Harlequin Special Edition November 2014 - Box Set 2 of 2: The Maverick's Thanksgiving Baby\A Celebration Christmas\Dr. Daddy's Perfect Christmas (47 page)

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Suddenly feeling brave, Nora stared up at him and smiled. “Then take me.”

Chapter Thirteen

s much as Eli wanted Nora, he also had a bundle of nerves to contend with. He knew Nora was riding a roller coaster of emotions regarding so much in her life. For tonight, though, he only wanted her to think about this, about them.

Eli stripped down to everything but his boxer briefs. A burst of arousal consumed him as Nora sat motionless and watched him the entire time, those bright eyes traveling over his body. That woman was more potent than any drug he'd ever administered.

He stepped between her spread legs and took her face in his hands, easing down to kiss her. She parted for him, her tongue dancing with his as he tried to force himself to go slow.

When he broke the kiss, she moaned. “Easy,” he told her, placing his hands on her shoulders and easing her back onto the bed. “You're still overdressed.”

He removed her shoes and socks, then quickly got rid of her pants and underwear. Lying spread out on her bed looking all lush and sexy was making him crazy...and fulfilling every fantasy.

He quickly pulled protection from his wallet and readied himself before focusing his attention back on Nora. As always, the sight of her stole his breath, made everything else dim in comparison.

“The way you look at me...”

His eyes held hers. “How do I look at you?”

“Like nothing else in the world matters to you.”

“Nothing else does matter, Nora.” He brought his knee up on the bed and slid his body down beside hers. “Just us, here and now.”

He couldn't look beyond right now because the possibility of leaving her nearly crippled him, but the idea of staying made him feel trapped.

As his hands explored her body, a body he hadn't touched in over a decade, he allowed himself the luxury of taking his time. They weren't teens trying to sneak around; they had nowhere else to be. And as much as he wanted to rush and take everything she was offering, he knew she deserved better.
deserved better.

As the darkness filtered through her windows, the small lamp cut a soft glow through the room. Her sweet floral aroma surrounded him, pulling him deeper into her world.

Carefully, he settled between her thighs. When she reached out to him, Eli took her hands and placed them on his chest.

“Love me,” she whispered.

“I do, Nora. God help me, but I do.”

When he entered her, Eli closed his eyes, trying to freeze this moment when everything in his life was perfect. He'd finally come home. Her body shifted, but her eyes remained locked on him. The desire, passion and underlying vulnerability all looked back at him and Eli knew he'd die before he ever hurt this woman again.

When she cried out her release, Eli followed. And when the quiet surrounded them, he pulled her comforter around them and offered her a shoulder to sleep on, praying this wasn't just a one-time thing. He wanted more...especially now that his heart had just become fully invested.

* * *

She hadn't heard from Eli the entire day. Nora realized he was busy, but she'd sort of hoped after last night that maybe he'd reach out even if just through a text.

She killed her engine and stared up at the twinkling lights stretching across the roof over her porch. What they shared hadn't just been a one-night stand; there had been too many emotions, too much communication through locked gazes and lingering touches.

If all of that weren't enough to have her confused about where they were heading, he'd confessed he loved her. Yes, they'd been in bed and usually all verbiage there could be taken with a proverbial grain of salt, but there was no way Eli was just saying empty words. When he'd said he loved her, he'd sounded so torn, so full of conviction.

Carefully exiting her car, Nora went around to the trunk and popped the lid. After reaching in to retrieve the groceries, she wrestled the plastic bags up her arm, fighting them when they caught on her bulky coat sleeve. Between the doctor and the Realtor, today hadn't gone nearly as well as she'd hoped...

She sighed as she slammed her trunk. Just as she turned, she lost her footing. Groceries slid from her arm and onto the driveway, but Nora managed to save herself by clutching onto the spoiler on the trunk lid.

Seriously? Could this day get worse? All she wanted to do was go inside and put her feet up...per doctor's orders. Yeah, like bed rest was even possible. She had clients who depended on her. Not to mention, her bank depended on her, too, to make the mortgage payment.

