Giving It Up for the Gods (13 page)

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Authors: Kryssie Fortune

Tags: #Fantasy, #urban fantasy, #Paranormal, #greek mythology

BOOK: Giving It Up for the Gods
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When he returned, he wasn’t alone. A demon lord, the remnant of a million quick kills, lodged inside him…and he hated sharing his soul. After his centuries in the underworld, the world he remembered had crumbled to dust and ashes. Saul had helped him adjust, but Jase still blamed the loudmouthed Sirens rather than Cardea for his fall.

Everything changed when he spotted Lindy fighting for her life in that bar. She soothed his demon, and the more he got to know her, the more his prejudices dissolved, but it had taken him too long to accept her as his. Thank the Source, she possessed a kind heart and forgiving nature. She’d need them both to get over the way he’d treated her. He’d acted like a twat, but he knew now that he couldn’t live without her. His life wasn’t worth living if she didn’t spirit-bond with him. Once he’d fucked her on Aldborough altar, of course.

He grabbed the bag of clothes Lindy proffered and changed quickly. They fled on foot rather than call for a taxi. Finally—almost three hours and a short train ride later—they were in the clear.

Harrogate—an upmarket spa town, spread out into high-class stores, and carefully tended, municipal gardens. The shops had closed up for the night, so they strolled hand in hand through streets full of Saturday-night revelers. A holiday mood permeated the elegant town center. If Neptune hadn’t been hot on their trail, Jase would have gladly shown her the sights. Perhaps when this thing with upstart gods and Saturn’s rings was done, Jase would bring Lindy back to Harrogate. Did Sirens do honeymoons? And would she prefer somewhere exotic? A south sea island, perhaps?

After the stunt he’d pulled when he summoned those cows, he owed her—big-time. He’d do anything to make her happy, but at least those cows had cured Lindy of alfresco sex. Him? He was up for sex with her, anywhere, any way, anytime. She was more necessary to him than fresh air, and for someone who’d spent centuries in a sulfurous hell, that was saying something. He dreamed of loving her to the edge of orgasm, then starting over. Finally, when her body writhed beneath him, he’d screw her hard.

Demons’ breath, I’m as horny as a schoolboy. If I don’t jerk off in the shower soon, I’ll explode.

Just thinking about her soft tits and the way she’d willingly spread her legs turned his cock as stiff as a tree trunk. His demon, impatient as ever, wanted to claim her right now, and to hell with the consequences. Except breaking an oath sworn on the Source would send him straight back to the underworld he thought he’d abandoned forever. Thanks to Saul and Mercury, he couldn’t fuck her until one minute past midnight tomorrow night. He’d fucking dismember the pair of them for putting her through this.

Lindy’s orgasm had been like a long-forgotten taste of nectar. He could feast on her damp pussy until the world stopped turning, and then he’d taste her some more. When she’d lain beneath him—cunt totally exposed—he’d loved how her desires had soaked her pussy. She’d trusted him completely, but thanks to his oath, he’d betrayed her and summoned a herd of cows to interrupt them. Worse, he wanted her wet and eager for another twenty-eight hours. And he’d no idea how she’d react when she realized how badly he’d deceived her.

As she strolled beside him, her stomach rumbled. He could waste another couple of hours if he took her for a meal. “When did you last eat? Are you hungry?”

Lindy’s grin brimmed with mischief. “Starved, and not just for food. Right now, I’ve got other more pressing matters to deal with.”

Their clothes were more practical than haute couture, but he spotted a restaurant full of casually dressed patrons. “Come on, princess. I don’t want you passing out on me. Eat now, fuck later. Right?”

He just didn’t say how much later.

* * * *

Lindy hesitated. Sure, she was hungry, but she’d prefer sex to food. Resigned to waiting—again—she followed Jase inside. He put one hand on either side of Lindy’s hips and helped her onto a bar stool. He stood behind her, his body shielding her from the rest of the room. He was protection, strength, and shelter—and she loved it. When the barman looked their way, Jase ordered them each a dry martini.

“I don’t normally drink much more than a white wine spritzer, especially not on an empty stomach,” Lindy protested.

Jase moved around her, and when he smiled at her over the rim of his glass, her pussy creamed. A whole platoon of butterflies fluttered around in her tummy, and she knew that whatever happened after he’d bedded her, her heart would always be his. She just hoped he didn’t trample it to dust.

He offered his glass, and she clinked hers against it.

