Good Sex Illustrated (20 page)

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Authors: Tony Duvert

Tags: #Essays, #Gay Studies, #Social Science

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These are successful suicides. Since it’s not the amount of corpses that interests me, but the desire to destroy oneself—the ultimate response of the minor to his familial and social destruction—here are the figures for attempts, unsuccessful suicides, by year, for the same ages: 20,000, at least 5,000 of whom are in high school. {

There are important points in common between the mortality of those 10–20 and that of the younger children. Vague circumstances,secretiveness of parents, no relationship between the “accident” and the economic or socio-cultural level of the family, a perfectly regular distribution of the phenomenon throughout all social classes, the existence of exterior rules for the adolescent in his first contacts with society that exactly match those that preside at the time of the newborn’s first contact with the closed and repressive universe of the family; everything coincides. Same causes, context, effect: you could say that during childhood, it’s the parents who kill; after, it’s the children who liquidate themselves.

In this case as well, it’s not a question of isolating the measurable phenomenon in order to suggest that there is nothing else involved. Just as thousands of the murdered represent only a minority of persecuted children, adolescent suicides, whether successful or not, are only the exceptional borderline cases of a situation that all the others live as well.

Let’s recall the effect of abuse on the young child:
he remains attached to his parents
, he thinks he is
guilty of disobedience and thoughts of rebellion
, that
feeling of guilt
is instilled in him forever, he becomes an adult who submits
blindly and without criticism to the rules in force.
Work-family-television. This is the ideal child and the model citizen. And Filium’s esteemed authorities, denouncing the universality of physical and mental violence between adults and minors, candidly reveal to us the only way that the order can survive. The visible blunders of the reproduction of the order—traumatized torture victims taken to the hospital, “overly normal” citizens, thousands of children killed, thousands of suicidal adolescents, or those who have committed suicide—every social class and every country coughs them up at the same time. They’re the write-offs of exploitation, the irregulars of the slave factory. We’re beginning to get statistics about them, to know them, the secret is surfacing slowly. Fathers, Inc. knows they’re guilty, knows that people will realize it, and they are getting ready to change tactics. In this moment of failure, the order is hesitating between authoritarianism and liberalization; unsure of the success, they’re playing both sides at the same time, opening a door there, drawing a bolt somewhere else, reflecting, revising, doing the opposite, endeavoring to combine everything in one action.

And “liberalism” in terms of sexual information is exactly that. They hold onto the keys of freedom, they’re going to sell them to you, and the lock as a bonus: with all that, buckle up well. Yes, a key closes, and a key opens. They give us one for opening and explain to us which direction to turn it in—watch out, the other direction could be dangerous for you. But the direction that’s allowed is the one that closes. It’s not about sexual freedom without instructions for suppressing it.

Another question. In such a society is it easy and fun, or difficult and painful to live a life of free love, to refuse to get married or to have sexual ownership of another, the giving-to-get of well-behaved love, procreation, unequal roles, censure, authority? Will you live as peacefully as the fathers of families, or will you endure a daily war? If you choose pleasure outside of the market, if you choose autonomy, the sociability of desire, what will you be: a free and happy person, or a deviant disowned by everyone and followed by the police? According to the doctors:
precocious sexual relations risk steering young people toward a search for pleasure alone. Yet love is bom from the encounter between physical pleasure and sentiment. One without the other induces bitterness and disillusionment
. {

Science certainly isn’t ever at loss to amaze us. Soon it will be telling poorly raised children that using a swear word will lead toparanoia and will
risk steering them
toward the asylum—where you are very
and have a lot of
destitution to protest.
Though I must agree with our authors. The
search for pleasure
is reserved for the rich. Others will be put through the mill if they lay a finger on it. We’ll rain down on them so much that they’ll become
sick. Their sexuality will never reach a normal stage
; they won’t have children, and they’ll
get even
on ours, instead of killing theirs like everyone else does.

Yes, the only “bitterness” that
physical pleasure
(the medical baseness of the body) devoid of
(the medical nobility of the soul) can produce is that of the flawed, the poorly castrated who are hunted down by the order that the

According to it, happiness is being healthy, sexual health is to be in love; if possible, both of you, and, if possible, for your whole life—on condition, besides, that you are of age, a man and a woman, married, good citizens and eager to have a baby. When it comes to
physical pleasure
, there’s neither woman nor man, nor marriage nor golden wedding anniversary, nor age nor country, nor newborn nor revenue; all those things are represented by the indispensable
You can see why pleasure is bad without it.

Since there are babies behind this reasoning yet again, let’s talk about them. I think I’ve demonstrated their purpose for normal people as well as for “overly normal” people. Private ownership of children is society’s psycho-sexual compensation for adults, in exchange for their submission to the market of production-exploitation and its
rules in force
—which include the prohibition against pleasure. Sex education aims to uphold that submission, to increase its advantages, to brighten up the prison. It insists more than ever on the role of the baby-reward (completely indispensable to marriage-happiness) in the well-normalized and well-suffocated libidos of the submissive exploited. It binds children and adolescentsto obedience, to chastity, to blind respect and to believing that
the family model of their existence
natural and eternal.
It holds out to them the faraway hope of
(sinister verb) their own children. It prepares these future parents for inflicting on babies thus obtained the same fate of the child-objects that are being tortured or caressed, twisted, mentally destroyed. And this entire little world will grow up, become like the good adults—antisocial, rigid, frustrated, intolerant, obsessed with privatization, ownership, power. Precisely those adults who police and exploit this society in which pleasure is “illusory and bitter.”

