Gray Hawk's Lady: Blackfoot Warriors, Book 1 (41 page)

BOOK: Gray Hawk's Lady: Blackfoot Warriors, Book 1
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He shook his head as she approached, throwing his hair back behind his shoulders, and he braced his hands on his hips.

She rode right up to him.

“Gen-ee, it is no use. I have already thrown you away.”

She stared down at him, not bothering to dismount. “It doesn’t matter. I did not agree. It’s not valid.”

“You did not stop me.”

“I am now.”

“It does not matter. Genny, how could we live together? I could not keep you in my camp forever, and there is too much prejudice here. It is not an easy thing to experience. I would not have you feel this too because of me.”

“I don’t care.”

“I do. I would protect you.”

He turned away from her as though he would leave again.

“Wait, Gray Hawk. What do you mean, protect me? Who are you ‘protecting’ me from? You?”

He spun around. “Yes. I would not have you experience this prejudice.”

“I already have. It doesn’t matter to me.”

“It does to me. I would die a little every time someone said something bad about you.”

“Even in your own camp?”

“Yes, in my own camp…what do you mean?”

“I mean that I am going with you.”

“But your father?”

“He will come and visit, or we can always journey here to see him or travel to England if he returns. You were right, Gray Hawk. Sometimes, you have to work at these things; sometimes, you have to bend.”

He hesitated. “You would give up all this?”

“Yes,” she said. “But not forever. We can live in both worlds. It will not be easy, but life without you would be misery. I would rather be fighting the prejudice than always remembering—with regret—the love that we had. I would have your children, Gray Hawk.”

Still, he didn’t seem convinced. “You are certain?”

“I am certain. I don’t know why I didn’t see it before. My place is not here just because I was raised here. My place is where my heart is. It is with you.”

He grinned. He let go a cry. He spun around in a circle and walked a short distance away.

But before he had a chance to step more fully away, or even to return, Genevieve took hold of a lasso that had been tied onto the horse. Setting the animal to walk up to Gray Hawk, she dropped the rope around him.

She said, “I’m not letting you go away without me. Know now that the first time I captured you, I had to do it for my father. This time, Gray Hawk, I do it for me. And don’t you dare dispute a sits-beside-him-wife.”

He smiled; he chuckled, his teeth gleaming white and straight under the streetlight torches. He said, “I would not even attempt it.”

She smiled then, too, her laughter mixing with his as she dismounted and fell into his waiting arms.

“Oh, Gray Hawk,” she said. “Forever I will love you. And yes, I can answer your question now. Love is enough. We will make it so.”

He jerked his head to the left, smiling and laughing with her. But when he spoke, all he seemed able to utter was, “Oh, my sweet, courageous Gen-ee.”

And he picked her up, swinging her round and round until, at last, he carried her quietly away, into the night.

A little farther back, a man stood with his best friend, one who posed as his servant. Slowly, this first gentleman lit a cigar, unable to keep the tears from his eyes, nor the smile from his face.

Quietly, he said, “We’d best go bring the horse home, what do you say, Robert?”

When his friend acknowledged him, Viscount Rohan defiantly raised his cigar in the air. And, beaming, he said, “Here’s to my grandchildren.”

And with that, with the horse’s reins grasped firmly in hand, the Viscount Rohan and his good friend, Robert, strolled leisurely back toward the house.

About the Author

Author of seventeen American Indian Historical Romances, Karen Kay aka Gen Bailey, has been praised by reviewers and fans alike for bringing the Wild West alive for her readers.

Karen Kay, whose great-great grandmother was a Choctaw Indian, is honored to be able to write about something so dear to her heart, the American Indian culture.

“With the power of romance, I hope to bring about an awareness of the American Indian’s concept of honor, and what it meant to live as free men and free women. There are some things that should never be forgotten.”

Find Karen Kay online at

Look for these titles by Karen Kay

Now Available:



Lakota Surrender

Lakota Princess

Proud Wolf’s Woman


Coming Soon:


Blackfoot Warriors

White Eagle’s Touch

Night Thunder’s Pride


Legendary Warriors

War Cloud’s Passion

Lone Arrow’s Pride

Soaring Eagle’s Embrace

Written in the stars…


Soaring Eagle’s Embrace

© 2012 Karen Kay


The Legendary Warriors, Book 4

Kali Wallace has no room in her busy life for marriage. Instead, she is following her father into a photography career, striving to capture the beauty of the Wild West and its vanishing Indian cultures before they both disappear forever.

Montana’s Blackfeet country is everything she could have dreamed—and more. At night a handsome man gently invades her sleep. Their nightly encounters become more and more real until one bright morning, she is startled to find everything has changed.

Lawyer by profession, Blackfeet by blood, Clay Soaring Eagle is determined to do everything in his power—legally and spiritually—to save his people’s way of life. He trusts no one of the white race, and hopes that once Kali’s task is done, she will leave and take temptation with her.

The spirits have their own plan. As their passion burns with a brightness that rivals the stars, Clay and Kali are aware that it can never last…unless they find a way to make their two worlds come together as one.

Warning: Contains soul-stirring dreams, passionate unions, and a mountain-top quest that will leave you hungry to see these two lovers get their happily ever after.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Soaring Eagle’s Embrace:

“I thought you wished to take pictures of my people.”

