Gypsey Blood (16 page)

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Authors: Lorrie Unites-Struff

BOOK: Gypsey Blood
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The night grew late. Rita, Dragus, and Della stood near the door as the clan and friends began to leave. She told Della that the parking lot would be empty by morning, if not sooner. Rita thanked Bobby and Gus for volunteering to keep order in the mall on their off time.

“We’re going to miss you,” Hank said. Sully stood at his side, knuckling his eye, complaining that an eyelash must have invaded his eyeball.

Rita grinned, gave them both hugs. “I’ll be back often to check on you two miscreants.”

Uncle pulled Rita aside. “She want you have this.” He held Ma’s wedding band in the center of his wide palm. “She
me before all happen. You put on chain with crystal. When right man ask,” he glanced toward Matt who was helping Millie fill a green garbage bag with trash from the tables, “you use ring. He put on finger.”

Ma must have known her daughter wouldn’t be sticking around Keyport much longer. Rita’s vision blurred. She took the ring, and Della came over to help hang it on the chain with the amulet.

“You’re doing the right thing, girlfriend. Even I sense it.” Della sniffled.




Chapter Nineteen


Matt pulled her closer as they sat on the couch watching the Steelers trounce
on the TV.
“You sure, Cheri?”

Rita snuggled into his warmth, breathing in the heady smell of his cologne. “Yeah, I’m sure. I want to meet your mom, and you still have a few weeks off.”

“I’ll show you all the great places, introduce you to some fine Cajun food before we both report back to our home office near Nashville.”

Rita lifted her chin and searched his eyes. The sunlight streaming through the window cast a rosy glow into the living room. “The case is wrapped up on our end then?”

The Ripper’s officially dead. Your department received the report from the, ah, Homeland Security Headquarters.” He chuckled and tweaked her nose.
“Forensic reports and all.”

“I had to fess up. I told Della everything after Uncle Dragus left.
My amulet.
The old mansion.”

“You won’t find a better friend, Cheri. You owed it to her.” Matt kissed Rita’s forehead and threaded his fingers through her unbound hair.

She laid her head on his shoulder, loving the solid strength of his arm encircling her. “I can’t wait to meet the new team, but I’d like to come home for visits, see Uncle and my friends. I’m going to miss them.”

“That can be arranged. You’ll like the gang. Everyone in the unit has a gift, Cheri, some barely perceptible, some strong like yours. You won’t have to worry about being a standout. Witherson will help you find your center and refine all your talents.”

She bolted upright. “What do you mean everyone in the unit has a gift? You have one, too? Is that the weird connection I’ve sensed?”

Matt’s face colored. He looked like he was trying not to let out a laugh. “Hmm, yeah, probably, but I’m still working on sharpening mine.”

“Holy hell!
I never guessed. That is so not fair. You best tell all now, Mister Agent Man, or I might shoot you.”

Matt shifted his weight on the seat cushion. “Ah, well, I’m
sensitive. When I put my hand on someone, I can feel their mood, their feelings. It’s sort of hard to explain.”

“What!” Rita gasped and jumped up from the couch. She crossed her arms and stared down at him. “You mean you knew how I was feeling every time you touched me, held me?
She leaned over and swatted his shoulder.


“When we were at the coffee shop, you knew that I wanted to jump your bones?” She hit his shoulder again.”

“Hey. Easy there.”

“When you followed me home, you knew I was hot for you?” She landed another punch on his shoulder.

I’m supposed to be recuperating.” He gave her that quirky smile.

“Yeah, right, sure you are.” Rita grabbed a purple throw pillow and whacked him on the head.

One arm protecting his head, he laughed softly and wound his other arm around her waist. Using both of his long arms he pulled until she ended up across his lap looking up at that quirky grin. He pinned her wrists to her side. “Okay, so I cheated a little.”

“Damn, I’m going to make you pay for holding out on me. Ah, revenge is such a sweet word.” She fluttered her eyelashes in a come-on gesture. “And you, sir, can start paying right now.”

“Yes, ma’am.
This is one debt I’m going to enjoy paying back for a long time” He slid his arms around her and lifted her until their faces were nearly touching. Lowering his chin, he pressed his lips to hers.

Rita ran her fingers through his hair, pressed into him harder. Their tongues met. For a split second, even over the rapid pulse of her heartbeat, she thought she heard a soft sighing from the amulet.

Then the crystal warmed against her skin and sent small heated shocks of pleasure to her healing heart.


About the Author


Lorrie lives in West Mifflin, PA, thirty minutes from downtown Pittsburgh. She lives at home with her husband and her favorite toy—a computer.

Once a gold medalist teacher/manager for a big-name ballroom dance studio she has retired and now enjoys the quiet life of writing and watching TV. But she loves to have lunches with local writers to keep abreast of the challenging world of publishing.

Lorrie writes in many genres so you never know what she will come out with next. She never wants to bore her readers and enjoys the thrill of entertaining them by writing a good story.

She would love to hear from her readers at
[email protected]
. Please put “reader” in the subject line. Thank you for choosing my book.



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