Grooming Kitty: A BDSM Romance (13 page)

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Authors: Kirsten McCurran

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Grooming Kitty: A BDSM Romance
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Katherine carried the bags and followed Tara into an upscale department store. The only time she had been there before was shopping for prom dresses with her mother. She couldn't imagine what they would be shopping for there, but Tara led her to a section of evening gowns, explaining, "You will need something appropriate if Patrick wants to take you somewhere nice. It's important for you to look sexy on his arm."

"Is this how you dress when he takes you out?"

"Sometimes. It depends on where we're going. I'm not going to wear something inappropriate to a church function, or one of Patrick's business dinners—unless he needs to really impress a client. I am sure they will find you rather impressive as well."

"Do you really think so? Thanks."

"You are a beautiful young woman, Kitty, and some of their tastes run toward younger women. Now look at this. You would look phenomenal in this."

It was a metallic green cocktail dress with a low-cut halter and came to a couple inches above the knee. It was longer than the skirts Tara had chosen for her, but it also had a slit on the left side that would leave her exposed almost to the ass. It was a very sexy dress, but Katherine couldn't imagine herself in it. She dutifully trailed behind Tara with the dress and a couple others and went on to the nearby lingerie section. Katherine liked frilly, girly things, but she had never bought anything like the underwear Tara picked out for her. She also couldn't believe the prices. Five hundred dollars for a bra and panty set!

Katherine was surprised when Tara followed her right into the changing booth. She waited outside to see the outfits in the other stores. There was no attendant on duty and Tara chose a changing booth at the end of the long hallway, at least three doors down from the nearest occupied booth. Tara sat on the narrow bench while Katherine stripped out of her clothes—which was quick as she was only wearing the little skirt and tight top. There was no self-consciousness at being nude in front of Tara—not anymore. Tara handed her the green cocktail dress first. Katherine scooped her breasts into the top and found that when zipped the dress fit like a second skin. With the halter snapped behind her neck it pulled her breasts up, not just supporting them, but presenting them. The dress didn’t need a bra anyway. She posed in the mirror and felt so sexy and grown up in the dress.

"You look amazing, honey," Tara said, standing behind her and putting her hands on Katherine's hips to turn her this way and that. She slid her hands up to Katherine's breasts, cupping and squeezing them. "Patrick is absolutely going to love you in this."

Katherine froze when her master’s wife started groping her. She experienced that weird mix of fear and desire that she’d felt when Tara touched her that first night in the playroom. Letting another woman touch her like that—arouse her—flew in the face of everything she’d been taught was normal. But then, Katherine was already far past normal, wasn’t she? Tara massaged her tits and her lips were right by her ear, giving Katherine chills.

"You are so sexy. You'd be the hottest girl in any room you walked into," Tara whispered in her ear.

"Thank you," Katherine whispered shakily. The urge to flee warred inside her with the newly developed desire to submit.

Tara unzipped the side of the dress and pushed a hand inside, cupping Katherine's bare breast. She caught her nipple between her fingers and Katherine barely bit back a moan. She wanted to stop Tara, to move her hand away, but as Tara was her master's wife she felt she had to give Tara free rein. Katherine did not know what he would do if Tara reported back that she was uncooperative. She knew it was only rationalization, but she went with it. Her already wet pussy tightened and she wished her master was there in the changing booth with them. Tara brushed her ponytail aside and unsnapped the halter and peeled it past her breasts. It was unreal to watch Tara's slender hand, with its red manicured nails massaging her tit and teasing her nipple. Katherine closed her eyes so she could concentrate on how good the touch felt and not who was doing it.

"You should try on the other things," Tara said, and softly kissed the side of her neck.

Katherine caught her breath and stripped back down again, suddenly aware of Tara watching her body. Although her back was to the other woman, she was well-aware of Tara watching in the mirror and fought the urge to cover her breasts with her arm. She did not like what she was feeling. Instead, she just quickly slipped into another dress.

