HandsOn (3 page)

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Authors: Jaci Burton

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But she didn’t want to escape. Instead, she slid Bob between
her folds, imagining Mark’s cock. Thick and long, it breached her tight
entrance with one quick thrust, embedding him deep inside her.

She knew he’d fuck like a savage. Exactly what she wanted,
what she needed. Rough, determined, well-practiced in the art of pleasing a

His mouth captured hers, his tongue mimicking the movements
of his tunneling cock. The knot of nerves at her clit exploded and she cried
out, thrusting upward and against him, holding tight as she rode out cresting
wave after wave until she collapsed, shattered and exhausted.

Shutting off Bob’s switch, she closed her eyes and fought
for even breathing.

That was good. Really good. And for the first time, despite
her amazing orgasm, having sex with her vibrator just wasn’t quite good enough.

* * * * *

Kissed her. Why the hell had he kissed her?

Mark emailed the article to
Total Man Magazine
, then
shut down the laptop and packed up his things. He’d spent the majority of the
night writing and in his estimation it had come out damn good.

Now to get the family stuff over with. It was a short drive
to his uncle Roger’s house, anyway. Might as well stay there and save the money
had fronted for his expenses.

It wasn’t that he was trying to get as far away from Lara
McKenzie as he could. After all, she was an interview—a means to an end. The
end being money and a contract with the top magazine in the country.

No, he wasn’t interested in her. She wasn’t his type at all.
He didn’t go for redheads with more mind than body. He liked willowy blondes
who enjoyed fun and games with no commitment. Not brainiacs like Lara. The only
stimulation he wanted from women was the physical kind.

Lara stimulated him all right. Mentally
physically. In his book, that was bad news.

His career was his number one goal. And if this article came
out as well as he thought it would, he could thank Lara for getting him the in
that he’d wanted for years.

She’d been so out of her element last night it was painfully
obvious. He’d nearly ended up apologizing to her for making her go to dinner
with him. For a woman who claimed to be an expert in all things sexual, she
didn’t have a clue.

Yet there was something about her that drove him crazy.
Innocence, maybe? God knows he’d met very few women as naïve as Lara. Miss
Published Sexpert was not as experienced as she led people to believe. At least
not practical experience.

The kiss had been his way of atoning for making her
uncomfortable. That had to be the reason he’d done it.

The only reason. Except that innocent little brushing of
lips had lit him up like a wildfire on dry tinder.

Maybe he’d been the one out of his element, not Lara. He
wasn’t used to women like her.

Good thing he’d never have to see her again.

Chapter Three


Slipping into the guest room to avoid the noise of his
family, Mark pressed the cell phone to his ear. The call he’d waited two days
for had finally come through. Jonathan Smitz, the senior editor for
was finally calling about the article he’d done on Lara McKenzie.

“Jonathan, could you say that again?”

“The article is perfect, Mark. Fantastic job.”

He grinned, smelling success. “Glad you liked it.”

“I think we need to talk contract.”

He pumped his fist in the air and tried to keep the
excitement out of his voice. “Sounds great. I have a few ideas for a regular
feature I think you might like. Like a monthly man’s opinion. What I thought I
could do is—”

“No, no, no. I already have an angle going.”

Shit. Not what he wanted to hear. He’d had his own thoughts
about a regular monthly article. But hell, if
was talking contract,
he was listening. “What’s your angle?”

“You and Lara McKenzie doing a monthly feature about
opposing viewpoints on sexuality.”

His excitement burst like an overfilled balloon. “Huh?”

“I think it would be great. With her keen insights into
female sexuality and your arrogant male perspective, you two could have a
helluva hot argument every month. Kind of like two sides to the same coin. The
readers will go apeshit over it.”

The readers might, but Mark thought it was the worst damned
idea he’d ever heard. “Look, Jonathan, there’s no way Lara McKenzie will agree
to something like that.”

He hoped. No, he knew it for a fact. It had been like
pulling teeth just to get her to agree to the first interview. Even then it
wasn’t like she was eagerly forthcoming with information.

“Sure she will. Once you convince her. Think of the
readership she’ll gain for her academic books.”

“She won’t do it.”

“She will, if you convince her.”

“I’d have to lie to her, make something up, make this really
appealing for her.”

“Well, then make it appealing.”

Right. And what would appeal to Dr. Lara McKenzie?

She had seemed to enjoy that kiss he gave her. And she was a
bit awkward, socially. Maybe she didn’t get out much.

“Great idea,” Jonathan said.

Oh hell. Had he said that out loud?

“Take her out. Wine her and dine her. Do whatever you have
to do with her, but get her to agree.”

“You want me to compromise my principles for a contract?”

Jonathan laughed. “I know you, Mark. You have no principles.
Besides, she can’t be that hideous. Take one for the team, pal.”