“A toast,” he told her, “to our first meal together.”

She’d just seem churlish if she refused, so, like Jase, she downed her drink in one swallow. The alcohol burned her throat, and she gasped for air. Her belly felt like it was on fire. She fanned her lips with her hand. When she stopped wheezing, she demanded, “What was that?”

He leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on her lips. “A vodka martini, just like James Bond drinks—but you’re better. You leave me both shaken and stirred.”

The liquid fire in the martini had scalded her vocal cords. Voice hoarse, eyes watering, she whispered her order to the waiter and pointed out items on the menu. While she’d be happy with a mineral water, Jase ordered more martinis and a bottle of red wine.

Finally, when the alcohol-infused scorching died down in her throat, she told Jase, “I can’t drink all that. If I did, you’d have to carry me while we hunt for a hotel. Can’t you call the waiter back and order some sparkling water instead?”

He gathered her hands in his and stared at her across the table, his expression so tender that warmth and longing suffused her. She forgot about food. She’d give anything to drag him out the door and into a hotel room. Damn, he was one stubborn male, and he’d decided she needed to eat.

He never let go of her hand, just spoke in his rich baritone voice. “Come on, princess. You’ve been alone too long. Let me spoil you a little. If it makes you happy, I’ll tell the waiter to make yours spritzers.”

He worked so hard to please her. How could she refuse? Everything about him fascinated and delighted her, except the way he bad-mouthed Sirens. And that included her. At least he seemed to have put that behind for now, but just a mention of her sisters drove him and his demon crazy. Then, for her, he tried to make this evening special. How sweet was that?

Her smile widened into a delighted grin. “Lemonade top-ups would be fine.”

They shared olives and ciabatta, all washed down with Chianti. She’d rather have shared his bed. The room seemed out of focus compared to him, and she blinked every time he moved. As they ate, he kept her glass topped up; then, between courses, he pulled out his smartphone and booked them a hotel. “There, that’s everything sorted for later. Drink up, and the waiter will bring our pizza.”

As she gulped her wine, the waiter took the empty bottle and brought a second bottle of Chianti. When she held out her glass, her hand was unsteady. She hiccupped as her good intentions dissolved in an alcoholic haze. “Keep it coming, Jase.”

All too soon, the second bottle was empty, and Jase insisted they finish their meal with coffee and a large limoncello. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear he was trying to get her drunk, but it wasn’t like he had to break down her defenses or anything. She was his for the taking, and he’d better be taking her soon.

Chapter Thirteen

Lindy hiccupped, giggled, and waved the empty coffee cup in Jase’s face. When she spoke, her voice was a little too loud, and there was a slur in her words. “Whersh the hotel? I can’t wait to undresh and drag you into my bed. You will shcrew me this time, won’t you?”

He took the coffee cup from her hand. “You’ll break something waving that about.”

She hiccupped, covered her mouth with her hand; then she giggled like a schoolgirl. Her voice carried through the restaurant. “Doshn’t matter. They’ve got more. Letsh go to the hotel, and I’ll lick your balls until your eyes roll back in your head.”

Women either smiled and whispered good-humored comments to their friends or raised their eyebrows, pursed their lips, and looked away. More than one male customer gave her an appraising look…until they spotted Jase’s muscular bulk.

He flushed a little, and his gaze slid away from hers. “Shh, princess. We’re leaving just as soon as I’ve paid the bill.”

Overloud and over expansive, Lindy sat back in her seat. Her arms flopped out, and she just missed a passing waiter. “Come here, Jase. Let me suck on your cock. You will fuck me, won’t you? Or maybe one of the other men here will take my virginity.”

Heads swiveled in her direction. Across the room, someone giggled. Three men at the next table smiled at her drunken antics. One winked and raised his glass in salute.

Lindy leaned toward him. “You’d fuck me, wouldn’t you?”

“Anytime, sweetie, but your friend here might not like it.” He leered.

Behind her, Jase growled.

Lindy ignored him and rose unsteadily to her feet. “Jashe is just a big ole pussycat, when he’s not doing his demon thing. If I sing for you, will you fuck me? I shing real good.”

Jase picked her up and headed for the door. “You’re better than good. You’re amazing. No time for singing, though, princess. That’s our taxi outside.”

She lolled back and threw out her arm. Her head dropped, and her arms flopped back. “You missed a treat, guys. I’m great when I sing.”

