Guardian Attraction (3 page)

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Authors: Stacey Summers

BOOK: Guardian Attraction
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Officer Jason Chandler pulled into his own
driveway, off from a ten hour shift but just beginning to get to work. He
walked inside and flipped the lights, heading down the hallway to his office.
He booted his computer up and sat down in the chair. He typed in address into
maps, and zoomed in on his destination. The printer started up and delivered
the coordinates he needed. He changed out of his uniform into a black shirt and

He grabbed his jacket and headed back outside. He
hauled a case out of the trunk of his squad car and put it in the backseat of
his truck. The truck started with its distinctive rumble and he was on his way.

The street lights of Evanston moved across Jason's
face as he drove down the avenue. It was 2:30 a.m., the streets were empty,
even devoid of most drunk college kids. He made a right onto Green Street. This
was the neighborhood the rich part of town stayed out of. 219 Green, his
destination, was on the right. He killed the headlights and parked parallel to
the street. The house was dilapidated, junk thrown all over the yard. Jason
opened his truck door, stepped out, and examined the area. Nobody was in sight.
He shut the door and stepped towards the house. There was an illuminating glow
coming from the front window, suggesting someone was watching television. He
stepped up on the front porch. His hand reached down and twisted the knob.
Unlocked, peculiar considering the crime rate in this part of town. He opened
the front door slowly. The wave of stench hit his face, a mix of rotting trash
and stale alcohol. He stepped in quietly and closed the door. He walked slowly
from the foyer to where the television was. He could hear the volume now, an
infomercial for a Super Juicer 3000. The blue light from the television hit
Jason's face as he crept in. Asleep in the recliner was a man, overweight, in
his forties. Beer cans scattered the floor. Jason stood over him. The man had
drank himself to sleep. Jason pulled a pair of leather gloves from his pocket
and put them on. Then, drew his 9mm berretta from his holster. He flipped the
safety off, aimed at the man's slumped head. Hoping the man would wake up and
beg for mercy, Jason hesitated. He fired the gun three times, once in the head
and twice in the chest. The beer cans on the floor were now sprayed with blood.
Jason walked calmly out of the front door and into his truck. He started it and
drove off calmly down the street.

While driving, he noticed several lights come on
inside houses he was passing. Gunshots were common in this neighborhood, so he
knew the police had suspects in mind and would talk to the same witnesses they
always did. He turned back onto Grand Avenue, following the speed limit as to
not draw attention. He drove for about two minutes before he saw the first
police officer fly by him with lights on. Car #12, that is Ramsay. Stupid
rookie would puke his guts up when he saw what was waiting for him.

Jason pulled into his driveway and turned off his
truck. He stepped outside and removed his gloves. He put them in a paper sack
on his porch that he had left there earlier. He fiddled with his keys and
opened up his house. He set his bag on the counter, walked over to the
refrigerator, opened it up, and grabbed a beer. He walked over to his chair,
flipped on the television, and cracked open his beer. Flipping through the
channels, he saw the infomercial for the Super Juicer 3000 again. There would
be new shows on at 3:00, in about ten minutes.








Jamie and Alicia ate lunch together on a sunny
Tuesday. Her grades slipping lower, Jamie hoped for a resurgence before finals,
which were quickly approaching.

 "So, how are you and Jason?"
Alicia asked with a wry smile.

"We're doing good. He's almost too good to be
true. Sweet, charming.."

"He is quite the looker too," Alicia
chimed in. "Have you guys had sex yet?"

"Yeah, holy shit. It is amazing. He knows how
to please," Jamie said.

"Is he pretty big? He is a tall guy,"
Alicia asked.

"Yeah. He wears magnums. I was sore for a
couple of days," responded Jamie.

Alicia laughed. "So it sounds like you found
the perfect man. That means he has to be hiding some deep dark secret. I just
can't believe your dating the police officer who saved us."

"Yeah it's strange. I kind of like that he is
a cop though. It's kind of a turn on for me," Jamie said. "Really
though, he has had kind of a sad life."

"Why do you say that?" Alicia asked.

"His sister was murdered a few years back. I
guess she would have been our age, but she was killed when she was
seventeen," Jamie explained.

"Oh my God. What happened?" asked
Alicia, appearing shocked.

"Well, he hasn't really told me yet,"
Jamie said, biting her lip.

"What was her name?"

"Jennifer Chandler. They called her Jenny.
His family grew up in Evanston. Does that ring a bell?"

"No. I never remember hearing about that. So
she was close to our age? Think we would have heard about that back in Elk
Grove Village? People are killed in

"He will tell me when it's right for him. He
was getting pretty emotional when he talked to me about it," Jamie said.

"Well, there's always the internet,"
Alicia suggested.

Jamie made a grimace and didn't respond.

"Type her name into a search engine and see
what's there. There will probably be newspaper articles from then," Alicia

Jamie pondered this for a while and it seemed like
the wrong thing to do. She finished lunch with Alicia and headed to class.

