Harlequin Special Edition November 2014 - Box Set 2 of 2: The Maverick's Thanksgiving Baby\A Celebration Christmas\Dr. Daddy's Perfect Christmas (41 page)

BOOK: Harlequin Special Edition November 2014 - Box Set 2 of 2: The Maverick's Thanksgiving Baby\A Celebration Christmas\Dr. Daddy's Perfect Christmas
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Chapter Five

li couldn't breathe, couldn't speak.

A baby? How the hell did he not know this? He'd been home for five days now and nothing had ever been mentioned. Of course, his father had had heart surgery and his mother was busy with his care, but seriously, he was a doctor—how did he not recognize the fact this woman was pregnant? And far enough along that she knew the sex.

The sickness at his parents', her always hiding beneath her coat, her pale, tired face...all the signs were there.

His eyes traveled from the pictures to her eyes to her belly. With the boxy scrubs she wore at the clinic and her height, she was able to hide her bump.

“Whatever you want to say, just say it,” she told him, taking the pictures from his hands and thrusting her chin up as if she dared him to say anything at all.

He raked a hand over his stubbled jawline. “Honestly, I don't know what to say. Congratulations? How did I not know this? Is the baby...”

Her eyes narrowed. “Thank you. Because you don't know everything about my life, and yes, the baby is Todd's. Whose did you think it would be?”

He hadn't meant to say that, but damn, she'd completely caught him off guard and, with his background, that rarely happened.

“I'm sorry.” He studied her another minute, folding his arms across his wide chest and leaning back against the center island. “This is why you were so sick the other day at Mom and Dad's?”

Nora nodded.

Anger bubbled within him. She'd been pushing herself, bending over backward to do it all and...what? To prove she could? To prove she didn't need anybody and she could don the superwoman cape?

“What the hell were you thinking pushing yourself like that?” he demanded, unable to keep his rage fueled by fear locked inside.

“I was thinking I'd help out the two people who've always been like parents to me,” she yelled back. “I'm pregnant, Eli, I'm not an invalid. I was getting along fine before you came and I'll continue to do so once you're gone. Just because we had a past doesn't mean you can come in here and start taking charge.”

Eli had no idea what to say to that because his anger would only make the situation worse. More than ever, he wanted to protect her, keep her safe, but this wasn't his wife, nor was this his baby.

“Did Todd know about the pregnancy?” he asked.

Nora closed her eyes, shaking her head. “No. He was killed before I found out. I took a home test the day of the funeral.”

Eli muttered a curse at the terrible, cruel timing. The pain in her voice sliced through Eli's heart. No wonder she'd been going full speed ahead; she was trying to push beyond the hurt, trying to stay busy so she didn't have to think about the pain. He'd seen this tactic numerous times when he'd been overseas. “I'm sorry I yelled at you.”

When her eyes met his again and a soft smile curved her unpainted lips, Eli's breath caught. She was stunning. Not because of the whole girl-next-door appeal she'd always had, but for her strength in all she'd endured through life. The woman before him was so different from the girl he'd left behind. This woman was a warrior.

No matter what fate threw her way, she always smiled as she marched right over any obstacles that would cause most people to give up.

“It's okay,” she assured him. “I'm excited about the baby and I know you were shocked. I was pretty shocked, too, when I found out.”

That was an understatement, he knew. The timing couldn't have been any worse for her. But at least she didn't know everything about her husband. The secret Eli carried would have to remain hidden because there was no way he'd kill that light in Nora's baby blues. She wanted this little girl, wanted a family, and that's what she'd have. Eli would make sure she kept pleasant memories of Todd with her and passed those down to their baby.

“Did you go to the doctor's appointment alone?” he asked.

Her brows drew together. “Well, yeah. Who else would go with me?”

That right there was the problem. She'd nearly always done things alone.

“I'll go next time.”

Great, Eli, just charge right in and take over
. Pity and attraction were a bad combination because he wanted to help her from all angles. And he absolutely hated that he felt guilty for Todd's sins.

“I don't need anyone to go with me, Eli,” she assured him with another soft smile. “I can handle this on my own.”

Not backing down, he moved closer, close enough she had to tip her head slightly to look up at him. He could stare into those mesmerizing eyes forever... If only he'd chosen to stay, where would they be now?

“We're friends, Nora. Let me be there for you while I'm here. With Todd not having any family here, you need someone.”

Her eyes widened as she licked her lips. Desire that had nothing to do with the old feelings he had for her twisted in Eli's stomach. Those were gone, those were a lifetime ago.

