Hands On (12 page)

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Authors: Debbi Rawlins

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Zelda nodded. “So I guess this particular distraction hasn't been all bad for Maude.”

“Hey, what's keeping you?” Mary Jane called out with her hands cupped around her mouth.

“Wait until gravity and age gets a hold of that young lady.” Zelda smiled. “It couldn't happen to a more deserving person.”

Cassie laughed. “You're usually so quiet. This is a new side to you. I like it.”

“The reason I haven't said much is because most of what comes to mind would be too undignified to verbalize.”

“I understand completely.” They walked in companionable silence for the next minute, and then Cassie said, “Would you mind if I asked you something personal?”

“Ask.” Zelda gestured with her hand that it was all right. “That's not to say I'll answer.”

Their conversation made Cassie all the more curious about the woman. She obviously wasn't some shrinking violet as it had first appeared. “Why are you seeing the week through? Why don't you just leave?”

Zelda looked away and fidgeted with her ever-present braid.

“Robert thinks—” She stopped cold. “I guess I'm going to have to let that question remained unanswered.”

“No problem,” Cassie said breezily. “But if you have the chance to check with your friend, I'd really like to know about that charity she's working with. I may be interested myself.”

“Oh, I don't need to check with Maude. I've decided to get involved, as well. It's called the R. Bask Scholarship Fund.”


I got a lot to tell you,” Cassie said under her breath to Dalton as the group gathered around a natural pool.

“I figured.” He looked straight ahead, pretending to be listening to Mary Jane who seemed to be giving a canned speech about the pool and what it was used for in the old days. “She opened up, huh?”

“Yep. It's too hard to get into it now, but I think you'll be interested.”

“Hell, dangle the carrot why don't you?”

Cassie grinned. “Just doing my job.”

“I wouldn't drink the water,” Mary Jane said, her voice rising as she looked pointedly at them. “But it's just deep enough to make a great swimming hole.”

Dalton leaned his head toward Cassie. “Feels like we're back in school, doesn't it?”

“Shut up. She's giving us the eye again.”

He smiled and straightened but didn't bother to pay
attention to Mary Jane. He kept thinking about Cassie, about how during the last fifteen minutes of the hike when she'd lagged behind with Zelda, he'd missed her like crazy.

Stupid, he knew, but it was the oddest feeling. He'd wanted her beside him, sharing a joke, exchanging observations, being able to inhale her private seductive scent. He had to remind himself of the spiel he'd given her. They were co-conspirators, and in a way now that he thought about it, they were almost like hostages, having to rely on each other for survival.

He knew better than to attach any more weight to their relationship or feelings for each other. It was all a temporary illusion. In fours days it would be over. He'd be sitting in a hotel room somewhere, writing his report, setting up Bask's arrest, and she'd be back settling into her own life.

Maybe they'd still keep in touch. But probably only on the phone. And only about the case. What more did they have in common, after all?

“In about an hour you'll eat the picnic lunches Tasha packed for each of you,” Mary Jane was saying. “In the meantime I want you to go off in couples and scout the area. Find a place where you'll both feel comfortable.”

“To eat our lunch?” Tom asked.

Mary Jane and Simone both laughed.

Grant produced a rare smile.

The rest of the group gave each other confused looks.

“This is our day in the wild,” Mary Jane explained.
“A time to let our inhibitions go. To be comfortable with our bodies and our partners. To bring some of the spark and daring back into the romance.”

Dalton got the picture but it was obvious the others hadn't, including Cassie.

Mary Jane sighed. “To put it simply, you'll need a place to do the wild thing.”


another ploy to get us out of the house again, don't you think?” Cassie crawled through the small crevice ahead of him and Dalton nearly fell on his face from keeping his eyes on her tempting backside instead of where he was stepping. “I mean who would think up something stupid like this?”

“Having a nature romp is stupid?”

“Well, I don't know… No, I guess not. But using it as a tool for marriage counseling? Come on.”

“Mary Jane and Bask have both reminded us this isn't counseling. The answers are within us. We just have to dig,” Dalton repeated Bask's words in a perfect imitation of his voice.

Cassie glanced over her shoulder. “You're downright spooky.”

“This is far enough,” he said when it looked as if she were about to climb another level of rocks.

“I don't want anyone to see us.”

“Ah, so you plan on having your way with me, after all.”

“What do you think the chances are, zero or nothing?” She glanced back at him again and caught him staring at her fanny. Quickly she turned her face. “I
misspoke,” she said, “I meant I didn't want anyone hearing us.”

“Freudian slip, maybe.”

“You are a dreamer.” She plopped down on a flat surface. “I think this spot is good.”

He settled in beside her. “So, tell me…”

“Tell you what?”

“Have you ever done the wild thing in the wild?”

She gave him an admonishing frown. “How is that your business?”

“Didn't say it was.”

“You're annoying, you know that?”

“And here you said you were just beginning to like me.”

A smile played at the corners of her mouth. “I lied.” She opened the sack he'd snitched from Mary Jane. “Sandwiches and chips. Wow, real aphrodisiacs.” She inspected the wrapped sandwiches closer. “You want turkey or ham?”

