Happy Hour (Racing on the Edge) (49 page)

BOOK: Happy Hour (Racing on the Edge)
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“Then don’t.” I whispered wiping the tears from his face.

Losing my control once again, I cried
pathetic brokenhearted pit lizard cried when I saw how emotional
was over this. All this time I had no idea he felt this strongly for me.

And though I felt broken, this time it was different because slowly I could feel those broken pit lizard pieces being glued back together with Jameson super glue. He loved me, actually
me, and
to be with me.

“Sway, please,” he sighed as his fingers traced my lips; his head shook from side to side. “Please forgive me,”

I could feel the soft skin of his lips against my own. He was waiting for me to come to him. He had told me his intentions and was waiting for me to respond.

“Do you think we can make this work?” I choked on my tears. Twisting back, I took in his expression, one of a man looking for redemption.

“I know we can.” He said brushing the hair that had fallen in my eyes tucking it behind my ear. “I love you
that’s all that matters.”

“Are you going to crawl up my window now and rescue me like my knight and shining armor?”

He scrunched his nose in that adorable way he always did. “Well, I was never good at climbing and I’m slightly afraid of heights so
” he offered a lopsided grin. “Would you settle for me getting down on my knees and beg for forgiveness?”

“Eh, don’t worry. I won’t make you climb or beg.” I stood reaching for his hand. “When do you leave?”

He frowned standing tall before. “In the morning,” Brushing off his jeans, he took my hand. “I have to meet with Simplex in Grand Forks North Dakota tomorrow and then I need to be in Loudon on Wednesday.”

We began a slow walk towards the house, lingering in the shadows of the wraparound porch with a sense of dread maybe. “That sucks.”

Jameson nodded. “It does.” Pulling me against his side, he slung his arm over my shoulder. “But we’ll be okay. Together.”

I looked up at him—he was looking down at me with his beautiful smile. “I’ll do whatever it takes to make you see that this will work.”

“That could be fun
” I teased attempting to make light of the drawing day.

“You’re adorable.”

Laughing lightly, I stopped on the front steps leading up to the door. “Are you coming in?”

“I was hoping you’d ask.” His voice was shy. “I didn’t get a hotel room.”

 “Well, it’s a little soon to be moving this fast
I mean, we just started dating. I’m not that kind of girl you know.” I tried to hide my smile but it was a futile effort.

Jameson laughed freely before stepping towards me. “Aw honey,” he gave me a slow wink wrapping his arm around my shoulder. “I wasn’t planning on stealin’ home or anything.”

“Well that’s a shame.” I teased back opening the front door.

Once we stepped inside, the chaos began. Charlie was sitting on the couch watching baseball, Andrea was making dinner, and Logan and Lucas were running around the living room playing tug-a-war with my bra.

At least they picked one that looked decent
little shits.

Their eyes shot up when they saw Jameson and ran at him full speed. “You’re Jameson Riley!” they both shouted and clung to his legs.

“Uh,” Jameson looked slightly panicked. “I guess I am.”

“Boys, at least let Jameson come inside.” Andrea yelled from the kitchen. “Hey Jameson,” she greeted Jameson dragging her shit head children away.

Jameson leaned over to whisper in my ear. “They’re adorable.”

“Please tell me you didn’t refer to the Lucifer twins, as

He looked confused. “Lucifer twins?” Raising an eyebrow, his amusement showed and then he smirked.

“Yes, those kids are assholes.” My bra whizzed past me towards Lucas. “I’m
their father is the devil.”

“They can’t be
bad. They’re just kids.” The smirk still hadn’t left his face.

Lucas ran past us the other direction with my bra on. “
?” I pointed towards Lucas. “Do they take your tampons and use them as rafts for their GI Joes in the bath tub or wear your bra’s?”

“Well, no.” Jameson shifted his stance seeming thoroughly entertained by this.

“Exactly, they’re annoying as shit. I have no idea how I’m going to live here with them.”

I’d only been around them for less than twenty-four hours and getting my own apartment was looking like a top priority for my week.

Andrea made spaghetti for us, which was delicious.

Most of the dinner talk surrounded the track and how Charlie would prefer operation. When Logan started shoving his noodles up his nose, I decided to excuse myself to my room,

Grabbing some left over spaghetti and a bowl of milk for Mr. Jangles, my cat, we departed to my childhood room.

After getting Lucas off my bed, I placed the food on the floor and sat down on my bed. I couldn’t figure out why Lucas wanted to sleep on my bed
creepy little weirdo.

Jameson slowly stepped inside closing the door behind him, the sound of the door locking behind him echoed throughout.

I was relieved he locked the door. With the Lucifer twins around, thoughts of getting a deadbolt were high on my list.

