Going Dutch: How England Plundered Holland's Glory (47 page)

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Authors: Lisa Jardine

Tags: #British History

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Danby, Thomas Osborne, 1st Earl of (
Duke of Leeds), 17, 57
Danckerts, Hendrick,
, 147
Danvers, Henry, Baron (
Earl of Danby), 102, 106
Davenant, Sir William, 173
Davidson, Sir William, 293
Delft faïence,
, 261–2
Descartes, René, 153;
Discours de la méthode
, 153–4
Desmarets, Daniel, 250
Desolate Boedelkamer (bankruptcy chamber): art auctions, 122
Devonshire, William Cavendish, 4th Earl of, 56
Dieussart, François, 138–9, 160–1
Dijkvelt, Everard van Weede van: prepares invasion of England, 4; correspondence with William, 28; and William’s
, 29; as ambassador to England, 37
Donne, John, 167
Doort, Abraham van der, 108, 115
Dorp, Dorothea van, 149, 152
Dou, Gerrit, 143–4;
The Young Mother
(painting), 140,
, 145
Doublet (or Doubleth), Gertruyd (
Huygens), 211, 242
Doublet (or Doubleth), Philips, jr, 93, 211,
, 241,
, 245–6, 290
Doublet (or Doubleth), Philips, sr, 245
Doublet, Susanna (
Huygens), 93, 241–3,
, 308
Dover, Treaty of (1670), 353
Downing, Sir George, 330–1, 345–8
Drebbel, Cornelius, 167
Dryden, John, 173
Duarte family, 177–8,
, 182–4, 195, 198
Duarte, Constantia, 178
Duarte, Diego (Gaspar’s father), 177
Duarte, Diego (Gaspar’s son), 120, 177, 183
Duarte, Francesca, 182
Duarte, Gaspar, 120–1, 169, 176–8, 180–1, 183, 186, 259
Duarte, Jacob, 177, 180–1
Dugdale, William, 291
Dumanoir, Guillaume, 192
Durham, 31–2
Dutch East India Company (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie; VOC): activities, 241, 247, 319, 339–40; founding charter, 338; financing, 339–40; relations with English East India Company, 340–1, 349; protected by state, 347
Dutch Republic
United Provinces
Dutch West India Company (West-Indische Compagnie; WIC): captures Spanish treasure, 84–5; influence, 241; activities, 319; formed, 321; in North America (New Netherland), 321–2, 324–6, 332; protected by state, 347
Dyck, Sir Anthony (Anton) van: portraits of Charles I,
, 117, 148; wedding portrait of William III, 70,
; Webb purchases Stuart portraits by, 116; Duarte deals in paintings, 120–1; Sir Constantijn Huygens praises, 126; Huygens introduces Lievens to, 129; at English court, 130–1; self-portrait,
; travels, 130; death, 134; mourning picture of Thomas Killigrew and William Crofts,
, 172
Dyrham Park, near Bath, 260–1


East India Company (English), 340, 349
Elizabeth I, Queen, 54
Elizabeth, Princess (daughter of Charles I), 67
Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia and Electress Palatine (’The Winter Queen’): served by Lord Craven, 20; in Heidelberg, 48, 86, 228; Princess Mary Stuart serves, 67; courtly life and culture, 81–2, 84, 86, 88–9, 191, 198; life and career, 86–7,
; progress to Heidelberg, 86, 108; commissions art works, 129, 131; Dieussart’s bust of, 138; permanent residence in The Hague, 167, 174, 189, 229; aids Thomas Killigrew, 172; and George Morley, 176; and Anne de la Barre, 187; Lower dedicates work to, 188; and
Ballet de la Carmesse
, 190–2; finances, 191; forfeits claim to Bohemian crown, 219, 228–9
England (Britain): William of Orange invades, 1,
, 4–8; Convention formed (1688), 18; and succession to throne, 54–6, 62–7; Dutch art and artists in, 113–15, 135; Royal Collection of art, 144–5, 147–8; marriages with Dutch partners, 159–60; gardens, 262; overseas competition with Dutch, 319, 326–7, 329–30, 332–3, 340; fiscal policy and reforms, 347–8; economic prosperity, 357;
see also
Anglo-Dutch wars
Essex, Arthur Capel, 1st Earl of, 43
Evelyn, John: on James II’s Catholicism, 4; on English apprehensions of Dutch invasion, 5, 26; on William’s landing and intentions, 14–15; on Dutch art fair, 121–2; on palace of Rijswijk, 140; praises Dou painting, 144; on Antwerp, 175; on Duarte home, 177–8; on trees in Dutch towns and gardens, 225, 237; on ancients’ lack of interest in exotic plants, 250; on Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen, 253; on Blathwayt, 260; visits Fromanteel with Christiaan Huygens, 274;
, 226, 237, 253
Everdingen, Caesar van, 90
Exeter, 14, 16, 31, 46


