Guns n' Boys Book 1 Part 2

Read Guns n' Boys Book 1 Part 2 Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #erotic, #assassin, #crime, #Gay, #violence, #mafia, #italian, #enemies, #thriler, #mafioso

BOOK: Guns n' Boys Book 1 Part 2
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Book 1, part 2


K.A. Merikan


Sashwords Edition

Acerbi & Villani ltd.
Guns n’ Boys

K.A. Merikan


Love is sour like
a Sicilian lemon. —


The Family is always

The Family doesn’t

The Family pays for
blood in blood.


Domenico Acerbi grew up
in the shade of Sicilian lemon trees ready to give his life for the
Family. Ready to follow orders and exceed expectations. A proud man
of honor.


When Seth, the younger
son of the Don is kidnapped, it’s Domenico who is sent to get him
back. The man he finds though, is not the boy he knew all those
years ago. Lazy, annoying, spoiled, and as hot as a Sicilian


Seth Villani wants
nothing to do with the mafia. Unfortunately, he doesn’t get a say
when the Family pulls him right back into its fold after his
mother’s death. Thrown into a den of serpents otherwise known as
the Villani Family, Seth has to find a way to navigate in the maze
of lies. But when Domenico Acerbi, the most vicious snake of them
all, sinks his fangs into Seth, the venom changes into an
aphrodisiac that courses through Seth’s veins.


Domenico knows his life
is about to change when he gets the order to train Seth up to the
role of future Don. Seth isn’t made for it. He isn’t even made. But
a man Domenico knows he would never have to fear might just be
someone he’s always needed.


If Seth is doomed to
follow in his father’s footsteps, he might as well enjoy
himself—with the most intoxicating man he’s ever met. Maybe he can
even fool himself into believing that Domenico isn’t a handsome
sociopath who kills for a living.




to lovers, mafia, homophobia, assassin, organized crime


twisted erotic romance / crime thriller


Erotic content:
Explicit gay sex, coercion


~110,000 words (part 1),
~90,000 words (part 2)


content. If you are easily offended, this book is not for you.

Guns n’ Boys
a gritty story of extreme violence, offensive language, abuse, and
morally ambiguous protagonists. Behind the morbid facade, there is
a splash of inappropriate dark humor, and a love story that will
crawl under your skin.

This is a work of
fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living,
dead, or undead, events, places or names is purely


No part of this book
may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means,
without the written permission of the publisher. Uploading and
distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means
without a permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by


Text copyright © 2014
K.A. Merikan

All Rights Reserved


Cover Design by

Natasha Snow


Smashwords Edition, License Notes

This ebook is licensed for your personal
enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to
other people. If you would like to share this book with another
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We want to thank our
Polish readers, whose love for these characters kept us writing
relentlessly and improving the story to make it what it is now.
Without that support, writing wouldn’t have been the same.


Dorota, for
beta-reading and fangirling.


Serena Yates, for
being so generous with your time and proofreading for us.


Aleks Voinov, for all
the chats that encouraged us to break rules and write the story
that keeps us up at night. Not to mention lending one of your
characters to us and supervising him so we wouldn’t get hurt.


Kat and Agnes

(K.A. Merikan)

Table of Contents



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9


Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17


About the author

Other Books by K.A.



Guns n’ Boys
a mafia homoerotic


The first book is
divided into two parts due to its length, each around 100,000
words, so it is a long journey with these boys. Their relationship
is rocky to say the least. We want to take you on a rollercoaster
ride with no safety belts. There will be blood, violence, abuse,
jealousy, and scorching hot sexual chemistry.


We started writing this
book in 2007, and now, seven years on, we decided to give it a new,
better life. It is a story close to our hearts, and we hope readers
fall in love with our anti-heroes as much as we have. While this
isn't a traditional kind of romance, we can promise that when the
whole story is finished in the far off future, the ending will be a
satisfying one.



Seth’s palms were
wet as he reached for his glass of red wine. It was chilly outside,
but with his body heat too high in the designer suit Dom got him to
buy, sitting in the garden wasn’t a bad idea.