This thread of attraction was for the woman she was now, the stubborn, sexy, vibrant woman who kept insisting she didn't need anybody.

“I have friends, Eli.” She offered an innocent, sweet smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. “You're here to take care of your father and work. There's no sense in you adding anything else to the mix.”

Unable to help himself, Eli reached out, slid a hand across her silky cheek and stroked his thumb across her lower lip.

“Maybe I want to add you to the mix,” he murmured as he stepped closer. “Maybe I want to help because you've always had crap thrown at you in life. And maybe I have emotions that won't be ignored.”

Nora took a step back, causing his hand to fall away. Her eyes narrowed again and that vulnerability he'd seen only moments ago was replaced by anger.

“I don't want you here out of pity, Eli. I don't need help because you feel sorry for me.”

Damn, he was going about this all wrong. Could he be more of a jerk? Friends. That's all they could and would be. The end.

“Nora, please. I'm not offering because I think you're incompetent. I know you're strong and resilient—you wouldn't have gotten this far without that spine of steel you have. Why can't you get that chip off your shoulder and admit you need someone?”

“Because I don't,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest. “Your parents are supportive. I realize your dad had major surgery and he'll be recovering for a while, but the moral support they provide is invaluable.”

He studied her face, her tilted, defiant chin and her hard stare. “I'm not sure why I'm banging my head against the wall trying to get through that thick head of yours.”

Glancing down to the pictures in her hand, his stomach twisted in knots. She was pregnant and he was arguing with her. She'd lost her husband a few months ago, was trying to cope as best as she could and he was making things more difficult.

Eli shook his head and met her gaze once more. “Listen, I'm going to be in town a few months. I may even still be here when your baby is born, depending on Dad's recovery. I want to be your friend. I don't want things to be difficult between us.”

“They're not,” she countered, her chin starting to quiver. “I just...”

On a sigh she turned her back to him. When she took a deep, shuddering breath, Eli stepped forward. Vulnerable women always got him, but Nora had always been so strong. Granted, he hadn't seen her for years, but she'd been so determined to put him in his place and convince him she needed nobody.

When he wrapped his hands around her, cupping her slender shoulders, she fell back against his chest. The top of her head came to rest just below his chin and he couldn't stop himself from inhaling her sweet, floral scent.

“It's so hard to see you, Eli,” she whispered. “When I see you, I think of Todd. To know he'll never see his child is...hard.”

Eli's heart sank. Of course she was still torn up over her deceased husband. Why wouldn't she be? She had no idea the man he truly was and Eli sure as hell wouldn't be the one to tell her because if Nora thought her husband died a hero, a good husband, then he'd let her live that dream.

And Todd's secret would die with Eli.

“I'm sorry,” he told her, turning her to face him. “I'm sorry if seeing me is painful. I can keep my distance. I guess I wasn't thinking.”

“No, we were friends and you'll be staying here for months. I'm coming to terms with Todd being gone. I just hate that our baby will never know her father.” She tilted her chin and blinked back unshed tears. “Besides, you're right next door and I'm always visiting Bev and Mac.”

After wiping her hands on her scrub top, she smiled. “Sorry. I'm a little more emotional lately with the pregnancy.”

Eli reached out, sliding his thumb over her silky cheek. “Never apologize to me for being who you are, Nora. If you need to cry, there's nothing to be ashamed of. Don't try to hold back.”

“I can't cry,” she told him, shaking her head. “I'm so afraid if I start, I won't be able to stop.”

When she reached up to lay her hand on his chest, her familiar warmth slid all the way through his body. At one time those delicate hands had been all over him. Now, though, he couldn't let current desires override common sense. He wasn't the horny teen with very little self-control he'd once been.

Besides, he was leaving as soon as he got the green light from his father. And possibly the biggest promotion of his career was waiting for him back in Atlanta.

“Why don't you stay for dinner?” she offered.

He took in the exhaustion in her dark eyes, the fatigue that had her shoulders just a little slumped.

“Only if you go change and have a seat in the living room.” He offered her a smile. “I'll look through here and make us dinner.”

She shook her head. “Eli, no. I'm not asking you to make my dinner. I'm perfectly—”

“Capable,” he cut her off. “I know. But I need to eat and you need to change. You can put the groceries away while I'm cooking and we'll get everything done faster.”

Her mouth twisted as she considered his proposal. He wouldn't beg, but he wouldn't leave until he knew she was taken care of for the evening whether she liked it or not.

