Giving Chase (11 page)

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Authors: Lauren Dane

BOOK: Giving Chase
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“This is really nice, Kyle.”

“Want the grand tour?”



Giving Chase

He showed her through the first floor, through his office and the living room and nice sized kitchen.

The upstairs featured a guest bedroom and attached bath and a large master suite with windows overlooking the stream and lake. Hues of sage green and sand gave the space a cool and relaxed feeling. His bed, on a low platform, dominated the room. Maggie couldn’t help but stare at it for long moments.

“Wow, this is beautiful. Puts my bedroom to shame.”

“I thought the same thing when I saw your bedroom. It’s so warm, so you.”

She turned to him and he looked at her without saying anything for several long moments.

“Red, we should probably go downstairs now.”


Neither of them moved.

Reaching up, Maggie unzipped the front of her pullover. It exposed her skin to just above her belly button.
Oh my god, did I actually just do
She panicked but then realized that it was done and she may as well ride it, or him, out. It was time to take her life into her own hands and live it.

His lips parted and he looked at the small vertical slash of skin exposed through the open zipper.

Maggie turned and walked into the hallway, leaving her pullover unzipped. She went down the stairs and heard him follow her. Calmly, she sat down on his couch, turning to look at him when he joined her.

His pupils were huge, his breathing shallow.

He pulled her close. “What are you up to, Red?” His voice was a lazy purr and suddenly, she felt a bit like prey.

“Nothing, it’s just a bit warm,” she said breathily. His nearness affected her, sped her heart. Warmed her from the inside out.

The corners of his mouth tugged up. “Are you teasing me, Red?”


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She shook her head slowly. “I’m promising you.”

“Good lord, woman. You trying to kill me?” He nuzzled her neck.

“Huh uh.” It came out slow and soft as her head lolled back to give him more access. “I’ll need you later. Or now.”

“Are you saying what I think you are saying?” She sat up and laughed. “Sheesh, Kyle, I know you’ve slept with like a hundred women. Haven’t any of them teased you? Or am I doing so poorly at it that you don’t get it?”

“There’s the Red of my dreams. I love it when you go all sassy on me.” He pushed his face into her cleavage and breathed her in. His goatee tickled the sensitive skin there and shivers of delight and anticipation broke over her.

“I was hoping you meant you wanted to make love. But I wanted to be sure because I respect you so much. I just don’t want to push past where you’re willing to go.”

She leaned over and pressed her lips to his ear. “Kyle, can you respect me while you’re inside me? Because I really—and I mean really—

need you to fuck me.” She knew she was blushing but it felt so good to say what she’d been thinking.

She saw the shiver run down his skin and he moved to look into her face. “Do you know how sexy you are? I don’t know that I’ve ever wanted anything as badly as I want to make love to you.” Standing up, he held out his hand to her and she took it. Hand in hand, he led her up the stairs to his bedroom.

Closing the door behind them, the rest of the world felt far away.

While she stood and watched him, he pulled out some matches and lit the candles that ringed the room.

“They’re new. I bought them thinking about how you’d look with the candlelight flickering off your skin.”

“Dude, you say the best stuff. You’re so getting lucky.” Smiling, she grabbed hold of the bottom of her pullover and yanked it over her head.


Giving Chase

He blinked a few times. “Damn it, woman, you’re gonna kill me. Just full of surprises, aren’t you?” With a grin, he reached to turn off the overhead light. “Yeah, just what I thought. You and candlelight—a very sexy combination.”

sexy? Kyle Chase, do you look in the mirror very often?” Maggie went to him, reaching out to slowly unbutton his shirt. She gloried in the feel of his skin as she slid the shirt down his arms and off. The warmth of his body and the scent of him hit her face. She closed her eyes, leaning in to take a deep hit of him.

Drowning in hormones she stepped back to take a long look at him.

His upper body had the long lean muscle of a runner or a cyclist. He was hard and packed but not bulked.

“Dear lord, you’re beautiful.” Leaning back toward him, she flicked her tongue over one of his nipples, delighting in his hungry moan. The heated salt of his taste set her taste buds on fire. She wanted more of him. All of him.

