Goddess of Legend (Demi-God Daughters) (5 page)

BOOK: Goddess of Legend (Demi-God Daughters)
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“Do my eyes deceive me, or is it really the God of the Underworld up here among the mortals?”

“Eros,” Hades said curtly as the God of Love materialized next to him. Eros was one of the gods who annoyed him the most. Those damn arrows of his caused havoc all over the world, especially when the bastard randomly shot them. His mother Aphrodite wasn’t any better. Her vanity had been the cause of the Trojan War. Paris and that stupid damn apple. Technically he should have been grateful. The war had led to an increase in souls in the Underworld, but contrary to popular belief, Hades did not delight in death. Talk about irony.

“So what brings you among the mortals?”

“Just getting a little fresh air,” Hades lied.

“Really? Well the rumor going around Olympus is that a particular mortal has you smitten.”

“I have no desire to discuss anything with you,” Hades said.

“No need to bite my head off. I’d be more than happy to shoot h
er with one of my arrows,” Eros said.

Hades turned and glared at Eros
. He wasn’t fooled by the silly blond curls and flimsy bow and arrow. Eros could do damage, and he didn’t want him anywhere near Cameryn.

“If you go anywhere near her I will personally rip all of the feathers from your wings and throw you down into Tartarus. G
ot it?” Hades said glaring Eros down. Eros gulped.


“Good,” Hades said before disappearing.

As much as he wanted to continue shadowing Cameryn, he had work to do. Even the God of the Underworld had a job.


She couldn’t believe him. He was following the gir
l around like some besotted fool. He’d certainly come a long way. In all the eons she’d known him, he’d rarely ever left the Underworld. Now here he was mooning over another woman and a mortal at that. She could feel herself boiling with rage. How dare he? She was conveniently choosing to forget that she’d been the one to decide that she didn’t want him when in all honesty, she’d left without a second thought. Their union had been disastrous, and she’d been all too happy to escape it. The world had become her playground as she’d had her fill of men, immortal and mortal alike.


While the carnal adventures had sustained her for a time, they’d started to lose their luster. Deciding what to do with oneself was a whole lot harder when you were immortal. The only places she’d ever really lived had been with her overprotective mother and then in the palace in the Underworld. Persephone had no desire to ever return to her mother’s. Demeter was too overbearing. Besides, they’d stopped speaking long ago. She couldn’t help it if Demeter didn’t like it that she was not the timid young goddess she’d imagined.

Persephone had finally started to understand what she’d given up by leaving Hades. Being married to him had made her Queen of the largest realm
, and she’d thrown it away for a few pleasurable trysts. Hades had tried so hard to win her love, but she’d refused to give it to him. No matter how much time and attention or lavish gifts he gave to her she remained frosty towards him. She’d even insulted his male pride by calling him a monster and refusing him his husbandly rights. If the poor guy hadn’t been having affairs like his brothers, then he probably had the worst case of blue balls in history. She thought the latter. Hades had never been known to be a womanizer. She couldn’t believe her childish pride had made her give up her position of power. Well no more. She wanted it back. Being the Goddess of Spring was no comparison to being Queen of the Underworld.

Did she love Hades? Of course not. The only reason she’d ever agreed to marry him was because of the power and elevation from a minor goddess that it had given her.

She missed the power. The servants waiting to do her bidding. Her throne. This time she would do things differently. She would be just affectionate enough to make him putty in her hands. When he was once again completely besotted with her the real fun would begin. Hades was a novice when it came to women. Manipulating him would be easy. A few whispered words of love and a showing of sincere regret for leaving would be enough to do the trick.

Of course, initially he’d be suspicious. Persephone couldn’t expect him to be that damn gullible. She’d take things slow and then spring her trap. In the meantime, she needed to remain aware of his coming and goings. Even more importantly, she needed to do something about this mortal he was interested in. Persephone couldn’t see the allure. The mortal had dark hair and funny looking silver eyes. She’d always thought Hades had a thing for willowy blondes like
herself. It really didn’t matter what he liked about the mortal. It was all moot. The girl was a problem. A problem that Persephone had created and one she meant to get rid of. No one was taking her place as Queen of the Underworld.

Chapter F


Cameryn finally made it to her office. Today had been bizarre thus far. Weird dreams about a strange man combined with seeing said man in person. She was still trying to get over that. Maybe it was just a coincidence. Yes, that had to be it. Coincidences did happen.