“I guess that would be all right,” she conceded. “Thanks.”

Eli shouldn't feel so thrilled about making dinner, but he was. Once he'd gotten into her house he didn't want to leave, and now that he knew she was pregnant, he sure as hell would be keeping a closer watch on her.

Maybe Todd wasn't the husband he should've been, but he had been Eli's best friend and Eli felt it his duty to watch over Nora and her unborn child. There was no way he could just walk away from Nora now...especially considering those newfound lustful feelings weighing heavy in his gut.

“I'll go change real quick before I put this stuff away,” she told him. “Be right back.”

As she turned to walk from the kitchen, Eli clenched his fists, trying to gain control over his emotions. Anything beyond friendship with Nora was off the table. She'd nearly cried in his arms for her late husband, the father of her baby, but he got the sense she wouldn't fully allow herself that luxury.

Eli had no place in her personal life; he'd lost that right when he'd given her up to join the service and get his doctorate with a naive innocence that he could somehow make the world a better place. He'd wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and join the army, no matter what he had to sacrifice at home to follow his dream.

When being a soldier hadn't satisfied him enough, he'd decided to continue his father's career path and get his medical degree in the military. If he couldn't save the world, he'd save patients, one trauma at a time.

Which was why he needed to focus on his main goal of getting back to Atlanta, back to the possibility of being the head doctor in the trauma unit. Nothing else could distract him. But that wouldn't stop Eli from keeping watch over Nora while he was here.

Eli pulled open the fridge to see what all he had to work with. By the time he'd gotten his hormones in check and his head on straight, Nora came waltzing back into the kitchen wearing snug black leggings and an off-the-shoulder sweatshirt. That creamy, slender shoulder shouldn't be so provocative, but it was and all thoughts of anything else went out the window as he prepared dinner with the only woman he'd ever wanted.

Chapter Six

have to admit, that was amazing.”

Nora started up her dishwasher and turned to Eli, who was putting the lid on the leftovers. All of this seemed a little too domestic, but she had to remain in control of her feelings, especially since she'd nearly broken down in his arms earlier.

She wasn't lying about it being hard to see him because she thought of Todd, but that wasn't the real reason. How could she not acknowledge the underlying emotions? Not old, young-love emotions, but new, budding ones that stemmed from something fresh. The man before her was not the same boy who left with stars in his eyes and a cocky attitude. This man was harsher, more intriguing, yet proud and determined.

Even if she'd just met him and they had no history, Nora would be attracted to Dr. Eli St. John.

“Hey, you okay?” Eli asked, coming to stand in front of her.

“I'm fine.” She offered him a smile and leaned back against the kitchen counter. “Thanks so much for dinner. It's not often someone cooks for me, unless it's your mother.”

“Then I'll have to be sure to do it again while I'm here,” he told her, offering a grin of his own.

That heart-clenching smile shot straight to her core. He'd always had a smug yet handsome smile as a teen, but now as a full-grown man with creases around his mouth and soft wrinkles at the edge of his eyes, he was even more devastatingly handsome and flat-out sexy.

But could she even trust what she was feeling when her emotions were already heightened from the pregnancy and the whirlwind of Todd's death? Granted, her husband had filed for divorce before he was killed, and she'd had no idea until the papers arrived in the mail a day after she'd found out she'd lost him for good, but she had been in a committed relationship even if the marriage hadn't been the best. Nora had wanted to make it work because she wasn't a quitter and she'd dreamed of having a family of her own her entire life.

She and Todd had been more friends than anything and looking back she realized they were both hoping for something the other simply couldn't give.

She'd even tried to put a spark into their marriage by seducing him that last night he'd been home on leave...hence the pregnancy.

If she was honest with herself, she'd never felt this strong of a bond, an attraction, to Todd the way she did with Eli. But now...well, they had so many more barriers between them. She had a baby to think of first and foremost.

“I have to say, having a handsome man cook for me isn't something I'll turn down,” she told him, settling her hands beside her on the edge of the counter.

“Then we'll have to make it a weekly thing.” Eli cocked his head and studied her. “What night works best for you?”

Nora shrugged, glad they were finally on a comfortable topic. “I leave the clinic later on Thursday so having dinner that night would be great since that's my long day.”

“Thursday, it is.”

“What about your schedule?” she asked. “Are you free that evening.”

“I'll make it work.”