Tara kept her hands to herself while Katherine tried on the other dresses which was a relief. She was ready to get dressed when Tara demanded she try on the lingerie too. Katherine slipped on the expensive bra, which was a fiery red balconette with wide set straps that made her breasts look like they were going to burst forth. Katherine loved the way she looked it in and even though the expensive silk felt like a breeze against her skin, she still could not believe it cost so much money. There was barely anything to it! When Tara insisted she try on the matching panties she resisted, mostly because she was so wet, but Tara said it was okay since they would be buying the panties anyway.

In the bra and panty set, Katherine posed in front of the mirror. She felt so sexy—like a model—and couldn't wait for her master to see her in the lingerie. She was going to get changed back into her clothes when Tara turned her with her hands on her sides.

"Do I look sexy enough for our Master?" Katherine asked.

"Too sexy to pass up, Kitty."

Tara kissed Katherine's tanned belly and reached up to massage her tits through the bra. Katherine's stiff nipples were easy to find through the thin silk and Tara lightly pinched and twisted them. Katherine moaned involuntarily. The caress felt too good to resist—even if it was another woman touching her. Master left her so horny earlier that she had little resistance left. Tara was kissing her way lower while pulling the bra straps to the side so Katherine's breasts spilled out. Katherine was melting into a puddle of unbridled lust and did everything she could to forget it was another woman doing this to her, but she couldn't. She was deeply ashamed for giving in so easily and used that to try and fight her growing need.

"Tara, please, I shouldn't be doing this," Katherine pleaded.

"Doesn't it feel good?" Tara asked, kissing her through the panties, which sent tremors through Katherine.

"Mmm, yes, but that's not the point."

"That's exactly the point, Kitty. Stop resisting what you truly want."

Katherine valiantly tried to hold back for a few moments more, but she just couldn't resist. Wrong or not, she wanted it. She wanted so badly for Tara to make her climax. She rolled the panties down her hips and opened her legs for Tara.

"That's more like it, Kitty. Spread yourself for me. God, you smell so good I can't wait to taste you."

Katherine wished she would talk less and just get to it. Tara was kissing her thighs and coming closer and closer to her pussy, but she took her time getting there and Katherine wanted to scream in frustration. She leaned back against the mirror mounted on the wall and its cool surface gave her the chills. Tara leaned forward to follow her and finally dove in, thrusting her tongue deep inside Katherine while sucking. It created a great suction and thrusting. Katherine bit her lip and stared up at the ceiling. Her soft, quiet moans seemed so loud in the little changing booth that Katherine fought hard to stay completely silent. She was good at it at home—when she masturbated while her parents were in the house—but her master unlocked something in her last time he played with her and she couldn't control herself the way she had in the past. Tara moved up to her clit and lashed it with her tongue. Katherine's moans turned to cries and she just couldn't contain herself any longer. Katherine grabbed her own tits and pinched her nipples roughly. The soft lips on her pussy and smooth cheeks against her thighs were so different from a man going down on her and Katherine really loved it. The way Tara went after her clit, both delicately and aggressively, was so different then when her master just took charge of her body. There was a different hunger and desire she felt from Tara than she felt from a man.

Katherine's cries grew louder and louder until she tensed up and squealed as her long overdue climax rocked her. Tara kept lapping at her pussy, slurping away until she was licking Katherine clean. The younger woman was even building to a second orgasm when Tara lifted her face from between Katherine's thighs and licked her sticky lips.

"Now wasn't that good?"

"God, yeah. Thank you, Tara. It was so good."

Tara stood up and kissed Katherine aggressively. Katherine had no choice but to open her lips and accept the kiss. She could taste herself on Tara—something she'd never done before. The taste of pussy was strong, but not unpleasant and Katherine wondered if she would be able to reciprocate when Tara asked. Even if she didn't expect her to at this moment, Katherine was sure at some point her master would order her to please his wife.

