Hand-Me-Down Princess (7 page)

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Authors: Carol Moncado

BOOK: Hand-Me-Down Princess
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Malachi reached out to brush a bit of hair off her face. No one had ever told her she was beautiful? Not even her father? He could see why few would. She would never be one of the world’s great beauties, but she was beautiful in her own way. His father had told him “don’t expect a stunner,” and Malachi had made up his mind at that moment to treat her as the most beautiful woman in the world, even if she looked like the Wicked Witch of the West. Jessabelle didn’t look anything like that.

“Well, I think you’re beautiful,” he declared. He’d heard something when he was younger. Love is a verb. A choice. And if you act loving, often the feelings will follow. He didn’t go into this marriage thinking if things didn’t work out, there was always divorce. He wanted his wife to believe he thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world, and he would spend the rest of his life trying to prove it to her.

“Tell you what, Jessabelle.” First order of business…that nickname for her. “Why don’t you go take a shower and get dressed? Something comfortable, and we’ll find something to do around here. Do you know how to ride a horse?”

Jessabelle nodded. “It has been a few years, but my father and I used to ride sometimes.”

“How about a ride then?”

His wife nodded but seemed to be waiting for something. Like him to leave? He smiled and stood. “I’ll meet you in the living area when you’re ready. Your bag is in the closet.” She hadn’t packed much. Why? Because she expected to stay at the palace, and the rest of her things would be delivered? She could have expected to be somewhere warm and so packed shorts and tank tops which took up less room. Maybe she thought it would end up being a more typical honeymoon with very few activities outside the suite.

Or had she packed everything she had?

Her father was a relatively wealthy man, but did he give her the resources she needed or did he expect clothes and such would somehow appear?

All of these questions and more flew through his head at lightning speed. Regardless of the answers, Malachi decided at least one day would be spent shopping with his bride. He’d like to take her. To pamper and spoil her. Maybe he should have someone arrange for a spa day at the residence. Massage, mani-pedi, facial, whatever they did with seaweed.

He changed quickly in the closet as he heard the water start in the shower. After making a few phone calls, he pulled the paper back out to study the photos chosen to grace both the front page and the interior.


The photo on the front page showed them walking back up the aisle after the ceremony. Malachi wished they’d chosen a better photo of Jessabelle. There was a grin on his face but he knew he’d been faking it. Those who knew him well would know, too. But Jessabelle’s eyes were red, her face a bit blotchy, and her smile, which he knew she wore on her way back up the aisle, had slipped for just a moment. She looked supremely unhappy.

Frowning, he opened the paper to look at the coverage on the inside. The first photo of him and William standing at the front of the church was a good one. The next of Jessabelle and her father was fine - but her face couldn’t really be seen through her veil. The third was their backs as he helped her walk up the stairs. Another photo showed him taking off her veil followed by one of him placing the crown. You couldn’t really see her face very well in any of them except the one on the front page. He wondered if the press office would have something to say about portraying the newest princess in a less than flattering light. Or would his father even care?

Jessabelle chose that moment to come out of the bedroom. She wore sleek pants with a long tunic type shirt over the top and black boots. He stood and put the paper away. Originally, he’d thought to share it with her, look at the pictures and the story together. He hadn’t read the story but the pictures told him what to expect. He’d look at it more closely later, but choosing that photo for the front page...

Malachi did his best to draw her out as they walked to the stables. She insisted on saddling her own horse while he did the same. They rode for nearly half an hour before they reached a clearing. He asked question after question, but rarely got more than a one or two word answer. How was he supposed to get to know his wife if she wouldn’t talk to him?

His horse was walking ahead of hers on the way back toward the stables when he heard a small cry. Malachi shifted until he could look behind. Jessabelle had pulled her horse to a stop and was dismounting. He turned his horse and went back the few feet. “What happened?”

His wife didn’t look at him. “I’m not sure. She pulled up funny.”

After a few minutes of checking her out neither one of them could find anything wrong, but Malachi didn’t want to take any chances. “We have two choices.”

She finally glanced his way. “Two?”

“We can walk back. We’re not that far from the stables.” He hesitated.

“Or?” she finally prompted.

Maybe he hadn’t thought this all the way through. “You can ride double with me.”

She shivered, just a bit, and that settled the matter in his mind.

Malachi reached for her hand. “Come on. I’ll help you up.”

She hesitated then took his gloved hand in her own. He let go when they reached his horse. After swinging up, he reached back down, with his hand grasping her arm near her elbow. Once her foot was solidly in the stirrup, he counted to three as she bounced on the other. He pulled her up as she pushed off the ground. She swung up behind him and settled behind the saddle. He put his foot back in the stirrup as her arms wrapped around his waist.

A swirling feeling in the gut of his stomach caught Malachi off-guard. Could it be caused by his wife? The first smidgen of attraction?

Malachi put the thought out of his mind. Now wasn’t the time to dwell on that feeling. Now was time to get his wife, the woman he’d vowed to protect, somewhere warm.







Chapter 7


Jessabelle took Prince Malachi’s hand as he pulled her up behind him on his stallion. Despite the warm clothing that had waited for her in the stables, the cold had invaded her body. They weren’t very far from the large stone house, but for those long minutes, she’d have her arms wrapped around his waist and her cheek resting on his back.

Before long, he started humming, then singing softly.
Amazing Grace.
She’d always loved the old hymn. Her new husband had a nice voice. It didn’t take long for the residence to come into view. They hadn’t actually left the property so no security had gone with them.