Upon arriving home, Jamie went straight to her
computer. She had been consumed by the idea during class and could not
concentrate. She clicked her web browser and went to the search engine. Typing
in the query, which was the victims name, the city, and year, resulted in
immediate newspaper articles from back in 2004. Jamie scrolled through several
articles and clicked on one with the title "Arrest Made in Teen
Kidnapping, Death." She began reading the article. A man named Glenn
was arrested for the crime of
kidnapping, rape, and murder of Jennifer Chandler, 17. Jamie's stomach sank.
That poor family. She continued to read a different article, one from late in
2005 about the trial.
attempted to plead
insanity, but was unsuccessful. He was sentenced to a life term. Jamie did not
want to continue reading, but did anyways. She clicked on a different link. She
saw a picture of Jennifer, a yearbook photo. She was beautiful. Green eyes,
Jason's green eyes. Tears began to swell in Jamie's blue eyes. Jennifer had
been kidnapped after a football game. The police looked for her for three days.
They found her body in a ditch near a factory outside of Evanston. Her throat
had been slashed and she had been brutally raped. Oglethorpe's truck had been
seen near the high school that night. His DNA was all over her body. Jamie
continued to read about the suspect. He had previous incidents with violence
against women, the report read. Jamie felt like she was about to throw up. Her
phone then beeped with a text alert. "Oh shit," she whispered,
feeling like she was about to get caught.

"Hey! How was class? - Jason."

Jamie closed the web browser and promptly deleted
her browsing history.








Jamie and Jason had been going strong for about a
month now. He never did describe what happened to his sister to Jamie, even
though she already knew. Every time they got in deep conversation, she expected
it to come out, but it never did.

Jamie was on her final weekend before the BAR
exam. Her and Jason went on a nice date the night before, so Jamie thought she
would cook for him tonight. They sat on her couch and relaxed together. The 4
o'clock program ended, and the news began.

"Tonight: another murder investigation

Jason leaned forward to examine.

"You didn't tell me there was a murder last
night," Jamie said.

"There's a murder on most nights around here.
Let's see who it is. Crack head, gang member?"

A police spokesman came on the screen, standing
behind a podium. "We believe these murders are linked and the suspect is
still at large."

Jamie looked at Jason who was watching intently.
"Mathews looks like an idiot, I'm going to give him so much shit
tomorrow," Jason laughed.

The news anchor came back on the screen. "All
three of the victims had past criminal activity, specifically they were all
convicted of sexual assaults. Police also think these murders might be tied to
two different missing persons cases that were never resolved."

Jason peered over at Jamie. "Well I get to
deal with this shit tomorrow, so how about a movie?" Jason suggested.

"I want to take a quick shower first, so go
ahead if you want or wait for me," Jamie replied.

"Okay, I'm turning on the game until you get
out," Jason shouted back as Jamie walked back to her bathroom. She turned
the shower on and undressed, stepping into the shower. The room slowly filled
with steam from the hot water, as Jamie let the stream fall down her back. She
was startled by a noise at the door. She hated this feeling more than anything,
Alfred Hitchcock conditioned her to believe this was the end. She peeked out of
the shower curtain, and jumped out of her skin when she saw Jason standing

"Holy shit, you scared the fuck out of
me!" Jamie said catching her breath.

"Sorry, sorry, I knocked but I guess you
didn't hear me. I just wanted to join you," Jason said with a smile.

Jamie's heart continued to race, but she managed
to smile and opened up the curtain. Jason pulled off his shirt, exposing his
abs and beautiful midsection. He unfastened his belt and dropped his pants,
exposing navy blue boxer briefs. He removed them, exposing his penis, which was
still large even when not erect. He climbed into the shower, sharing the stream
with Jamie. He reached his left hand up and touched her shoulder. He gazed into
her eyes, water trickling off his hair and making tiny rivers past his nose.
His hands dropped lower to her waist, pulling her towards him. Jamie ran her
fingers across his collarbone, as he moved in to kiss her. Their wet lips
united, and Jamie felt herself sinking into a passion fueled trance. Jason's
hand touched the top of Jamie's hip and moved slowly up to her breast. She
could see his penis getting bigger, drops of water falling off of the head. She
grabbed Jason's shaft and held it in the palm of her hand. Then, slowly started
masturbating him. Jason tilted his head back and closed his eyes. Jamie could
feel his penis getting harder. He put his hand between Jamie's legs, confirming
she was wet. He slid his big fingers over her clitoris and into the labia. She
stroked him faster, but Jason stopped her, in tandem with a deep breath. He
turned Jamie the other way and continued to finger her, reaching around, with
his forearm rested against her hip. Jamie felt Jason's penis touching her ass,
and used her hand to move it away. Jason then moved Jamie's right leg to rest
on the edge of the bathtub, her bent knee resting on her lower leg. She felt
Jason's penis moving past her vagina, then emerging from between her legs. She
lifted the bottom of the head up near her clit. She rubbed her own wetness over
it, then slowly moved it to the base of her vagina. Jason's hand left hand
reached around to continue the finger pleasures, and his right hand squeezed
Jamie's breast. He began to insert his penis in her. Slowly, he moved slightly
deeper with each thrust. Every time he pushed, Jamie's ass cushioned into his
pubic bone. In Jamie's past, she never enjoyed sex from behind. Jason was able
to hit places that other men never could. This felt amazing. She was in
euphoria once again, mouth agape, adding to the steam already present in the room.
Jason breathed heavy, watching the beads of water fall down Jamie's back. Their
moans indicated both were nearing orgasm. Jamie fell into contained screams in
order to heighten her climax. She felt it coming, gripped Jason's hand and
succumbed to another powerful orgasm. Jason stopped, but Jamie told him to keep
going. "Come inside of me. We're okay."