He was suddenly struck by the sun shining on her face, making her prefect skin even more luminous. Her lips were perfectly shaped, naturally tinted a pale pink. Screw lunch. He wondered what she'd say if he told her that he wanted her. Right now. Naked. Her legs parted so he could taste her.

Quickly he uncapped his water bottle and took a long cool sip, and then splashed some of it on his face.

“If you don't answer I'm sticking you with the ham.”

He used the back of his rolled up sleeve to wipe his face. “Ham's fine.”

“Too much sodium.” She handed him the sandwich. “I hope you don't normally eat a lot of it.”

“No, ma'am.”

She looked up and tried to hide a smile. “It doesn't hurt to have good nutrition.”

“No, it doesn't,” he agreed. “And a night of hot sex works wonders, too.”

Her lips parted in surprise. “Don't start. We agreed.”

He set down the sandwich and kissed her. She stiffened, but he guessed mostly because he'd caught her off guard since she quickly molded herself against him and returned the kiss with enthusiasm.

She clung to his shoulder as he lay back, bringing her with him. Too many rocks made it uncomfortable to stay in that position, but he didn't budge, enjoying the weight of her breasts on his chest too much to care.

When they finally both came up for air, she laughed softly. “I thought we were supposed to be having second thoughts.”

“Yeah, I know. Trouble is, I'm in bad shape, honey.”

She lifted herself off him and wouldn't cooperate when he tried to bring her back. “What do you mean?”

“I've got you on the brain. All those wicked thoughts are slugging it out with the second thoughts. They're making me crazy.”

She laughed and sank back against him.

“Thanks for your concern.”

Her smile broadened as her hand traveled toward
his fly. “I bet I could relieve some of the pressure of those wicked thoughts.”

He intercepted her hand just in time. “I bet you can.”

“Playing hard to get, huh?” Cassie wiggled her wrist to no avail. He kept a firm hold. “Anyway, I figure I'm safe out here.”

He stared at her a moment, waiting for the telltale smile, or mischievous twinkle in her eye. She wasn't kidding. “My, my, but you've lived a sheltered life.”

“I have not.”

“What makes you think you're safe out here?”

“Because it's too—it wouldn't be—would you please let go of me?”

“Would you please not change the subject? I'm genuinely interested in your opinion about outdoor…sports.”

“You should be more interested in what I found out from Zelda.”

“Touché.” He let her go, and she made a show of rubbing her wrist. Hell, he hadn't held her that hard. She obviously didn't want to talk about outdoor sex, which made him all the more interested in the subject. And determined. “However, in my defense, I did figure that if you'd gotten anything significant out of her, you would have blurted it out by now.”

“I don't blurt, and I did find out something important, if you care to hear it.”

Dalton sighed. He'd done it again. Allowed his thoughts to get sidetracked. “Let's hear it.”

She relayed her conversation with Zelda, impressing
him with her terrific memory. She hit the high points, remembered names and time frames, most of it interesting, though not a lot they didn't already know or could use. Except now he knew to keep an eye on Zelda. He hadn't figured her for a candidate but the way Cassie described her weird kind of fascination or reverence for Bask, that made her vulnerable.

“Oh, and the pièce de résistance.” She looked pleased with herself. “Did you know that Bask operates a charity?”

“A charity, as in soliciting donors?”

She nodded. “Guess what he calls it.”

“I hope that question is rhetorical.”

Cassie smiled. “The R. Bask Scholarship Fund.”

Dalton drew his head back. “Son of a bitch. What's he doing, funding the next generation of crooks?”

“I don't know, but he's got people working the fund and contributing.”

“I'll be damned.” Nothing in his file indicated that kind of information. “Any idea when he came up with that particular brainchild?”

“At least two or three months ago according to what Zelda told me. But I could probably find out more. I did tell her I might be interested in volunteering so it wouldn't seem odd if I had more questions.”

“Hold off for now.” He lapsed into thought while Cassie unwrapped her sandwich.

“Here.” She offered him half.

“What happened to mine?”

“It's right here, a ton of sodium along with it.” She
chuckled when he looked skyward in disgust. “Let's each have half the ham and half the turkey.”

“But you wanted the turkey.”

She shrugged, looking embarrassed suddenly. “Yeah, but I don't want you croaking on me. Just eat the damn half a turkey, okay?”

“Knock it off, Cass, or I'm going to start thinking you care.” He accepted the sandwich, and gave her a teasing grin in return. But damn if his heart wasn't pounding like crazy.


split the silence. Mary Jane's signal that it was time to regroup and head back. Cassie slowly opened her eyes to clear blue sky. She caught Dalton out of the corner of her eye just as another blow of the whistle sent birds flying everywhere.

Amazingly he still slept. The whistle hadn't fazed him.

She hated to wake him. They'd both had too little sleep in the past three nights. But if she didn't, Mary Jane was sure to send the hounds after them.

“Dalton?” Cassie touched his shoulder. “Dalton, you have to get up.”

He murmured something incoherent and then rolled onto his side.