Security was going to be a new part of her life. One she’d have to get used to once they returned to the palace. Jessabelle really wasn’t a social butterfly, so she would likely be an easy one to guard. That brought something else to mind. Would she be expected to be a patron of a bunch of different charities? Would she be required to make speeches? Her stomach churned at the thought.

“You all right back there?” Prince Malachi glanced over his shoulder.

She nodded against him.

“Good. We’ll be there in a minute.” True to his word, he pulled to a stop just a few minutes later, just outside one of the doors to the house. He swung a leg over the horse’s neck and hopped down. “Come here.” Prince Malachi grasped her waist as she swung her leg over, and he helped her slide to the ground. With his gloved hand, he brushed some hair off her face. “You look near frozen.” An apology crossed his features. “Do you know how to get to the suite?”

Jessabelle had paid attention when they left and told him she thought she could.

“If you get lost just ask whoever you see. They’ll be able to help you find it. The fires should be going by now. If you want to change clothes, go ahead. Grab a blanket and scoot one of the chairs closer. Breakfast should be about ready, as well.” He squeezed her hand. “If you want, use the phone in the living area. Press 0 and tell them you would like some coffee or hot chocolate. I’m just going to take the horses to the stables, but I’ll let the grooms take care of them this time.”

Prince Malachi took the reins of one horse in each hand and winked at her before he walked away. She gave him a small smile and turned to walk into the house. As she neared the suite where she and Prince Malachi were staying, she heard voices from inside. Odd. He’d told her they were the only ones here besides the staff.

Did she go in? Wait for her husband? Before she could decide, the door opened, and a maid scurried out. Jessabelle smiled at her, but the woman’s eyes remained down. Through the open door, she saw a man and woman standing in front of the fireplace. Her breath caught in her throat as she recognized the man when he turned.

Something flitted across his face before a smile settled in. Even Jessabelle, with her social awkwardness, knew it wasn’t sincere.

The king spoke first. “Good morning, Jessabelle. Do come in.”

Quite kind of him since it was her apartment for the next few days. She made up her mind that when they were in the palace, the privacy code would be used as often as possible. “Good morning,” she managed.

“Where’s Malachi?” he asked.

“We, um, went for a ride this morning. He’s taking the horses back to the stables.”

“And you did not go with him?” There was something condescending in his voice.

“I knew she was cold.” Prince Malachi’s voice surprised her, but she managed not to jump. His arm slid around her waist. The king’s eyes narrowed as it did. “I told her I’d take care of the horses, but one of the grooms met me on my way to the stables. Now, what can we do for you two the morning after our wedding?” He winked at her again. “I do hope you knocked before coming in. We may have been...occupied.”

The king cleared his throat. “Mal, I need to speak with you.” He glanced her way. “Privately.”

Prince Malachi kissed the side of her head. “I’ll be right back, love.”

Jessabelle couldn’t help but duck her head as her face warmed. And then she was alone with her mother-in-law. The queen didn’t smile, didn’t offer any warmth whatsoever. Instead, she sat in one of the wing back chairs and waited.

A single word crossed Jessabelle’s mind. Awkward.

* * *

Malachi followed his father into the conference room off one side of the living area. As soon as the door closed, he snapped, “Why are you here?”

The king crossed his arms over his chest. “We had breakfast plans.”

He mimicked his father’s stance. “No. You had breakfast plans. My wife was overwhelmed by it all, and we decided to come here early so she could relax.”

With two large steps, they were face to face. “Are you getting attached to her already?”

Malachi’s eyes narrowed. “She’s my wife. I’m supposed to get attached, aren’t I?”

“Have you slept with her already? You met less than twenty-four hours ago.”

“I don’t see how it’s any of your business.”

His father leaned in a bit more closely. “Keep your distance, Mal. She may be your wife, but you don’t have to be close to her. Have your fun elsewhere, just be discreet and careful.”

Malachi snorted. “Like you? Everyone knows you were in love with someone who wasn’t your wife. I have no intention of following in those footsteps.”

“It’s been many years since I’ve been with anyone but your mother. Almost two decades. Since before I was crowned king. You will never be king. And you never vowed your fidelity.”

Malachi just stared at his father. “Seriously? Because I’ll never be king, I can cheat on my wife? Will you tell William the same thing? Will you tell his bride that before you sign the marriage contract? Did you tell Jessabelle’s father I wouldn’t be faithful?”

“He was my best friend for several years. He knows the royal family often has mistresses.”

“Will you tell Yvette she can cheat on her husband? Or he can fool around on her? What if there’s a baby? Do you claim the child?” Something flashed across the king’s face, but Malachi didn’t have time to figure out what it was before it was gone. “It’s insane. I’m not cheating on my wife.”

He turned to walk away but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t get too close to her, Mal. Keep your distance. Do
get physically involved with the girl.”

Malachi searched his father’s dark blue eyes. Something deeper was going on, but he knew from experience his father wouldn’t give up anything until he was ready. Shrugging off his hand, Malachi left the conference room to find his mother and his wife sitting in chairs at right angles to each other. Jessabelle was perched on the edge, fiddling with the rings on her left hand. Even though he didn’t know her well, he knew extreme discomfort when he saw it, and he knew it was time for him to be her knight in shining armor.

Mia Belle
Where did that come from?
Fortunately, she looked up, and he held out his hand. “My parents wanted to join us for breakfast, but I have a surprise for you, so we’re not going to be able to.” Such a surprise he didn’t even know what it was just yet.

Jessabelle turned to his mother. “It was lovely chatting with you, and I hope to have a chance to get to know you better soon.” She slid her hand into his and stood. “Have a safe trip back to the palace.”

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