Jason's grip tightened, quite painful to Jamie,
but she allowed it. His hips began moving at a faster pace. Jamie felt him
come, with vibrations and throbbing. She hoped that her birth control would
protect them.

Jason slid his penis out of Jamie, and began
kissing her passionately. They finished the shower, albeit lukewarm from using
all of the hot water.








A box of ammunition, a .38 magnum, and a half
empty bottle of beer adorned Jason's dining room table. He sat meticulously
arming his personal favorite firearm. He examined each bullet before inserting
them into the gun. He loaded in six, but knew he would only need three.

Jason stepped up into his truck and fired the
engine. The dashboard clock read 2:30 a.m. It was unusually cold for a May
night, prompting him to wear his jacket. He backed out of his driveway and
headed north. Tonight's destination was of notable filth. If there was any
indication that the American justice system was broken, it was the Tree Loop,
or "The Forest" in police lingo, a set of streets named after types
of trees. It was located near industrial blight, once a middle class area but now
a product of white flight. Jason turned down Sycamore Street. His eyes bounced
around looking for squad cars. There would be extra patrols tonight he had
found out.

"You have reached your destination, 405
Sycamore Street," his GPS told him. He killed the lights and shut his
truck off.

Upon stepping out of his truck, the piercing bark
of a dog startled him. It was tied to the porch of the house on the left. There
were no lights on at his destination. Pulling out a pair of leather gloves, he
continued to walk, up two steps and onto the porch. He did not hear any people.
His right hand reached up to the knob, giving the cold metal a twist. It was
locked. He started to go left but didn't want to get the dog stirred up too
bad, so he went to the right. There was shit strewn about the yard, piles of
garbage, trash bags. He made his way to the back and eyed a back door. Jason
gave this knob a twist. Locked. There was a third and final option which he
decided was worthy of exploring. What appeared to be a basement door down a few
steps.  Jason walked down to it, gave the knob a twist, eureka. The door
did not move well but it opened half-way. He walked down three more steps and
into the unfinished basement. Taking out his phone, he used it to illuminate
the room. The floor was wet. He located the flight of stairs going up into the
house. He walked over and stepped on the first step. It was terribly creaky but
was his only option. He continued up the flight until he reached the top.
Opening the door, he found himself in the kitchen. He continued to use his
phone to illuminate the house, which had no light. It smelled like shit. These
people always lived in their own shit. He continued into a different room. He
located a light switch and flipped it on. A fluorescent light illuminated what
he could only guess was a living room, but it had no furnishings and trash
laying everywhere. There was two more rooms, an open bathroom, and a shut door.
He drew his .38 magnum from his holster and turned the safety off. He approached
the door, and with his left hand turned the knob, opening the door. There was a
mattress on the ground, with somebody asleep on it. Jason flipped the light
switch, exposing a room that matched the rest of the house. His target began
breathing harder and moving.

"Wake up!" Jason screamed.

The man convulsed violently and looked up, giving
a scream.

"What do you want?" the man asked.
"Don't hurt me! I have money! Let me get you some money!"

Jason stood tall at the doorway. "Ronald

The man began to shake. "I have some money,

"You're right to lock your doors Mr.
Ackerman. There are some bad people out there. Bad people who would hurt those
weaker than them and do bad things to them," Jason said.

"Wait, please, I...," Ackerman

"This is for Lillie," Jason interrupted.
He pointed the gun at the man, and pulled the trigger. Three loud ringing pops,
enough to be heard in the entire neighborhood. The room was painted red now. A
single shot to the head was enough to take a good portion of the skull off. His
9mm usually didn't do that. The two shots to the chest weren't really necessary
this time. Jason walked towards the front door he didn't come in and opened it
up, the crisp air hitting his face, which he could feel was speckled in blood.
He walked across the yard to his truck, the dog next door barking intensely.

"Shut the fuck up!" someone from the
house yelled at the dog, with a porch light coming on as well. Jason started
his truck and sped down the street. The response time of the police would be
shorter here than normal areas. If this had gone down in a suburban
upper-middle class neighborhood, he wouldn't have been able to make it to his
vehicle, let alone home. The police would be there in due time, but he knew he
would be okay. Turning on to Grand Avenue, Jason powered on the police scanner
to see who would respond to the shots. The night lights of a city illuminated
his blood-spattered face on his ride home. He made it to his house, and the
dispatch had still not gone out.

"It didn't even wake the junkies up this
time," Jason said to himself with a half smile.  "Mr. Ackerman
is going to be one stinky bastard for whoever is assigned to that one. God, I
hope it's not me."

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