Good Girl: Valetti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: Good Girl: Valetti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance)
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. I’ll come around and get you.” I give her the order then quickly shut the door. I don’t turn around to face the Valettis, but instead I immediately walk around the car to get her. I had her slightly relaxed, so I want to make sure I keep her that way.

When I open the door, she stands gracefully. My hand rests on the small of her back to steady her, but also to give her guidance. I rub my hand in small soothing circles as we walk around the car to face Tommy and his brother. I fucking wish I had her in Kevlar, too. It’s standard attire for me now, after all that shit that happened. It’s the only reason I lived.

I clench my jaw and try to settle the churning in my gut. She’ll stand behind me if anything happens. It’ll be alright.

“This is Ava.” I introduce her and give them a hard stare. I know they saw her before back at the hangar. Back when she was in that dirty dress, bowing on the ground in shackles. But this is different.

Anthony gives her a tight smile and a nod. Tommy’s eyes stare at her collar, at the little bit of bandage peeking out from underneath as he gives a curt hello. I fucking hate them for it. She shifts slightly as she swallows and quietly, yet confidently responds, “It’s nice to meet you.”

I pull her waist closer to me and put my lips to her ear to whisper, “Good girl.”

Tommy and Anthony walk ahead of me, with their backs to us and it gives me a little security. Ava’s walking with her hands clasped in front of her and I know it’s because she’s used to the chains around her wrists. My arm slips off the small of her waist and I take her left hand in my right. Her footsteps falter slightly, and Tommy must hear it because he turns to look back at us and I watch as his eyes steady on our hands.

A jolt of anger races through my blood. He doesn’t fucking know anything, yet he’s judging me. I can see all the shitty emotions on his face. He’s judging
. I don’t have a fucking choice in this, and neither does she. What the fuck does he expect from me? At least she’s not in chains and crawling on the ground like Abram would want.

A quick panic washes through me. If they told Abram about this, I don’t know what he’d say. I push that shit down. I don’t fucking care. I’m doing this my way and he gave her to me. He’ll have to get over it if he doesn’t like it.

We get to the front of the building and Anthony pulls open the large glass door and holds it for us. I press my lips into a slight smile and nod.

“Thank you,” Ava says, stepping in front of me to walk through the door, but not letting go of my hand. It’s such a natural move. It makes my smile turn more sincere. As she steps into the large waiting area she seems to realize something and stops in her tracks. She looks back at me with a flash of fear on her face. Her wide eyes stare at mine as she waits for a reaction from me.

“Good girl.” I’m quick to give her praise. A look of relief washes over her, but my eyes travel to Tommy who continues to walk in front of her, but shoots me daggers. My nostrils flare with anger and I grip her hand a little tighter. Her eyes fall to the floor as we walk behind Tommy and I wish I could take it back.

That’s strike two as far as I’m concerned. One more shitty look like that and that fucker is getting what he has coming to him. I stare at the back of his head as we walk down a narrow hall, trying to will my anger down but doing a shit job of it.

He opens the door to an office on the right and waits for us to enter. He braces the door fully open with his foot, and I want to push it open farther to crush his foot with it and punch his fucking face in. She may be a sex slave and I may have to watch over her, but she doesn’t need those fucking looks from him. Every look is a reminder and I don’t fucking want that for her.

“Ava.” Vince gets up from his desk with a wary smile, looking at me and then back to her. He holds out a hand for her in welcome. That’s better. That’s the greeting I want for her. She quickly but unsteadily places her hand in his, and looks up to me quickly. Her constant need for reassurance makes me sick, but I give her a small nod.

“Hello,” she greets Vince as she visibly swallows, and looks back up to me as she takes her hand away.

Vince looks at me although he speaks to Ava when he says, “Women don’t usually come to these meetings.” He gives her another smile and looks at her face, and then her neck. His eyes focus on the bandage like Tommy’s did. “I wasn’t anticipating you being here.”

On one hand, I’m happy he’s speaking to her. I want her to interact with people. But on the other hand, I’m the one he should be talking to about this shit.

I speak up, getting his attention. “I want her with me.”

He narrows his eyes as he replies, “Women usually stay at home.”

“Forgive me, but I don’t want to leave her somewhere I don’t know is secure.” He seems shocked by my answer. What the fuck did he expect? I don’t know him or his
. And I don’t trust the safe house we’ve been staying in. He must be able to read that from my hard expression.