She honestly wanted to sit and cry into her bowl of Rocky Road, but she didn't even have the energy for that right now. As she stared at the groceries lying in the driveway, Nora started laughing. Shaking her head, she stared up at the darkened sky. Sometimes you just had to laugh at all the obstacles life threw at you.

The tightening in her stomach had Nora leaving her groceries and heading inside. Her toilet paper and canned soup weren't going anywhere and there was no way she was going to bend over and haul those sacks inside. Nothing was worth putting her baby at risk for.

As soon as she let herself inside, Kerfluffle darted to the back room. Apparently Nora wasn't getting any sympathy from her spoiled cat. Fine.

After hanging her coat and scarf up by the door, Nora pulled off her boots and padded over the cool hardwood floor into her living room. She'd just sat on the sofa and pulled a throw off the back when her front door flew open, letting in another blast of cold air.

Eli's eyes locked on hers as he stared into the living area. “Are you okay?” he asked, closing the gap between them in about two strides. His eyes raked over her, his brows drawn down in worry.

“I'm fine, why?”

“You have groceries in the driveway and I thought something happened to you.”

He had to be worried; he'd used the front door and everything. Nora rested her head against the back of the cushions. “At ease, soldier. I'm fine. I slipped in the driveway and had a little discomfort in my stomach so I left my stuff out there.”

“Define discomfort,” he told her, easing down onto the coffee table in front of her sofa.

Nora shrugged. “Some cramping and such.”

Eli sighed, glanced up to the ceiling and shook his head. “I'm going to get your groceries. Anything in your car you need?”


Great. They'd entered awkward territory.

Nora settled farther into the corner of the couch and wrapped the blanket up around her shoulders. The cramping slid around into her back and Nora knew this was what her doctor had referred to as Braxton-Hicks contractions—more like the mother of all period cramps.

As she breathed through the pain, Eli shuffled back in the house. She heard him putting things away in the kitchen, then the bathroom, and by the time he'd come back into the living room her pain was under control.

He stood above her, staring down as if he wanted her to say something. She merely quirked a brow. “Yes?” she asked.

“Am I invited to stay?”

“Of course.”

He picked up her feet and took a seat on the end of the couch, resting them on his lap. “Do you want to talk about your doctor's appointment and the meeting with your Realtor or do you want to discuss last night?”

She held his gaze, refusing to be embarrassed about last night and the fact it was the best of her life. And she wasn't quite ready to tell him about the whole bed rest thing or he'd turn all mother hen on her.

“I'd prefer to discuss last night, considering you left without telling me goodbye somewhere around midnight.”

His eyes widened. “I thought you were sleeping.”

“Would you have said anything had you known I was awake?”

Eli shifted his body so his hand rested on her shins. “Of course, Nora. I meant everything I said last night.”

The intensity of his stare had her shifting herself. How could he have so much power over her? He consumed her in so many ways and she feared she'd start down this path to unknown territory with him only to be stranded in the end again.

“Are you sorry last night happened?” he asked, still studying her.

“No.” She answered without hesitation because that was certainly one thing she was absolutely sure of. “I wanted you, Eli. I don't regret it.”

“I'm sorry if you thought I just abandoned you, but I decided to head home so we could both sleep and be rested for work.” His hand massaged her leg through the blanket. “Had I stayed, I only would've wanted you again.”

Thrills shot through her at the fact he wanted her still. Before she could respond, another cramp settled like a band wrapping around her entire abdomen. She gasped and closed her eyes, waiting for the moment to pass quickly like all the others.

“Nora?” Alarm laced Eli's voice. “What is it?”

“Just a little cramping.” She let out a deep breath and opened her eyes, meeting his worried gaze. “It's okay. I've been having them since this morning.”

“What did your doctor say?”

Nora bit her lip and shrugged. “The baby is healthy. Her heart rate is right where it should be and she's measuring right on target for the due date.”