Tara was wearing a patterned wrap dress in shades of blue. The dress was sexy, but dignified and just met the tops of Tara's knee-high, spike-heeled black leather boots. Tara untied the knot at her waist and peeled the dress back to reveal a sheer black bra, which pushed up her big tits, and a matching thong. She pressed her nearly naked body to Katherine while they kissed, and rubbed her cunt against Katherine's. Katherine was shocked by how much she enjoyed kissing Tara and she eagerly molded her body to the older woman’s.

Katherine let Tara guide her hands to her tits. She groped the soft, quivering mounds and felt Tara’s nipples press into her palms through the sheer bra. She'd never thought about it before, but there was something sensual about the curve of a woman's breast. She felt the smooth metal of the barbell through Tara's nipple and gave it a gentle tug, remembering how her master played with his wife's piercings.

"Yess, Kitty, pull it harder. I like it to hurt."

Katherine did not quite understand that, even though she did love being spanked. She just couldn't imagine that sharp pain in her sensitive nipples. Those clamps her master put on her were almost too much for her. She pulled on Tara's barbell and the blond whimpered, "Yesss, Kitty. Harder!" Katherine did as she was told and bit the side of Tara's neck, just the way she liked it herself. Tara dug nails into Katherine's arm and grabbed her other hand.

Tara pressed Katherine's hand between her legs and then pulled her panties out of the way. Katherine's fingers slipped all over Tara's wet pussy before she could slip her fingers inside. Three fingers were a tight fit, but Tara was so soaked that they slid in and out of her easily. Katherine fingered the blonde because she wasn't sure of what else she should do. Fortunately, that seemed to be just what Tara wanted. She slammed her pussy up and down on Katherine's outstretched fingers with a sucking sound and cries that were far too loud for such a public place. Katherine was bright red and afraid they were going to get caught. While she was excited by the risk when Tara played with her, Katherine was mortified by the idea when she was seemingly the aggressor.

"Oh fuck Kitty!" Tara cried, clenching tightly around Katherine's fingers. Tara clung to Katherine as if she would fall over if she didn't and rode out her strong orgasm.

"Is everything all right?" It was a saleswoman knocking on the door to the changing booth.

"Yes, it's all fine. My sister and I are just trying on some outfits," Tara said, out of breath.

"Well, just let me know if you need any help. I'll be just outside," was the saleswoman's suspicious reply.

"Oh my God. How are we going to walk out of here?" Katherine asked.

"With our heads held high. We're not going to let some little sales twit intimidate us, are we?"

"I guess not."

"No, we're not. Not with the kind of money we're spending here today. Let's get dressed and get out of here."

Katherine did not look up from the floor once, even as the saleswoman followed them to the register and rung them up, but could still feel judgmental eyes burning into her. The saleswoman had a bad attitude, but Tara put her in her place, speaking with a cool aristocratic air and demanding the woman handle their expensive purchases with care. Seeing the woman put in her place made Katherine feel much better and both women were laughing as they made their way back to the car. Katherine barely thought about how the men they passed on the way stared at her bouncing tits. Being braless and pantyless in public didn’t seem like such a big deal anymore.

"Sisters, really?" Katherine asked.

"Are you saying I'm too old?" Tara shot back with mock offense.

"No, it's just we look nothing alike."

"Different fathers!"

A quick trip to the tailor ended their eventful afternoon and Tara dropped Katherine off at home. Katherine ran upstairs before her mother could come out of the kitchen and see how she was dressed. She was disappointed she would not be seeing their master again that day, but Tara promised their master would be in touch soon.



Patrick watched Kitty’s sweet little ass as she hiked up the trail ahead of him. Tara was right beside the girl and he thought they made an interesting contrast. He was never one of those men who had a particular type. He appreciated all sorts of women. It was foolish, in his opinion, to limit oneself when there were so many tasty options out there. Kitty and his wife—his two current submissives—were just two examples of women he enjoyed.

