Getting Pregnant Naturally (37 page)

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Authors: Winifred Conkling

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Law of Similars theory concerning. 90

liquid, 95

lycopodium 30c
(Lycopodium clavatum)
, 99, 102–3

mother tincture, 94

nitric acidum 30c
(Nitricum acidum)
, 103

nux 30c
(Strychnos nux vomica)
, 103

phosphoric acidum 30c
(Phosphoricum acidum)
, 99–100. 103

pilules, 95

Pulsatilla 30c
(Pulsatilla nigricans)
, 100

recommended reading concerning, 199–202

sabina 30c
(Juniperus sabina)
, 100

sepia 30c
(Sepia officinalis)
, 100, 103

silicea 6c
(Silicea terra)
, 101–2

usage tips, 96

using wrong, 96–97

where to find, 97

x potencies, 94–95

Homeopathy Overnight, 188

Homeopathy Today
. 185

Hydrocotyle asiatica
(gotu kola), 71

Hypericum perforatum
(St. John’s wort), 85

ignatia 30c
(Ignatia amara or Strychnos ignatia)
, 99

Ignatia amara
(ignatia 30c), 99

illnesses, recovering from, 148–49

impaired fertility.

impotence, 26–28

biker’s, 146

causes of, 26–27

information sources concerning, 27–28

Impotence Information Center, 28

Impotence Institute of America, 27

infertility, 1

causes of, 7–9

information sources, 175–78

medical milestones concerning, 11–12

mumps relationship, 149–50

recommended reading concerning, 196–99

support groups, 126–28

when to get help concerning, 10–11

see also

Integral Yoga Institute, 138


every other day, 29–30

influencing sex of baby by timing,

morning, 28–29

sexual positions, 28

staying on back after, 22

under water, 33

International Concerns Committee for Children, 179

Journal of the American Medical Association
, 158

Journal of Urology
, 77

Juniperus sabina
(sabina 30c), 100

Kaiser-Permanente Medical Group, 165

Kali iodatum
(kali iodatum 6c), 101

kali iodatum 6c
(Kali iodatum)
, 101

kava kava
(Kava kava)
, 85

Kava kava
(kava kava), 85

The Lancet, 98, 158

L-carnitine, 48–49

food sources of. 48

(Glycyrrhiza glabra)
, 79–80

lifestyle issues, 141

air travel, 167

alcohol use, 160–61

antibiotics, use of, 145

breastfeeding, 145–46

caffeine consumption, 143, 144

checklist, 173 computer safety, 165, 166–67

cycling, 146–47

diabetes, 149

drug use, prescription and nonprescription, 162–64

drug use, recreational, 161–62

environmental hazards, 167–72

exercise, 142–43

illnesses, 148–49

keeping testicles cool, 147–48

mumps, 149–50

playing sports, 146

smoking, 155–60

steroid use, 164

varicoceles, 150–51

weight maintenance, 141–42, 152–55, 156–57

Luyties Pharmacal Company, 188

lycopodium 30c
(Lycopodium clavatum)
, 99, 102–3

Lycopodium clavatum
(lycopodium 30c), 99, 102–3

McZand Herbal Inc., 184

massage techniques, 131–32

meditation techniques, 132–34

basic types of, 133–34

breathing, 134

gazing, 133–34

information sources, 135

mantra, 133

transcendental, 133


abnormal sperm in, 8–9

acupressure points for, 115–21, 122

cold baths before sex suggested for, 24

herbal remedies for, 75–86, 87

homeopathic remedies for, 102–3, 104

impotence in, 26–28

lifestyle issues concerning, 146–72, 173

nutrition supplements for, 46–58, 59

pacing ejaculations, 23–24

reproductive system, 5–6

retrograde ejaculations, 25

sperm counts, fluctuation of, 26

menstrual cycles, 14–22

Meridian Traditional Herbal Products, 184

Mind/Body Medical Institute, 135, 137

mind-body medicine, information sources, 191–92

mumps, infertility relationship, 149–50

Narcotics Anonymous, 163

National Center for Homeopathy, 185

National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, 132

National Certification Commission of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (NCCA). 191