Cassie inched closer and molded herself to him spoon fashion, her mouth close to his ear. “Dalton, if you don't get up I'm leaving you here.”

He groaned and stretched his neck, but wouldn't open his eyes.

“Come on, Dalton.” She brushed aside the hair
from the back of his neck and was tempted to plant several small kisses there. “Wake up, sleepyhead.”

“Is it time to go?” he muttered.

“Yep.” Taking advantage of his dazed state, she put her arms around him and pressed her breasts against his back. He was so broad and strong, and he felt too damn good.

He yawned, and reached a hand around to cup her bottom. The move seemed so familiar and comfortable it made her shiver.

Mary Jane let out another ear-splitting whistle. It seemed closer this time.

“Shit. I'm going to take that thing and wrap it around her neck.”

“I'll help.” Cassie made no move to get up. The sun's warmth and still feeling a little drowsy herself, made her want to wrap herself around Dalton and stay just as they were until the sun set.

“I can't believe I dozed off.”

“I can. We both needed the sleep.”

“You fell asleep, too?” He twisted around to look at her.

She nodded. “A second after you did.” Not quite true. She'd stayed awake a while, turning over all of the details of the case in her mind.

Dalton didn't say anything more. Just kept staring at her.


“You are so beautiful.”

“Dalton, are you high?” She pulled away and scrambled to her feet.

“Nope. I haven't been high in ten years.” He got up and dusted his hands together. “Don't tell me you aren't used to men telling you that all the time.”

“Of course not.” She didn't get flustered often but he'd really taken her by surprise. “Don't just stand there, grab that bag of trash and your water bottle.”

“Yes, ma'am.”

She set her own water bottle aside and pulled off her T-shirt.

His boots skidded on the rocks as his gaze riveted to her blue-silk-covered breasts. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing exciting, believe me.” She turned the T-shirt inside out.

“You worry about sodium in my diet and then try to give me a friggin' heart attack.”

“Oh, please, how many women have you seen in a bra before?” She pulled the shirt back on, inside out.

“Probably a couple hundred or more.”

She slid him a sideways glance as she retrieved her water bottle.

He grinned. “But none of them as beautiful as you.”

She shook her head. “You're starting to sound as slippery as Bask.”

“Low blow. And here I was about to compliment you on your new fashion statement.” He paused and gave her a considering look. “Actually, pretty good thinking.”

“Mary Jane kept turning around and eyeing Zelda and me. I doubt she thought we were doing anything
other than idly chatting, but it won't hurt for her to think we'd followed her instructions.”

“And were so involved, we had to dress quickly.”


“Nice touch.”

“Thank you.”

“By the way, I like that bra you're wearing.” He followed her down the slope. “The color suits you.”

She laughed. “You're a piece of work.” A sudden sharp incline made her move faster. She got to where it was level again and turned to wait for him. “Let's hope Bask agrees with you.”

Dalton frowned. “About your bra?”

Slowly she nodded. “I made an appointment for a private counseling session with him tomorrow night.”


” Harvey and Zelda faced each other in the front of the room later that afternoon while the rest of the group observed without interrupting. “Too worried about what's proper and how it will be construed,” Harvey said, his tone more resigned than angry.

“You don't understand my social position. You never have.” Zelda spoke softly, reluctantly. Occasionally her gaze would stray toward Bask, who'd give her a reassuring nod. “My family name has a certain responsibility attached to it.”

“I'm not talking about social situations. I'm talking about us. In the bedroom.”

Zelda drew back, crossing her arms protectively against her chest. “That's not what this discussion is
supposed to be about,” she whispered, her gaze going again to Bask, who remained stone-faced.

“Of course it is,” Harvey said. “It's about everything that has to do with a healthy marriage.”

Zelda sat in silence, a flush crawling up her neck.

Everyone else in the room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Dalton glanced at Cassie. She sat spellbound by the drama unfolding. Empathy was all over her face and he felt a tug in his gut he didn't want to analyze.

“I just wish—” Harvey passed an agitated hand down his face. “I wish you were more adventurous like Simone.”

Zelda's arms fell to her side, and her eyes blazed with hurt and anger. “Don't you dare compare me to anyone else. Especially not to that…woman.”

The way she said
pretty much let everyone know what she thought of Simone. But in a much more subtle, dignified way the rich seemed to have down pat. Still, Dalton felt for the older woman. That someone as refined and genteel as her could be manipulated by Bask made him despise the guy all the more.

“I'm sorry,” Harvey said gently, reaching for her hand. “You're absolutely right. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I only meant—”

Dalton cringed. Didn't the guy know when to shut up?

“Never mind. Please accept my apology.” Harvey kissed her hand, and Zelda relaxed a little. She still didn't seem too pleased but at least she stayed put and
listened patiently as, with Bask's coaching, Harvey continued.

The whole thing was giving Dalton a headache. Hell, relationships were too damn complicated. But Zelda and Harvey weren't his problem, and he was a fool for investing so much as an emotional second in them. He strove for simplicity. In the relationship department, he had no problem. No wife. No complications. He liked his life that way. This retreat just proved he was right.

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