Grave Delight (A Maddie Graves Mystery Book 3) (7 page)

BOOK: Grave Delight (A Maddie Graves Mystery Book 3)
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Nick was practically giddy as he left his brother in Christy’s capable hands. Tonight was the night. He was ready for the next step.



Maddie was in her pajamas, her blonde hair pulled away from her makeup-free face and ready for bed when Nick texted her. The message was brief:
Come to my house.

Worried, Maddie didn’t bother changing out of her pajamas before jumping in her car and racing out to Nick’s secluded house. She was worried.
Had he hurt himself? Was he upset? Was something else wrong?

Maddie’s heart pounded painfully hard when she let herself in through the front door with the key Nick bestowed upon her weeks before. The living room was empty. As much time as they’d shared together over the past two weeks, Maddie had only spent the night out here twice, so she wasn’t familiar with the way he kept things. She felt weird wandering around Nick’s house without him – like she was invading his personal space.


There was no answer. She hurried to his bedroom, frowning when she found it empty.
Where is he?


She was about to leave and search the rest of the house when the glint of something on the back lawn caught her attention. Nick’s house wasn’t big – only two bedrooms – and the expansive back deck was accessible through a set of sliding glass doors in his bedroom.

Maddie moved closer to the glass door and peered out. What she saw was enough to steal the air from her lungs.

Nick was sitting on the lush grass, a blanket spread out beneath him. There were candles – at least twenty of them – and they were flickering in the night sky and beckoning to her.

Maddie took a deep breath and slid the door open, stepping out onto the deck and staring at Nick’s strong back for a moment. She knew what this was, and other than her outfit, she’d never been more ready for anything in her entire life.


shifted his head so he could stare at the house when he heard the door slide open. There she was … his Maddie. She was dressed in fuzzy pajama pants, a tank top, and a simple black hoodie. Her hair was pulled away from her face, which was just how he liked it: devoid of makeup. She was dressed down, and yet he’d never seen anything more beautiful.

“You scared me,” Maddie said, walking down the lawn until she reached the blanket. She put her hands on her hips as she stared down at him. “I thought something happened to you.”

“Something did happen to me,” Nick said, patting the blanket next to him. “I fell in love with you.”

Maddie sighed. “I’m trying to pretend like I’m angry with you. You’re making it hard.”

“That’s the plan,” Nick said, smirking. “Come on, love. Sit with me.”

Maddie gladly joined him on the blanket, smiling as he wrapped his arm around her waist and drew her close. “I thought you were spending the evening with your brother. That’s what your message said.”

“Yeah, well, that’s not what I wanted to be doing,” Nick said, brushing his lips against her ear and causing her to shudder. “John insisted. I was actually hoping you would put up a fight and demand my attention this evening.”

“That seemed juvenile.”

“I know,” Nick said, rubbing his thumb against her soft cheek. “Christy showed up at the restaurant and saved me, though. I’m going to have to buy her another bouquet of flowers as a thank you.”

Maddie arched an eyebrow. “She did?”

“It seems she might have a thing for my brother.”

“I knew that,” Maddie said, her eyes sparkling. “She wanted me to introduce her to him. I told you that this afternoon.”

“She introduced herself,” Nick said. “Trust me. She made an impression. He’s either staying at a hotel or her house tonight.”

“But … they just met.”

Nick grinned. “Not everyone wants to wait, Mad.”

“Are you sad we waited?”

“I’m not sad about anything,” Nick said. “Are you sad we waited?”

“I’ve never been happier in my entire life,” Maddie replied. “I just wish you’d told me what you had planned. I wouldn’t have worn … this.”

Nick pulled her tighter against him. “I don’t care about that, Mad. You’re always going to be the prettiest woman in the world. Besides, I don’t plan on letting you wear it long.”

“Are we … doing it here?”

“No,” Nick said, kissing her cheek again. “I just want a few minutes with you before we go inside. I like the sound of the water. It relaxes me.”

