Guns n' Boys: Homicidal Instinct (Book 2) (gay dark mafia erotic romance) (22 page)

BOOK: Guns n' Boys: Homicidal Instinct (Book 2) (gay dark mafia erotic romance)
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“‘Cause I’m ‘fucking
dumb’, just like you said!” Seth poked his own forehead. “You’re a bad
motherfucker, but I can’t shake you off. It’s like you’re covered in caramel I
want to lick all the fucking time. Like some fucking LSD stamp!” He lit his
cigarette and headed for the side door barefoot.

Domenico blocked his
way, fighting the numbness in his chest. Seth was the last person he wanted to have
hurt in the past, but how was he supposed to navigate in this relationship if
he never got the full story? “Oh, so now it’s lust, not love anymore?”

Seth took a big drag of
smoke. “I’m going out.”

care of your hen.
going out,” hissed Dom and jumped right out of the
RV. Blood was pulsing in his head with so much power he couldn’t even focus on
the dark grass beneath his feet as he rushed between the trees. He wasn’t
someone to cherish. He was a freaking drug Seth didn’t really want to want the
way he did. Their relationship was some toxic mixture of lust, violence, and an
entwined past. That wasn’t good enough even if Seth got high on it.

“Dom! Come back! For
fuck’s sake!” Seth yelled from the vehicle.

Domenico stopped midstride
and punched the tree, only to clutch the burning fist to his chest. The bark
took some skin off. He could barely breathe, choking whenever he tried to
swallow. And despite being so angry his head was starting to hurt, his senses
still picked up on the steps heading his way.

“Dom, I’m sorry…”

Domenico leaned his
shoulder against the tree that ate his knuckles and sighed, trying to calm
down. “I just want to go back to where I was. Every time you give me a new
scrap of the old me it gets me so fucking confused.”

The way Seth scooped him
up into a hug was true comfort. Dom could lean his head on the warm shoulder
and feel his impending headache go away.

“I’m sorry I was a dick.
I’ve got a short fuse. I know it’s not your fault.”

“Isn’t it? You just told
me I raped you,” whispered Dom, and it almost felt like he were talking about
someone else. He couldn’t look Seth in the eye, stiff with the frost climbing
up his spine. Once again he faced the truth that he had no idea what kind of
man he used to be.

The silence felt like
punishment in itself. “We’ve been through some dark times,” Seth muttered in
the end. But was that time also ‘dark’ for Dom, or just for the man who despite
all that chose to stand by him? Even imagining himself overpowering Seth and
truly hurting him made Dom nauseated.

“What does that mean? It
tells me nothing, and there’s no way anyone can report on every single minute
of my life. I don’t even know how old I am.” Domenico hit the tree again,
breathing hard to keep the hiss of pain at bay.

Seth kissed his temple.
“You’re twenty-five. You’ll be twenty-six in August. You were an illegitimate
son, I was chosen to become Don, so you hated me. You clearly had better skills
for it. I guess I was in the way. I shouldn’t have brought it up.”

Domenico couldn’t help
but lean into the warmth of Seth’s arms. He felt undeserving of Seth’s concern,
a sad excuse for a man. “Why are you even with me?” he whispered, trying not to
imagine himself harming and violating Seth, not to think of Seth’s screams or tears.

Seth tightened his hug.
“I can’t live without you. It took time, but you understand me so completely.
I’ve never felt this for anyone before.”

Domenico swallowed the
lump in his throat and slowly turned in Seth’s arms, looking up at him. There
were so many emotions bubbling up in his chest, but all he managed to say was,
“Sorry about the pig.”

Seth leaned in for a
kiss tender and sweet, nothing like the ones before. “My feet are freezing,
let’s go back.”

Domenico looked down,
and in the faint light he noticed that Seth was barefoot. “You’re gonna catch a
cold,” he said and pulled him toward the RV, never breaking the loose embrace
they shared. The campfire was dancing in front of the RV like an invitation.

“I’ll be fine. I’ve got
tough skin.” Seth sniffed Dom’s hair before kissing it.

“You wanna sit outside?”
Domenico breathed in Seth’s scent through the fresh hoodie as they walked past
the fire.