Needing to touch him, she slid her palms down the muscled plane of his abdomen. Her fingers tucked just inside the waistband of his jeans, tracing around the edge and the sensitive skin there. Getting down to business, she unsnapped each of the seven buttons there. Every pop seemed so loud—vibrating off her spine as she uncovered a bit more of his body.

Kneeling to help him step out of his jeans and socks, she looked up, thrilled when she saw the inescapable evidence of just how much he wanted her—how much Kyle Chase wanted Margaret Wright.

“Now there’s a picture to last me many a cold and lonely night,” he murmured, looking down at her kneeling. Heart hammering in his chest, he reached down to caress her face. Every nerve ending in his body lit when she rubbed a velvety cheek along his thighs. Her fingers and nails grazed down the backs of his legs, kneading the muscles of his calves.


Lauren Dane

Her caresses came back up his legs and into his boxer-briefs to cup the hard muscle of his ass. Grabbing the material, she pulled them down, leaving him totally naked to her view. He should have felt exposed.

But instead heat spread through him at the sight of the greed in her gaze.

She’d intended to stand back to look at all of him but the heated velvet of his cock called to her and she didn’t want to resist. Instead, she grabbed him in her hands, holding him so that she could take him into her mouth. Her tongue slid over the bead of semen that pearled at the head and his taste burst through her.

“Holy shit, Red,” Kyle stuttered as his hands fisted in her hair.

She hummed her appreciation around his cock and continued to taste him. Her nails lightly scored over his balls and he sucked in a breath. “This is going to end before it begins. Come on, Red, stop for a minute.”

She sat back with a kiss to the head of his cock. And then one more because she needed him so much. With a sigh of longing she took his hand and let him help her stand. She stepped back so that she could look her fill at him. And she could have done it for ages, he was so handsome.

“Red, come here. You undo me with the way you look at me. I want to look at you now.” Kyle’s voice had gone husky and she heard the strain in it.

Taking the two steps to get to him, she put her hand on his stomach and slid it down, taking his cock into her fist. Moaning, he arched into her hold. She looked down at him, hot and hard, avarice on her face and he laughed.

“You’re good for my ego, Red.” He ran the tip of his index finger down her skin and over a pouty pink nipple. The material of the bra was sheer and embroidered with leaves of all colors. “Pretty.” He popped the catch


Giving Chase

between her breasts and slid the bra down her arms. “I love front closure bras. Best. Invention. Ever.”

She looked up at him with a smirk. “Seen your fair share of them have you?”

“Oh no.” He put his hands up in surrender and shook his head.

“That’s not a question I’m even going near. It’s an unwinnable woman dead end question like, does my butt look fat in this.”

“No way! The answer to that question is always no. Anyway, you brought it up.” A grin won over her face.

“My answer is it doesn’t matter. No other woman in the universe matters but you.”

“Good one. More than enough to get me into your bed.”

“We do try,” he murmured. “Now, I was in the middle of something before you interrupted me, Red.”

“My apologies, sirrah. Pray do continue.” She bowed in a mock curtsy.

He laughed, picked her up and laid her on his bed, putting her hands up above her head. “That makes a lovely picture.” Leaning down over her, he placed a reverent kiss on the tip of each nipple. She sighed happily.

He smiled while his clever hands made quick work of her jeans. The underwear was a match to the bra. “You had this sexy stuff on under all of those conservative clothes all the time didn’t you?”

“Pretty underwear is an addiction. Some people buy shoes, some people buy expensive wines. I buy lingerie and books.”

“That’s an addiction that I am fully willing to enable, Red.” He gave her a lascivious smile, pulling the small scrap of material down her legs.

When she was totally naked, he paused to slowly drag his gaze up the length of her body. “You are so beautiful, Maggie.” And she was. Hair spread out over the coverlet, a flush of passion on her face, breasts heaving, long legs moving a bit restlessly under his


Lauren Dane

gaze—amazing. “Oh,” he whispered, moving his face closer to her. “Look at this. It looks like someone shook powdered cinnamon here.” He ran the flat of his tongue across the dusting of freckles on her shoulders.