Kitty had been under his control for just over a month now and her training was coming along nicely. She had been willful at first, but he knew one that first night in the playroom that she would be his. Most women would have gone running from the room when he stated what he expected of her—damn the consequences—but she just hung in there and took her punishment. That wasn’t entirely accurate. Kitty did not just take her punishment. She enjoyed it. Tara thought they might be courting trouble, but as always she deferred to his judgment. He loved his wife, but his decisions on these sorts of matters were final.

They reached the trailhead and paused for water before continuing on. The view down into the gorge was beautiful. The river that wound through it was narrow and glistening at the bottom. In years past, the river had flowed mightily, but a lack of rain had reduced it to little more than a glorified stream. Patrick reflected on how the passage of time rarely made things better. He felt he was a perfect example. Patrick kept in prime condition, but now that he was in his 40s it required much more work than it had a decade ago.

He sipped from his canteen and then held it out for Kitty. She tilted her head back and drank greedily at the water he allowed her. It was important to maintain control, even in these little moments. Patrick intentionally fed her too much and the still cool liquid ran down her chin and soaked the front of her tight, ribbed tank top. The backpack pulling on her shoulders thrust her braless tits outward. The damp materiel clung to her stiffening nipples and he could not help himself. He stroked a thumb over her nipple and smiled when he was rewarded with a shutter from his young slave. She glanced back down the trail to make sure no one was becoming up behind them to see how he so casually touched her. Kitty had come a long way, but she had not completely lost her self-consciousness. If she did see some hikers would she have been foolish enough to push his hand away? He almost hoped they would find out so he would have the pleasure of punishing her right there in the open.

“Thank you, sir,” Kitty said sweetly, after her drink.

“May I have a drink, Master?” Tara asked. She knew better than to just take a drink.

“Of course, darling pet,” he replied.

Patrick did not tip the water down the front of her shirt, but simply allowed her to drink. She wore a loose chambray blouse, which was left unbuttoned practically to her navel to expose the sheer, lacy pink bra beneath. She wore tight hiking shorts, while Kitty was clad in cut-off shorts that only barely covered her ass. He was pleased by her obedience when he told Kitty how she was expected to dress for this outing. He knew she enjoyed dressing to please him. The only way in which his women matched today in their clothing was that they both wore their leather collars with the ring in the front.

“Thank you, sir,” Tara said after refreshment. Patrick took the canteen from her plump red lips and replaced it with his mouth. Her blond hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail—like Kitty’s—and she gasped when he yanked on her hair to hold her in place while he thrust his tongue into her mouth. It was important to show Kitty that his wife was not being cast aside in her favor. His new pet was a supplement to Tara—not a replacement.

“Turn,” he instructed the younger woman.

Kitty turned her back to him and he unzipped the backpack. Patrick did not carry any gear himself. Both slaves were equipped with backpacks containing everything they would need for their outing. Tara had packed them, and Kitty had no idea what her load contained. He took two long, chrome chain leashes from the backpack and zipped it again. Kitty’s eyes went wide when she saw them. Did she plan on protesting? The girl wasn’t yet used to being paraded around in public, as his wife was. Patrick enjoyed the tales of the shopping trip Tara shared with him. He wished he’d been there to see how ill at ease Kitty had been on display around the mall. But that had just been her going out dressed like a slut. There was no obvious sign she was being controlled or instructed. The meaning of being on a leash out here would be obvious to anyone they ran into. And Patrick planned on his pets being seen.

Tara was clipped to her leash first. He wanted Kitty to squirm. When he turned to her she looked like she wanted to back away, but she stayed in place. He enjoyed seeing the reticence in her eyes and watching her overcome it.

“Are you all right, Kitty?”

“I’m afraid someone is going to see us, sir,” she said softly. She was afraid of disappointing him.

“So what if someone does? Are you not proud to belong to me?”

“Of course, sir. But what will they think? I don’t want…”

“You don’t want what, Kitty? You don’t want them knowing that you’re mine? You don’t want them knowing that you’re an obedient little whore for your master?”