National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information, 163

National Council for Adoption, 179

National Infertility Network Exchange, 177

National Institute on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, 163

National Institute of Nutritional Education, 180–81

National Institutes of Health, 143

National Network to Prevent Birth Defects, 169

National Pesticides Telecommunications Network, 169

Nature’s Way Products, Inc., 184

naturopathy, information sources, 194–95

National Certification Commission of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine

(Urtica dioica)
, 72

9 to 5, National Association of Working Women, 168

nitric acidum 30c
(Nitricum acidum)
, 103

Nitricum acidum
(nitric acidum 30c), 103

nutrition, 39

information sources, 180–82

see also
nutrition supplements

Nutrition Action Health Letter, 182

nutrition supplements, 39

arginine, 46–47

beta-carotene, 41–42

checklist, 59

copper, 43–44, 45

evening primrose oil, 44–45, 46

information sources, 180–82

L-carnitine, 48–49

recommended reading concerning, 199–202

selenium, 49, 50

shopping for, 40

soy, 50,

vitamin A, 41–42

vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), 42–43,

vitamin B12, 51–53

vitamin C (ascorbic acid), 53–54, 55

vitamin E, 55–56

zinc. 56–58

nux 30c
(Strychnos nux vomica)
, 103

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 169

oligospermia, 8

oral sex, 32

Occupational Safety and Health Administration


basal body temperature during, 17–20

calculating, 14–15

cervical mucus cycle, 15–16,

cervix changes during, 20–21

predictor test, 21–22

Paeonia lactiflora
(chi shao yao), 70

Panax ginseng
(Chinese ginseng), 78–79

Panax quinquefoliaus
(American ginseng), 78–79

Pausinystalia yohimba
(yohimbe), 81–82

. 98

pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), 36–37

Perbena officinalis
(vervain), 86

phosphoric acidum 30c
(Phosphoricum acidum)
, 99–100, 103

Phosphoricum acidum
(phosphoric acidum 30c), 99–100, 103

pelvic inflammatory disease

Potency Restored, 27

pre-ejaculate, 30

progressive relaxation, 136

Pulsatilla 30c
(Pulsatilla nigricans)
, 100

Pulsatilla nigricans
(Pulsatilla 30c). 100

(Pygeum africanum)
. 80–81

Pygeum africanum
(pygeum), 80–81

radiation, ionizing, 169

red clover
(Trifolium pratense)
, 72–73

red raspberry
(Rubus idaeus or Rubus strigosus)
, 73–74

relaxation, progressive, 136

reproductive systems

female, 5–6

male, 5–6

Reproductive Toxicology Center, 177

RESOLVE. Inc., 177–78

retrograde ejaculations, 25

Rubus idaeus
(red raspberry), 73–74

Rubus strigosus
(red raspberry), 73–74

sabina 30c
(Juniperus sabina)
, 100

St. John’s wort
(Hypericum perforatum)
, 85

Santa Monica Homeopathic Pharmacy, 188

(Smilax officinalis
Smilax febrifuga)
, 83–84

saw palmetto
(Serenoa repens)
, 81

Scutellaria lateriflora
(skullcap), 74–75, 85–86

selenium, 49

food sources of, 50

sepia 30c
(Sepia officinalis)
, 100, 103

Sepia officinalis
(sepia 30c), 100, 103

Serenoa repens
(saw palmetto), 81

sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), 36–37

pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), 37–37

statistics concerning, 36

The Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture
, 106

silicea 6c
(Silicea terra)
, 101–2

Silicea terra
(silicea 6c), 101–2

(Scutellaria lateriflora)
. 74–75, 86

Smilax febrifuga
(sarsaparilla), 83–84

Smilax officinalis
(sarsaparilla), 83–84

smoking, 155–60

Society for Nutrition Education, 182

Society for Reproductive Endocrinologists, Inc., 178

soy foods, 50

sources of,

ways to add to diet, 51

sperm, abnormal, 8–9

sperm counts

fluctuation of.