“Tastes better than cinnamon though,” he murmured.

She squeaked at the contact of his warm tongue. He chuckled and flicked the point of his tongue on a path south to her breasts. “Now these, Red.” One of his eyebrows rose as he snuck a quick look up at her and then back to her breasts. “I had no idea that breasts so pretty existed under those blouses you wore buttoned up to your chin. Not that I haven’t spent a lot of time in the last few months thinking about them.” He circled a pebbled nipple slowly with one hand and mimicked that with his tongue at the other.

Arching her back, she pressed her breasts closer to his mouth. She tried to reach for him but he was too long-waisted. Moaning in frustration, she shoved at him, pushing him onto his back.

Moving to kneel between his thighs, she ran her hands across the muscles there, down his calves and back up again. His stomach was flat and she traced the bands of muscle up to his chest, which also bore a mat of blond-brown hair.

His nipples were cinnamon and deliciously sensitive. Moving her mouth to him, she licked over the flat ridge of each. Shuddering, his hands fisted in the blankets as she followed the licks with the edge of her teeth.

Sitting up, she looked at him some more, trying to decide what to touch next. His face was masculine and defined but still beautiful, the kind of face that still looked handsome at seventy. He watched her through gorgeous green eyes fringed with lashes any woman would love to have.

After raising her finger to her lips, tapping it as if she were trying to make a decision she moved to slide her hands over work-hard biceps and powerful forearms. Her lips kissed the tips of each finger on his large


Giving Chase

hands. His neck was long, chin bearing a cleft covered in that sexy goatee. She traced the tip of her tongue over his lips across to his jaw and up to his earlobe for a quick nibble.

“You’re killing me,” he groaned out and she laughed.

“Let me see what I can do about that,” she murmured, kissing her way south. And then he heard nothing but the blood rushing in his ears as she lowered her mouth over him. His body jerked at the intensity of the sensation. He whispered her name and his hands went to her head, caressing her scalp.

Looking down and seeing the mass of red curls spread over his stomach and her sweet ass swaying in the air as she went down on him nearly drove him over the edge.

“Baby, please, stop, I want to be inside of you. I want to look up at you as you ride me, Maggie,” he whispered hoarsely. The smile she sent him made his cock jump in anticipation. “There’s a condom in my pants pocket. Over there on the chair near the foot of the bed.” She nodded and crawled down to the end of the bed and reached out, grabbing the pants and rifling through his pockets until she found it.

“I won’t comment on the fact that you had one in your pocket, Kyle.” She smirked as she ripped the foil packet open and rolled it on him. She moved up to straddle his thighs, smiling sexily down at him.

“And I won’t comment on how spectacular you looked bent over getting my pants—except to tell you that your pussy is so pretty and to promise you that I will be getting that view again soon. Only with my cock deep inside you. As for the condom, a guy is dead without hope.

What if we’d been driving out by the lake or something and we’d wanted to make love? Badda bing, badda boom, I had a condom and we could have done it. Oh dear god….” His words ended on a gasp as she slowly slid down onto him, encasing him in her very tight, very hot pussy.

She moved, taking him into her body inch by inch and pleasure drove up his spine. He looked up at her, surprised at himself. Woman on top


Lauren Dane

had never been a real favorite position for him for sex. But watching her—lips slightly parted and wet from her licking them in concentration and desire, her eyes glazed, lids at half mast, breasts gently moving as she did, the patch of auburn curls meeting his brown-blond one—he reconsidered. She was so amazing that it made his stomach hurt. He grabbed her hips, his own rising to meet hers and he slid in that last inch or two. A sigh broke from both of them as he seated himself fully inside of her.

The embrace of her pussy, the way she squeezed him and fluttered around his cock was fantastic. So much so, he needed to still for several moments to rein himself in. “Sweet heaven, your pussy feels amazing, Maggie. I don’t think I want to leave it.” His words shook her down to her very core. The raw need in them, the way he’d laid himself so open and vulnerable to her got to her in ways she’d never even imagined.

She had to take a deep, steadying breath. Orgasm was very close and it felt like every single nerve in her body was firing and shouting with joy.

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