Gramercy Nights (The Argo Press Trilogy Book 1) (34 page)

BOOK: Gramercy Nights (The Argo Press Trilogy Book 1)
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“Promise?” I ask breathily.

He smiles, erasing all my doubt. “Of course,
mon petit voyeur

His words send a flush of pleasure coursing through me. “Then let’s go,” I say, standing. Suddenly, we can’t get out of here fast enough. I have no doubt that Sebastian will be more than capable of erasing all thoughts of other women from my mind. He stands, grabbing my hand.

On our way out, we pass Malcolm, who’s sitting on a white leather banquet with Bettina on his lap. He gives me a mischievous wink and I can’t help but wonder if this was his plan all along, to get Sebastian here, but then Sebastian is pulling me closer and I don’t want to think about Malcolm, not with Sebastian here to keep me occupied.

“Malcolm didn’t try anything, did he?” No matter how hard he tries to keep his voice level, there’s no mistaking the hint of jealousy in his question. I pinch his arm playfully.

“Don’t be silly. He was a perfect gentleman.”

“Perfect gentleman don’t bring another man’s girlfriend to a brothel,” he grumbles, making me laugh.


Sebastian’s hands are all over me before I can get the key into the door and I need him so badly after the interminable car ride from the Grand, it’s making my hands shake.

“Too much bloody fabric,” he groans, kicking the door shut behind us, trying to free me from my dress.

We only make it as far as the couch. Sebastian leans me over it, freeing his hard cock from his pants at the same time he pushes my dress around my waist and then he’s in me, fucking me with wild desperation, and I’m right there with him, grinding into him, moaning with pleasure.

Chapter Thirty-Four


The book fair is a whirlwind. Sebastian spends his days meeting with writers and other publishers while I wander the maze of stands, trying to take everything in. It’s amazing, but more than a little overwhelming. I never thought I’d get a chance to come to the Frankfurt Book Festival, but now that I’m here, I don’t know what to do with myself. There are so many things to see, so many people. All of the major Catalan publishers are here and I stop to see what’s been published recently. New York may be a major metropolis, but it’s still next to impossible to find Catalan books there and it’s been so long since I was last in Barcelona, I’m in need of something new to read.

I chat to the man working the stand in Catalan. He’s delighted when I start speaking in Catalan. It’s the reaction I always get. What’s an American girl doing speaking Catalan? It’s the first time in months that I’ve been able to speak the language, and it reminds me just how much I love it, love the way it feels to speak it.

I feel that familiar itch, that desire to travel. Looking around the giant convention center, hearing all the different languages wash over me. This is what I want. Now, I just have to figure out how to make it happen.

By Saturday, the most important people have all left, leaving the tourists to wander the fair grounds. Sebastian has one final meeting so I agree to meet Megan at the cigar bar in the lobby. The image, tiny Megan in her oversized glasses, smoking a giant cigar, is so incongruous it’s a wonder I’m able to keep a straight face.

“Sebastian should be down in an hour,” I say, settling into the couch.

“Let him do his thing,” she says, blowing thick smoke from the corner of her painted mouth. She motions for the waiter and I order a beer. I never thought I’d say this, but after almost a week in Frankfurt, I’m sick to death of champagne.

She rests her cigar against the edge of the ashtray. “So, you and Seba?”

I’ve seen a lot of Megan over the course of the week, but I realize this is the first time we’ve been alone and I can tell this is something she’s been wanting to mention for a while.

She nods thoughtfully and picks up her cigar, twirling it between her fingers. “I like you. Obviously, I like your work, but I like you, too, so I’m going to say this and then we’re never going to mention it again. I like Seba with you. I’ve known him for years but the man’s a fucking mystery. Always has been. But it’s clear he likes you. You’re not like the women he usually dates, if you could even call it dating. He seems happy. So don’t fuck with him. If he’s nothing but a professional stepping stone, I won’t hold it against you.”

She stops me before I have a chance to protest.