“I’m surprised you don’t want to do it here,” Maddie said, her eyes wide. “It’s beautiful. You lit candles. I didn’t know you were shy about doing it outside.”

“I’m not shy about doing it outside,” Nick said. “I’m sure we will do it outside. I’ve had fantasies about the lake for as long as I can remember, and we still have some nice summer weeks in front of us.”


“But this is our first time,” Nick said. “I want our first time to be … perfect.”


heart swelled at Nick’s words, and her voice caught in her throat because she was so overcome with emotion. “There’s no such thing as perfect when it comes to this,” Maddie said. “There’s just … perfect for us.”

Her eyes were glistening with unshed tears, and when Nick brushed the imaginary moisture away his face was unreadable. “What are you thinking right now?”

“Don’t you know?”

“No. My heart is pounding so hard I can barely think at all. I want to know, though. I want to know everything you’re thinking … and feeling.”

Maddie wet her lips. “I’m thinking that I never thought this would happen,” she said. “I’m thinking that I don’t deserve you. I’m thinking I’ve never been happier … ever. I’m feeling … nervous. My heart is pounding, too. My hands feel a little sweaty, and I’m worried I’m not going to live up to your expectations.”

Maddie pressed her eyes shut, afraid to meet Nick’s expressive eyes out of fear she would burst into tears and ruin the moment.

“There were times I worried this would never happen, too,” Nick admitted. “I always believed … deep down … that you were my destiny. You deserve the very best in this world, Mad, and I’m not sure if I’m the very best, but I can promise you that no one will ever love you as much as I do.”

The tears started to fall.

“I’m nervous, too,” Nick said, wiping the tears away and pressing another kiss to her cheek. “You don’t have to live up to anything. You’re all I’ve ever wanted. You’re all I’m ever going to want. This is new for both of us, and I want us to experience it all together.

“This is just the first time, Mad,” he continued. “I think we both might have built it up to obscene proportions in our minds, and I’m desperate to make it perfect for you and you’re terrified of letting me down. I think … maybe … we’re both being a little ridiculous.”

“I think so, too,” Maddie admitted, her heart rolling. “I’m just … freaked out. I have no idea why. I’ve never trusted anyone more than you.”

Nick chuckled. “I know the feeling. Here’s the thing, Mad, I’m going to love you until the day I die. I’ve never loved anyone but you. This is just our next step. Are you ready to make it?”

“I’ve never been more ready.”

Nick cupped Maddie’s head and brought his lips to hers, the sensual kiss sending chills through her body as he rubbed her back. When they separated, Nick’s face was a mask of emotion. “I love you, Maddie. I love you now, and I’m going to love you forever.”

“I love you, too.” Maddie choked on the words as the tears threatened to overtake her again. “You’re my … everything.”

“Together we’re everything,” Nick said, getting to his feet. He leaned over and wrapped his arms around Maddie’s body, hoisting her up and cradling her to his chest as he carried her back toward his bedroom. “I can’t ever be without you again, Mad. It’s you and me forever.”

Maddie nodded, words failing her.

“Here we go, my Maddie.”


woke with a start, something yanking him out of the most peaceful slumber he’d ever experienced. The spot next to him in the bed was empty – and cold.
Where’s Maddie?

Nick scanned the dark room, cocking his head so he could listen to the sounds of the house. Was she in the bathroom? Something told him that wasn’t the case. The house was too quiet. She wasn’t inside. She was … gone.

Nick’s heart inadvertently flipped. He knew instinctively she wouldn’t flee in the middle of the night. Something else had to be going on. He climbed out of the bed, grabbing his boxer shorts from the spot where he haphazardly discarded them hours before. He slipped into the boxers, and he was almost out of the bedroom before he noticed a hint of movement on the back deck. He stilled, and when the shadow on the lawn chair shifted again, Nick realized Maddie hadn’t disappeared – she’d just gone outside to enjoy the night.

