different Slytherins.

And there were a whole lot of wands pointed in Hufflepuff’s direction.

Two seconds later -

Wands out, Gryffindor!

Do something, Potter!
” whispered Draco. ”
I can’t be the one to stop this it has to be you! I’ll owe you a favour just think of something aren’t you supposed to be brilliant?

In around five and a half seconds, realised Harry, someone was going to cast the Sumerian Simple Strike Hex and by the time it was over and the teachers were done expelling people the only boys left in his year would be Ravenclaws.

Wands out, Ravenclaw!
” shouted Michael Corner who was apparently feeling left out of the disaster.

screamed Harry
. “I challenge you to a contest for possession of Neville’s Remembrall!”

There was a sudden pause.

“Oh, really?” said Draco in the loudest drawl Harry had ever heard. “That sounds interesting. What sort of contest, Potter?”


“Contest” had been as far as Harry’s inspiration had gotten. What sort of contest, he couldn’t say “chess” because Draco wouldn’t be able to accept without it looking strange, he couldn’t say “arm-wrestling” because Mr. Goyle would crush him -

“How about this?” Harry said loudly. “Gregory Goyle and I stand apart from each other, and no one else is allowed to come near either of us. We don’t use our wands and neither does anyone else. I don’t move from where I’m standing, and neither does he. And if I can get my hands on Neville’s Remembrall, then Gregory Goyle relinquishes all claim to that Remembrall he’s holding and gives it to me.”

There was another pause as people’s looks of relief transmuted to confusion.

“Hah, Potter!” said Draco loudly. “I’d like to see you do
Mr. Goyle accepts!”

“It’s on!” said Harry.

” whispered Draco, which he somehow did without moving his lips.

Harry didn’t know how to answer without moving his.

People were putting their wands away, and Mr. Goyle swooped gracefully to the ground, looking rather confused. Some Hufflepuffs started over towards Mr. Goyle, but Harry shot them a desperately pleading look and they backed off.

Harry walked toward Mr. Goyle and stopped when he was a few paces away, far enough apart that they couldn’t reach each other.

Slowly, deliberately, Harry sheathed his wand.

Everyone else backed away.

Harry swallowed. He knew in broad outline what he
to do, but it had to be done in such a way that no one understood
he’d done -

“All right,” Harry said loudly. “And now…” He took a deep breath and raised one hand, fingers ready to snap. There were gasps from anyone who’d heard about the pies, which was practically everyone. “
I call upon the insanity of Hogwarts! Happy happy boom boom swamp swamp swamp!
” And Harry snapped his fingers.

A lot of people flinched.

And nothing happened.

Harry let the silence stretch on for a while, developing, until…

“Um,” someone said. “Is that it?”

Harry looked at the boy who’d spoken. “Look in front of you. You see that patch of ground that looks barren, without any grass on it?”

“Um, yeah,” said the boy, a Gryffindor (Dean something?).

“Dig it up.”

Now Harry was getting a lot of strange looks.

“Er, why?” said Dean something.

“Just do it,” said Terry Boot in a weary voice. “No point asking why, trust me on this one.”

Dean something kneeled down and began to scoop away dirt.

After a minute or so, Dean stood up again. “There’s nothing there,” Dean said.

Huh. Harry had been planning to go back in time and bury a treasure map that would lead to another treasure map that would lead to Neville’s Remembrall which he would put there after getting it back from Mr. Goyle…

Then Harry realised there was a much simpler way which didn’t threaten the secret of Time-Turners quite as much.

“Thanks, Dean!” Harry said loudly. “Ernie, would you look around on the ground where Neville fell and see if you can find Neville’s Remembrall?”

People looked even more confused.

“Just do it,” said Terry Boot. “He’ll keep trying until something works, and the scary thing is that -”

” gasped Ernie. He was holding up Neville’s Remembrall. “It’s
Right where he fell!”

” cried Mr. Goyle. He looked down and saw…

…that he was still holding Neville’s Remembrall.

There was a rather long pause.

“Er,” said Dean something, “that’s not possible, is it?”

“It’s a plot hole,” said Harry. “I made myself weird enough to distract the universe for a moment and it forgot that Goyle had already picked up the Remembrall.”

“No, wait, I mean, that’s
not possible -”

“Excuse me, are we all standing around here waiting to go flying on broomsticks? Yes we are. So shut up. Anyway, once I get my hands on Neville’s Remembrall, the contest is over and Gregory Goyle has to relinquish all claim to the Remembrall he’s holding and give it to me. Those were the terms, remember?” Harry stretched out a hand and beckoned Ernie. “Just roll it over here, since no one’s supposed to get close to me, okay?”

“Hold on!” shouted a Slytherin - Blaise Zabini, Harry wasn’t likely to forget that name. “How do we know that’s Neville’s Remembrall? You could’ve just dropped
Remembrall there -”

“The Slytherin is strong with this one,” Harry said, smiling. “But you have my word that the one Ernie’s holding is Neville’s. No comment about the one Gregory Goyle’s holding.”

Zabini spun to Draco. “
You’re not just going to let him get away with that -”

“Shut up, you,” rumbled Mr. Crabbe, standing behind Draco. “Mr. Malfoy doesn’t need
to tell him what to do!”


“My bet was with Draco, of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Malfoy,” Harry said. “Not with you, Zabini. I have done what Mr. Malfoy said he’d like to see me do, and as for the judgment of the bet, I leave that up to Mr. Malfoy.” Harry inclined his head towards Draco and raised his eyebrows slightly. That ought to allow Draco to save enough face.