“No. It’s a difficult business and it’s hard as hell for women. I get that. But if that’s all this is, you need to walk away. Now. Because I will not forgive you if you hurt that man.” Something about the way Megan says this makes me realize she isn’t a woman I want to cross. Not now and not ever.

“Don’t say anything,” Megan warns me. “That’s all I wanted to say and now I hope we can pretend we never had this conversation.” She inhales deeply before smiling at me. “So, what are your plans tonight? Seba said you aren’t leaving until tomorrow night.”

I stare at Megan, dumbfounded. How could she be worried that
? The idea is laughable. Because Sebastian is, well, Sebastian and I’m me. He can have anyone he wants. He’ll find someone more his type, someone who belongs in this world of his. I’m a tourist and it’s clear to everyone. He’ll realize, sooner or later, that he wants a local. Someone who moves effortlessly in these circles, who can talk the talk and walk the walk.

The idea of life without Sebastian makes every fiber of my being explode into protest, but it won’t be up to me. Men like Sebastian don’t want forever, not with a woman like me. Maybe he doesn’t realize it yet, but he will. And when he does, it’ll destroy me. I blink rapidly, trying to stop myself from crying. The last thing on earth I want to do right now is cry in front of Megan. She squints at me through a thick cloud of smoke.

“Oh shit, sweetie, I’m sorry. Fuck.” She pats my shoulder awkwardly. “Fuck,” she exhales, this time her voice softer. “You really like him, don’t you?”

I nod. I feel ridiculous, but there’s nothing I can do. I can’t hide the way I feel. Megan doesn’t say anything else until the waiter appears with our drinks. “Two shots of whiskey, please.” And I can’t help but laugh. I like Megan, even if she terrifies me just a little.


Sebastian slides into the seat next to me, placing a chaste kiss on my cheek, before asking Megan if she’s joining us for dinner. She looks at me kindly before declining.

“I need my beauty rest,” she claims but I think she wants to give us a little privacy and as much as I like Megan, I’m happy she’s not joining us. Her concerned scrutiny is starting to make me feel a little weird.

When Megan excuses herself, Sebastian leans in and whispers in my ear, “Go upstairs and change.”

I look down and I have to say, I think I look pretty damn good in these jeans. Sebastian pulls one of my hands to his lips, kissing it sweetly.

“You look fantastic, but tonight, I want to know all I have to do is reach under your skirt to feel how aroused you are. There are some things for you on the bed. I’ll wait here.” He leans back smugly, watching me as his words sink in before picking up my beer and taking a leisurely sip. I practically jump out of my seat, excitement coursing through my veins.

I can’t believe he’s taking me back to The Grand. I bite my lip, trying to stop myself from grinning.

“I’ll be right back.” Sebastian winks at me and I all but run out of the bar.


I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to Sebastian buying me things, showering me in gifts, but looking at myself in the mirror, I have to admit, the man has exquisite taste. I barely recognize myself. I look…sultry. Seductive. Sexy.

I’m wearing a corset made of the most delicate lace I’ve ever felt. It subtly lifts my breasts while the lace cups barely cover my nipples. Metal eyelets run down the front, giving it an edgy feel. I’m wearing a tiny matching thong and garters, and I’ve circled my hazel eyes in dark, smoky shadow that makes them look even bigger on my pale face. I take one more look at myself in the mirror before slipping the cowl-neck dress over my head, feeling the cool silk spill across my fevered skin.

I’m flushed by the time I step into the bar and Sebastian’s eyes meet mine, burning into me, his beautiful lips curled into a mischievous smile. He stands, smoothing his pants over his muscular thighs. He doesn’t even try to hide the bulge in his pants.

“Ready for dinner?” His voice is a seductive whisper, making my pulse quicken.

“I’m not sure it’s dinner I’m ready for,” I grumble.

Sebastian lets out a husky laugh, his hand firm on my low back as he propels me through the hotel lobby and out into the cool evening air. “We have all night. There’s no rush.”


The maitre d seats us at a candlelit table in a discrete corner of the luxurious restaurant.

Sebastian glances down at the menu quickly before asking, “Is there anything you don’t eat?”