Despite himself, Nick released a relieved sigh. He opened the door and let himself onto the deck silently, narrowing his eyes so he could focus on Maddie. Her hair was still in the ponytail, but it was mussed from some vigorous rolling around. It seemed – despite both their fears – some things did just come naturally. This was one of those things … and Maddie had been wrong after all … there was such a thing as perfection.

“What are you doing, Mad?” Nick asked the question quietly, hoping he wouldn’t jolt her from whatever reverie she was living in as she stared at the sky.

“Did I wake you up?” Maddie asked, worried. The blanket from the chair next to his bed was wrapped around her naked body, and her bare shoulder was poking out.

“I think your absence in the bed woke me up,” Nick said, unsure what was going on but determined to hear her out on her own terms. “Lean forward.”

Maddie did as instructed, and Nick lifted her from the chair before settling himself in the warm seat – placing her on his lap and cuddling her close as he inhaled deeply. He wasn’t sure what time it was, but it was clearly after midnight. The only sound intruding on their moment was that of the river down the way.

“I’m sorry you woke up without me,” Maddie said, her voice small. “I … I just wanted to come out here for a few minutes. I didn’t think you would notice.”

Nick’s bravado at his earlier prowess was starting to slip. “Is something wrong? Did I … do something?”

“No,” Maddie said immediately, running her finger down his cheek. “I just … I wanted to look at the stars.”

Stargazing was one of their favorite activities. He understood the joy of a night sky. What he didn’t understand was Maddie’s need to leave him alone in bed after the best experience of his entire life. “You’re worrying me a little bit,” Nick admitted. “I can’t help but feel I failed you somehow.”

Maddie frowned. “Don’t ever think that, Nicky,” she said. “Nothing has ever been better than … that. Nothing. I didn’t even know it could be like that.”

“Then what’s wrong, Mad?”

“Nothing is wrong,” Maddie said. “I’m just … scared to fall asleep.”

Nick stilled. “What?”

“I was laying there next to you thinking how I’ve never been happier in my whole life,” Maddie said. “I could hear your heart beating, and your breath on my neck was warm and … wonderful.”

Nick waited.

“Then I started thinking that I might be dreaming,” Maddie said. “I thought it was too perfect. I just knew it had to be a dream.”

Nick’s heart unclenched. “Oh, love.”

“I wanted to get a little air and make sure I was really awake,” Maddie explained. “I wanted to make sure it wasn’t a dream. Then, well, I wanted to wait for a shooting star to wish upon. I thought if I could just see one … then I’d know it was true. I’m scared to go to sleep and wake up and find this was all just the best dream I’ve ever had. It will crush me.”

The hitch in his chest would have brought Nick to his knees if he’d been standing. “It wasn’t a dream, my Maddie,” he said. “It was just another step in our life together. I promise. When you wake up tomorrow, I’m going to be next to you. I’m going to be holding you.”

“I know,” Maddie said. “I just … can we wait five minutes? I just want a shooting star. Just one. I’ll give up after a few minutes.”

Nick nodded, kissing her jaw lightly. “We can wait as long as you want.” Since the blanket was drooping off of her shoulder, he reached over and pulled it back up. The idea that she was naked under the plush fabric was enticing … but the knowledge that she needed a star to make this night perfect was more pressing. He closed his eyes and wished fervently.
Give her what she wants. No, give her what she needs.

“There,” Maddie said, shifting on his lap excitedly.

Nick opened his eyes and watched the bright streak of light as it shot across the horizon. He was relieved … and empowered. He was starting to think he needed the star, too. “There’s your proof, Mad.”

“Make a wish.”

Nick’s mind wandered to a previous stargazing experience, one where he made a wish that didn’t come true until a few hours before. He hadn’t wished for sex then. He’d wished he’d have Maddie forever. It took more than ten years to come true, but it was well worth the wait.

“I’ve already gotten everything I’ve ever wished for, Mad,” Nick said. “This is your star. You make the wish.”

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