There was a pause.

“You promise that actually
Neville’s Remembrall?” Draco said.

“Yes,” Harry said. “That’s the one that’ll go back to Neville and it was his originally. And the one Gregory Goyle’s holding goes to me.”

Draco nodded, looking decisive. “I won’t question the word of the Noble House of Potter, then, no matter how strange that all was. And the Noble and Most Ancient House of Malfoy keeps its word as well. Mr. Goyle, give that to Mr. Potter -”

“Hey!” Zabini said. “He hasn’t won
, he hasn’t got his hands on -”

“Catch, Harry!” said Ernie, and he tossed the Remembrall.

Harry easily snapped the Remembrall out of the air, he’d always had good reflexes that way. “There,” said Harry, “I win…”

Harry trailed off. All conversation stopped.

The Remembrall was glowing bright red in his hand, blazing like a miniature sun that cast shadows on the ground in broad daylight.


If you wanted to be specific, 5:09pm on Thursday afternoon, in Professor McGonagall’s office, after flying classes. (With an extra hour for Harry slipped in between.)

Professor McGonagall sitting on her stool. Harry in the hot seat in front of her desk.

“Professor,” Harry said tightly, “Slytherin was pointing their wands at Hufflepuff, Gryffindor was pointing their wands at Slytherin, some
called wands out in Ravenclaw, and I had maybe five seconds to keep the whole thing from blowing sky-high! It was all I could think of!”

Professor McGonagall’s face was pinched and angry. “
You are not to use the Time-Turner in that fashion, Mr. Potter!
Is the concept of secrecy not something that you understand?”

“They don’t
how I did it! They just think I can do really weird things by snapping my fingers! I’ve done other weird stuff that can’t be done with Time-Turners even, and I’ll do
stuff like that, and
case won’t even stand out! I
had to do it,

“You did
have to do it!” snapped Professor McGonagall. “All you needed to do was get this
anonymous Slytherin
back on the ground and the wands put away! You could have challenged him to a game of Exploding Snap but no, you had to use the Time-Turner in a flagrant and unnecessary manner!”

“It was all I could think of! I don’t even know what Exploding Snap
they wouldn’t have accepted a game of chess and if I’d picked arm-wresting I would have lost!”

Then you should have picked wrestling!

Harry blinked. “But then I’d have

Harry stopped.

Professor McGonagall was looking

“I’m sorry, Professor McGonagall,” Harry said in a small voice. “I honestly didn’t think of that, and you’re right, I should have, it would have been brilliant if I had, but I just didn’t think of that at all…”

Harry’s voice trailed off. It was suddenly apparent to him that he’d had a
of other options. He could have asked
to suggest something, he could have asked the crowd… his use of the Time-Turner
been flagrant and unnecessary. There had been a giant space of possibilities, why had he picked

Because he’d seen a way to
Win possession of an unimportant trinket that the teachers would’ve taken back from Mr. Goyle anyway.

Intent to win. That was what had gotten him.

“I’m sorry,” Harry said again. “For my pride and my stupidity.”

Professor McGonagall wiped a hand across her forehead. Some of her anger seemed to dissipate. But her voice still came out very hard. “One more display like that, Mr. Potter, and you will be returning that Time-Turner. Do I make myself very clear?”

“Yes,” Harry said. “I understand and I’m sorry.”

“Then, Mr. Potter, you will be allowed to retain the Time-Turner for now. And considering the size of the debacle you did, in fact, avert, I will not deduct any points from Ravenclaw.”

Plus you couldn’t explain why you’d deducted the points.
But Harry wasn’t dumb enough to say that out loud.

“More importantly, why did the Remembrall go off like that?” Harry said. “Does it mean I’ve been Obliviated?”

“That puzzles me as well,” Professor McGonagall said slowly. “If it were that simple, I would think that the courts would use Remembralls, and they do not. I shall look into it, Mr. Potter.” She sighed. “You can go now.”

Harry started to get up from his chair, then halted. “Um, sorry, I did have something else I wanted to tell you -”

You could hardly see the flinch. “What is it, Mr. Potter?”

“It’s about Professor Quirrell -”

“I’m sure, Mr. Potter, that it is nothing of importance.” Professor McGonagall spoke the words in a great rush. “Surely you heard the Headmaster tell the students that you were not to bother us with any unimportant complaints about the Defence Professor?”

Harry was rather confused. “But this could
important, yesterday I got this sudden sense of doom when -”

“Mr. Potter! I have a sense of doom as well! And my sense of doom is suggesting that
you must not finish that sentence!

Harry’s mouth gaped open. Professor McGonagall had succeeded; Harry was speechless.

“Mr. Potter,” said Professor McGonagall, “if you have discovered anything that seems interesting about Professor Quirrell, please feel free not to share it with me or anyone else. Now I think you’ve taken up enough of my valuable time -”

This isn’t like you!
” Harry burst out. “I’m sorry but that just seems
irresponsible! From what I’ve heard there’s some kind of jinx on the Defence position, and if you already
something’s going to go wrong, I’d think you’d all be on your toes -”

, Mr. Potter?
I certainly hope not.
” Professor McGonagall’s face was expressionless. “After Professor Blake was caught in a closet with no fewer than three fifth-year Slytherins last February, and a year before that, Professor Summers failed so completely as an educator that her students thought a boggart was a kind of furniture, it would be
if some problem with the extraordinarily competent Professor Quirrell came to my attention now, and I daresay most of our students would fail their Defence O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s.”

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