“I do.”

“And if you take these pictures, what will you do with them?”

Kali felt herself relax. On this subject, she was on familiar ground. She said, “My father and I will make them into a book, which will be sold back East.”

“Ah,” he said. “Then this is how you and your father make your living in the white man’s world?”


“Then it is your wish to make money off us Indians.”

Kali shrugged. “Yes,” she said. “In a way. But in a way, not.”

“And how will we Indians profit by your pictures?”

“By bringing more understanding of you and your people’s plight to the world. After all, if the native people of America were better understood, you would be able to enlist more aid to your cause.”

He raised an eyebrow, his glance at her hard-hitting. “You are a wise woman,” he said, “yet I don’t think you are wise enough. You tell me that you wish to take our pictures, tell our stories, relate our adventures, yet you do not offer the Indian anything in compensation, though these adventures are rightfully ours.”

“I hadn’t thought about it. It’s not something that has ever been brought up to us before.”

“Always,” he said, “the white man has explanations.”

Kali shook her head and pulled a face. “That’s too bad, really.”

“Too bad?”

“You are a very prejudiced man.”

“I am a realistic man.”

“All right, then. I suppose you are too realistic to take a dare, then, as well?”

“A dare?”

“Yes. I must admit that I have come into this project blind. I should have learned more about the situation and what was confronting the people I wished to contact—before I arrived. However, I didn’t. Be that as it may, I am prepared to parlay with you.”

“Parlay? In what way?”

“Tonight I was besieged with bigotry not only from you but from the agent’s wife, Mrs. Black. It leads me to believe that there is something going on here that needs investigation. Therefore, I am prepared to make a bargain with you.”


“Here it is. I will acquaint you with what I do so that you can more fully understand why I am here. You, for your part, will show me what is going on between you and the ranchers who share this land with you. Then we will examine the facts and make our own judgments. If I am right, and my pictures do not do harm, you will do all you can to help introduce me to your chiefs and your people, perhaps talk them around to meeting me and letting me take their pictures. If, on the other hand, you convince me that I am hurting people by doing this, I will leave.”

He opened his mouth to speak, but she held up a hand.

“You will, for your part, show me what is happening on your reservation. If you are right, and the white ranchers are trying to push you out, I will do all I can to help you fight this. If, however, you are wrong and the ranchers have just cause to do as they are, you will do all you can to convince your people to help them.”

“I will never help the white ranchers. And I will not put myself into a position where I might ever have to do so. No, I don’t think I will bet with you.”

“I see,” she said, biting down on her lip. “You’re afraid.”

He frowned at her. “Only at the prospect of being hoodwinked by a small redheaded woman.” He softened the words with a grin. Then, after a moment, “Who would decide if the white ranchers have ‘just cause’?”

“Why, both you and I, of course.”

“And you will listen to me?”

“I will listen to you.”

“And if we don’t agree?”

“We will examine only the facts and keep examining them until we do agree,” she said. “In truth, I would be willing to bet that you have simply misunderstood the actions of those who live around you. If it’s not a case of simple misunderstanding, then—”

“And if I am right, if you discover that I speak the truth? What then?”

“Then you would win the bet, I would help you and I would have to pay you whatever we decide are the stakes.”

He leaned in toward her. “And what are the stakes?”

“Well, for my part, if I win, I would like you to help me get as many pictures as I can. If you win, hadn’t we already decided that my father and I would leave?”

He pursed his lips, nodding. “It sounds good, but I’m not sure I like it.”

“What about it don’t you like?”

“It is not personal enough.”


It is not a small thing that you ask of me if you should win the bet. I think you should wager with something you do not wish to part with.”

“I am.” She crossed her arms. “If you win, I would have to leave.”

“Yes, but is that enough? At least in comparison to what you ask of me.”

“I see,” she said, then a little sarcastically, “I suppose you have something in mind?”

He appeared to mull this over, although Kali was certain he had something firmly fixed in his thoughts. Several moments passed. At last, however, he spoke up, saying, “If you win, I will do as you say and try to persuade the others to agree to your photos and to understand the whites around us. But if I win…”

Kali waited. “Yes?”

I win, you will do as I say…even though the request might be a little intimate.”

Kali’s stomach dropped; she raised her chin. “Exactly how intimate?”

He grinned. “It is told by our elders that, in the past, young men were willing to use their wives as the stakes in a wager. The woman had no say in it, even if she loved her husband. She went to the winner willingly, and in marriage.”

Kali stared at this man who stood before her so handsome and proud, who probably had half the female members of his village running after him. And he was asking her to…what? Aloud, she said, “Are you telling me that if you win you might ask me to marry you?”

“Or something like that.”

“How much like that?”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Perhaps the physical side of it.”

Kali spun away from him, although it did her little good. She could feel the heat of his glance on her back. She said, “If you are asking what I think you are, it is immoral. And I’m certain that your society isn’t that much different than mine when it comes to such things.”

He didn’t speak for some time, and he must have come up close to her, for when he next spoke, she could feel his breath on the back of her neck. He said, “Yet it is certainly a high enough stake. And you are an attractive woman.”

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