“What aren't you telling me?”

He always knew when she was lying or holding something back. Everything with him always circled back to that unbreakable bond they shared...and the new one they'd formed.

“She put me on bed rest until Monday.”

“Were you going to tell me that?”

“I just did.”

Eli narrowed his eyes. “After I pried it out of you. Seriously, Nora, it's okay to lean on people. You're obviously going to need help for the next five days.”

She groaned and dropped her head back on the cushion. “I don't have time for this. I need to work to pay my bills. This is ridiculous.”

“Have you found a replacement for when you take maternity leave?”

Nora shook her head. “I know a guy who works a couple towns over. He did mention he could help out a few days a week. I was hoping to find someone full-time, but I may have to settle for him. At least I trust him.”

“Then see if he can fill in for you until Tuesday.”

Rubbing her belly, Nora nodded. “I already sent him a message. I'm waiting to hear back.”

“I take it you didn't make it to the Realtor?”


“Good. I'm still trying to figure out a way to keep the house. Just don't make any decisions without talking to me first. Promise?”

Nora knew arguing was a moot point, so she simply nodded.

When Eli's fingers started kneading one of her feet, Nora couldn't hold back the groan that escaped her. When was the last time anyone gave her a foot massage?

Silence enveloped them and Nora had to fight to stay awake. The fact she could relax around Eli and let her worries go really spoke volumes for how much she cared for him. She'd never been this at ease with anyone.

Oh, she'd loved Todd as a friend and had trusted him, but there was always something missing. Her heart had always felt a void.

“I'll have Drake swing by during the day to check on you,” he told her.

Nora lifted one lid. “I'll be fine, Eli. I can take care of myself. I'll just be lazy, sit here on my couch and watch home improvement shows all day.”

“Someone will be checking on you,” he insisted.

Loving his protective instinct and hating his no-room-for-argument tone at the same time, Nora sighed and focused her full attention on him.

“Listen, you all have enough going on with your dad and your work schedules. The doctor didn't say I couldn't fix myself food or walk around. I'm just supposed to take it easy because my blood pressure was high and I have some swelling.” She held his gaze, noting the muscle ticking in his jaw. “Besides, if you hadn't come back I'd still be in this situation and I'd be taking care of myself, anyway.”

Eli leaned across her legs, keeping his eyes locked on hers. “But I am back and I am going to take care of you. Try to keep me out and I'll use my key.”

Nora laughed. “I knew that would come back to bite me in the butt.”

His hands rubbed her legs as he returned her smile. This is what she craved, the simple pleasure of being snuggled on the couch, talking with the one you loved. Of course she could do without the bed rest part, but still. Is this how things would've been had she and Eli never broken up?

More than once she regretted not following him, but she just couldn't. She'd been shuffled around so much in life that when she'd come to Stonerock, she'd fallen in love with the old-fashioned town with no stoplights and cute little shops lining Main Street and the people who welcomed her with open arms, continuing to love her after her mother had moved on once again.

“I'll get you something to eat,” Eli offered. “Any requests?”

“Your night to cook is tomorrow.”

He shifted out from under her feet and settled them back on the couch. “I think I can handle a can of soup or a sandwich for now.”

“Anything is fine. Surprise me.”

Before he walked from the room, Eli braced one hand on the back of the couch and touched the side of her face with the other. She had no choice but to look up at him, no choice but to see the love in his eyes. But how long would that last?

“We'll get through all of this, Nora,” he whispered. “I won't let you be alone.”

His lips slid over hers softly, gently, and then he was gone. Even the briefest of touches had her body responding and wanting more.

He promised he'd help her through “this,” but did he mean these next few days or life in general? Because as much as she knew he cared for her she also knew Stonerock wasn't a place he wanted to stay. He had a fulfilling life in Atlanta.

No, she knew Eli well enough to know he was torn between the two places. But she couldn't beg him to stay, and she didn't want him to out of obligation. All she could do was offer support, to show him how much she loved him and let him make the decision that was best.

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