Guardian's Challenge (17 page)

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Authors: Bronwyn Green

Tags: #Romance

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“You will always have a home here. That will never change, but your heart belongs with him.”

Neeve stifled a sigh. Her friend was right. It had been his from the moment they’d met.

“Don’t you at least owe it to yourself—to both of you—to try again? To start over?”

Neeve watched her friend walk away. Tamara might be right. Neeve’s heart might belong to Asher, but did it matter? Love without trust wasn’t really love at all. He’d taken a huge risk by leaving her alone to make her decision. He’d finally been honest with her. He was trusting her to come back. She needed to offer him the same trust.

* * * *

It had only been a little over a week since Neeve had left Maelgwn, but it felt more like years. The worry she carried with her was almost as heavy as the hope.

The final barrier of Asher’s chamber wall thinned before her, and she could see him seated at the table, head bowed over piles of maps. A half empty bottle of mead sat in the middle of one of the continents, along with a barely touched plate of food. His shoulders slumped, and she made out the faint sound of his quill scratching against the parchment.

Quietly, she stepped through the wall into the room. Her stomach fluttered nervously as she forced herself to cross the last of the distance separating them. Of course, it wasn’t really the last of the distance. He’d said he loved her and wanted her with him, but perhaps he’d changed his mind. After all, she had rejected him. Twice. She winced at the thought.

She must have made a noise, because he whirled around, rising from his chair. The quill dropped to the floor forgotten, and he took a step forward.

“You’re actually here?”

Black smudges marred the skin beneath his red-rimmed eyes. He looked awful. And absolutely beautiful.

“I’m here,” she forced out.

He was across the room and had her wrapped in his embrace before she could blink. All of the tension drained from her muscles at the sensation of his arms around her and his body pressed to hers. She laid her head against his chest. This was where she belonged. She was foolish to have thought otherwise.

She raised her head and looked into his exhausted eyes. Before she could speak, he covered her lips with his own, stealing both her breath and her thoughts. Finally releasing her mouth, he rested his forehead against hers. “I’ve dreamt of you constantly. So much so that when I wake I’m surprised to find myself alone,” he murmured. “I’m so sorry. You’ve never owed me anything. I was desperate and willing to say anything to convince you to stay.”

She cupped his face, smoothing her thumb over the sharp angle of his cheekbone. “You could have told me that.”

“I was stupid.” He paused, looking uncomfortable. “And I was afraid that you wouldn’t stay if I’d just asked. By that time…” He shrugged. “It was too late.”

She met his anguished eyes. “I do love you. I loved you when I left the first time.” She shook her head. “I never stopped loving you.”

Asher kissed her again, claiming her mouth like he had her heart. “Stay,” he whispered between kisses. “Be my mate.” He trailed his lips along her neck, sending shivers through her body as she pressed closer to him. Lifting his head, he held her breathless with his gaze. “I love you,

She nodded. “I love you, too.” A thought occurred to her. “But guardians are forbidden to take mates.”

“Not anymore.” His smile spread, reaching his eyes and brightening the small shadows of doubt until there were none. Only the surety of love and the anticipation of their future together remained.

Asher scooped her into his arms and dropped her on the bed, looming over her and pinning her to the mattress, his rapidly filling cock nudging her mound. Desire flooded her body, tightening her nipples and dampening her pussy. She shifted beneath him, rocking against his erection.

Holding her wrists in one hand, he grabbed a small fabric pouch from the bedside table before deftly unlacing her bodice and baring her breasts to his heated gaze. He pressed tender kisses over the scars marring her flesh before drawing her nipple between his lips. Her back bowed as he scraped his teeth across the aching peak. Without warning, he released her and something clamped down on the swollen tip. Her eyes flew open.

Asher dangled another nipple clamp from the tip of his pinky finger, brilliant green stones glinting in the candlelight.

“I had some presents made for you,” he said, his eyes shining with mischief.

“So you knew I’d be back?” she asked on a gasp as he stroked the captive flesh with his thumb.

His gaze softened, and he shook his head. “No. But I hoped.”

Tears escaped the corners of her eyes. Trusting their love had been the right choice.


Asher brushed away her tears before lowering his head and claiming her lips, still stunned that she was actually here with him. He’d imagined he saw her face in every rock, every stone wall. He’d lost track of the times he’d dozed off only to startle awake, thinking he’d heard her voice. When he had slept, his dreams of her had been so vivid, he’d been surprised to wake alone. But there was no mistaking the reality of her warm body pressed to his. No mistaking the arousal in her shuddering breaths or emotion in her eyes.

“I’m sorry I didn’t believe you,” she choked out. “I’m so sorry.”

He silenced her with another kiss—a slow, languid joining of lips and spirits. Raising his head, he met her still anguished gaze. “It’s all right.”

She didn’t look convinced.

“But no more lies,” he added. “No more running or hiding. Just us. For the rest of our lives.”

She nodded slowly, trust brightening her dark eyes. She slipped her hand around the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. As their mouths clashed, the hurt dissolved leaving nothing behind but love and hunger.

In between kisses, she tugged at his shirt, yanking it over his head and letting it drop to the floor. Her sense of urgency bled into his until they were naked and he was sinking into her slick, welcoming body. Tight, fiery heat engulfed him, and for a moment, and he paused, trying desperately not to come. Then she moved.

Lifting her hips into his, Neeve chased away any ability to stay still that he’d possessed. Pulling back, he dragged his cock through her clasping channel to pound forward again. Her whispered words of encouragement tore through the last remnant of his restraint. He slipped a hand underneath her ass and shafted her faster and harder, and she clung to him, demanding more.

Her body strained against his as she lifted her hips to meet his, wordless cries falling from her lips. Her cunt rippled and pulsed around him as he fought his release, driving her closer to the edge. Finally, she stiffened, her climax tearing from her on a scream. The raw pleasure in her voice drew his balls up tight, and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Sharp streaks of need raced along his spine before pooling at the small of his back. Unable to hold back as her body milked him, he thrust several more times before he erupted inside her, filling her completely. He dropped his head to her shoulder as aftershocks rolled through his body.

Neeve smoothed her hand up and down his back while their breathing slowly returned to normal. “Promise me that you’ll love me like that for the rest of our lives?”

Her tone was teasing, but her dark eyes were serious.

“The rest of our lives and beyond. Our souls are bound together forever.”

A radiant smile curved her lips, reaching all the way to her eyes. “I love you,” she whispered.

Happiness filled his soul. He couldn’t have asked for a more perfect mate.

Unwilling to release her for even the barest moment, he kept his arms around her while carefully pulling free of her body. Asher tugged her into shelter of his body and watched as she drifted to sleep, the shadow of a smile still on her face.

He startled awake some time later. Neeve stirred, and he immediately relaxed. She was truly there with him. It hadn’t been a dream. A sense of serenity blanketed him as she snuggled closer, and he tightened his arms around her. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to drift off, holding the woman he loved. Though Maelgwn was still in turmoil, its chancellor was finally at peace.





About the Author


Bronwyn lives in Michigan with her wonderful husband, two amazing sons and six somewhat-psychotic cats. When not tormenting her characters, she can usually be found helping with reading and writing projects in her sons’ classrooms as well as being the car pool mom extraordinaire for five teens and a couple of preteens. Besides writing, she also enjoys reading, knitting, sewing, cross stitching, pottery, drawing—basically anything that helps her avoid the tortures of cleaning and cooking.

Bronwyn loves to talk to her readers and can be found at




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