Hansel's Bear (Erotic Shifter Fairy Tale) (26 page)

Read Hansel's Bear (Erotic Shifter Fairy Tale) Online

Authors: Yvette Hines

Tags: #interracial, #shifter, #bear shifter

BOOK: Hansel's Bear (Erotic Shifter Fairy Tale)
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Greta bucked against his mouth as she
began to moan.

Continuing his oral play, he pulled
her clit into his mouth and suckled it. Wanting to heighten her
pleasure, he pressed two fingers into her warm, silk-like pussy. He
pushed in all the way scissoring them along her walls. His body
quivered with the need to be inside of her.

Not yet, he told himself. There was
something that needed to be done first.

Parting her thighs wider, she rotated
her hips and joined the rhythm of his hand and tongue.

In and out, he stroked her, over and
around he flicked as she rode up and down his fingers.

Oh, Han-sel…babe, oh…”
she was panting and whimpering as her climax built.

The bike rocked beneath

Having no desire to see her end up on
the ground, he wrapped an arm around her waist to hold her in
place, keep her steady.

As her body started to shake and
shivers raced through her, he increased the intensity of his


While her orgasm overtook her, he
continued to finger her pussy as he shifted his mouth to the side
just a few millimeters away and allowed his canines to extend as he
opened his jaw and sank his teeth into her femur artery, allowing
his essence to blend into the flow of her blood stream. The only
place the third and final mark could happen.


It’s done isn’t

Hansel’s tongue swirled over the bite
he’d just put on her upper thigh.

Her body hummed. The low growl of her
bear that rolled up her throat and out her mouth sounded more like
a purr, she smiled. She stared down into the wonderful loving eyes
of the Were she had given her heart to, without regret. Watching
him as he rose, she studied him for a response to her rhetorical

There wasn’t truly a need for her
question. She could feel the shift happening in her body, a
connection with her mate weaving into her DNA, changing her. Yet,
she remained the same. But better. Now that she had

Yes, mate.” He leaned
toward her, holding her gaze.


She loved hearing his bear claim her
with that single word. Rising up, she lowered her top leg to the
backside of the motorcycle, then slipped her hand behind his head
and drew him closer. She kissed him. Tasting herself on his tongue
she moaned. She was just as much a part of him as he was of

This is

We are forever.
At some point during the kiss, he took a seat
before her.

Sighing, she leaned away from his
scrumptious mouth, barely leaving a breath of space between them.
Moving her had between them, she flicked the nail of her thumb over
the tip of his cock.

He grunted and gave her a quick hard

I do believe that only
one of us got pleasure during that last round.” She smiled. “You
seem to prefer taking care of me first.”

What can I say, I thrive
on pleasuring you.” He winked and licked his lips.

How about we fix that?”
She slipped along the leather until she was straddling him as he
straddled the front seat of the bike.

I like the way you think,
dirty Were.” Wrapping his arm around her hips he pulled her

With her hand still between their
bodies, she gripped his cock tighter. Using the muscles of her
thighs she rose up enough to press him against the opening of her
sex. She lowered and felt the wondrous sensation of her mate
filling her, stretching her walls.

He thrust upwards to meet her, not
stopping until her pussy was kissing the base of his

Let me love you, Hansel.”
She ground her hips and squeezed her walls around his thick

As he groaned, he palmed one of her
breasts and whispered, “You already do, Blackberry.”

She buried her hands in his long hair.
“I’ll spend the rest of our life to ensure you don’t forget

Let’s get to

Right there in the middle of the
forest, she rode him fast and hard, taking them both to ecstasy as
her heart soared. Years ago she thought she’d returned home, but it
took this moment for her to realize it was simply the Redwood
Forest, Den County, just a place without Hansel—her



So this is how you all
close the festival?” He stood at the park, beside Greta among all
of Den County’s residents—young and old.

Greta grinned up at him, snuggling
against his side. “Yup. It allows us to be together as a sleuth,
congratulate and recognize all the new Were pairs.”

Stroking her back, he returned her
smile. He’d lost count of the places and times in the forest they
had made love. What he did recall was his bear waking up with her
bear curled against him. Her scent, warmth and fur mingled with
his. It was something he looked forward to for the rest of their

It’s nice. Greta

I love the sound of
that.” She kissed his cheek. Glancing around, she peered at the
people milling about and offering one congratulations after

Welcome to our family,

Turning at the deep baritone, Hansel
saw Manni Armel standing behind him. Rita stood with her husband,
but broke away to pull her daughter into a hug.

Hansel’s chest swelled at the warm
greeting he witnessed from the older were-male. “Thank you. I’ll
take care of her and protect Greta with my life.” He held his hand

I know you will.” Manni
claimed it, but dragged him close for a quick embrace and fierce
pat on the back.

The gesture choked Hansel up. It made
him miss his father at that moment. Douglas Haskin would never be

Oh, Hansel. You’ve made
me so happy and proud to have you mated to my daughter.” Greta’s
mother hugged him and kissed him on both cheeks.

Thank you,” he whispered.
Hansel was sure that Greta and her father with their keen Were
hearing had heard him. However, he was hoping Rita picked up on the
meaning of his message.

