Guarded Passions (30 page)

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Authors: Rosie Harris

BOOK: Guarded Passions
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‘Mum, this is Mrs Collins … Gary's grandmother.'

Hesitantly, Helen took the small, gnarled hand. She felt she'd suffered enough humiliation for one day. Her pride had already been bruised by Russell's family. Now, face to face with the woman who might well know the truth about Adam's unfaithfulness, it could be dented further.

‘Been a wonderful day, 'asn't it?' the old woman said, in a strong Cockney voice. ‘Can't think when I've been to a more lovely wedding. All we wants now is a good old knees-up to finish it off!' She gave a ribald cackle, that had heads turning in their direction.

‘Better not let my Gary hear me say things like that or he'll be ashamed of me!' She looked proudly across to the other side of the room, where Gary was talking to Hugh and Mark. ‘He don't half fit in well with your lot! Always talking about you all!' The bird-bright eyes in the plump, round face studied Helen closely.

For a wild moment Helen wanted to ask her about Gary's father. This woman must have the key to the truth, something she yearned to know so desperately.

‘We used to see quite a lot of Gary before he went out to Hong Kong,' Helen murmured uncomfortably. ‘Since then …' her voice trailed away, as Gary walked across to join them, his blue eyes fixed on her challengingly.

‘Reckon you've bin like a family to 'im,' the old woman went on garrulously, smiling up at Gary as he towered over her, his arm affectionately around her shoulders.

‘Well … I don't know about that …'

‘Poor little devil, never 'ad a real family of 'is own,' Mrs Collins sniffed. ‘Not with 'is ma dying like she did when 'e were born and me having to bring him up more or less on me own. Mischievous little bugger 'e could be an all, I can tell you. Never had a man around, no dad to keep him in order; that was part of the trouble.' She sniffed loudly, then rummaged in her large, black handbag for a tissue to dry her eyes.

‘Still,' she added, smiling up at him, her voice filled with pride, ‘'e's not turned out too bad, 'as 'e … not for a one-night stand.'

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