“Yeah, I like how warm
it is. I don’t think I’ll be roasting tonight though.” Seth rolled out a
blanket for them in front of the fire. “I’ll freeze the pig and deal with it
later. You wanna eat something I’ve got ready for heating up?”

Domenico wasn’t sure if
it would be okay to leave all the blood and organs inside, or even whether
their tiny freezer could fit all the meat, but that animal was the last thing
he wanted to deal with so he nodded, eager for all the comfort they could get.

Less than ten minutes
later, Seth was back with extra blankets, two steaming bowls of spicy, cheesy
pasta with pesto and chicken, plus a bottle of wine and extra socks for them
both. It felt so ridiculously homely Dom could forget about the guns in the RV,
about being on the run from the mafia, or Frederico gnawing on his brain.
Filling his stomach with delicious hot food next to the man he loved made him
realize he truly would kill for this. He wouldn’t let anything stand in the way
of their relationship, no matter how raw and imperfect it was. Bloodied
knuckles were nothing.

The quiet domesticity of
that meal made Dom’s heart flutter, and as they finished, he was content to
lean against the warmth of Seth’s shoulder. As the night became completely
black around them, he hugged Seth tighter.

“I wouldn’t trade you
for anything else.”

Seth had a big gulp of
wine straight from the bottle and cuddled closer. “I’ve done things I’m not
proud of, but I’m still happy that they got me here with you.”

Domenico took the wine
from him and had a few deep gulps. He enjoyed how it warmed him on the inside.
“We’re quite the couple. Who did we kill to be together?”

“I killed your ex. He
was Family and a traitor. I still remember his blood dripping down my arms.”
Seth raised his hands in front of the fire. It was strange to think of Seth as
a killer, even despite the fact Dom knew the guy had it in him when cornered.

Domenico swallowed.
“What did he do?”

“He conspired against
us. I was living a life in the US, away from the Family, and he had me
kidnapped. I lost my finger and my independence. All I wanted was to have
nothing to do with the mafia.”

“He deserved it then.”
Domenico pushed his fingers into Seth’s hair and kissed the corner of his lips.
He breathed in the natural scent of his man, strong and earthy. He could live
just on that smell.

Seth gave him a slight
smile and closed his eyes. “I got to meet you though. The only made man I ever
need to know.”

Domenico pulled his
finger down Seth’s neck, enjoying the way the stubble tickled his skin. “I hope
I provide enough excitement.”

Seth’s chocolate eyes
had an orange tint to them because of the fire, and it looked as if they burned
for Dom. “When you first fucked me after your accident, I finally felt I had
you back,” he whispered, as if saying it louder would make it too real. It was
no secret by now that Seth liked to bottom, but his coyness about it was

Domenico’s chest
constricted, as if Seth’s hand suddenly clutched around his heart. “It felt
familiar. I remembered your smell, and how you feel to the touch.”

“It feels weird to think
I’m the only lover you know now.” Seth’s arm slid over Dom’s shoulders and he
leaned in for another kiss.

Domenico grinned. “Why’s
that? Am I a manwhore?”

“You never told me the
exact number of lovers you’ve had before, but you made it seem like there were
more than you could count.” Seth shook his head. “Now, you’re only mine.”

Domenico grinned at him,
happy to know how virile he was. “Possessive bastard.”

“Says the man who cut
off a waiter’s ear when I flirted with the guy.” Seth smirked and pulled Dom
down to the blanket.

Domenico stretched
beneath him with a small smile. He knew very well where this was going. “I do
things like that?”

“Yep, you brought it to
me in a bag. I was not impressed.” Yet he looked pretty happy with himself as
he told this story.

Seth pulled a blanket
over them and leaned in to kiss Dom’s chin as he hugged him closer. It sparked
a fire everywhere their skin touched, and Domenico relaxed under his heavier

“You’d prefer a jewelry

“Idiot. Should have put
it in a fucking sandwich.” Seth laughed and deepened the kiss, while his hand
drifted lower, to Dom’s crotch. That tight, knowing squeeze was all Domenico
needed. He pushed his hips against the touch and reached to the waistband of
Seth’s pants. When he brushed his fingers against skin where the hoodie slipped
off, it felt like getting immersed in warm cocoa.