Fagel, Gaspar: and William’s
, 29; and French trade war, 39; Burnet works with, 43; as adviser to William, 246; family, 246; garden and plants, 246–50,
, 252; transfers plants to Hampton Court, 248–9
Fairfax, Thomas, 3nd Baron, 219
Fatio de Duillier, Nicolas, 311–12
Finch, Sir Heneage, 282
Fitzcharles, Charlotte Jemima Henrietta, 171
Flines, Agnes de (Agnes Block), 250
Fort Orange
Fourment, Hélène (Rubens’ second wife),
Fox, Sir Stephen, 14–16
France: support for James II, 4; James II’s exile in, 18; trade war with Dutch, 33, 39–40, 42; as threat to Dutch Republic, 37, 41, 62–3, 353; anti-Protestant measures, 41; William’s campaign against, 263
Frederick V, Elector Palatine, 48, 86–8, 219, 228–9
Frederik Hendrik, Stadholder: marriage, 67, 111, 212; and Stuart-Orange marriage alliances, 67–70, 73, 75; pictured,
, 90; tours Netherlands with Princess Mary, 72; death, 76, 89, 138, 209; court life and culture, 82, 84, 86, 89, 212; claims share of captured Spanish silver, 85; Sir Constantijn Huygens as First Secretary to, 100, 110, 126, 152; art interests and collection, 129, 132, 207–8; and Duarte, 178, 180, 183; buildings and improvements, 209; gardening interests, 222–3, 231, 235; shelters Elector Frederick, 229; acquires and rebuilds Honselaarsdijk, 235
Fromanteel, Ahasuerus, 274, 277
Fromanteel, John, 277


Gage, George, 102,
, 105, 108
Gale (Master of St Paul’s School), 354
garden design and landscaping: Dutch, 24, 205, 210–13,
, 215–18, 222–6, 231–6,
, 239, 241–2, 244–50, 252–3; and drainage problems, 235, 239; water features, 246; in Brazil, 253–6; financing, 256–7, 260; in Britain, 262
Geldorp, George, 135
Gerbier, Sir Balthasar, 131, 135
Gheyn, Jacob de, sr (Jacob de Gheyn II), 99, 292
Gheyn, Jacob de, jr (Jacob de Gheyn III), 99,
, 107–8, 137–8, 292
Glorious Revolution (1688): and William’s invasion, 27–9, 31, 42; and Dutch international aims, 41
Gloucester, Henry, Duke of, 172, 198
Goddard, Jonathan, 274
Goltzius, Hendrik, 126
Good Hope, Cape of, 320
Goree, Guinea, 327
gout: treatment, 341–4,
Goyen, Jan Josephszoon van, 126
Graeff, Andries de, 140–2
Great Fire of London (1666), 147; memorial inscription, 353–5
Great Plague (1665), 302, 305
Grebber, Frans Pieter de, 90, 134
Greenwich palace, 206
Gresham, Sir Thomas, 205
Guinea: Holmes sacks Dutch settlements, 285, 288; trading opportunities, 327
Gunpowder Plot (1605), 10
Gunterstein: garden, 246, 249–50, 252


