Hard: A Military Stepbrother Romance (4 page)

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might have been an arrogant bastard when I was growing up, but I did what I
said I would - even if people may have preferred me not to. And until that one
dangerous night, I’d never cared enough about anything to make promises I
wouldn’t keep.

never going to let you go…

I had - and without a word, too. Out of all the shitty things I’ve done in my
life, I wouldn’t have thought it ranked that high - but it was the one I

tonight, I was going to fix it.

found me instantly. Decision made, all doubt and hesitation disappeared. I had
my mission - and once that happened, failure wasn’t an option.

that thought settled me more than even Dale’s invitation had. Perhaps I’d even
be able to act pleasant throughout dinner tonight.


*  *  *


the time I turned through the large iron-wrought gates guarding the long
driveway, I was suspicious. Coming up this way was strange enough, but I’d
passed any possibility of an out of place middle-class house now, and the
entrance clearly marked this as one of the more impressive beach-front estates.

checked the postcode again, reluctant to turn up unexpected on the doorstep of
some rich family mansion, hoping to hell she hadn’t been high on something when
she sent it. But the gates had opened easily enough for me, and somehow the
idea that I might be in the
place was more concerning than a typo
in the address.

was up the path and slowing to a halt in a dedicated parking area before I had
a chance to consider it further, eyes darting about as I got out of the car and
took in the shadows under the pretty trees surrounding the front of the large
mansion. There were nice marble pillars on either side of the archway that
framed the porch door, an extravagance that seemed built to be reminiscent of
an older, traditional style manor, which the place certainly lived up to. I
glanced down again at my slightly worn shirt and jeans - I didn’t have much use
for too many civilian clothes - and wondered again just how this night was
going to go.


didn’t get a chance to compose myself before the door swung open and I was
faced with my mother darting down to wrap her arms around me in the overly
effusive way she’s always had. It would have worked slightly better if she’d
been anywhere near my size or shape, but I managed to extract my arms to give
her a brief squeeze and then step back without too much difficulty.


eyes were gleaming as she looked up at me, her face written in such honest
pleasure at seeing me that the stab of guilt returned, and I gave her a small
smile. Her face still had the stunning beauty I remembered, still defying age
and adding to the blessing that I’d always secretly hated. But then I’d never
had reason to enjoy the attention it had bought her.

importantly though, her gaze was bright and clear, looking at me with an
awareness that was reassuring. She seemed well - and for that at least, I was
willing to give her some time.

so glad you’re home - I’ve wanted you to meet Terry for so long!”

let her drag me up the porch stairs, apparently not wanting to leave it a
minute longer.

least she’s too excited to care you’re late…

stopped abruptly when we entered the large entryway, turning to look at me properly
for a moment. My eyes were caught on the large, sweeping stairway set out in
front of us and leading up to a balcony that seemed to extend over this room
and further into the one to the right as well. Part of me was tracking entrance
and exit points, but the larger part just wondered how on earth my mother had
fallen in with this crowd. She was pretty, sure, but we’d grown up in squalor
and that sort of thing stuck - molding herself into the type of person
comfortable in this sort of atmosphere wasn’t something I’d thought she had in
her. I looked back as she touched my arm lightly and the slight hesitancy there
made my gut tighten.

are some things I’ll never be able to change, but I want you to know it’s
different this time. Just look at this place. Not our usual haunt, eh?”

should have been able to match the wry smile that gave her, but instead this
was just strange. This wasn’t where we belonged, no - and it was never
something I’d wanted either.

was so much I wanted to give you growing up - and now, I can. We’ve had our
difficulties, but stay for a little bit, please? I know you can, that work at
the base is light when you’ve just only returned. We can have some proper time
together again. Just wait and see, this will be different.”

anxious hope in her eyes hurt, all the more because I could read so clearly
what was written there.

not too late, is it?

question I didn’t know the answer to. I looked around again, at the opulence of
the surroundings, a place I didn’t fit and certainly didn’t want to stay if I
could be back at the barracks having a laugh. But I took her in again - the
soft glow of well cared for skin, the healthy weight she’d finally put on and
the attention in her gaze. She was right, it was nothing like any visit I’d
ever made. Almost as if she’d finally heard the frustrated suggestions,
lectures, pleas that I’d given up on giving her. It was what I’d wanted for her
for so long that I’d almost forgotten the desire.

she was my mother - whatever that meant. Something in me refused to abandon her
now that she might finally be on the right track.