A kiss to Dom’s ear was
followed by Seth’s teeth gently nipping at it. “My favorite.” Seth unbuttoned
Dom’s jeans, and it didn’t feel at all menacing like when he did it before.
Even then Dom knew he was not in
, that he could throw him off any
time, but the intent behind Seth’s touch back then hadn’t been right. Now
though, he looked up at Seth and pushed down his jogging bottoms, kneading at
the muscled flesh.

“I don’t know how I
managed to go through all those weeks without kissing you,” Seth murmured and
lay on his side to make taking pants off easier.

“Fucking frustrating,”
whispered Dom, pushing his face into the crook of Seth’s neck. Every move of
his fingers revealed more skin, but when he felt the fuzz of hair on Seth’s
inner thighs and scrotum, it felt like coming home. “Straddle my face?”

Dom loved the way Seth’s
eyes widened. “Yeah? You wanna suck me?” The question was a formality, because
he quickly pushed his pants all the way off, his dick already half-hard.
Domenico wiggled his brows and pulled on Seth’s hips, eager to bring that dick
to his lips, to feel its weight on his tongue, Seth’s thighs squeezing his

“Show me what you got.”

Seth groaned, watching
Dom’s face with a hungry intensity, the bruised nose only making him look more
masculine. Like violence waiting to happen. He kneeled above Dom’s face, slowly
stroking himself. “Open up,” he whispered.

Domenico turned his face
and lapped at the hairy thigh, inhaling the musky scent of Seth’s crotch before
raising his head slightly, only to suck in one of Seth’s balls. It felt
unbelievably smooth under the layer of skin that Domenico pulled on with his

“Fuck yes…” Seth groaned
and stroked Dom’s hair, breathing hard. He lowered himself, almost sitting that
tense round ass on Dom’s chest. Seth’s hot cock pushed gently on Dom’s lips,
leaving a salty taste of precome.

Domenico licked it off
and stared at the bulbous head in front of him with a giddy feeling in his
stomach. He was in love with this cock. With the thick vein on the underside,
the purplish color at the head, with the foreskin he could play with for hours.
Was this a date? There was wine and food after all.

The cock had a thickness
to match Seth’s body, and it looked even bigger from Dom’s perspective. The
scent Seth had naturally was the best aphrodisiac, making Dom forget about the
world around them, instead focusing on the strong thighs dusted with hair, and
the dark pubes melting into a trail on Seth’s stomach. Seth pushed back the
foreskin, revealing the cockhead in all its glory.

Dom bit his lip,
swallowing as he sensed his throat relaxing already. God, he wanted to taste
that dick. “We haven’t been properly introduced,” he muttered, looking up at
Seth, into the dark, chocolate-colored eyes, at the flushed face.

“My name is Seth, Mr.
Schwangau, and I have a very tasty dick.” He let his cock slide over Dom’s
lips, so Dom got an introduction to the whole hot length.

“So it looks like,” Dom muttered,
opening his mouth and pushing up the heavy cock with his tongue. The groan
coming from Seth was music to his ears.

Seth grabbed his cock at
its base and slid it into Dom’s eager mouth, watching him from above without a
single blink.

It was thick, raw flesh
that burned on Domenico’s tongue. He moaned when it slid in deeper, pushing
himself up to raise his shoulders off the blanket. His eyes slid shut for a
moment, but all Dom wanted to see was the ruggedly handsome face above.

Their eyes met in the
silence filled with Seth’s low moans. Seth slipped his fingers into Dom’s hair
on the sides of his head and pushed his hips forward, rocking into Dom’s mouth
with a dark flush on his face. He was a beast. Big, with a thick, powerful body
and a dick that could probably make Dom come just from sucking on it.

Lust fluttered in Dom’s
stomach every time the thick girth passed between his lips, sliding up and down
his tongue, and making the muscle so sensitive it made Dom’s dick twitch. The
fuzzy balls were dragging over his exposed skin each time Seth tried to go
deeper, faster.

Seth held Dom’s head in
a firm grip as he began fucking his face with no mercy, pushing into the throat
that wouldn’t give easily at this angle. Seth’s hips worked at a fast, even
pace, and with the still swollen nose, Seth’s gasps were loud and nasal.

BOOK: Guns n' Boys: Homicidal Instinct (Book 2) (gay dark mafia erotic romance)
5.56Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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