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Authors: Stephen P. Halbrook

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. Fabian von Schlabrendorff,
The Secret War Against Hitler
(New York: Pitman, 1965), 251, 237–38, 271.

. Vassiltchikov,
The Berlin Diaries
, 234.

. Peter Hoffman, “The Second World War, German Society, and Internal Resistance to Hitler,” in Large, ed.,
Contending with Hitler
, 122.

. Ernst Jünger,
Der Waldgang
(A Walk in the Woods), cited in Klemens von Klemperer, “The Solitary Witness: No Mere Footnote to Resistance Studies,” in Large, ed.,
Contending with Hitler
, 130.

. Basic Law, Art. 20, § 4, quoted in David Clay Large, “Uses of the Past: The Anti-Nazi Resistance Legacy in the Federal Republic of Germany,” in Large, ed.,
Contending with Hitler
, 180. Large cites Christoph Böckenförde, “Die Kodifizierung des Widerstandsrechts im Grundgesetz” (Codification of the Right to Resistance in the German Constitution),
25, nos. 5–6 (1970): 168–72.

. See David I. Caplan, “Weapons Control Laws: Gateways to Victim Oppression and Genocide,” in
To Be a Victim: Encounters with Crime and Injustice
, ed. Diane Sank and David I. Caplan (New York: Plenum Press, 1991), 308–11.

. On Flatow, see chapter 10 of this book.



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