Having her own business was definitely a blessing.
Dean and Kyrie had set up generous trust funds for both of their daughters. Cameryn had used some of that money to start up her private investigation firm. Because of her success she’d been able to put back everything she’d borrowed initially. Having an office in downtown New York City was a crucial part of the reason she’d been able to become so well known. Things were good, and she hoped that she would continue to stay busy. She finally entered the glass doors leading to her office suite. Her receptionist, Marie, was already busy taking calls. She gave her a wave and mouthed good morning before heading for Kim’s office.

Kim Savant was her Case Manager. Without Kim, the business would not be running as smoothly as it did. Kim handled all the new cases that came in and gave them to Cameryn in order of importance. She and Case Intake Kasey Reynolds worked hand in hand. Besides her case manager duties, Kim was also the person who had an accountant
who monitored their finances and handled any P.R. related issues. The woman was really a jack of all trades. Cameryn didn’t know what she’d do without her. She stepped into Kim’s office. Today her hair was done up in crazy corkscrews, and she was wearing a bright lime green sundress with matching eye shadow. The green really complemented her pecan skin tone. Boldness was Kim’s middle name. She was always wearing something outrageous.

“Good morning
, Kim.”

“Good morning
, boss lady. Are you actually wearing a dress? What is the occasion?”

“Ha ha. If you must know I just had breakfast with my mom and sister. Deena’s getting married.”

“Well good for her, and this is even better if it’s going to get you in dresses more often.”

“Don’t get used to it. Now what’s going on around here today?”

“Kasey is getting swamped with calls. Apparently your cop buddy has spread the word about how you helped them solve the Adams case. That line hasn’t stopped ringing. You might want to consider hiring another intake or two.”

“Well you keep this office running
, so if we need more intakes, we’ll have them. Advertise it, and I will leave all hiring decisions up to you.”

“Good. I already have a few in mind. I’ll get started with that while you get started with these,” Kim said handing Cameryn a stack of red folders.

“All right. Looks like I have a lot to do, so I’ll be in my office if you need me,” Cameryn said before leaving Kim’s office.

Cameryn went down the hall to her own office and opened the door to go inside. Her senses were assailed by the fresh smell of lavender. It seemed Kim had already been inside burning incense. She stepped inside and closed the door. She dropped the stack of folders on her desk before turning on her computer. Opening the bottom drawer, she pulled out a yellow legal pad and a ballpoint pen. There was no question that she was going to be here for a while. She grabbed a Coke from the mini-fridge and settled down into her plush high back chair. It was time to get busy.


, brother, you work fast.”

“I have no idea what you mean
, Zeus. I haven’t done anything.” Hades stared at Zeus for a moment. He could feel his anger starting to build. Zeus did whatever he wanted with whomever he wanted, and no one questioned him. Zeus had no right to stick his nose where it didn’t belong. It infuriated Hades to no end. “Dear brother, need I remind you that I swore an unbreakable oath on the River Styx? I gave my word, and I am bound to it. Besides, no one influences the Fates.”

“Very well
, brother. I had to ask. It’s just a part of my duties. You understand.”

“Of course. Now if there’s nothing else, I’m quite busy at the moment,” Hades said curtly.

“Goodbye then,” Zeus said beaming himself out of the Underworld.

Sometimes Hades just wanted to throttle Zeus. His youngest brother had a way of getting under his skin like a bad infection. How dare Zeus question his integrity? He was not some minor god
, and he would not cower before the Almighty Zeus. He was a god to be feared and respected in his own right. Hades closed his eyes and cursed softly under his breath. He had to stop allowing Zeus to make him so irritable. He had more important things to worry about, like Cameryn. The Fates were about to send her world crashing down, giving Hades the opportunity he had waited for, for so long, and he’d done nothing but wait. Sometimes good things came to those who waited, and he had waited an eternity.


“I really wish you would leave him alone,” Hera said to Zeus when he appeared next to her.

“I’m not bothering him. I’m just making sure that no lines have been crossed or no laws have been broken.”

“That’s never stopped you from doing what you wanted, but our brother is much more honorable than you could ever hope to be.”

Zeus frowned at his wife. She was always putting Hades on some pedestal. In fact all his sisters did. They thought he was so caring and noble. It really grated on Zeus’s nerves.