Mr. Jangles was on the bed so I tried to push him off—he just pushed back. “Mr. Jangles, you’re such a jerk sometimes. You need to share.” Flicking his kitty tail at me, he jumped down to his own bed on the floor finding his food dish.

“What is that?” Jameson motioned towards Mr. Jangles looking slightly terrified of him. “Seriously, what is that?”

“It’s a cat.” I glanced at him with a are-you-fucking-stupid expression. “What does it look like?”

, if it didn’t have so much hair I’d think it was a small child.” His eyes narrowed trying to make sense of him. “What in the hell do you feed him, McDonalds?”

I laughed curling my legs up around my chest leaning back against the wooden headboard. “No, spaghetti and milk,”

“Maybe you should cut back on the carbs.” Jameson suggested taking a seat next to me on the bed. He observed Mr. Jangles watching him scarf down his spaghetti in disbelief. “Jesus Sway, this thing eats more than I do.”

“Be careful what you say around him,” Mr. Jangles crawled onto the bed so I covered his ears. “He’s sensitive about his weight.” I whispered scratching his overly large back. “Have some compassion.”

“Well, we wouldn’t want to offend Mr. Jangles, would we?”

“No, we wouldn’t.”

Jameson smiled looking down at me from under his thick dark lashes. “Why do you call him Mr. Jangles? Why not a normal name, like kitty?”

“Jesus, I was drunk at the time, give me a break. And kitty was taken if you hadn’t noticed already.” I huffed annoyed.

After a moment, his head tipped towards me, a faint smile present and I finally noticed him,
noticed him. He was the epitome of perfection in my eyes, faults aside, but here he was
trying for me and he
me in return. The usual calm and collected façade had been replaced with a worried and doubtful expression. He looked exhausted.

Taking a deep breath, I melted at the warm, clean, musky intoxicating scent of Jameson lying next to me. Cradling me to his chest his warm arms wrapped around my waist. I leaned back to look at his serene peaceful face and kissed him.

With his arms already around me, he easily slid me on top of him. Everything seemed so familiar but yet so new and thrilling. His lips were soft but moved fiercely, he felt the change too.

I wanted to feel him. I wanted his skin against mine but when my hands traveled down his stomach and started to pull his shirt up, he stopped me.

“Sway, wait
” he said breathlessly.

I smiled against his lips shaking my head and his grasp away. “I want to.”

“No, Sway
I’m not messing this up this time.” He sighed moving me to his side but kept his arms around me. “I love you and I’m doing this right, this time.”

“What have you done with the Jameson I know?” I tapped on his head.

He grinned playfully his shoulders straightening. “I’m all grown up now.”

so doing this
means we can’t have sex?”

He chuckled softly at my boldness. “No, we can’t.” he brought my lips back to his for a slow lazy kiss and then pulled away. “Because I’m going to take my time with you and show you I deserve you
show you how much I want you.” He kissed me again and swept my hair away from my neck so he could kiss down the side. “I’m not going to fuck this up.” He stated.

so that means we won’t see each other for around three weeks and we
have sex? That sucks.” I grumbled.

Jameson laughed. “Shouldn’t I be the one mad here?”

“Yes, I’m surprised you’re not
” I reached my hand towards his camshaft quickly before he could pull it away. He threw his head back and groaned as I performed some reciprocating motions over his jeans. His camshaft had
plans for him. “See
he’s mad at you.” I pointed out.

“I’m no longer ruled by my dick Sway,” his words came out half-strangled. “We need to wait.” Reaching for my hand, he placed soft kisses on the inside of my palm. “We just have to.”

The rest of the night, we just held each other,
fully clothed.

Believe me, I tried again but he was fixed in his ways. I almost got him to surrender when I started dry humping him while he was sleeping
he woke up, rolled me over and continued the motions until he reached for his zipper and snapped out of his trance.

He really was different. He wanted to do this right and he was going to prove it.

Damn it.

I was all for doing this right but no sex; that just seemed dumb to even consider.

Sometime in the early morning just as the sun began to peak over the dense tree’s surround the house, I woke up. Jameson was on his side facing me still sleeping.

I couldn’t sleep so instead I laid there trying not to wake him.

Here I was less than twelve hours ago thinking my life was over hearing the news my dad was dying. Then Jameson shows up and my world shifts again. Something I’d been holding onto for so long was now mine, and now something I never thought would be taken from me would soon be gone.

One thing was certain, I couldn’t agonize over this. Charlie wouldn’t want that at all. He would want all of us to act as though nothing was wrong, he didn’t want the reminder.

BOOK: Happy Hour (Racing on the Edge)
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