“We’d never hurt her.” Ava takes a small step backward, away from him and moves closer to my side. Her hand brushes against mine and I’m quick to take it. The tension in the room is thick. I rub soothing circles on the back of her hand with my thumb.

“I don’t know you, Vince. So you’ll understand that I’d like to have her with me.”

“Yes,” his eyes dart to her neck again before meeting mine, “I imagine Abram would be upset if anything were to happen to her.” Ava noticeably cowers at this and scoots closer to me. It pisses me the fuck off.

The hot air seems to suffocate me, and the only thing I can hear is the blood rushing in my ears. I’m surrounded by three armed men with Ava at my side, and all I want to do is take out my anger by beating some fucking sense into them. I focus on my breathing instead.

“Let’s get to business, Vince.” I bite out the words with only the tiniest bit of aggression apparent. His eyebrows raise and he exchanges a glance with someone behind me. I don’t turn, I just stare back at the asshole with a hard look.

“What is it that you’d like to know?” he asks, walking back around to his desk and gesturing to a chair to my left. There’s only one chair there. I look to the far corner of the room where Tommy’s standing and there’s a chair behind him. I think about moving it over so she can sit with me, but then I think twice about it.

I don’t feel like sitting anyway. I guide her to the chair with my hand on the small of her back and motion for her to sit. I move to stand behind her and grip the chair. She looks uneasy and she’s right to be. I do my best to comfort her by placing my hands on her shoulders so she can feel me there.

“Would you like the other chair?” Vince asks, as Tommy pulls the chair across the floor. There’s an awkward tension in the room and I don’t know how to get rid of it. It’s making Ava tense, it’s pissing me off, and if I turn down the seat it’s only going to get worse. I turn around and look at Anthony who’s standing behind me and in front of the door.

Regret settles in my chest as I clench my fists. I wish I hadn’t brought her. I wish I had somewhere safe to take her. But I don’t have anyone. I turn back to Vince and give him a quick nod before gripping the chair and pushing it to butt up next to Ava’s.

I take a seat and hold out my hand for her. She’s quick to take it and turn her body toward me.

“We don’t deal with this aspect of the industry, so you’ll have to excuse me, but I find this...” Vince looks between the two of us, “...odd.”

I crack my neck to the left and stare back at him debating what all to tell him. Fuck it. I might as well lay it all out there. “I don’t do this shit, and I won’t be the one working between you and Petrov.” I take a steady breath knowing I may have just triggered my death sentence. When this gets back to Abram, he’s not going to be happy. But I’m sure as shit not going to be doing this. “I’m here to learn the ins and outs of your business and report back.”

Vince narrows his eyes at me. “That’s not the impression I was under. I thought you were in charge of this...” he trails off, looking at Ava and then quickly averts his gaze as he concludes, “...this kind of handling.”

“I’m not, and I won’t.” My words come out hard and I’m glad they do.

His brows raise in surprise before he schools his expression. “Is there anything else I should know?”

My brow furrows in confusion. I don’t know what he’s hinting at. “Subtlety isn't a strength of mine, Vince.” I lean forward, but keep my hand back so Ava doesn’t have to change positions. “If you want to know something, you should just come on out and ask it.”

“Is she yours, then?” Vince asks, and I swallow thickly as I settle my back against the seat.

I don’t know how to answer that. If I could take her away, I would. It’s one thing to turn down Abram, I’m probably already dead for that. But to steal from him, that would most certainly put me six feet under.

“For now.” I answer as honestly as possible. All eyes dart to Ava as she takes a ragged breath in. When she notices how much attention she brought on herself, she cowers in her seat and looks to me with a sad expression. Her lips part, but I quickly shake my head, stopping her. I don’t want to hear her say she’s sorry. She’s said it too much already.

I brush my thumb along the back of her hand. “It’s alright, Ava.” I try to reassure her quietly before turning back to Vince. “The circumstances are different today than they will be in the future. I just need to get a handle on how you run this operation.” The questioning look on his face vanishes and is replaced with a hard, no-fucking-nonsense look. His gives a nod and rises from his seat. I do the same and Ava quickly follows suit. Her other hand covers the back of mine and she walks closer to be by my side.

She’s scared and obviously unwell. I would give anything to ease her pain. I wish I could say she was mine and that I was taking her away from this shit. But I can’t. And I won’t lie to her.