I turned back to her and gave an inch, ignoring the unease still coiled within

stay. For a bit.”

smile lit the depths of the room and she wrapped her arms around me again,
returning to the excited girl-like state I’d never liked. But I couldn’t
begrudge her that, and followed when she finally led us to where my new
step-father to be was no doubt waiting.

what have I gotten myself into?

chatter continued as we navigated the broad hallways.

know it’s too soon to say anything, but I really think we can be a proper
family now…”


didn’t get a chance to ask as she turned into a large sitting room and I
stepped through to see an older man standing waiting for us. My mother went to
him immediately, slipping her arm around his waist while I stayed by the door,
eyes measuring him automatically. His weathered face had the narrow features
that gave him an aristocratic edge and made him seem older than his
black-and-grey hair implied. The eyes had the same spark of stubborn
intelligence that I’d seen in the better officers I’d served with, but without
the deadly glimmer I was used to. It took all of two seconds for me to find the
slight disapproval I was looking for, but I’d already expected that.

least he’s not a leather-clad biker bum.

thought amused me and I let my familiar lazy, arrogant smile spread across my
face as I stepped forward with a hand out. His eyes narrowed but he shook it
with good grace and nodded.

to meet you, Seth - I’ve heard a lot about you, and it’s always good to meet
someone serving in defense of our country. I’m Terence Baltimore.”

the name went with the house.

- though I’ve heard absolutely nothing about you.”

mother’s face reddened as I left out the part where she’d had no opportunity to
give me any information, but I kept my gaze on him as I switched easily between
discourtesy and charm.

all the dinner conversation is going to have to center on you, then.”

smiled tightly and turned to look off into a room on my right - from my initial
glance, it seemed to be a library.

me introduce you to my daughter first. Annabelle!”

didn’t quite raise his voice, but the call had a familiar element of command to

he’s got that as well.

was something else that tugged at me, but I couldn’t identify it as I turned to
meet the unexpected addition to our party. Maybe that was what

I saw her.

one split second, all my emotions exploded at once.

froze and every fight-or-flight instinct sent adrenaline surging through me.


wanted to scream. I wanted to yell and shout and rage.

years ago, I would have done just that. I would have cursed the place down and
stormed out.

all the people…all the places…how the fuck did my screw-up mother manage to
mess my life up again?!

one second, I just stared at the face that had played through my mind dozens of
times in the dankest, darkest places. The face I had finally decided to hit up
later tonight - apologize, explain, all the million-and-one things I couldn’t
possibly do here. Or at all. That face was now forbidden to me in every way,
shape or form.

the flicker that crossed her face, I could guess she was experiencing her own
range of emotions.

quite forgotten then. That’s nice.

I recovered in an instant, quicker than she managed, and my usual armor came
down - nothing like false, arrogant charm to protect you.

smile widened and I met her eyes full-on, the challenge second nature to me.


cut him off.

we’ve met.”

shot them both a glance before walking over towards her. Fuck me, but I
couldn’t help the seductive saunter of the movement.

were at school together, for a year. About…three years ago? Four?”

face had closed off it’s parade of emotions now, but I could see the attractive
redness on her freckled cheeks, the red-gold hair coiled tightly at the top of
her head when it really should be tumbling free around her shoulders. And those
wide, deep-green eyes - with a bright, outraged disgust in them that was
reserved solely for me.

yes, I’m the devil here. And something in me can’t stop digging deeper…

it’s so good to see you again.”

she could do anything to stop it, I’d swept her hand up to my lips, bowing
lightly over the top of it while I brushed just the faintest impression across
the back. My powerful gaze met hers as I came back up and she snatched her hand
away from me, glaring back. I knew they couldn’t see our expressions, but I
could almost feel her father’s frown at her rudeness and let the corner of my
mouth curve in a smile at the small one-up on her.

the hell am I doing this?!

I knew why. I was angry as hell, and while I may no longer have the crazed,
explosive reactions, that violent response was still beating hard under all of
this. And the Navy had taught me something far more dangerous in the
controlled, disciplined attack of cold rage. As for Bella…well, she was just in
the blast zone. And such an easy target.

turned, ignoring her impotent anger without another glance.

we go on to dinner? I believe I’ve kept you all waiting.”

didn’t bother to apologize, but no one seemed to notice as Terence latched onto
that as a good idea and escorted my mother out of the room. She gave me a
suspicious glance as they walked past, my unpredictable behavior instinctively
setting off alarm bells. As it should do. But it was her own fault - she was
the one who’d invited me here. To stay, even.

sudden reminder of what I’d only moments before agreed to had discomfort
flicker inside me for a moment. But then it was forgotten, emotions locked
down, in anticipation of the battleground ahead.

gestured in front of me and gave Bella an innocent smile.

you -


quiet response lit something in me that it shouldn’t have, and I found my smile
growing, eyes dancing with amusement as we moved back into territory that was
almost familiar. It had a sharper edge now though, the emotions behind it far
more deadly.

already did, baby.”

startled look darted immediately to our parents, but we were far enough behind
they hadn’t heard the softly murmured response.

looked about ready to slap me, but we were already at the entrance to the
dinner room and they were both waiting for us at the table. Instead, she turned
and walked away from me as quickly as was possible without looking overtly
rude. Her escape attempt failed as soon as she realized we’d been placed next
to each other, opposite our parents.

took a moment just to look at the room, the large table spanning the width and
covering only one half of the room, looking as though it could seat a good 12
people. If it were on a raised dais, I could almost take this to be a small
banquet room from something out of a medieval story.

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