“Bad idea, Jonathan.” He had to steer Jonathan away from
Lara McKenzie. No way did he want to see her again. “Actually, I had a couple
ideas for a different kind of feature that I think you might like. I’d love to
run some ideas by you.”

The silence on the other end of the line spoke volumes. He
was screwed.

“Look, Mark. You’re a great writer and all, but we’ve
already decided what we want. You either get Lara McKenzie on board or we’ll
have to go in a different direction.”

Different direction meaning he’d be out of a contract. “I’ll
see what I can do, then.”

“Great! Go charm the panties off her. Call me when you have
the deal.”

The line went dead, kind of like how Mark felt. Nothing like
going from soaring with the eagles to crawling with the snakes in a matter of
seconds. He closed the cover on his phone and tossed it on the bed, not wanting
to face his animated relatives just yet. In fact, he’d rather be at home in New
York instead of Nowhere, Pennsylvania.

Worse, he’d have to go back and see Lara McKenzie again.
Something he really didn’t want to do, for a lot of different reasons. But she
held the key to his future, and like it or not he had to get her interested.

He needed a plan before he approached her. Some way to get
her to agree to write the articles.

Maybe a little romance wasn’t such a bad idea. Not real
romance, because he sure as hell wasn’t interested in her that way. But she had
seemed flustered around him. And if there’s one thing he knew, it was when a
woman was attracted to him. Not that he was stud of the year or anything, but
any man who couldn’t spot a woman’s receptive signals had no business calling
himself a man.

Plus, he wasn’t that bad-looking and had a little charm.
He’d never had any trouble getting a date. So he wasn’t repulsive and she’d
told him that guys weren’t exactly beating down her door for dates. Although
there was that Bob fellow. But she hadn’t seemed too enthused about him, so
maybe he had a chance.

Lara McKenzie was interested in him. That was his angle. If
he could play on her attraction to him, get her to trust him, maybe even get a
little romantically involved with her, she’d agree to do anything for him.

Guilt made his stomach clench. Okay, so it sucked that he’d
have to lie to her. Deceiving women wasn’t something he liked to do. The types
of women he dated had no problem putting up with his I-don’t-want-to-get-involved

Lara wasn’t that type of woman, so he’d have to lie.

Damn, he hated to do that. But in this case, it was
necessary. His career was on the line. The brass ring was within his grasp. And
if he had to lead Lara on a bit to get there, he’d apologize later.

He’d just make sure to keep it light and friendly and not
let her get too involved. He might have to get her to like him a little, but he
wouldn’t let it go any further than that.

As secluded a life as she lived, she’d probably jump at the
chance to get out and have some fun.

* * * * *

Lara assumed the knock at the door was the express courier
delivering the books she’d ordered. She was right in the middle of a key
passage in her book and refused to get up. He’d just leave it, anyway.

But the incessant tapping continued. Blowing out a sigh, she
pushed her wayward hair out of her eyes and padded to the door, conscious of
the fact she wore sweatpants with holes in the knees and a tank top without a
bra. Well, she supposed she’d give the delivery guy his thrill for the day.

She chuckled at that and threw open the door, then
immediately wished she hadn’t.

Oh God. What was
doing back here? “Mark?”

He grinned and leaned against the doorway, looking too tall,
too male, and too temptingly sexy. “Thought you’d never see me again, didn’t

Actually, he’d been her number one fantasy the past two
nights. “No, I didn’t. Why are you here?”

“Can I come in?”

Social skills, Lara. Gotta work on those social skills

She moved out of the way and he brushed past her, his
shoulder connecting with her right nipple on the way by. It hardened. On the
one breast only, of course. Now she looked deformed. And she couldn’t very well
pluck at her shirt without looking like she was masturbating in front of him.

Great. She crossed her arms and followed him into the living

And look at her house! Her clean laundry was everywhere
again, newspapers on the floor and research books littered all over the
furniture. Chagrin washed over her face. “Sorry. The maid is late today.”

“Looks like the same one I use.” He winked, then sat on the
sofa next to her dirty socks.

“Um, is there something I can help you with, Mark?”
showing you the front door again
? She grabbed for her socks and stuffed
them behind a pillow.

“I told you I was going to be in town for a while, right?”

Did he? Frankly she couldn’t remember much of that
humiliating experience. Maybe she’d conveniently blocked it out of her memory.
“I guess you did.”

“Well, my family has this annual reunion, and this year it’s
at my aunt and uncle’s. They live in Breckenridge, just east of here.”

“Uh-huh.” Brilliant conversationalist. Where did she get her
Ph.D. anyway? K-mart?

“It’s pretty boring there. Thought you might be up for a
night out. I just had to get away from family, and since we hit it off so well
the other day I thought I could entice you into going out with me.”

Was this some kind of alternate universe? Who exactly did he
meet two days ago? Her doppelganger?


His eyes widened. “No?”