“I have a shipment coming in any time now. We’ll wait outside.” He walks around the front of the desk and meets my eyes, before walking toward the doors. “I’m not sure what all could possibly be different on our front that Abram would need to know. But I’ll let you have a look.” I give him a tight nod as my muscles coil.

He’s right. It’s a simple operation. I don’t know what Abram has planned, but I can’t imagine there’s anything the Valettis do that would be a surprise to him.

I walk behind him with Ava gripping onto my hand like she’s afraid I’ll let go. I won’t. I pull her closer to me and just barely resist the urge to kiss the temple of her forehead.

Abram already knows everything except simple numbers. He must want something else.

I hadn’t thought of it before, but now that the realization has hit me, I don’t fucking like it.


as the last forklift moves across the ramp with the container secured. I’ve seen this shit a million times. The waves crash against the dock and beyond that it’s relatively quiet. A few men are shouting in the distance. Vince is quiet next to me with his hands shoved into his pockets. Ava is somewhat settled in a folding chair a few yards from us. It took her a while to feel comfortable after the shit that happened in the office, but she seems to be okay now. Although, her eyes have lost the bit of vibrancy I saw this morning, and a small frown mars her beautiful face. I wish I could take her unhappiness away.

“She’s fine, Kane.” Vince’s words distract me from my thoughts and I turn to face him. “She’s not gonna fucking dive in.”

My face contorts with anger, and I have to bite my tongue.

“What? Is that not what you were thinking?” He huffs a humorless laugh and looks over the bay. “I’d fucking jump before I’d go back to that fucker.” My heart stops beating and my throat closes. It’s so fucked up, but it’s true. She’s such a sweetheart, such a good girl, and the fate she has is such fucking shit. It’s a nightmare.

I feel tears pricking at the backs of my eyes thinking about the hell she’s been through. It’s not fucking right. My jaw tics as I stare off into the distance and watch the waves form and crash along the beach. I want to save her from that shit. But I don’t want us both to wind up dead.

I open my mouth, ready to tell Vince what a fucked up position I’m in. I might as well. Maybe I’ll die for it, but something about him makes me think I can trust him, even if I don’t fucking like him. The sound of fast-paced, heavy footsteps coming closer makes me turn away from Vince and toward the men walking toward us.

I practically growl in anger when I see that bastard Felipe stalking toward us with his gaze firmly locked on to my good girl. That fucker shouldn’t even be allowed to look at her. I clench my teeth tighter to stop myself from saying shit that’ll get me killed. I have to remind myself that I’m on my own, and I’m the only thing standing between all these fucking pricks and Ava. I can’t do something stupid.

“You got this one, or is it on me?” Vince asks, with a touch of humor in his voice. If I was in a better position I’d find it funny, but I don’t.

“What the fuck is she doing here?” Felipe yells out loud enough so Ava can hear as he stomps closer to us and it pisses me off.

I don’t like that he knew where I was. My eyes drift to Ava. He was tracking her with that fucking GPS chip in her arm. My jaw clenches and my hands ball up into fists.

Like he fucking owns her. She’s mine.

“She’s right where I told her to sit.” I keep my voice low and even, then cock a brow at him. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I ask.

Vince stares Felipe down with daggers in his eyes. All traces of the humor that was there previously are gone now. Felipe doesn’t seem to give a fuck. He’s acting like he’s untouchable. And in a lot of ways he is. But I don’t give a fuck. Ava was finally settling down, but now that he’s here and his eyes are on her, she’s all fucked up again. The men trailing Felipe are Vince’s, which means this prick came alone.

She looked nervous and a bit sad before, but now there’s nothing on her face. She’s staring at the ground with her hands on her trembling thighs. On her face is that blank expression that I fucking hate. I can tell she’s debating on whether or not she should get down from the chair and bow on the ground.

“Stay right where you are, Ava!” My command comes out hard as I yell, and I almost regret it. But she doesn’t belong to Felipe, and I’m not going to let him turn her back into the shell she was when I got her.

Her eyes dart up to meet mine, although her body remains tense and still. Her shoulders rise as she takes in a heavy breath.

“Answer me,” I yell out to her. I fucking hate that I’m giving her a command, but I want the fact that she’s mine and only mine to be made very fucking clear. I’m not going to let her think Felipe’s in control here.

“Yes, sir,” she calls out. My teeth grind against each other and I can feel the eyes of every man out here on me. I know I told her to call me sir when other people were present, but I changed my mind.