She laughed and waved at them, then stared into Jase’s eyes until her drunkenness made her slightly cross-eyed. Her vision blurred, and her voice dropped to a breathless giggle. “Really, Jash? Amashing? That’s good. Shall I shing you a love shong?”

“Not here, princess. Wrap your arms around my neck, and when we reach the hotel, I’ll help out with your little problem.”

“That’s the virginity thing,” she stage-whispered as he carried her outside.


ANOTHER LAYER OF guilt settled on Jase’s shoulders as he helped Lindy into the taxi. He’d practically poured alcohol down her throat just to put off screwing her. She’d have one hell of a hangover come morning, but getting her drunk just delayed the inevitable.

Back when he walked Olympus, fixing that morning-after-the-night-before feeling had been a simple thing to a god like him. His fall had stripped most of his powers—but come solstice morning, when he finally bedded Lindy, he’d be stronger. And that left him feeling guilty again. His need to spirit-bond with her and meld their souls into one almost consumed him…but she had to be willing. Instead, he knocked her out with martinis, wine, and liqueurs. What sort of shit was he?

She fell asleep—passed out—on the way to the hotel.
What if the alcohol makes her ill? Maybe her stomach needs pumping? Hell, I know nothing about a Siren’s anatomy. Is it even the same as mine?

He stroked her hair back from her face and prayed she didn’t remember coming on to…well, every man in the restaurant, really. She’d be so embarrassed, and quite rightly she’d blame him. He didn’t wake her when he carried her into the hotel, just scooped her into his arms and tipped the desk clerk to open up their room. Their twin room. He didn’t trust himself to share a double bed with her, not when he wanted her so badly.

He slid off her shoes, tucked her up under the duvet, and dropped a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Sleep well, princess.”

As he lay on the next bed and stared at the ceiling, he couldn’t stop thinking about her irresistible body. His dick hardened, and his demon shrieked
claim her now!

He felt like a volcano ready to erupt. Waiting twenty-five more hours before he fucked her would kill him. If he gave in sooner, he condemned himself to endless torment and torture by breaking an oath sworn on the Source. And how the hell did he broach the subject of ropes and a stone altar?

He’d have to confess and throw himself on her mercy, but for now his oath kept him silent and frustrated. When she stirred in her sleep, he imagined her rolling her hips like that as she lay beneath him.
Demons’ breath, can my cock get any harder?
He’d rather face centuries of more torture than mistreat her like this. Her courage and kindness astounded him, and he took advantage of both.

One look, one smile from Lindy—instant hard-on. Even sitting in the dark listening to her breathe made his boner ache to be inside her. Thanks to the alcohol, nothing would wake her for a while, so he’d go jerk off in the shower. Yeah, a little hand-to-gland combat was exactly what he needed…

Finally, pressure released, he tumbled into the other bed, but sleep evaded him. He watched the clock slip around to 4:00 a.m. and wondered what he’d have to do next. He loved Lindy to distraction, and when this was over, Merc would learn not to mess with him or his woman. Jase tried telling himself that if Saul regained the first of his four rings, resisting this fire raging between him and Lindy would be worthwhile. Only, Jase had never been that good a liar.

When he was near Lindy, he didn’t give a toss about Saturn and his stolen rings. If he didn’t pump his cock inside her soon, his balls would turn blue. He sat beside her, and her hands flew up to clutch the sides of her head. “What hit me? Oh gods, my head. Where are we? And is there any water?”

He pulled on the jeans Lindy had bought him. “Stay here, princess. There’s a machine in the hotel’s reception. I can get everything you need from it.”

By the time he returned, she was slumped over the bathroom sink, gulping down water straight from the tap. “How much wine did I drink?”

“Obviously too much. Sorry, princess, I didn’t know I should have been counting.” But he had been, and every time she’d put her glass down, he’d refilled it. She must have the constitution of an ox—or an immortal Siren—to be waking up already.

Her grin was temptation and promise. “Well, at least we’re alone now. Come to bed and fuck me; then I’m home free.”

Hell fire, he wanted to. He ached to rasp his tongue over her tits and finger her clit until she surrendered her body into his keeping. Then he’d fuck her until they both collapsed in each other’s arms, completely exhausted. If he didn’t come up with a way to cool her ardor, he’d lose control and condemn himself to centuries more pain. Pluto hated him already, and a broken oath sworn on the Source would send him back to hell. Permanently.

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