“There’s nothing for you to worry about
, dearest. He had nothing to do with what’s about to happen, but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to take advantage of the situation.”

“Zeus, he seems like he is happy for the first time in a long time. He has hope of finding real love. Just let him be,” Hera
told him.

“I intend to, but you and I both know he does not have the greatest track record with women. He’s made some mistakes.”

“The only mistake he ever made was listening to you. Hades is not a fool. And besides, this Cameryn is a far different breed from your precious Persephone. She might be just what our brother needs.”

“You’ve been spying on her?” Zeus asked amazed.

“I look in on Cameryn from time to time when Demeter’s not around. She’s quite a woman. Compassionate, determined, strong, and wanting love in her life so desperately.”

“It seems like you’ve already decided you’re in favor of this union.”

the Goddess of Marriage. Let’s just say that the two of them will have my blessing when the time comes.”

“Well all we can do now is sit back and wait.”


Cameryn had been at her desk for the past two hours going through the new cases Kim had given her. She’d already sorted them into a semblance of importance. The top five cases had happened within the last week. The children’s ages ranged from five to fifteen. Three were girls. She wasn’t surprised. That was usually the case. At the top of her list was Danica Miles, the fifteen year old daughter of the Mayor of Tannersville. The

small town barely had a population above five hundred. The mayor, Jonathan Miles, was well liked and highly regarded by everyone. He was a widower struggling to raise his daughter, who had the reputation of being a bit of a wild child.

Her attention turned to her office phone
, which was ringing.

“Hello. Cameryn Kane.”

“Cameryn, it’s Mom. You need to get to Bellevue right now,” Kyrie said hysterically.

, what’s wrong?” Cameryn asked sitting straight up.

“It’s Deena. She’s been in a car accident.”

“Oh my God. How badly is she hurt?” Cameryn asked rising from her seat.

“We don’t know. Your father and I are on our way. Hurry
, Cameryn,” Kyrie said.

“I’m on my way.”

Cameryn slammed the phone down and grabbed her purse. She left her office quickly. As she raced to the elevator she said a prayer for her sister. She didn’t want to think the worst, but she could feel a tendril of dread racing up her spine. All she could do was pray that her sister would be okay.



Cameryn burst through the emergency room doors at a run. People looked at her strangely, but she didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was Deena. She made her way to the front desk. It had been hell getting here. Traffic had been backed up because of a three car accident. Already she worried that she was too late.

“My sister Deena Kane was brought in. Can you please tell me where she is?” Cameryn asked the attendant.

The young man looked at the computer screen with a bored expression on his face. Cameryn resisted the urge to strangle him. This was the E.R., for Christ’s sake. Where was his compassion?

“Deena Kane is in emergency surgery. Her family is in Waiting Room Four.”

“Thank you,” Cameryn said hurriedly rushing off.

She made a beeline for the elevator. Jabbing at the up button her foot tapped impatiently. As soon as the doors opened, she entered pressing the number four button and the button to close the doors. She didn’t feel like having any elevator company. She was more scared than she’d ever been in her entire life. What if something happened to her sister? She couldn’t imagine a world without Deena’s smile. Her warmth. Her always positive attitude. The elevator doors opened
, and Cameryn briskly walked down the hallway searching for the right waiting room. She finally found it.


Her parents were the only occupants. They stood up when she entered. The worry on their faces was tangible. Her dad looked grave, and her mother’s eyes were brimming with tears.

“What happened?” Cameryn asked cutting right to the chase.

“From what we’ve been told, Deena was hit head on. Her injuries are severe,” Dean said in a strangled tone, lips trembling.

“What about the driver that hit her? The fucker had better be dead.”

“He died at the scene. Alcohol was involved.”

“Where’s Matt?” Cameryn asked.

“He’s on his way. He and Deena were supposed to go away together for the weekend,” Kyrie said as she started to sob.

Cameryn held her mother as she cried, fighting back her own tears. Deena just had to be al
l right for all their sakes. They sat down to wait. Cameryn held both of her parents’ hands. She glanced up at the clock. It was already after two. Getting through traffic had taken her a lot longer than she’d originally thought. The silence and oppressiveness hung over them like a heavy wool blanket. Cameryn felt as if she could barely breathe. The door to the waiting room burst open, and Matt entered.