Such is the astonishing completion of the loop that our doctors have managed to accomplish—so concerned about sparing us an unhappy life, but teaching only what will make it even worse. Their praise for conjugal pleasure takes on a very different weight when you oppose it to the aggressive line of argument they use to condemn the “spendthrift” pleasures of the minor. Let us admire their wisdom, their clear-headedness, their concern for the common good, their love of the truth, and finally, their understanding of the society in which we live.

Suddenly todays Danes have made up their minds to encourage the tragedy of
precocious physical pleasure
—condemning a healthy youth to
The news was announced in France to almost no reaction. However, it’s quite significant; but at the moment when the French papers, in the name of sex education, were opening their columns to pew-renters and students’ parents so that they could discuss how many angels could screw on the head of a pin, it would have been embarrassing to announce that in Denmark the sexual majority had just been lowered to 14. {

This isn’t about the right to marry: the law henceforth in force specifies that Danish boys and girls of 14
will be able to obtain contraceptives and condoms without the authorization of their parents.
No babies in view, the disillusionment is certain. No ring on your finger, what bitterness!

Since you become incapable of “loving someone else” when you masturbate, and you prefer “physical pleasure” to “love” when you fuck precociously, Danes, who’ll have jerked off before the age of 14 and copulated after are going to become the most savage people in Europe. France is already trembling and preparing for battle.

What “unbalanced people” who don’t understand “the functioning of their bodies” have voted in such a law in the Danish parliament? Psychologists, sociologists, educators, who were
calling for these measures for years.
Horror of horrors, they have received the support of the
homophile groups who have been fighting energetically against the discriminations in the code of law.
Here we have the correctors of children and those who pervert them in solidarity, the former abandoning the policing of flies that the latter like to open. It’s up to adolescents to decide themselves, that’s what the law say s.

The “unbalanced” have pointed out that
in our times girls and boys are more mature at 14 than adolescents of the same age in preceding generations. Since their sex life has a tendency to begin a lot earlier, why hinder it if it has a real need to develop?

What kind of malarkey is that? When
the sex life has a tendency to begin,
you definitely shouldn’t have sex, come on now, you’ll get sick—you need to “reread the book with Dad.” Anddoctors have told us over and over again, what really
hinders the sex life
is having one.

So, what’s the sense of these simplistic arguments? Who are these adults who for years have “contested the sexual destitution” of adolescence? Their dad never told them anything about that.

Let’s have done with it. Reform in Denmark: Danish youth
will cope with it.
They’ll be nothing problematic about their sexual autonomy: no repressive education to instill either desire, the body, the sex organs, “deviancies,” gratuitous pleasure with guilt. And since families over there are a lot more open than we are, and their children enjoy a greater freedom in their comings and goings, and at an earlier age, the sexual emancipation of the minor won’t represent the enormous revolution of mores that it would in our country, in the eyes of parental power. It will be quite unnecessary to assure children that pleasure is better when it’s shared; they’ll be able to find out for themselves, and to determine alone and at their whim if orgasms at 100% profit are bigger than the 0% masturbatory, or the “minus 100%” perverted ones. They’ll have received frank, concrete and practical sex information without lies and without moralizing. They’ll know that pills aren’t only for popping into deserving mothers’ mouths, and condoms not only for the knobs of fathers with six kids; they’ll use them to have sex for pleasure, without babies, problems, calculations and shame. What’s more, condoms are a gas to jerk off in, and they make nice balloons for little brother. He’ll probably go burst them on the sly to get even for not having the right himself to some pleasure.

The girls will have a clitoris. On the other hand, they won’t have the duty to have a child, but to avoid it carefully. Equal in pleasure, in freedom, in responsibility, they
won’t learn
submission to themale and the obsession for mothering, whereas boys
won’t learn
domination and power.

In Denmark, obviously, the “big guys from eighth grade” will be a serious danger for their juniors. They’ll know and do too much, and the others not enough. They’ll write horrible things on locker doors. There will doubtlessly be hidden feelings of solidarity between the big guys who’ve reached the age of consent and the little ones who haven’t but certainly would like to “develop” even so. And maybe a wave of debauchery will reach all the way down to the grade school children, who knows, to the littlest of all—who, between two sessions of abuse, won’t get over having desired something else besides dad and mom.

Reform in France. Boys of 14, informed sexually, will be afraid. They won’t know anything about girls, and will know almost nothing about themselves. They’ll be afraid of adults and the outside world. They’ll be able to masturbate secretly while worrying about diseases of the mind. Fourteen-year-old girls, informed sexually, will be afraid. They won’t know anything about boys, and almost nothing about themselves. They’ll be afraid of adults and the outside world. They’ll be able to masturbate secretly while worrying about diseases of the mind. The girls will be Mothers, and the boys Fathers. And as they wait, at night, at home with their family, each on his or her side, will be thinking about Love.


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