“I said no. Thank you, but I’m not interested in going out
with you.”

He frowned as if she’d given him the answer in French. “No?”

Surely she didn’t have to spell it for him. She’d given him
credit for being smarter than that.

“No. I’m very busy and don’t have time to date.”

The shock on his face was priceless. “You don’t like me?”

Oh, hell. This had never happened to her before. “Of course
I like you.”

“Then why won’t you go out with me?”

Because I don’t know how to date, you idiot. Look at me
“I told you. I’m busy.”

“It’s because you’re dating Bob, right?”


“So, you two aren’t exclusive?”

“No, we’re not.” Which was a lie, of course. Bob was her
nightly companion, just not in the way Mark thought.

“Okay, I get the hint. I’m repulsive.”

Was he blind as well as an idiot? “You are not repulsive.
You’re sexy as hell.”
And speaking of hell, shut the hell up, Lara

His eyes darkened. “Sexy, huh? So you

Where was Nancy when she really needed her? She pinched the
bridge of her nose and closed her eyes, willing away a headache.

“Lara, look at me.”

She did, then wished she hadn’t. The look of sexual promise
in his eyes had her wet in exactly two seconds. “Okay, I’m looking at you.”

He scooted over and took her hands in his. Her sweaty hands.

“Look. This isn’t a proposal of marriage. I just thought you
might want to go out. I felt like we connected the other day, and thought you
might want to explore that a little. I know I do.”

Connected? Explore? Was this some kind of joke? “We


“You and me.”


“And so you want to take me out.”


She stood and paced behind the sofa, wringing her hands
together. She could just say no and be done with it. Then again, when would she
have another chance to go out with a fun, gorgeous guy? She didn’t attract guys
like Mark Whitman. Not since…well, never. “Okay.”

He stood and watched her, his lips curling into a smile.
God, she wanted to lick that grin off his face. Then bathe the rest of his body
with her tongue.

Uh-oh. There went her nipples again. Both of them this time.
She crossed her arms over her breasts.

“Great. I’ll pick you up at eight.”

She followed him to the door. “Eight.”

“Yeah, eight. Is that okay?”

No. None of this was okay. “Sure. Eight. Fine. See you

He walked out, then turned partway and said, “Oh, and wear
something sexy. We’re going dancing.”

* * * * *

Three hours later she was sitting in Lamour, the town’s best
salon, with Nancy jabbering in her ear.

“Take a bunch of length off. And do something with her
toenails, ugh. And those fingernails. Geez, Lara, when are you going to stop
biting your nails?”

When I’m dead
. Which she wished she was right now.
She should have known better than to tell Nancy about Mark’s return. Her friend
had nearly burst her eardrum squealing over the phone, then raced over and
dragged her out of the house, claiming she needed a total makeover.

She wondered if Marco, the stylist currently tsk-tsking over
her hair, could do a complete personality makeover while he was at it.

Maybe make her vivacious, alluring, a witty
conversationalist and an overall fun date.

She wouldn’t know a fun date if she tripped over it.

“Dahling,” Marco said, “What do you wash your hair with?
This stuff is like straw. It has to go.”

Nancy had assured her Marco was the best stylist in town.
Right now he looked more like Dr. Frankenstein.

And Lara was the monster—his latest science project.

In less than two hours she’d lost a good ten inches of her
hair and had her eyebrows waxed.
Bronze Babe
nail polish sparkled on her
fingernails and toenails, and they’d taken so long to apply makeup that she
probably looked like a hooker.

But when Marco turned her around to face the mirror, she
smothered a gasp.

that woman?

She looked over at Nancy’s smirking face, Marco’s
self-satisfied one, then back to the stranger in the mirror.

Her. The one with short, wavy red hair that curled lightly
against her chin, and green eyes that sparkled, showing off her heart-shaped
face. Full lips were painted the lightest bronze color and shined with sparkles.

“Wow,” she managed.

Nancy squeezed her shoulders. “
is right. Honey,
we should have done this years ago. I’ve been telling you that you’re a

Somehow she knew that at midnight she’d lose her glass
slipper and turn back into the scullery maid she really was.

“Now, we shop for clothes.”

She paid homage and a hundred dollars to Marco, thanking him
for the miraculous transformation. He was no Dr. Frankenstein, the man was a
freakin’ genius!

Then, despite her protests, Nancy dragged her out of the
salon and into the trendiest clothing store in the village. Every sexy outfit
she said no to, Nancy said yes. They argued until Lara was simply too tired to
fight any longer.

By the time they got home she wanted to take a nap, not get

But there she stood, in front of her bed where three outfits
stared back at her, daring her to wear one of them on her date.

A date she didn’t want to go on, anyway. How did she keep
getting talked into doing dumb things? First the masturbation-a-thon, now this
date with Mark. Was she a slug with no backbone? Why couldn’t she just say no?

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