“I am, sir. But…”

“I suggest you stop there before I make you continue hiking topless,” he said sternly.

Patrick briefly considered doing it anyway. He would have loved to watch the pretty girl walking through the woods with no shirt. Her tits really were beautiful. They should be seen. But he was merciful. He held the leather loop at the end of both chains and tugged the women behind him.

The trio left the main trail, following what looked to be a narrow game trail that led deeper into the woods. Patrick knew his way around these parts very well. He’d been bringing Tara here for years. One of his greatest pleasures was taking his pet out where others could see how well behaved she was. He enjoyed dressing her in sexy little outfits and going out to clubs or restaurants—always far enough away that no one they knew would see them—but he really enjoyed showing her off in ways he couldn’t do in just any public place. These woods were a place where he could take his pet out for an exhibition. He’d found out about this spot after doing some research on the internet.

The clearing was about twenty minutes off the main trail and featured a sunken hot spring bordered by a tumble of boulders. It was a spot where voyeurs knew couples who wanted to be watched would come and fool around. There was no guarantee of an audience, but Patrick had never been disappointed. He hoped his audience appreciated that he and Tara were not just any couple out to fuck while others watched, but really put on a performance.

Patrick led the way, careful on the treacherous path and then assisting the women down after him. A small sandy patch—it was too little to be considered a beach—led into a deep spring. He took up the leashes and walked to the water’s edge. He didn’t see anyone in the rocks and trees above, but that didn’t mean they weren’t there. The voyeurs often only grew bold enough to come closer once the fun started.

“Leave your packs,” he ordered. The women replied and he saw that Kitty was confused. Today was a big test for her. It was one thing to behave in the privacy of the playroom or the bedroom, but it was quite another for her to submit out here where there was a risk of being seen. He planned to bring Kitty to the club in a few weeks and wanted to be sure his new pet was ready to be displayed and behave properly. He pulled the women closer by their leashes.

“How may we please you, Master?” Tara asked. She touched his chest and pressed against his side like a cat in heat. Kitty followed suit, but it was clearly a struggle for her. She kept looking to the woods like she expected someone to jump out at any second. She clearly wanted to obey, but was not yet at the point where she could do it instinctively. He would fix that.

“Pleasure me, my pets,” he said.

Tara purred and flicked at the buttons on his shirt as she kissed his neck. Kitty kissed the other side of his neck and started working his buttons from the bottom. Tara pushed his shirt open and flicked her tongue around his nipple. Patrick turned and kissed Kitty. She returned the kiss eagerly and as she closed her eyes he felt her relax. There was a blindfold in her backpack. Perhaps he should take it out. He palmed her ass and gave it a squeeze. He would have pushed his hand inside her cut-offs, but they were way too tight for him to even squeeze a finger inside. He’d just have to take them off when he wanted to enjoy her.

Patrick felt his wife unfastening his belt and his hiking shorts fell down around his ankles. She pulled his boxer-briefs down as well and his prick—already rock hard—sprung free. He gave a tug on Kitty’s leash and she reluctantly broke the kiss to go to her knees beside Tara in the rocky sand. She sat back passively on her heels and Tara took his cock and rubbed it against Kitty’s face. The girl opened her mouth to try and capture her treat, but Tara continued to tease her. His wife knew what he liked and he very much enjoyed looking down and seeing his cock between their two beautiful faces. Tara looked up and gave a quick wink. She enjoyed teasing Kitty as much as he did. Tara finally pressed the fat, dripping head to Kitty’s lips and she greedily swallowed it.

“Master likes to have fun with us, Kitty,” Tara instructed. “It’s not about just shoving it in your mouth and sucking.”

Patrick had not done much in the way of instructing Kitty on properly administering oral, he had to admit. He was usually so horny from teasing her that he just wanted to fuck her pretty young face and come. If he delayed his gratification much more he might not be able to stop himself from fucking her, and it was not time for that yet. Kitty had not earned it yet.

