Going for Gold (An Olympic Medal Romance Book 1) (6 page)

Read Going for Gold (An Olympic Medal Romance Book 1) Online

Authors: L.V. Lewis

Tags: #Friends to Lovers, #Sports Romance, #Gold Medal, #New Adult, #Olympics, #Pole-Vaulting, #Multicultural Romance

BOOK: Going for Gold (An Olympic Medal Romance Book 1)
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She didn’t take long finding his cock as it stood up and ready for her. Her hand moved up and down at a maddening slow pace. She was going to be the death of him if she kept that up.

“Mia—” His words were cut off as she took the tip of him in her mouth. “God, Mia.”

She sucked the head, tentatively, then with gathering confidence before moving down further. 

He fought the urge to reach for her, because he didn’t want to force more than she could handle. He gripped the sheets, trembling as she took more inches. 

If he didn’t stop her soon, the night was going to be over before it even started.

Chapter Six: Mia

ia never wanted to try going down on any man before—not that she’d had many boyfriends, and she’d only been intimate with one—but being with Gunnar was different. She wanted to experience everything with him, and that meant giving him just a fraction of what he’d just given her.

Gunnar made her feel something she’d never felt in the one and only relationship she’d ever allowed herself to be in. With him, she felt like the world melted as he’d brought her to the best high of her life.

In the back of her mind, she’d wondered how he was able to get her body to react the way it did to his expert touch. She briefly thought about the other women in his life, one of the few things they never really talked about.

Mia shook any thoughts of other women out. In this moment and in the heated Rio night, he was hers, if only for a short while, so she relished in that comforting idea.

She wasn’t expecting the big size of him. Her small hand couldn’t fit all the way around as she stroked him. Even that didn’t stop her from leaning over to take the first part of him in her mouth. His salty-sweet taste pushed her on.

When he cried out, she thought she was hurting him. The groans and noises he made after reassured her. She was discovering how much would fit when he pulled her up.

“I don’t think I’m patient enough to have you keep doing that.” He pulled a foil package from his pocket. “Your country sure knows how to welcome competition.”

She laughed. Louisa had told her how the Olympic Village was stocked with condoms for when athletes had down time, information Juan had told Louisa. 

Mia felt so safe with Gunnar and was glad he thought of protection. She was so lost in him that it was the last thing on her mind. 

When he claimed her mouth with his, she felt him at her opening. He continued kissing her as he slid part of the way in.

She threw her head back as he stretched her more with each gentle push. 

“Focus on me, Mia,” he said. “I’m right here.”

She looked into his eyes, fearing that her small body might not be able to accommodate him fully.

Gunnar’s gaze held a reverence for what was happening between them. “Is this your first time?”

She shook her head and had to take deep breaths to concentrate on him as her body mingled pleasure with the underlying hints of pain. “Oh, Gunnar,” She moaned.

“Are you okay?” He stilled over her as his reverence became concern.

She nodded, and he slid all the way inside, allaying her fears that she wouldn’t adjust to him.

He captured her nipple before he moved again. She felt full and complete with him there, and when he began to move in earnest her world spun from the friction.

He was slow as she adjusted to his size, and the pleasure only increased with each gentle and smooth stroke.

She wanted to tell him to move faster, but she couldn’t speak.

Gunnar lifted her leg and hit a new angle inside of her. Slowly, he moved back until he hit that spot that made her think she would go crazy as the sensations consumed her and filled her from her core.

A bead of sweat trickled down his neck and on his chest, and she couldn't stop her reaction of licking him there. He tasted so masculine as she moved up and sucked on his neck.

The music below thrummed through the building and into her, overwhelming each of her senses. As the tempo changed to a faster beat, Gunnar moved in tune with it.

Tension bottled up inside her and begged for release, until he hit her just in time to explode. It vibrated from where they connected and spread through her limbs. She bit down slightly to find gravity from the force of her orgasm.

They were no longer moving to the music around them. It formed into something of their own creation with each thrust, pant, and scream until all the sounds merged.

His pace quickened until she felt him arch back with his own release. That sent her on another high she wasn't expecting.

He fell to his side and pulled her close to him. The humidity made sheets unnecessary, and it was hard to see anyone else up here this late at night, so she snuggled against him.

She knew Gunnar was still awake from his breathing. It was still heavy from exertion, but neither of them spoke as the music continued at the party below.

It would go on for hours if the police didn’t come and break them up. The celebration time depended on the night, and she hoped that it went on until sunrise.

Her thoughts came back to peck at her, and she wanted to ask Gunnar about why he didn’t tell her everything like she had revealed to him.

“What’s it like?” she finally asked, brushing her lips across his chest.

“What’s what like?” His voice sounded lighter as if almost on the brink of sleep.

“Pole vaulting. What does it feel like?”

Gunnar was silent for so long that she wondered if she needed to ask him the question again.

“It’s hard to explain it.”

“Try. Please?”

“I guess it’s similar to an extreme adrenaline rush, just like no other.” He put his arm around her and pulled her in, even though she couldn’t get any closer. “When you’re running, you know what’s coming. Vaulting is different, because you’re even more aware of each second, that time it takes just before you take flight in the air. It’s a split second of heaven. You feel light and heavy at the same time, as if nothing else below you matters. It’s one of the only times I can get out of my own head.”

“Is that why you love it?”

“Part of the reason. I guess it’s one of the few things on the track where you’re in control and losing control of everything at the same time.”

“I get it.” She sighed as she imagined the view from his perspective.

“You’re probably the only one who would, even in my warped way of explaining it.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were here to compete in the Olympics?”