I shake my head slowly as I walk closer to her, and her eyes widen with fear. “Be a good girl. Call me Kane.” At my words, tension leaves her shoulders and her eyes soften.

It soothes my heart that the mention of my name can have such a profound effect on her. “Yes, Kane,” she says, with a soft touch in her voice.

I walk up to her and cup her chin in my hand. “Stay here while I handle this.” She nods slightly and closes her eyes as I rub my thumb along her jaw. I can sense her trust in me. I only hope I don’t fail her.

“Good girl,” I say to her, and then stare at Felipe who looks pissed off. His eyes are on her, but her eyes are on me. I smirk at him. He thinks he can control her, but he can’t. I won’t let her be used like that.

“What do you need, Felipe?” I ask, and walk closer to stand between him and Ava. It’s not really a question though, since I’m more or less telling him to get the fuck out. I know it. He knows it. And Vince and his
know it.

Finally, the fucker looks back at me. He narrows his eyes and smirks as he says, “I saw the bitch had moved and I was informed that you may not have a firm grasp on her.”

“Everything’s under control here, as you can see.”

“Where the fuck’s her collar?” I watch as his fists clench and he leans to one side to look around me. I turn my head to find Ava looking out at the waves like she was earlier, ignoring us. A smile widens on my face. That’s my girl.

“I like the one I got her better,” I say lightheartedly. I watch as Anthony and Tommy walk toward one another with their hands on their guns and their eyes on Felipe. I don’t like this shit, because behind Felipe and me is Ava. I don’t want this to turn violent. I just need her to get the fuck out.

“It wasn’t yours,” he bites back.

“Wrong. She’s mine, and everything on her is mine.”

He cocks a grin and takes a step closer to me. “Not for long,” he says with a smile. Every bit of confidence and happiness leaves me. My heart drops in my chest, leaving it hollow.

“She’s mine right now, and she’ll do as I say.”

He just smirks at me and turns to look at Vince as he clucks his tongue. He looks back at me with his eyes traveling up and down my body like he’s sizing me up. “I guess I’ll be seeing you shortly. We have a meeting arranged for tomorrow. I’ll check in with Abram about your
handling methods.” His words make my stomach churn with sickness. I can’t fucking stand it.

He brushes by me and I almost turn around and knock the fucker out, but Vince grabs my arm and silently shakes his head. I debate on doing it anyway. I know what he must’ve done to her. The thoughts flash before my eyes and I see red. All I fucking see is red.

As Felipe continues to walk off, Vince starts talking business again. Trying to diffuse the situation, I guess. But it’s not working. I watch Felipe as he veers off his path to make a sharp turn, heading for the exit behind Ava. I don’t like how close the fucker is to her.

“As long as he doesn’t touch her,” Vince speaks quietly so no one else can hear, “don’t fucking make a move.”

I don’t acknowledge him. I keep my eyes steady on that prick as he walks by Ava, slowing his steps and staring at her. She cowers in her seat with her eyes staring straight ahead.

I don’t give a damn about the docks, or the shipments. I couldn’t fucking care less. Instead I’m watching as Felipe walks even closer to her. He stands a few feet away, but just by him being there her entire body is stiff and she’s not okay. I know she’s not.

The water splashing against the docks is drowning out what he’s saying. I know he’s talking to her though. And I don’t like her reaction. Her face is mostly expressionless, save for the slight frown on her lips and the flash of fear in her eyes. And then I just barely hear him say, “You’re going to regret it, you fucking cunt.”

Every ounce of control inside of me snaps. My poor Ava goes pale, and I fucking lose it. He’s not going to do that shit to her. I’ll make sure he never fucking touches her again. I’m quick to pull out my gun and shoot him right in his fucking kneecap. Before I’m aware that I’ve even moved, I’m on him, standing over his body as he’s clutching his leg and cussing rather than reaching for his own gun. Fucking stupid shit.

“Motherfucker!” he screams, as blood covers his hands and pools in the dirt under his knee.

“You’ll fucking die for this, Kane.” I smirk back at him as I hear the Valettis come to stand around us. I’m sure they have their guns drawn and pointed at me, but I don’t look. I won’t take my eyes off this fucker until he’s dead.

“Not before you.” He makes a move for his gun and I shoot his hand as it reaches his belt. I’m a good shot. The bullet goes right through his hand. Blood pours from the wound as he curls inward and covers it with his left hand.

“Fuck!” He screams and winces as blood soaks his clothes and pools around him. It’s gushing from his hand, but also his knee now that he isn't keeping pressure on it.