Lucrezia Bruni, his future wife, was to
arrive today, escorted by Santo, the consigliere’s son, and her
father. If Seth could have his way, he would stop time and never
face her. Father was teasing him and wouldn’t even show him a
picture, thinking it was all a great joke. Not. So. Fucking.

“Leave that,” muttered Domenico, scooting
down next to Seth, the ever-present cigarette dangling from his
lips. “You don’t want to be drunk when you meet them.”

Seth scowled and pushed the glass away. “It’s
just wine.” He knew Dom was as happy as he was with this
arrangement, but it didn’t show much, and the disengaged façade was
just making Seth more agitated.

“Not your first glass, and it’s homemade.
It’ll go straight to your head.” Domenico sighed and offered him a
cigarette instead. His eyes were barely visible behind the black
shades, and it gave him that emotionless, cyborg-like look.

“This will be such a fucking disaster,” Seth
groaned but was happy to take a cigarette.

“Nothing happens today. It’s just
formalities. I saw you being comfortable with women. Just act as
you always would,” advised Domenico, slowly getting to his feet and
towering over Seth in his immaculate dark blue suit.

“I had female friends in the US. I just
never… you know what I mean. There will be expectations.” Seth
reached out to Dom with his fingers, sure that he wouldn’t be
allowed to touch him. And sure enough, Dom didn’t move by an inch,
standing there like a statue.

“I know. Just go with the flow,” Dom said,
eventually stuffing his right hand into his pocket.

“Why doesn’t Vincente marry her, huh? He’s
older.” The wine looked all too tempting again, so he lit his

Domenico shrugged. “He’s not groomed for
your future position,” he said flatly, and Seth knew very well what
that tone carried. That Seth wasn’t good enough to be a future Don.
That he would be shit at the job, and she would be disappointed.
And, oh, how funny that was. It would be even funnier if he got
killed, and she went down with him. Hilarious.

Seth sucked in a big breath of smoke, and his
body froze when he heard the sound of a vehicle approaching over
the driveway at the front of the house. There was no point in

As impossible as it seemed, Domenico
straightened even more. “They’re here,” he said, reaching out his
hand to help Seth up. His calm was chilling, and it seemed the
longer Dom was on the Villani grounds, the more distant he became.
Soon enough, their—whatever it was they had—would be just a distant
shadow. Dom would find himself men who weren’t married, and Seth
would settle into a relationship he would never be satisfied

Seth got up and slightly pushed Dom’s hand
away. “I’m fine.”

Domenico took a step back and said nothing.
With those damn shades, Seth didn’t even know if he was being
looked at or not.

“Seth, where are you? They’re here!” Father
yelled from the villa, so Seth picked up his pace, all too aware of
the steps behind him. He took one more cloud of smoke into his
lungs and put out the cigarette in a flower pot as they passed
through the rooms.

Father appeared at the turn of the corridor,
with a big smile threatening to break his face in two; it was in
such stark contrast with the void in Seth’s chest that for a moment
he didn’t know what to say. “Ready to meet the bride?”

“Couldn’t wait since you told me,” he said
and hoped his lack of enthusiasm could be interpreted as
nervousness. “You could have at least shared a photo.”

Father waved his hand and scooped Seth with
his arm. “I want it to be a surprise. She is a fine young woman
though. You will not be disappointed.”

“Is her father coming today as well?” Seth
asked, with cramps in his stomach.

“Make sure to greet him.” Father patted Seth
in the chest, all smiles. No wonder, it was his plan unfolding, at
the cost of Seth’s misery. The Brunis held a big chunk of the drug
trade pie in Calabria. After initial conflict, Father and old Bruni
managed to strike a deal on consolidating their business, all
cemented by Seth and Lucrezia’s marriage. “Then you’ll get to spend
some time with your lady, and you get to put the ring on her
finger. You have it, right?” he added after a moment of

“Yeah, yeah,” Seth patted his suit jacket’s
inner pocket. He hadn’t even looked at the damn thing.

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