Grey Star the Wizard (4 page)

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Authors: Ian Page,Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Grey Star the Wizard, #Magnamund

BOOK: Grey Star the Wizard
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Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

The way leads south through the farms and paddy fields of the region. The path keeps firmly to the line of the Azan River as it curves towards the great Azagad Gorge, a great pitted canyon of weathered limestone columns. In order to maintain the secrecy of your presence, you avoid the homesteads that nestle by the river.

You walk for two long days and must consume 2 Meals or lose 6
points. The regulated squares of the rice fields become fewer and fewer, and finally give way to a flat expanse of unyielding plains called the Wilderwastes, which are devoid of human habitation. That night, you make camp on the leeward side of a small outcrop of hills.

Turn to 24

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You leave the road, and after travelling a short way through the thickening trees, you discover a small clearing sheltered by a large, overhanging Acacia tree.

You decide to rest here. You are hungry and must eat 1 Meal or lose 3
points, and 2 Meals (if you have any left) must be given to Tanith and Shan. (Remember to cross all these from your
Action Chart

You have no blankets and dare not start a fire for fear of revealing your hiding place, but fortunately it is a warm night. Shan and Tanith insist that you sleep while they take it in turns to keep watch. Wryly, you point out that it is the first time that they have agreed about anything.

If you decide to take up their offer,
turn to 85

If you would prefer to take the first watch,
turn to 275

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You vault onto the dead tree, using your Staff for support. Hauling yourself to the top, you reach out and grab the thick branch of a Giant Azawood. Your chest contracts with pain every time you draw breath and the humid, fetid air clings to the sides of your throat. Slowly and painfully, you climb the tall tree while the columns of insects march relentlessly towards you, their pincers gnashing and clacking in crazed fury.

Grimly you ignore the savage pain of your wounded leg. Looking up you gasp with dismay, for a line of Cave Mantiz has somehow gained the branch above your head. Those behind are nearly upon you, and in desperation, you clamber along the nearest branch. The further you crawl along the narrowing tree limb, the greater the swaying of the branch as it bends under your weight.

You turn to see a line of insects scurrying along the branch towards you: there is no escape. With one last effort of will you use all your remaining
points in an attempt to clear the branch of the Cave Mantiz.

Turn to 350

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You hurl a bolt from your Staff at the plant that threatens Shan. It is quickly destroyed by the searing blue flame, but the effort has cost you 2

Suddenly, you are aware that creepers are clutching at your legs. As you crash to the ground, a tendril coils around your throat and pulls you towards the poison barbs of another Yaku plant. You are being slowly strangled to death and must lose 3

Turn to 42

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You push onwards into the heart of the ‘Dragon's Teeth’. The sun beats savagely on your heads. You lose 4
points due to heat exhaustion before you reach the far side of the gorge and sight the Great Wall of Azakawa.

In the evening light you regard with awe the towering cliff-face, stretching like a vast curtain of rock from east to west as far as the eye can see.

You press on, anxious to reach the Azanam by nightfall.

Turn to 325

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You learn that the girl's name is Tanith. She is a novice in the ways of witchcraft and is in the service of Mother Magri, her protector and guardian. She is very beautiful and has long, dark, unkempt hair and wild green eyes. ‘They say that you are a wizard and that you challenged the truthsay of the Kazim Stone,’ she says, curiously.

‘Of course,’ you reply, a little boastfully, wishing to impress this ragged but winsome creature.

‘That is very bad,’ she says, shaking her head. ‘Mother Magri will have you tortured. The ways of the Shadaki are very cruel. Tonight, you will be taken to the Darkling Room and you will experience great pain and terror.’

‘Then I must escape this place,’ you say, fearfully. ‘Can you help me?’

Tanith gazes at you, a frightened expression on her face. ‘No … No … The danger … I cannot … I dare not!’ She takes a dried flower from the pocket of her dress, and sprinkles its powdered petals into your food. ‘This will help fortify you before your ordeal,’ she explains, her voice trembling. ‘I can do no more.’

She jumps to her feet. ‘I'm sorry … ’ She falters, a longing note in her voice, and then she disappears.