“What happened to Deena? Where is she?” he asked raking a hand through his hair as tears welled up in his eyes.

rose and took Matt aside talking to him quietly. Cameryn could see the fear and anger that clouded his face. Her father clapped Matt on the back, and the two men hugged, consumed by their fear. Dean and Matt sat down. Waiting was not going to be easy. Cameryn held her mother’s hand, resting her head on her shoulder. She closed her eyes in silent prayer. She’d never been an overly religious person, but she knew with a certainty that there was a supreme being who had control over life and death. With everything in her she hoped that her prayer would be heard.

When Cameryn opened her eyes and looked at the clock it was after six. She must’ve fallen asleep. She sat up when the door opened and a man wearing scrubs and a lab coat entered their waiting room.

“I’m Dr. Hayes. Are you the family of Deena Kane?”

, we are,” Dean said as they all stood up.

“I’m sorry. We weren’t able to save her.”

“What do you mean you couldn’t save her? What happened to my fiancée?” Matt said.

“The force of the impact broke many of her bones. Both of her lungs were punctured. There was massive internal bleeding. We finally managed to stop all the bleeding, but then she went into cardiac arrest. We lost her on the table. I’m so sorry for your loss,” the doctor said before leaving the room.

“No! No!” Kyrie screamed as she crumpled.

Dean caught her before she hit the ground, holding her as they grieved for their daughter. Matt fell to his knees in the corner howling in sorrow. Cameryn felt numb. This had to be a mistake. Deena couldn’t be gone. She was supposed to start the next chapter in her fairytale life. Things couldn’t end like this. Cameryn felt bile rise in the back of her throat. Deena was gone. Her sister was dead. It was more than she could bear. She couldn’t handle the grief. Her family was broken, and watching them cry out in grief was too much. She had to leave.

“I have to go,” Cameryn said running out of the waiting room as tears ran down her face.

She had to get as far away as possible.


He could feel her grief. She was in so much pain. Her world had been turned completely upside down. The loss of her sister was unimaginable. The tears coursing down her cheeks made him ache for her. He never wanted her to experience pain again. He vowed to himself that she wouldn’t. The time had finally come. From this tragedy

would bloom a new destiny for them both. No longer would he have to remain in the shadows watching her from afar. It was time to reveal himself. He could only hope that she would be ready for all of the truths he would soon reveal to her.


Cameryn had been driving around for hours. She’d turned her phone off as she’d driven aimlessly, consumed by her grief. A drunk driver had taken away her sister and best friend forever. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair at all. She was supposed to be reluctantly helping Deena prepare for her wedding. They were supposed to be arguing about her Maid of Honor dress. She couldn’t even begin to imagine the grief Matt was feeling. He’d been ready to spend the rest of his life with Deena. Now he was without the love of his life. And her poor parents. There was no way she could fathom how deeply their loss cut. Her own grief had caused her to pull over as she broke down.

She knew it was wrong to have left her parents and Matt, but she wasn’t strong enough. This was one fight she couldn’t win. How was her life ever supposed to be the same? Or her parents’? Their flesh and blood was dead, and all they had was her. A freak of nature who could find the dead. Fate was a cruel mistress. Cameryn pulled up to Dickey’s Sports Bar. It was a little after eight. She needed a distraction. Alcohol could definitely provide one. She parked her Hummer and went inside. The seats around the bar were empty, but men and women were crowded around other areas.

“Jack and Coke.”

The bartender gave her an appreciative glance. She scowled in return. She was not in the mood. He made her drink and slid it to her. Cameryn downed it in a few gulps and slid the glass back.

“Keep it coming.”

The bartender raised his eyebrow but quickly complied. He set her drink down in front of her. She sipped it leisurely before paying for her drinks. She got up from the bar and made her way to an empty pool table. She grabbed a pool stick from the wall and set up the balls on the table. Cameryn noticed men watching her. As long as they maintained their distance she didn’t care. She was in the mood to kick the ass of anyone who tried her. Cameryn aimed her pool cue and shot the first ball into the pocket.
. She still had it. Many months had passed since she’d played a game of pool.

As she drilled the balls angrily, she tried to think about what to do next. She needed to apologize to her parents for running out on them. Somehow she was going to have to put her emotions in check and be strong for her family. They needed her.

“Hey, baby. Why don’t you let me show you how to work that stick?” a drunken voice said behind her.

