God’s Secret Agents: Queen Elizabeth's Forbidden Priests & the Hatching of the Gunpowder Plot (66 page)

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The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.

A Brief Apology see
Persons, Robert
A Brief Discourse see
Persons, Robert
A Conference about the Next Succession
266-267, 280-281, 287, 290, 301, 316, 386
A Game at Chess see
Middleton, Thomas
A Sinner’s Complaint see
Southwell, Robert
A Treatise against Lying and Fraudulent Dissimulation see
Garnet, Henry
Abbot, Dr George 192
Abercromby, Robert 303-304
Act for the due execution of the Statutes against Jesuits, Seminary Priests, Recusants, etc
Adrian IV, Pope 233
Advice to Queen Elizabeth see
Cecil, Sir William
Agazzari, Alphonsus 277, 281
Alban, St 114
Albert, Archduke of Austria, Regent of the Spanish Netherlands 316, 319, 323
Aldobrandino, Cardinal 299
Aldred, Solomon 277
Alençon, Duc d’ 72, 93, 124, 201
Alfield, Reverend 196
Allegiance, Oath of 379-384, 386, 397
see also Protestation of Allegiance
Allen, Dr William 13, 15, 44, 49-51, 53-59, 63, 68-69, 71-2, 79, 84
, 90, 91, 104, 106, 132, 135, 140, 174
, 195, 263, 269, 277, 280-282, 391
Allen, Gabriel 77
Almanacs 2-3
Almon, Oliver 117
An Epistle of Comfort see
Southwell, Robert
An Humble Supplication see
Southwell, Robert
Anderson, Justice 127
Anglican, early use of word 10
Anglican Church
Elizabethan Religious Settlement
Anmer Hall 128, 129
Anne, Queen of Scotland and of England 303-304
Annias, John 239, 243
Apostates 11
Appellants 284-292, 295, 306, 310, 325, 333, 347, 359, 379, 387
Aquinas, Thomas, St 338
Aquaviva, Claudio, Jesuit General 132, 141, 147, 148
, 151, 155, 164, 170-171, 175, 179, 184, 195-196, 198, 236, 241, 252
, 253, 281, 293, 294, 326-327, 339-342, 387
and Campion 132, 135
on equivocation 184-186
and Garnet 98
, 118, 139, 362
366, 374
and Gerard 97, 230, 246
Gunpowder Plot 370
urges caution 326-327, 356, 368
Aquila, Bishop of 32
Archer (Jesuit) 240-241
Arden, John 251-257
Arran, Earl of 79
Arundel, Anne Howard, Countess of 164-165, 200, 221, 276
Arundel, Charles 77, 172
Arundel, Philip Howard, Earl of 165
Arundell family 148
Ashley, Ralph 358, 361
, 363, 366, 387
Atkinson, William 275
Augustine, St 127, 185
Aylmer, John, 80
Babington, Anthony 15, 16
, 77, 163, 172, 177
Babington Plot 16, 126, 251, 276
Bacon, Anthony 176
Bacon, Sir Francis 57, 97, 125
, 160, 175-176, 244, 288
Baddesley Clinton 150-156, 184, 191-192
Bagshaw, Dr Christopher 284, 286
Bales, Christopher 126-127
Balliol College, Oxford 29, 69, 284
Bancroft, Richard, 199, 276, 283
, 285-286, 288-290
Barlow, Lewis 49
Barneby (priest) 286
Barnes, Joseph 274, 275
Barnes, Thomas 209
Barrington, Francis 219
Barwise, Robert 145, 242
Basset, Charles 77
Bates, Thomas 345, 351-352, 354-355, 359-360, 362-363
Battle Abbey 203, 204
Baynham, Sir Edward 339, 341, 352, 362
Beard, Benjamin 145
Beaumont, Justice 131
Bedingfeld, Edmund 113
Bedingfeld family 105, 110-111, 113
Bedingfeld, Henry 120-121
Bedingfeld, Humphrey 106
Bedingfeld, John 193
Bedingfeld, Sir Henry 100, 106
Bedingfeld, Thomas 113, 119, 120
Bellamy, Anne 176, 178-180, 182-184, 187-188
Bellamy, Bartholomew 178
Bellamy family 148, 176-178, 182-184
Bellamy, Jerome 178
Bellamy, Katherine 178
Bellamy, Richard 177, 180, 183
Bellamy, Thomas 176, 178, 183-184
Bellamy, William 177
Benedictine Order 26
Berden, Nicholas 115-116
Berkeley, Sir Richard 244, 246-248
Bess of Hardwick 99
, 262, 265
Béthune, Philippe de 287-288
Béza, Theodore 32
Bible, The 45, 160-161, 177
Bird, John 348
Bishop, William 136-137, 292
Blackwell, George, Archpriest 282-284, 288-289, 311-313, 381
Blackwell, Margaret 109
Blair, Tony 391-392
Bloody Question
Blount, Richard 102, 157
Bloxham 28
Bluet, Thomas 285-286, 288, 290
Bold, Richard 116
Boleyn, Anne, Queen of Henry VIII 31, 81
, 100, 337
Book of the Ocean to Cynthia
see Raleigh, Sir Walter
Borlas, William 202
Bowyer, Thomas 144
Breakspear, Nicholas
Adrian IV
Brewster (priest) 215, 227
Briant, Alexander 92, 234, 235
Bridewell prison 96, 223
, 226, 228, 252, 274
Brinkley, Stephen 162-163
Bristow, Richard 50, 177
Broadoaks Manor 212-215, 217-220, 227, 242
Bromley, Sir Henry 357-359, 361
Bromley, Sir Thomas 57
Brooke, George 310, 312-313
Brooksby, Edward 76
Brooksby, Eleanor 151-153, 200, 386
Brooksby, William 162
Browne, Anthony
Montague, Lord
Browne, Francis 162
Browne, Timothy
Wintour, Thomas
Brushford, John 137-138
Brussels 316
Bryn Hall 13
Buckhurst, Lord 202
Bullinger, Heinrich 28, 32, 37
Burghley, Lord
Cecil, Sir William

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