Turn to 270

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You crawl into the shelter of the tiny cave, scarcely large enough to contain you, and immediately notice a small tunnel leading upwards. The ghostly mist of Lake Shenwu lingers on the cave floor, dimly lighting the rough-hewn ceiling and walls.

You are tired and need to sleep.

If you wish to sleep here,
turn to 14

If you would rather enter the tunnel,
turn to 19

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Bravely you fight off the soldier Mantiz, but soon the whole nest is upon you and, in a matter of minutes, they have stripped your flesh to the bone.

Your life and your quest end tragically, here.

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You get up and walk over to Tanith, who looks up with a startled expression.

‘Grey Star,’ she gasps, ‘I … I could not resist. I am sorry … ’

If you have the Kazim Stone,
turn to 51

If you do not,
turn to 90

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

Before the Shadakine come any nearer, you loose a bolt of force from your Staff, killing one of them outright. The attack has cost you 1
point. The remaining warrior hangs back. At first you think that he has simply lost his nerve, but then notice with sinking heart that more Shadakine are approaching from behind. They are armed with crossbows, which are aimed directly at you.

‘Surrender or die,’ shouts one of the Shadakine.

If you wish to surrender,
turn to 300

If you decide to attack,
turn to 66

If you wish to turn and make a run for it,
turn to 20

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

At the expense of 3
you are able to cut a path through the smoking remains of the Yaku. Soon you are completely free of them, and in the fading light you come within sight of the Great Wall of Azakawa.

Turn to 325

] If you do not have sufficient
points, you may choose to simply subtract the specified number of
points. This may leave you with a negative
score, or if it was already negative, it will make your score become even more negative. Alternatively, you may choose the method used in
Section 175
War of the Wizards
for resolving this problem: For the
points you lack, you use
points at a rate of 2
points for every 1
point (i.e. 2
points = 1

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

The forest is very near and it is a dark night. Fortunately, you have not been seen. Diving into the undergrowth at the forest's edge, you lie as still as possible as the Shadakine chariot rattles past at breakneck speed. The vicious blades on the wheel hubs flash as the chariot passes dangerously close to your hiding place.

You wait with bated breath for several minutes after it has passed, but the chariot does not return.

Turn to 75

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

It is a sleep from which you will not awaken. The poisonous mist overwhelms you as you slumber. The cave has become your tomb, and your body will never be found.

You have failed in your quest.

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You leave the Chansi Hills far behind and cross the Suhni River once more, following its winding course through the dense forest. Tanith continues to summon small game, a sight which you still find disturbing. Shan leads you through the forest, but this time you encounter no Shadakine patrols.

You are not required to exert any Magical Power and may restore your
points to the value of one half your current totals. (Remember that unlike your
total, your
points total may never exceed the number with which you started your adventure.)

Turn to 218

] The exact nature of this restoration of
is unclear. There is a general consensus that you should multiply your current
scores by 1.5 (i.e. you may add one half of your current
points value to your score), remembering that you may not exceed your starting value; and you may add one half of your current
value to your score, irrespective of whether this exceeds your starting value.

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

When you agree to the paltry price of 20 Nobles, the old man brightens visibly. He hands you the 20 jade stones and you place them in the pocket of your robe. Mark these on your
Action Chart

You try to coax some information from him and ask about the legend of the Lost Tribe of Lara. However, he is reluctant to talk, looking away from you and shifting uneasily from one foot to the other, seemingly anxious to be gone.

‘Try the Inn of the Laughing Moon at the end of yonder street,’ he mutters finally. ‘You'll find plenty of traveller's talk there.’

Following the direction of his finger, you see a dark, narrow street leading from the harbour area. When you turn back to face him, you find that you are alone. The old man has disappeared into the night.

If you want to enter the narrow street,
turn to 200

If you would rather explore the harbour front,
turn to 100

Grey Star the Wizard
by Ian Page and Joe Dever

You step into the thick, muddy water and immediately scream in pain. Your flesh feels as if it is on fire. You fall head-first into the poisonous waters of Lake Shenwu, and in a matter of minutes, you have drowned.

Lake Shenwu has claimed another victim, and you have failed in your quest.

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