Everyone around us is silent and still. I can feel all eyes on me. Waiting for my next move.

A small gasp and slight movement in my periphery bring me back to why this prick needs to die right now.

“Ava. Come here.” I keep my eyes on Felipe and he flashes me a nasty look. He reaches toward his belt, and I shake my head. “Don’t fucking think about it.”

“I got it.” A man’s voice to my right sounds out and I watch as Tommy leans in and takes Felipe's gun away from him. Felipe lets go of his injured hand to grab Tommy’s wrist, but Tommy shakes him off and pulls away. Felipe sneers at him as he’s dragged across the dirt, struggling to retrieve his gun before finally giving up and letting go. He curls up on his side, still cussing and grabbing his hand. His face is distorted in rage and pain, but then he sees my face. He swallows and looks around me. I don’t follow his eyes. I know we’re surrounded.

Felipe goes pale, all blood drained from his face and his expression shows the realization that he’s about to fucking die. Good. I’m glad he knows it.

Ava skirts around Felipe slowly and he stares at her with daggers in his eyes. “
Puto coño
,” he cusses under his breath and then spits on the ground.

Ava’s eyes are closed and her shoulders are trembling as she stands to my left. She’s terrified. I feel like a fucking asshole for not ending him the second I came over here. But I want to give this to her. I think she

“Ava, baby, open your eyes.” She doesn’t hesitate. Her blue eyes stare up at me, pleading with me to make this stop. “Take his gun.” I tilt my head toward Tommy, although my eyes are still on Felipe. His nostrils flare and he’s cursing in Spanish under his breath. I can’t hear whatever he’s saying due to the loud crash of the waves.

I see Tommy hesitate to give her the gun. I look to him with impatience and he relents, passing her the gun in front of me. She takes it in both hands and points it at Felipe. She steadies her stance and squares her shoulders as though she’s at the gun range. I imagine with her father being the boss, that she should know how to shoot. But she’s probably never actually killed anyone before.

“What did he tell you, Ava?” I ask her. I want her to know this is what happens to men who threaten her. I want to give her this power.

She closes her eyes and I see hope flash on Felipe’s face as he leans forward. I'll make sure he never orders her around again. I point my gun at his other leg and fire off a shot. Bang!

It hits his shin, and judging from the sound of impact, the bullet is lodged in the bone. “Fuck!” he screams out, grabbing his leg. He leans on his side, whining like a little bitch.

“Eyes open, Ava.” She opens her eyes and takes in a ragged breath.

“Did he say he’d hurt you?”

“Yes,” she speaks, barely above a whisper.

I lean closer to her and whisper in her ear. “He’s never going to hurt you again.” I see her fingers tremble on the trigger. She’s reluctant to pull it. I remember my first time. I was only 17. The prick had raped a
. He had it coming. I wanted him dead, but I still couldn’t do it. My father put his hand over mine and helped me. It was the only time I needed that support. Maybe she needs that now.

I stand behind her and keep my movements slow. I brace her arms with mine and rest my chin on her shoulder, staring down the barrel of the gun with her. I place my hand on top of hers and steady my fingers on hers, holding her hands loosely.

Felipe tries to move, but Vince points his gun at him, followed by the rest of the Valettis. The corner of my lips kick up into a smile. Felipe’s phone goes off in his pocket. An annoying ringtone is the only sound other than the waves and Ava’s ragged breathing.

Just as Felipe opens his mouth to yell out to her, her finger pulls the trigger. The bullet hits his right pec, shoving him violently onto the ground. She points the gun down, with shaking hands, but I help to steady it and she fires again. Bang! It hits his throat and blood bubbles out as his hands fly up, reaching for the wound. And again, bang! His head falls back forcefully and his body goes limp. Blood seeps into the dirt, turning black. The phone stops ringing as I slowly lower Ava’s arms and take the gun out of her hands.

It’s Felipe’s, so I’m gonna need to dispose of it. Tommy walks up to me as I debate on what to do with it. He holds out his hand and I’m happy to pass it to him. I don’t feel like dealing with this shit. We used to put them in acid. Along with people’s fingertips and teeth. I turn to look at Vince, with an arm still wrapped around Ava. I need to square this up with him. I know I fucked up. I directly disobeyed him. It only hits me right now how fucked this is. Felipe is one of Abram’s close men. This isn’t good. And it went down on Valetti property, with witnesses.

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