Haarlem, Cornelis, 126
Hague, The: admired in England, 81; courts, 81–2, 85–6, 88, 91; building and improvement, 85; Huygens’ house in, 157–8,
, 207–8,
; plague (1635), 158; English exiles in, 175, 212
Halen, Peter van, 123–4
Halley, Edmond, 310, 315
Hampden, John, 312
Hampton Court: gardens, 50, 224, 226, 248–9, 252; Christiaan Huygens visits, 310
Hanau, Count of, 84
Hanneman, Adriaen, 132,
, 134, 188; portrait of William,
Harrison, John, 284
Hartlib, Samuel, 316
Hatfield Chase, Lincolnshire, 232, 237–8
Heenvliet, Jan van der Kerckhoven, Lord of, 68
Heidelberg, 86; gardens, 48,
, 219, 228–31
Hein, Admiral Piet, 84
Heinsius, Daniel, 354
Held, Julius, 156, 157
Hellevoetsluis, 6, 15
Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I, 70, 72–3, 75, 78, 116, 163, 186–8, 212–13, 351
Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales, 108
Herbert, Admiral Arthur, Earl of Torrington, 16
Hesse, Johan van, 172
Hoefnagel family, 98
Hoefnagel, Jacob, 98
Hoefnagel, Joris, 292
Hofwijk, Voorburg (Sir Constantijn Huygens’ estate), 164, 166, 183, 208, 210,
, 212–13,
, 215–19, 227–8,
, 233–4, 245, 308
Hollandine, Louise, 132
Holles, Sir Frescheville,
Holmes, Sir Robert, 283–9,
, 326–7, 329
Hondius, Hendrik, 126
Honselaarsdijk, 22, 85, 204, 212, 224, 235–7,
, 241, 245
Honthorst, Gerrit (Gerard) van, 85, 88, 90, 126, 131, 138
Hoogstraten, Samuel van, 145, 147;
The Slippers
Hooke, Robert: on William’s invasion, 15; on Prince Rupert’s drops, 203; scientific endeavour, 266; and clock and watch mechanism, 267–8, 279–82, 284, 291, 301, 306; and determination of longitude, 280–1, 285, 288; reputation, 293, 296; Christiaan Huygens jr criticises, 296; in controversy with Auzout, 297–8, 302–3, 305–8; on need for high-quality lenses, 297; involvement with Royal Society, 298–9; lens-making machine, 298–302, 304, 306; as Curator of Experiments at Royal Society, 301, 313; leaves London (1665), 302, 306; supports Stuart royals, 308; career setbacks, 313; lectures at Royal Society, 313–14; work on optics, 313; ill health, 314; on Chinese medical practices, 344–5; and inscriptions for Monument to Great Fire of London, 354; discusses Temple of Solomon with Wren, 357;
, 291–3,
, 296–300,
, 306–7,
, 312–13
Hortus Pembrochianus
, 47
Hoskins, Sir John, 315
Hudson, Henry, 321
Huguenots: support William, 31; flee France after revocation of Edict of Nantes, 41
Huis ten Bosch, The Hague, 89–90, 138, 209, 246
Hume, Sir Alexander, 190, 271
Hutchinson, Colonel John, 116
Huygens family, 47,
, 93
Huygens, Christiaan, jr: cosmopolitanism, 7; career, 93; and Prince Rupert’s drops, 203; at Hofwijk, 213; mental health problems, 213, 290, 308; requests copy of Evelyn’s
from Royal Society, 227; correspondence with Philips Doublet, 245–6; develops and tests watch and clock mechanisms, 263, 266–74,
, 276–84, 289–91, 314–15, 329; in France, 264, 308; scientific interests and activities, 264, 266; in England, 274, 309–10, 315; friendship and correspondence with Moray, 274, 277, 300, 306, 308; portrait,
; and determination of longitude at sea, 283; questions Holmes’s report, 285–6; and Hooke’s
, 291, 293, 296, 298; interest in microscopy, 292–3; and lens-making, 292, 300; criticises Hooke, 296, 304; and Hooke’s lens-grinding machine, 300–2, 306; in The Hague during Great Plague (1665), 305; retires to father’s estate, 308; elected first overseas member of Royal Society, 309, 316; reads and approves of Newton’s
, 309; attends Royal Society meetings, 310, 313; audience with William, 310–11; and Newton’s political involvement, 311–12; relations with Newton, 312–13; reputation, 315–16; appointment in Paris, 316; planetary observations, 316–18;
Discours sur la cause de la pesanteur
, 314;
Horologium Oscillatorium
, 284, 289–90;
Systema Saturnium
, 316–17;
Traité de la lumière
, 309, 313
Huygens, Christiaan, sr, 93, 97, 102, 108
Huygens, Constantia