She stepped back and winked at him,
then stepped back to her husband’s side. “From a type of brother
and sister of tragedy to mates. The Great Spirit always has a

The perceptive older female had gotten
the hint. It wasn’t until he had been away during that week that he
realized all of the events an opportunities Rita, Genma and Olivia
had provided and orchestrated to keep him in Den and around Greta.
He wasn’t sure how she decided that he and Greta were meant to be
together, but he didn’t care. It had all worked out.

So, what do you plan to
do now that you live in Den? Besides finding a location for a cabin
for you and my daughter. A little bigger than the founders place.”
Manni asked.

I’m hoping he’ll agree to
stay on with my brother at the furniture factory while I’m away.
And permanently after that.” Rorke answered as he stepped up beside
Hansel and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Honored at the offer, Hansel gave his
friend a sharp nod. “I thought you’d never ask after all that
backbreaking work you had me doing for weeks,” he

Rorke laughed. “You handled it all
like a pro. We’ll be proud to have you as part of the

You got it.” Hansel shook
hands with Rorke. He wished the best for his friend on his
wandering time. Knowing what it was like to feel empty and out of
sorts, he truly hoped his friend found what he was looking for to
get his life started.

More people came and went, there was a
band playing and food offered. Hansel glanced around and was happy
to see Dainton and Ebony smiling and cozied up with each other, a
mated pair, finally.

Dainton met his gaze and gave him a

Hansel returned it.

The children of the town were running
around presenting the females of each new mate with flowers. A
little female gave purple tulips to Greta.

He observed a little boy moving shyly
to Ebony offering her a bouquet of blue roses.

Ebony kneeled down before the little
male and spoke softly to him. She reached out and curled a single
finger beneath his chin as she tilted his head up, then smile at

Hansel’s heart stopped as he witnessed
the gesture.

The young, towheaded male blushed
three shades of pink at whatever Ebony said to him.

However, Hansel was no longer
interested in the bashful youth. No. His gaze was locked on

It’s not

What mate?
Greta tensed at his side.

He began to cross the field, then
stopped. “I have to be imagining things. Too much excitement and
reconciling emotions.”

What?” Greta looked at
him and glanced around, as if attempting to track his

Shaking his head slowly,
he murmured again, “It’s just

Cupping his face, she broke his gaze
down to hers. “Mate, if you don’t tell me what is happening I can’t
help you figure out whatever it is that has you twisted in knots. I
can feel it.”

It was true. They were one, linked not
only by mind but they shared heightened emotions as

Look at

Greta’s brows pinched in a frown but
she turned and glanced in the direction of her cousin and friend.

You see how she’s
kneeling, speaking to that little cub with her finger curled
beneath his chin?”

Yes.” She gazed up at him

My…my stepmother used to
do the same thing to me. That same gesture. Even the side tilt of
Ebony’s head.” His throat felt tight, emotions were building inside
of him.

She rubbed his arm. “I’m sure seeing
it has brought up memories. Happy ones I hope.”

It’s not that.” He
exhaled. “I don’t know how it’s possible. It doesn’t seem likely at

But,” she

I think Ebony is related
to my stepmother somehow.”

With intense, dark eyes, Greta starred
up at him. “Hansel—”

I know.” He shoved a hand
through his hair. “You don’t have to tell me it is crazy or that
I’m reaching. I’m telling myself that every second.”

Stepping close to him, she linked the
fingers of one of her hands with his. “I wasn’t going to say that.
I just remembered what Ebony shared with me a week ago about her

Who were they?” He tried
to control the anxiety in his voice but was finding it difficult
with the new revelation. Especially if it was possible he could
have some family, even if distant and by marriage.

Greta glanced over to Ebony and then
returned to him. “She doesn’t know.” She squeezed his hand. “I
didn’t think anything of it, but she said she discovered in her
social services file that her mother and father were shot out in
the woods.”

It was his turn to frown—confused at
the similarities of their pasts. “How old was she?”

He noted the workings of his mate’s
throat muscles as she swallowed.

She wasn’t born

What?” Lurching back, he
pulled his hand from hers. He felt like he was coming out of his
skin. “Help me understand that.”

Licking her lips, Greta continued,
“Some campers came upon the incident and realized that her mother
was pregnant and barely alive. They cut Ebony out. They were naked
with no identification.”

Everything around Hansel went black
then white, before his vision balanced back out. As his sight
cleared, he found himself unable to pull his gaze away from Ebony
as she rose beside Dainton and hugged the Were-bear.

Hansel started to cross to her, but
was stopped.

Before you go charging
over there, Hansel, with your belief think about it for a moment.
It could all be a coincidence. You and Ebony are very

He understood why she spoke those
words mentally, to keep him from being embarrassed and others from
hearing if it was all a mistake.

However, he knew it wasn’t. Smiling
down at his mate, he claimed both of her hands and allowed her to
see and feel the joy filling him up inside.

I know it seems
farfetched, but maybe it will help you piece it together if you
know that my stepmother was a beautiful, intelligent, kind,
dark-skinned were-female. Unlike my birth mother who was just as
pale as my father and I.” He leaned down and kissed her. “I guess I
get my taste in females from my papa-bear.”

Nodding, she grinned at him. “I guess
you do.”

Keeping hold of one of her hands, he
walked with purpose toward Ebony and Dainton. He not only had a
mate, but he had family of his own.

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