His body stiffened underneath her, and she wasn’t sure if he was angry.

“I’m sorry,” she said quickly. “I understand if you don’t want to talk about it. We don’t really know each other...”

“No, Mia,” he said. “It’s not like that.” He took in deep breaths, and she waited patiently for him to go on. “Back home, everyone sees me as this star, like I’m some kind of track god or something. I hate that feeling so much. It’s like this expectation that I have to be owned by them just because I live there. As long as I win, I don’t think they care who I really am, you know?”

She lifted her head. “I don’t know, Gunnar, because you never show me that side of you. I care. I want to know the real you, but I can’t if you don’t let me.”

“I didn’t want you to see me differently.”

“When have I ever given you reason to think I’d care about your sports status? I only cared about it because you seemed to enjoy it. If that’s not what you want...”

“That’s the problem, Mia. Most of the time, I’m not even sure if I really do it because I want it so badly or because others want it for me.”

Mia didn’t know what to say to him. She couldn’t be the one to make that choice for Gunnar. She knew him, at least she thought she did, but how could she help him when she didn’t even know the challenges he faced back home?

. That was the other thing. He was still going home after all of this was over. She always knew that he would, but after being so close to him she dreaded the possibility.

He kissed her on the forehead. “I need to start heading back. I have the first run in a few hours. Coach is probably going to want to see me before.” He sat up and reached for his pants but paused putting his leg in. “How did you find out?”

“I searched for you online.” She suddenly felt naked and reached for her clothes.

“Of course you did.”

They were silent as they dressed, and Mia didn’t know what words would lessen the tension that had built up between them.

“I’ll walk you home,” Gunnar said as she put the bed back in some order.

“You don’t have to do that.” She wished she could fix whatever was happening with them the same way she was able to reset the bed sheets and pillows.

“I want to, and I’m going to. Don’t try to stop me.” He held his hand out.

She simply took it as he led her back down the stairs.

The crowd had only gotten bigger since their time on the roof, and they had to stand in the doorway to keep from getting knocked over.

“Which direction is your place?”

“This way,” she nodded behind her and led him in that direction.

“What’s that?” he asked, pointing to the sky. “Watch out!” He pushed her in the nearest doorway and shielded her.

She saw a canister land a few feet away before smoke poured out of it. “It’s the police! We need to go the other way.”

A gunshot rang out followed by screams and panic. Gunnar pushed her closer to the door and away from the chaos.

She tried to open the door, but it was locked. Gunnar tried to push it open, but it wouldn’t give.

The closest place was where Louisa lived with Juan, but she wasn’t sure if they were even there, let alone safe.

She’d heard the stories of the police getting brutal on baile funk groups, thinking that all who attended were criminals and ruffians. Not all of the police were violent, but there were some who were brutal just because the people there lived in the lower-class parts of the city.

If Gunnar got caught up in it, he could lose the chance at competing or even get hurt. She had to figure out a way to get him away from the craziness before it escalated and ruined the whole reason he’d come to Rio.

Why did she take him there of all places? They could have gone anywhere, but she’d chosen a place too close to the life she was used to, and Gunnar was too good to be anywhere near that part of town.

“We have to leave before it gets worse,” she said, taking his hand and chastising herself for getting him in such a mess. “Come on.”

They took off running, weaving away from the gas bombs thrown at the larger groups of people.

There was nowhere to go but through the crowd, who rushed off in different directions. The smoke was making her dizzy. She had to blink her eyes hard to keep them from watering.

That’s when she saw the group of boys pushing through the crowd, and she knew they were who the police were after. If they were too close to them, the police wouldn’t wait to question if they were with them or not.

The buildings blended together, and she had trouble getting her sense of direction. Louisa’s place had to be around there somewhere. They’d gone straight up the street and made a right like she always did. She was lost, and Gunnar didn’t even know the area.

She tried to think of landmarks to ask him to help her look for. Like that broken lamppost at the corner that was missing part of its shield.

A force bumped into her, breaking her hold of Gunnar’s hand and slamming her upside a building’s side wall.

“Get the hell off of her! Mia!”

Gunnar’s voice mingled with the ringing in her ears followed by a man shouting in Portuguese. He sounded like an officer from the way he spoke, but Gunnar didn’t speak the language. She had to let him know, or they’d think he was being defiant and hurt him. But Mia couldn’t move.

She turned her head to see a boy running and a policeman approaching Gunnar. He wanted Gunnar to get down, but Gunnar was focused on her.

The last thing she saw was the policeman grabbing Gunnar before she passed out.

Chapter Seven: Gunnar

eep her safe. Get her the fuck out of here.
That was all Gunnar could think as they avoided the other people running and the smoke that had already fogged up some of the street lights. If anything happened to her, he was going to lose it.

She led for a bit and then stopped, so he had moved them through, not knowing where the hell he was going. The night had taken a turn for the worse, and he didn’t know what to do to get them out of harm’s way.

The police didn’t seem to care which people they were pushing or knocking out with the gas, which made Gunnar’s resources for safe areas limited. Why hadn’t he just taken her to the Olympic Village area? He’d heard some of the other athletes talking about the slums of Rio and that the athletes were in one of the wealthier areas of the city. He was the one who told Mia he wanted to experience the real parts of Brazil, but this was a little too real for him. It wasn’t her fault. If he’d just been honest with her, the night may have gone differently.

But then they never would have had sex. No, sex was too plain of a word. She wasn’t like the other girls he’d been with. He actually cared about her, and he wondered if it went beyond that to something deeper. A word that scared him.

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