Grasshopper Glitch

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Authors: Ali Sparkes

BOOK: Grasshopper Glitch
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Books in the
S.W.I.T.C.H. series

#1 Spider Stampede

#2 Fly Frenzy

#3 Grasshopper Glitch

#4 Ant Attack

#5 Crane Fly Crash

#6 Beetle Blast

Text © Ali Sparkes 2011

Illustrations © Ross Collins 2011

“SWITCH: Grasshopper Glitch” was originally published in English in 2011. This edition is published by an arrangement with Oxford University Press.

Copyright © 2013 by Darby Creek

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Sparkes, Ali.

Grasshopper glitch / by Ali Sparkes ; illustrated by Ross Collins.

p. cm. — (S.W.I.T.C.H. ; #03)

Summary: After accidentally drinking some of mad scientist Petty Pott's SWITCH potion while at school, twins Josh and Danny become grasshoppers and this time they may not change back without help.

ISBN 978-0-7613-9201-9 (lib. bdg. : alk. paper)

[1. Grasshoppers—Fiction. 2. Brothers—Fiction. 3. Twins—Fiction. 4. Science fiction.] I. Collins, Ross, ill. II. Title.

PZ7.S73712Gr 2013



Manufactured in the United States of America

1 – SB – 12/31/12

eISBN: 978-1-4677-1123-4 (pdf)

eISBN: 978-1-4677-3108-9 (ePub)

eISBN: 978-1-4677-3109-6 (mobi)

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Bad Soda

Toilet Trouble

A Whisker from Death

In Ear

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Danny was jumpy.

“Stop making that
!” snapped Josh as they waited at the gate. Danny was making a peculiar screechy-scrapey noise through his teeth. He was trying to learn to whistle. He only managed to sound like a rusty bike chain. A chain being repeatedly dragged against a tin tray.

He didn't pay Josh any attention.

“Will you
it!” Josh whacked his lunch box against the back of Danny's head. His twin glared at him. He rubbed his spiky blond hair.

“I can't help it. I'm nervous!” Danny muttered, eyeing the car at the curb. The car that would take them to school this morning. Mom couldn't drive them in today. Their next-door neighbor, Petty Potts, was giving them a ride. She was just getting her bag from the house. Soon they would be going.

Josh stared at the car too. He felt that his brother had some cause to be jumpy. Petty's car was so old that it was actually made of
. The back half of it looked like a chunk of old boat. The dark green leather seats inside were like furniture from a museum. Piddle, their terrier dog, was cocking his leg against one of the back wheels.

“It can't be legal to drive this around on regular roads!” hissed Danny. Petty emerged from her gate with a large open-topped woven straw bag in her hands. “I mean—do you think she's even got a license?”

“Come along, you two. Hop in,” said Petty. She opened the door. She tipped forward the front passenger seat so they could get into the back.

“Oh, get away from my tires, you nasty leaky creature!” She glared at Piddle. He grinned up at her doggily. Then he shot back into the yard and up the side passage where they heard Mom shutting the gate.

Petty tutted and went around to the driver's door. She was in her brown raincoat. She was wearing her usual tweedy hat, pulled down low over her glasses. She looked exactly like someone should look driving such an ancient wreck, thought Danny. He made a face at Josh. They clambered in across the bouncy cracked leather seat. It also smelled like a museum.

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