Tara pushed a stray hair back from Kitty’s face and said, “Kiss it. Lick it, darling. Show our master how you adore his cock.”

Kitty watched his face for a reaction as she stuck her tongue out and swirled it around the head of his cock. He patted her hair as he would to any good pet to show his. Tara joined in, showing Kitty how to cover his shaft with broad swipes of her tongue. Kitty followed her example. She was eager to learn. The two women licking his cock like a candy cane felt wonderful. Kitty kissed up and down his length while Tara sucked on his shaved balls. Once his wife moved aside, Kitty went down and sucked his balls without hesitation. The girl was no virgin, but he somehow doubted she’d ever had a mouthful of balls before. She sucked a bit too hard and he pulled back on her ponytail to correct her.

“Careful, pet. Don’t hurt me.”

“Sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to,” Kitty said, slurping at his balls.

Tara sucked his cock deep into her mouth while Kitty licked and kissed his balls and then the girls switched places. Patrick liked the contrast. Tara had skill and finesse, Kitty was all enthusiasm. Kitty sucked him hard, like it was her mission in life to make him come. Tara understood that it was about the pleasure of getting there for her master. Kitty was thinking about the reward of a mouthful of her master’s cum. And if he didn’t slow her down, she would have that reward sooner than he wished.

“I feel a little underdressed, pets. Tara, do something about that.”

Tara rose to her feet and pulled Kitty up by her leash. Patrick had not included his wife much in the girl’s training so far, but Tara said that Kitty naturally followed her instructions on their shopping trip as if they were his.

“Undress me, Kitty,” Tara instructed.

Patrick only caught Kitty’s hesitation because of his experienced eye, but it was there. She was going to have to learn to follow orders and not think of her own discomfort. She pulled Tara’s blouse from those tight hiking shorts and undid the only two buttons that were fastened. The shirt slipped from his wife’s shoulders and he admired her full, perfect tits, presented by the lacy pink bra. Tara had kept in phenomenal shape, knowing it was important to her master. When Kitty reached around to unclasp Tara’s bra, the older woman stepped closer so they were touching, and kissed Kitty. Kitty’s eyes fluttered closed and she returned the kiss passionately. Patrick knew Kitty had no experience with other women—besides her limited contact with Tara—but it appeared that she’d learned how enjoyable to the touch of another woman could be. It was time for her to learn how to fully reciprocate.

The pink bra joined Tara’s blouse on the sand and Kitty unsnapped the tight hiking shorts. Tara had to wiggle her hips for Kitty to pull them down and then she awkwardly stepped out of them without removing her hiking boots. There were no panties to remove. Kitty looked like she wasn’t sure what to do now that Tara was nude.

“And now you’re overdressed, dear,” Tara said.

Tara did not ask permission, but just pulled Kitty’s tank top over her head and over the leash and cast it aside. She couldn’t help herself and palmed Kitty’s exposed pert tits, rolling the dark nipples until the girl gasped and pressed forward into Tara’s hands. Patrick’s cock did not flag from lack of attention. Watching his women together kept him rock hard. He had always loved watching his wife seduce younger women. Usually passive, Tara seemed to relish taking on the role of aggressor. Tara made short work of Kitty’s cut-offs and Patrick thought the two women looked adorable naked in their hiking boots. He wished his had his phone at hand to take a picture.

The women’s bodies molded together when they kissed again and Tara pressed her fingers between Kitty’s thighs. Kitty squirmed and had trouble standing while Tara played with her pussy. Patrick moved closer, his arms going around both girls. He palmed their asses and slid his fingers lower. Tara’s fingers retreated for her master’s and both women moaned into their shared kiss when he touched them. They were both damp between their legs already; under his ministrations they quickly became soaked. He pressed two fingers pressed inside each of them. Kitty broke the kiss first, hanging her head as she cried out, gasping for air. Tara was quieter, but pushed herself down onto her master’s fingers.

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