“Nope. I’ll try anything once.”

“Good.” He snaps his menu shut before I even open mine and speaks quickly to the waiter and our menus disappear. “I got you a little something,” he says, reaching into the pocket of his jacket and extracting a small box, just like the one he gave me in New York and I feel all the blood rush to my cheeks. There’s no way…

He places the box on the table in front of me. “Go on.”

My hands tremble with excitement as I flip open the box, expecting to see the familiar metal butt plug. Instead a wave of disappointment washes over me when I see the small black bullet vibrator.

“I want you to go put that in.” His voice is steady and calm, but when I look into his beautiful eyes, I see all the lust and desire strangely absent from his voice.

“Okay,” I say with a flirtatious smile before I lose my nerve.

The bathroom door swings shut soundlessly behind me and I’m alone, heart racing, clutching the small black box in my damp palm. There are three stalls, and thank God, all of them are empty.

I step into the first stall and lock the door behind me. I lift my skirt and slide my underwear to the side, finding my pussy dripping. I can’t believe Sebastian actually asked me to do this. No, that’s not true. I’m not the least bit surprised.

I’m surprised by how normal all of this feels now.

I part the slick folds of my sex, sliding one finger inside, unable to resist the urge to play with myself momentarily. A part of me wants to keep going, to get myself off before returning to the table, but I’m confident Sebastian would disapprove. And I’m positive he’d know.

The small black vibrator slips easily into my sex and my inner muscles tighten, holding it firmly in place. I’m straightening up as the bathroom door opens and I hold my breath as heels echo across the tiled floors.

My heart pounds but somehow I’m able to straighten my skirt around my hips. The toy inside me is too small to be anything but a gentle reminder. That I’m his. When the stall door opens, I slip out of the bathroom, flushed and anxious and eager.

Sebastian is sitting there pensively, and when he looks up at me, I nod my head before sliding into my seat.

Sebastian reaches into the inside pocket of his jacket, removing a small device and lays it flat on the table next to his empty wine glass. “Do you know what this is?” he asks teasingly. I swallow hard and nod. It’s the remote that matches the toy already inside me.

Our waiter returns, pouring us each a glass of red wine, then returns with an amuse-bouche of foie gras mousse with a dark berry compote served on a delicate silver spoon.

“Close your eyes,” Sebastian whispers.

I do, opening my mouth when I feel Sebastian pressing the chilled metal spoon against my lips. Rich, savory mousse dissolves on my tongue and I moan, letting my eyes flutter open.

“That’s amazing.”

Sebastian is watching me, his green eyes burning darkly into me. “I love watching you eat. Your face is so expressive. I can see everything you’re thinking.”

I blush but Sebastian just shakes his head. “It’s sexy as hell.”

I take a small sip of my wine as the waiter clears our plates, and I can’t help it but my eyes keep falling on the black remote on the table.

“Would you like to see what this can do?” Sebastian asks innocently as he toys with the remote. “This button here turns it on,” he says, pressing down and suddenly, I feel the vibrator come to life, and I nearly jump out of my chair, clamping my lips shut in surprise. “And this button changes the setting.” He presses another button, the vibrations moving through me like waves, ebbing and flowing. I bite my lip, trying to stifle a moan.

I let my eyes close and embrace the sensations washing over me. My whole body tingles and I can feel the vibrations down to the tips of my toes. It’s amazing and inescapable and I find myself rocking my hips, trying to find the perfect spot, trying to find relief. It only sets the flames burning. I rotate my hips, oblivious to all around me, and just as I think I’ve found the perfect spot, if it just stays there, the vibrations cease.

I slump back into my chair and when I finally open my eyes, I notice the waiter looking down at me with a puzzled expression. Wordlessly, he places a white bowl in front of me with two oysters on a bed of ice.

“My girlfriend is a little warm. Could you bring us a bottle of sparkling mineral water, please?” I can hear the amusement in Sebastian’s voice as he says this. Asshole.

BOOK: Gramercy Nights (The Argo Press Trilogy Book 1)
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