Guardians Of The Shifters (20 page)

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Authors: Shannon Schoolcraft

BOOK: Guardians Of The Shifters
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Old trunks and dressers were shoved against the walls and creaked when you opened them. My king size bed graced the middle of the room with its diamond shaped head board and swirling wooden poles. A navy blue cloth was draped over each of the poles, which left an opening for me to crawl in my bed.

I walked over to the out dated hutch, kneeled down and opened the doors. On each of the two shelves, held my pants, shirts and boxers. I pulled out one of each of the black clothes and headed to the bathroom that was attached to my room.

A white garden tub with silver fittings was on one side of the bathroom and a stand up shower surrounded by glass was on the other side. When you turned the shower on, the water would fall from the ceiling like rain. A gray counter took up most of the wall with three sinks built into it.

I set my clothes on the counter and pulled a towel off the silver rack next to the counter. After stripping down, I stepped in the shower and the water automatically turned on. I wanted to stay in this glass case forever but knew that I couldn’t. I quickly washed up, got out and dried off.

After slipping on my boxers and boot cut, Levi jeans, I headed out of my room and down the grand staircase with its gold and silver spirals, pulling on my black, long sleeved thermal shirt.

As I suspected, everyone was sitting in the grand sitting room when I walked in. Some were sitting on sofas and chairs, while others were either standing or sitting on the floor. All eyes were on me as I made my way to the vacant chair in the center of the room. I took my seat and looked at every person in this room to make sure that I had their attention.







                                         Chapter 7: CORA



My head throbbed as I started to slowly open my eyes. I brought my hand up to the back of my head and winced when my fingers touched a bump damn near the size of a fucking egg. My vision was normal again with no amber tint. I slowly sat up on the couch that someone put me on and looked at Caden. He was sitting on the coffee table next to the couch with his elbows resting on his knees and his head hanging between his hands.

He’s either sleeping in an uncomfortable way, or he’s thinking, or the third option, he’s sitting like that because he feels bad about clonking me over the head. It had to have been him because Kevin was in front of me and Caden moved before I was able to hit him. Although, I can’t be too upset with him over it. He had to do what he had to do to stop me, even if it meant clonking me over the damn head.

I reached out and lightly ran my fingers down his tanned, muscular forearm. His head snapped up and his green eyes locked with mine. He gave me a light smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. Usually when he smiled, the corner of his eyes crinkled and his eyes seemed to sparkle. But right now, there was none of that.

I sat up further on the couch and looked around the room. I noticed that Kevin wasn’t here. I looked back at Caden.

“Where is Kevin?”

“He needed to cool off, so I sent him out to get food before we head out.”

“Head out?”

“Yes.” He stood. “We are going back to the safe haven and talking to our people.” He looked back down at me. “Do you think you guys can get along long enough until we get there?”

I nodded my head. “Yeah.”

“Good, because I’m tired of playing referee with you two.”

I snorted. “He needs to see reason.”

“Cora!” He snapped. “This might be the only way that we can have the life we want. If we have to mix our races to have that, then so be it.” He let out a calming breath. “I want to be with you, I want our lives to be safe and I want the others to be safe as well. Just try to understand where I’m coming from. Most of us have been fighting for our lives a lot longer then you have.”

For once I was speechless, not because of what Caden said, but because he was going along with Ash. I turned my eyes away because I didn’t want him to see my confusion.

The sound of the door slamming shut knocked the confused look off my face. Kevin walked in with his arms loaded down with take-out containers and plastic bags full of water and other beverages and snack type foods. Even though I saw the food, I don’t think my stomach could handle it.

Besides having a killer headache, I felt queasy. Caden grabbed a bottle of water from one of the bags and handed it to me. Kevin was setting the containers of food on the coffee table and soon they both dug in.

I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, holding the water loosely in my hands. Caden looked up when he noticed that I wasn’t making an effort to get any food. He swallowed the bite of food that he had in his mouth.

“Eat up love, you need to keep up your strength.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“Since when?”

“Since I don’t feel like eating.”

“You should at least try.”

“And I said I wasn’t hungry.”

I dropped the bottle of water on the couch as I stood, I headed towards the bathroom and left the boys to stuff their faces. Once inside the small room, I closed and locked the door. Walking over to the bath tub, I sat down on the edge and rested my head on my knees.

I couldn’t shake the knot of dread that balled its self in the pit of my stomach. There was something else there too, I could feel it, but I couldn’t place my finger on it. The sound of knocking on the door made me jump and then Caden’s voice floated through the door.

“Cora? Are you alright?

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Can I come in?”

I got up from my seat and unlocked the door. Caden stood there holding a package of crackers and another bottle of water. What did he think I was, sick? I couldn’t help but to roll my eyes at him.

“I’m not sick Caden, I’m just tired.”

He eyed me for a minute. “Kevin suggested that we get a couple hours of shut eye before we head out, so it’s a good time to catch some Z’s.”

“Okay.” I mumbled.

Caden took my hand in his free hand and lead me to the room we shared down the hall and to the left. I crawled up on the twin size bed and laid down on my left side. Caden crawled in behind me and wrapped his arm around me. It was amazing that we could both fit on this bed, well barely. I snuggled in closer to him and before too long, I fell asleep.