Cameryn turned and saw a redheaded drunk staggering towards her. She felt a wave of disgust. His skin was ghastly white
, and yellow broken teeth grinned at her. His eyes were bloodshot. The alcohol on his breath saturated the air.

“No thanks.”

“Don’t be like that
, sugar,” the man said moving closer.

“I said I wasn’t interested. Now back the fuck off.”

“You uppity little black bitch,” the man said grabbing her arm.

Cameryn swung the pool stick and cracked the man right between the eyes. He released her arm staggering away as blood rushed from his nose. He fell to the floor with a thud. Maybe that language he understood.
She glanced across the room at the bartender. He shook his head and went back to pouring his drinks. Good. Obviously this wasn’t one of those places that brought in security at the first sign of a little skirmish. Cameryn smirked and went back to her game of pool.


Hades smiled to himself. Despite everything she was dealing with, she still knew how to handle herself. Cameryn Kane did not need protection from anyone. She’d made quick work of the bozo dumb enough to not take the hint. He liked her fearsome attitude. He watched as she calmly went back to her game of pool. The moron she’d knocked out finally came around, groaning in pain. He leveled a mean glare at her before ambling away to a corner where some other men were drinking beers.

Hades watched as the troublemaker started talking to the other men and pointing in Cameryn’s direction. It was obvious from their hoots of laughter they’d thought it was funny his ass had gotten knocked out by a woman. That only seemed to make him angrier. He turned his back on the men and stared at Cameryn. Angrily he picked up a pool stick and headed back in her direction.

It was time for Hades to get involved. Although Cameryn was more than capable of defending herself, this man’s obstinacy was really starting to piss him off. Apparently the moron hadn’t yet learned his lesson. It didn’t matter. Hades was about to teach him one that he would never forget, while endearing himself to Cameryn in the process. It was time to “rescue” his beloved.


Cameryn had just finished her game of pool when she spotted the same annoying drunk approaching her again. He was holding a pool cue
, and he wasn’t alone. Two other drunken men lumbered behind him. This was not turning out to be her night at all. She leaned against the pool table as the trio approached her.

“Back for more?” she asked with sarcasm.

“Maybe we don’t appreciate how you treated our friend,” one of the other drunks said.

“Your friend should learn to take the hint. Now fuck off.”

“We’d rather fuck you.”

, I suggest you leave the lady alone,” a new voice said behind Cameryn.

She half turned around and gasped. It was him. He was here. The man from her dream. The same man she’d imagined she’d seen today. He was even more stunning up

close. His hair was thick and dark. His midnight black eyes seemed bottomless. His features were strong and so very masculine. A perfectly manicured mustache and beard enhanced his dark majesty. This man was Prince Charming fine, and from the look he was giving her, Cameryn could only surmise that he was glad to be in her orbit.

“I suggest you mind your own business
, boy,” her initial attacker sneered.

“Fine. We can do this the hard way,” the handsome stranger said.

In the blink of an eye he’d moved from behind her and leveled the first drunk with a strong uppercut and punch to the face. As the other two advanced on him, Cameryn watched ready to spring into action if he needed her. He’d stepped in to protect her honor, and she didn’t want him getting hurt. She soon saw that her fears were unfounded. The other two men were soon lying on the floor not moving. Her rescuer stood over them.

“Scum,” he muttered.

He turned around focusing his full attention on Cameryn.

“Are you al
l right?” he asked.

“I’m fine. Thank you for what you just did.”

“You’re welcome. Although from what I saw earlier you probably didn’t need my help,” he said smiling.

“It’s still nice to know that chivalry isn’t dead. I’m Cameryn,” she said extending her hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Cameryn. My friends call me H,” he said taking her hand and bringing it to his lips.

Cameryn felt a rush of hea
t when his lips kissed her hand softly. She swallowed nervously.

“H huh?”

“Yeah. My real name draws a mixed response. Can I buy you a drink?” he asked still holding her hand in his.

“One question first.”

“What’s that?” he asked with a small smile.

“Are you following me?” she asked.

“Why would you think that?”

“I saw you earlier today
, and now you’re here. It can’t be a coincidence.”

“Then maybe its fate,” he said staring at her intently.

“Okay. I’ll go with that. Now how about that drink?”

“Lead the way, my lady,” he said bowing gallantly.

Cameryn smiled at him as she walked back to the bar. Maybe this night was not a total loss after all.

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