normal, 151

sperm ducts, blocked, 37

Standard Homeopathy Company, 188

sexually transmitted diseases

steroids, anabolic, 164

stinging nettle.

stress management, 123–26

biochemical responses concerning, 127

biofeedback techniques for, 129–30

checklist. 139

deep breathing techniques for, 130–31

fight or flight response concerning, 125

herbal remedies for, 84–86

information sources, 191–92

massage techniques for, 131–32

meditation techniques for, 132–34

progressive relaxation techniques for, 135–36

satisfying sex benefit for, 127

stress relief techniques for, 128–38

support groups, 127–28

visualization techniques for, 136–37

yoga techniques for, 137–38

Stress Reduction Clinic, 135
Strychnos nux vomica
(nux 30c), 103

subfertile couples, 6, 9–11

support groups, 127–28

surrogates, 11–12

Syrychnos ignatia
(ignatia 30c), 99

Taylor’s Pharmacy, 188

testicles, tips for keeping cool, 147–48

test-tube babies, first, 11

thermometers, basal body temperature, 18

Trifolium pratense
(red clover), 72–73

Turnera diffusa aphrodisiaca
(damiana), 76

U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 107

MedWatch, 67

United States Homeopathy Pharmacopoeia, 94

University of California at Berkeley. 54

University of Massachusetts, 126

University of Mississippi Medical Center. 124

University of Southern California School of Medicine, 146

University of Texas Health Center, 26

Urtica dioica
(nettle), 72

vaginal lubricants, 33

(Valeriana officinalis)
, 86

Valeriana officinalis
(valerian), 86

varicoceles, 150–51

(Perbena officinalis)
, 86

Viagra, 27

visualization techniques, 136–37

vitamin A, 41–42

food sources of, 42

vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), 42–43

food sources of, 44

vitamin B12, 51–53

food sources of, 52

vitamin C (ascorbic acid), 53–54

food sources of, 55

vitamin E, 55–56

food sources of, 56

natural vs. synthetic, 40

Vitex agnus-castus
(chaste-tree), 69–70

Washington Homeopathic Pharmacy, 189


body mass index (BMI), calculating, 154–55

body shape, calculating, 155

fertility diet, 156–57

loss, 141–42

maintaining reasonable, 152–55

Weleda Pharmacy, Inc., 189

Whitehead, Mary Beth, 11–12

wild yam
(Dioscorea villosa)
, 84

Windriver Herbs, 184

Withania somnifera
(ashwagandha), 75


acupressure points for, 111–21, 122

basal body temperature of, 17–20

cervical mucus of, 15–16

cervix changes in, 20–21

herbal remedies for, 68–75, 82–86, 87

homeopathic remedies for, 99–102, 104

lifestyle issues concerning, 141–46, 152–72, 173

menstrual cycles of, 14–15

nutrition supplements for, 41–46, 55–58, 59

ovulation predictor test for, 21–22

reproductive system, 5–6

staying on back after intercourse suggested for, 22

x-rays, 169

yang, 107

yeast infections, antibiotics relationship. 145

yin, 107

yoga, 137–38

hatha, 138

tantra, 138

(Pausinystalia yohimba)
, 81–82

Zen Center, 135

zinc, 56–58

food sources of, 57

About the Author

First and foremost, Winifred Conkling is the mother of two children, Hannah (who was conceived the first month of “trying”) and Ella (who took considerably longer and ultimately inspired this book). Once the kids are asleep, Conkling transforms into a freelance writer with extensive experience writing about health and alternative medicine. She is the author of
Stopping Time: Natural Remedies for Aging
(Dell, 1997),
Natural Remedies for Arthritis
(Dell, 1997),
Natural Remedies for Children
(St. Martin’s, 1996),
Trade Secrets
(Fireside, 1995), and
Securing Your Child’s Future
(Ballantine, 1995), among other books. Her work has been published in a number of national magazines, including
American Health, Consumer Reports, Mademoiselle, McCall’s
, and
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