                                     Chapter 8: CORA



To me, it only felt like I got a few minutes of sleep before Caden was rousing me from sleep. That was twenty minutes ago. I now stood under the scalding hot water of the shower and just stood there, staring blankly at the white tiled wall. The water bounced off my skin and was beginning to get cold. That’s when I knew that I had a few minutes to wash up before the water turned completely cold.

I was just getting out to dry off when Caden’s familiar knock echoed through the bathroom. I wrapped the towel around me, went to the door and opened it a crack. It always took be aback whenever I looked at him. He was just so handsome and at other times, sexy as hell.

“I’m almost ready, just have to dress.”

“That’s not why I’m checking on you.”

“Oh.” Was my only reply.

“Cora, are you…are you feeling okay?”

“I’m hunky dory.”

“You just seem, I don’t know, off.”

Rolling my eyes. “Do you really want to have this conversation now, while I’m only in a towel?”

He smirked. “It’s the best time to have a conversation.”

What little of my exposed flesh that he could see, his eyes drank in. He had a look on his face like he was starving for breath. But I noticed the look for what it really was, a deep hungering lust. I tried to shut the door but the tip of his shoe stopped it from closing.

“Let me come in and help.”

I laughed softly. “You and I both know, that if I let you in here, there will be no getting dressed.”

He smiled. “True.”

I shook my head. “Go on, I’ll be out in a minute.”

He slowly backed up. “You still have time to change your mind.”

I giggled. “Go.”

He shrugged. “Suit it yourself.”

He gave me a teasing smile and a wink before turning around and disappearing around the corner. I couldn’t help but to laugh out loud as I closed and locked the door. I quickly dressed in faded blue jeans and a gray long sleeved thermal shirt that hugged my torso area.

Caden and Kevin were sitting on the couch, leaning over the coffee table when I came out. Caden was the only one that looked up when I came out, Kevin just sat there pretending that I didn’t exist. I guess he’s still a little butt hurt that I kicked his ass.

When I got closer to the table, I noticed that most of the take-out containers were empty. There were still some fries left and a cheese burger with bacon that was long cold by now, but that didn’t stop me from picking up the greasy goodness and taking a huge bite.

My stomach finally woke up from its slumber and was ready to be filled. I finished the left-over food in less than five minutes. Thankfully, the guys kept their mouths shut. Wiping my hands and mouth, I took a swig of water and looked at Caden.

“When do we leave?”

“Now.” It was Kevin who spoke up.


I got up to grab my shoes by the end of the couch and quickly slipped them on. Kevin was already making his way out the door, not waiting for anyone. I looked at Caden over my shoulder.

“What’s his deal?”

“Besides the fact that you threw him across the room without touching him…nothing.”

I arched an eyebrow at him and he let out a deep sigh.

“I’m sorry Cora, I didn’t mean to be---.”

“Right…just forget about it.” I cut in coldly. “And yes you do.”


“Let’s just go.”

I stalked out the door with Caden right behind me and headed straight for his motorcycle. After we were seated on the bike, I barely wrapped my arms around him, so instead, I grabbed a fist full of his shirt and held on as we sped out.

I wasn’t sure what to expect once we get to the safe haven. I don’t even know who’s in charge of it, or what people will say once we’re back. I left that place almost a year ago and set out on my own. I never expected that I’d ever be going back.















                                        Chapter 9: ASH



Jon stood by the chair next to me and looked down at me expectantly. He and everyone else wondered why I called a meeting so late at night. It’s not like I didn’t want to proceed, it’s just that I don’t know where to start.

Figures right? Give me weapons and a target to kill, I’m there and giving orders, sit me in front of a room full of people and it feels like my tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth.

I briefly closed my eyes and slowly counted backwards from ten. Cora’s amethyst eyes flashed across my closed lids and I snapped my eyes open, ready to get down to business. I cleared my throat a couple times before I began to speak.

“Most of you may not like what I’m about to say, while others may understand.”

“Just get on with it cousin.” Came Jon’s annoyed response.

“As some of you already know, me and a few others sat down and had a chat with two hybrids and a shifter.” I ignored the surprised gasps and looks and continued. “We want to put this war behind us and have a sort of truce. They are, hopefully as we speak, on their way to their safe haven to talk to their people. Many of us are tired of fighting and want to settle down to have families.”

“What kind of truce?” Jon’s voice rang out.

I looked at him. “I may have suggested that our people and their people be seen together. Be it either helping fix houses, giving out food and even possibly…dating.”

Too many voices spoke out at once. I couldn’t decipher what each of them were saying. I did catch a few people saying
and we
. They were all talking at once. Part of me expected this, but the other part was hopeful that they would go along with it.

All the voices pounded in my head and seemed to get louder. I pinched the bridge of my nose to try and keep the headache that I knew would come, away. I couldn’t take the noise of them droning on, so I stood.

“QUIET!” I yelled.

One by one, the voices quieted down and I was able to think again. I looked at each and every one of them.

“The war between us should have ended with Levi. The shifters are nothing like he was. I’m tired of fighting and I’m sure most of you are too. Don’t you want to have a safer life?”

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