tunity of learning, not long after, by overhearing him tell her young charge that she was an angel, and that he asked nothing more of Heaven than to be allowed to follow her lead through life. Now Miss Tina accepted this, as she did all other incense, with great satisfaction. Not that she had the slightest idea of taking this clumsy-footed theological follower round the world with her; but having the highest possible respect for him, knowing that Miss Mehitable and the minister and his wife thought him a person of consideration, she had felt it her duty to please him,had taxed her powers of pleasing to the utmost, in his own line, and had met with this gratifying evidence of success.
Miss Mehitable was for once really angry. She sent for her cousin to a private interview, and thus addressed him:
"Cousin Mordecai, I thought you were a man of sense when I put this child under your care! My great trouble in bringing her up is, that everybody flatters her and defers to her; but I thought that in you I had got a man that could be depended on!"
"I do not flatter her, cousin," replied the young minister, earnestly.
"You pretend you don't flatter her? did n't I hear you calling her an angel?"
"Well, I don't care if I did; she is an angel," said Mr. Mordecai Rossiter, with tears in his eyes; "she is the most perfectly heavenly being I ever saw!"
"Ah! bah!" said Miss Mehitable, with intense disgust; "what fools you men are!"
Miss Mehitable now, much as she disliked it, felt bound to have some cautionary conversation with Miss Tina.
"My dear," she said; "you must be very careful in your treatment of Cousin Mordecai. I overheard some things he said to you this morning which I do not approve of."
"O yes, Aunty, he does talk in a silly way sometimes. Men always begin to talk that way to me. Why, you've no idea the things they will say. Well, of course I don't believe them; it's only a foolish way they have, but they all talk just alike."
"But I thought my cousin would have had his mind on better things," said Miss Mehitable. "The idea of his making love to you!"