His quick response and lack of worry melted her heart. He didn't have to reach out to her, didn't have to adjust his temporary life here to make hers easier. Yet he was and he truly didn't mind.

“You don't know what this means to me, Eli.”

Those dark eyes roamed over her face as he stepped forward. Nora tipped her head up to hold his gaze and found herself mesmerized by the scar. Not the physical aspect of it, but the story behind it—the story she didn't know. Just that alone symbolized how so much had changed between them—so much she knew nothing about.

“I want you to be able to relax and concentrate on this pregnancy and yourself,” he stated in that doctor tone she'd become familiar with. “And I don't say that out of pity. I say that because you're always helping everyone else and you deserve to be pampered a bit yourself.”

Pampered? She didn't even know what that meant anymore.

“I should probably get back home and see what Mom and Dad need from me.”

Nora nodded, a bit disappointed that he was leaving, yet knowing it was for the best. The more time she spent with him, the more she'd want to spend with him. She walked him to her front door. Bright white light from the Christmas tree filled the room, illuminating Kerfluffle, who was still asleep on the tree skirt. The crisp glow from the tree spilled into the darkened foyer. Nora reached for the knob just as Eli reached around her to do the same.

From behind, his body molded to hers. Nora sucked in a breath as shivers raced through her body. He didn't bother to move, to step back or remove his hand that covered hers. She didn't want to relish this simple moment, but she couldn't stop herself from taking in the exact feel of his body pressed so intimately to hers.

Eli had leaned in farther, his warm breath tickling her neck. There was no way to avoid the temptation spreading to every tingling part of her body.

“You still smell like flowers, Nora,” he whispered. “It's just one of the things I remember about you.”

Nora closed her eyes as his low tone washed over her, through her.

“When I first deployed, I'd lie awake in my bunk and think back to your sweet smell,” he went on in that sultry tone. “I used any distraction I could to get through it. And nearly every mental tactic involved you.”

Nora couldn't do this, couldn't listen to his memories wrapped and delivered in that smooth, soft voice. No matter how her body responded to his touch, she couldn't let him affect her on such an intimate level anymore.

“Eli, don't,” she whispered.

His free hand came up to cup her shoulder. The strength from just that simple touch radiated through her and she wished she could draw more from him, wished she could be this open about her own emotions, her fears.

But she had to be cautious because where her emotions led, her heart tended to follow, and right now her heart had taken enough of a beating. As much as Eli intrigued her on so many levels—namely the lustful one—she couldn't get wrapped up in a man who had every intention of leaving.

Eli slid his hand down her arm, removed his other hand from hers off the doorknob. Nora turned, but he hadn't stepped back and she had to tip her head to look at him. She'd always been tall for a girl, but Eli was all man—big, powerful, muscular. Even with his dominating presence, she always felt protected, safe, cherished.

“I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable,” he told her. “I look at you and see the girl I loved. I smell flowers and remember how you always had some floral lotion on.”

The soft lights from the living room projected a glow around his entire body, framing his broad shoulders, his tipped head. She often forgot that Eli had served and seen just as much as Todd had. So many times Todd would have nightmares when he'd be home on leave and she'd have to console him, comfort him.

Who did that for Eli? He had to have had bad moments, times that haunted him. Had there ever been a special someone in his life to get him through rough times?

“I'm not uncomfortable.” A small lie. “We're both just so vulnerable right now and so different from the kids we used to be. Between you with your dad and the practice, and me with the baby, there's just so much stress.”

“What can I do to make things easier for you?” he asked, searching her eyes. “I may only be here a few months, but we're friends, Nora. I want to help. Do you need the nursery painted? Crib put together?”

A vice-grip tightened around her heart. She didn't want to feel anything toward Eli beyond friendship. But after he'd opened up and shared a small portion of his time overseas and the fact he was obviously waging some internal battle with himself, Nora found herself getting more and more entangled in his world.

“I'll be sure to let you know when I need any of that stuff done,” she promised, finding that she probably would take him up on such a generous offer.

Eli reached up, pushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “This little girl is one lucky baby to have you for her mom.”

Nora smiled. “I'm the lucky one. A little nervous, but lucky.”

“Nothing to be nervous about,” he assured her, his hand still lingering by her neck. “You'll be an amazing mother.”

“Who do I have to compare myself to? My mother...” Nora sighed, not wanting to get into that particular part of her life.

Eli's hands cupped her face, forcing her to look him straight in the eye. “It's because of your mother that you'll be so wonderful. You know how it feels to be abandoned, to crave love and stability.”