Wilhem, Constantia de
Huygens, Sir Constantijn: and William’s invasion, 7; and William’s expectation of English throne, 80; as art adviser to courts, 82–3, 85, 89–90, 112, 118, 125–7, 138–9, 207, 210; career and influence, 91–3, 100, 111–12; portrayed,
, 131–2, 134, 144,
, 156–9, 206,
; in England, 94–8, 101, 105–6, 109–10, 166–7, 350; musical virtuosity and activities, 95–8, 159, 163–4, 166, 180, 185–7, 192–3, 354; art interests, 98–9, 107, 109; as personal secretary and adviser to Frederik Hendrik and William II, 100, 110, 126, 152; marriage to Susanna van Baerle, 122, 149, 152, 155–6; commends Rubens’
Head of Medusa
, 126; praises and encourages Lievens and Rembrandt, 126–9, 131, 137; aids Hanneman, 132; acquires Rembrandt painting, 137; and ‘Dutch Gift’ to Charles II, 139–40, 142–3; attachment to talented women, 149, 163–4, 266; poetry, 149, 153, 157, 160, 210, 215–16, 227, 233, 354; and Susanna’s death, 152–3, 210; and Descartes, 153–4; houses and properties, 157–8,
, 164, 166, 183, 204, 207–10,
, 212–13,
, 215–17; relations with Anna Morgan, 160–2; and Anglo-Dutch wars, 162; friendship with Killigrews, 166–9; helps Mary Killigrew find house in UP, 173; and Duarte, 178, 180–3; and
Ballet de la Carmesse
, 192; friendship with Lanier, 198; correspondence with Margaret Cavendish, 200–3; and Prince Rupert’s drops, 201–3; architectural interests and taste, 204, 207–8; provides Latin inscription for William the Silent’s tomb, 205; and Rubenshuis, 207; garden designs and interests, 210, 215–19, 224–5, 227,
, 230, 233–5; entertains exiled English royals in Netherlands, 212–13; helps broker William-Mary marriage, 212; designs road from The Hague to Scheveningen,
, 226; visits Heidelberg, 230; helps finance Vermuyden’s drainage scheme, 238; owns land in England, 238; and daughter Susanna’s wedding, 242–4; pride in son Christiaan, 270; and Hoefnagel family, 292; sends extracts from Hooke’s
to son Christiaan, 296; son Christiaan lives with in old age, 308; and son Christiaan’s career, 315; oversees building of the Mauritshuis in The Hague, 333; and new medical knowledge from overseas, 341–3; attempts to recover money owing from Charles II to William, 351–2; role in Anglo-Dutch collaboration, 352–3; proposes inscriptions for Monument to Great Fire of London, 353–5;
Pathodia Sacra et Profana
(song collection), 159, 163–4, 185
Huygens, Constantijn, jr: on invasion fleet and landing, 7, 9, 11, 14, 46–7; as William’s secretary, 7, 93, 263; portrayed,
, 158,
; admires English countryside, 18; paintings and drawings, 18,
, 215,
; countersigns William’s
, 46; accompanies William on journey from Torbay to London, 47–9; on Wilton House gardens, 48; and William’s claim to English throne, 65–6; selects art works from English Royal Collection for William and Mary, 147–8; in Arnhem with mother, 158; and father’s relations with Duarte girls, 163; and Duartes’ art dealing, 183; garden, 242; marriage, 242–3, 246, 273; with William on campaign against French, 290; grinds lenses, 292; status and power in England, 308–9; and brother Christiaan’s visit to England, 309–10; influence at William’s court, 312; and William’s acceptance by English, 349–50
Huygens, Gertruyd
Doublet (or Doubleth), Gertruyd
Huygens, Lodewijk: career, 93; in England, 116–17; on low price of paintings in England, 116, 137, 160, 219; with mother in 1635 plague, 158; Anna Morgan’s hospitality to, 160; in First Dutch War, 162; in France, 264; and brother Christiaan, 277
Huygens, Maurits, 152, 211
Huygens, Susanna (
Rijkaert; Constantijn jr’s wife), 246
Huygens, Susanna (
van Baerle; Sir Constantijn’s wife): marriage, 122, 149–51, 155–6, 159; death, 152–4, 163, 210; and Descartes’ writings, 154; portrait,
, 156, 157–8, 206; helps plan family home, 158
Hyde, Anne
York, Anne, Duchess of

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