Nora couldn't help but get lost in his words, those dark eyes and his conviction. He was the only man who ever really got her, and even though a gap of years stood between them, he still understood her.

“Plus you've always looked up to my parents,” he added with a slight grin. “You've got great role models. Me and my brothers turned out all right.”

“After a few mishaps.” She laughed.

Eli shrugged. “Just a few.”

His thumbs stroked her cheeks and Nora brought her hands up to wrap around his wrists. She couldn't find the strength to push him away. If she were honest with herself, she loved having him there, but she also had to face reality, and that cold hard truth was he wouldn't always be there.

For now, Nora would take comfort from him for as long as he was willing to give it. Maybe that made her weak, but with all that was going on, she just didn't have the strength to fight his pull.

“I'm just next door if you need anything,” he murmured.

Nora nodded, unable to speak with his lips so close. Why did he have to still appeal to her? Why was she still drawn to the town-bad-boy-turned-soldier-turned-doctor...turned devastatingly sexy, intriguing, unattainable man?

“I'll check on you after work, Nora.”

She knew it was coming; she had ample time to stop him...but she didn't want to.

Eli's lips touched hers, softly, tenderly. Before she could fully appreciate the familiar touch, he backed away.

“See you tomorrow.”

When he reached around her to open the door, Nora stepped out of the way. Once she was alone, she couldn't stop her fingers from drifting to her lips, trying to capture that feeling of his kiss.

Eli was going to be in town for a few months and she'd already tasted his lips. What would getting more attached to him do to her mental state?

Kissing Eli may be one of the sweetest things ever, but nothing good would come from it. Nothing.

Nora walked back through her kitchen to turn the lights off before heading upstairs to bed.

After changing into her nightgown and collapsing into bed, Nora remembered she hadn't talked to Eli about a surprise anniversary party for his parents in the new year. And that was the main reason she'd wanted him to stay for dinner.

Proof that the man had her mind solely focused on him and not reality or priorities.

Yeah, she was in big trouble.

* * *

Treating patients' ailments was damn hard when all Eli could think of was the kiss he'd shared with Nora. Granted, it was little more than a peck, but he'd touched her, tasted her and his body had responded.

So far he'd seen two cases of strep, one case of a basic cold and filled a few prescriptions. Nothing exciting, everything very mundane in Stonerock. Not that he wished anyone to get hurt, but as a doctor and ex-military he thrived on the adrenaline rush of the traumas. He had a natural calling to heal people.

Perhaps that's just another reason Nora pulled at him in her current state. He'd sensed a thread of vulnerability in her, but once he'd learned of the pregnancy he realized just how vulnerable she truly was.

Eli closed the door to his father's small office in the back of the clinic. It was lunchtime and he needed a few minutes to himself.

Todd had been a great friend, even better soldier, but he'd been a terrible, selfish husband. And a good part of Eli was angry Todd had left Nora behind, alone and pregnant.

Eli knew full well Todd had sacrificed himself for his country, but the man would've never done so much for his own family. If he were alive today, Eli seriously doubted Todd would stick around to play husband and daddy.

Eli hated the bitterness that rolled through him and he really needed to get a grasp on this situation. Right now, all that was important was Nora—her comfort, the baby—and taking care of his father.

Unfortunately his mind kept returning to the last night he and Todd had spent together. Absently Eli reached up to trace the scar, a visible reminder of how ugly jealousy could be.

When his cell rang, Eli pulled it from his lab coat pocket and smiled. A reprieve, thank God.

“Hey, Cam,” he answered.

“Bad time?” his brother asked.

“Not at all. What's up?”

“You talked to Nora today?”

At his brother's serious tone, Eli sat up straighter in his chair. “No, why?”

“Her clinic was broken into. We just got everything all straightened out and cleaned up.”

Jerking to his feet, Eli was grabbing his keys from the desk drawer. “Was she hurt?”

Fear raced through him at the thought of her or her baby being injured. This was certainly not the type of adrenaline he'd been hoping for.
Be careful what you wish for.

“She's fine. Angry, but fine,” Cameron assured him. “She came to work and found the back door open.”

Eli sighed, closing his eyes. “Tell me she didn't go in and check it out before calling you.”

On the other end, Cameron laughed. “She may be stubborn, but she's not stupid. She called me and I went in to make sure the perp was gone. Then she went through and we made a list of all that had been taken.”

Eli took off his lab coat and hung it on the peg by the exit. “What on earth would someone want from a vet's office?”

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