Get a Grip (Hollywood Nights) (4 page)

BOOK: Get a Grip (Hollywood Nights)
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She could feel the change of his heartbeat under her palm. He was awake. She looked at him. He gazed at her in a half lidded daze and said, “Good morning.”

She smiled. She wasn’t sure what to do at this point. She was so anxious about so many things.

His hand released his grip on the sheet and his cock to come up to stroke the side of her face gently with his fingers. Her eyes closed and heat bloomed throughout her core. She turned her head and impishly placed a kiss on his palm. She opened her eyes and looked at him. His jaw clenched and his hand slid into her hair and behind her head. He urged her gently forward, up to his lips. 

She lifted to oblige his directions. The moment her lips met his, sparks ignited throughout her body and revved up her libido. His soft lips parted and tentatively his tongue tested
the flesh of hers. She opened and allowed him access to her tongue. Once he slid in, retracted, slid against hers again, and realized it wouldn’t kill him this time, he firmed his grip to hold her closer, to kiss longer, and to taste more.

Uncomfortable at the current angle, she moved until he was helping her, guiding her to straddle his waist. She was on top of him. The feel of his heat, his steel, against her core even through the boxers and panties had her turning to liquid inside. His other hand came up to cradle her face in both of his palms as he continued to kiss her breathless. Ivy had a handful of men to compare his kisses by. Most of them from movies she had been in. The feeling was immediately and intensely different. This was real. Her hips pressed against
him instinctively rocking her along the hard ride between her thighs. He groaned as he let her go and repositioned his hands at her hips.

She had come this way once before
only Jonas was on top of her and they were on set. It was by accident and fortunately they were covered from the waist down and her character was supposed to be doing the same thing. Jonas knew it wasn’t fake. They had been ‘rehearsing’ in his trailer and she realized the moment that
‘fake’ orgasm ended that Jonas Gunner was deep down a sweet guy, but not the one for her. He was a good friend, but he had little patience and wanted more than grinding. How could he not when panties practically dropped spontaneously when people saw him? 

Bo wasn’t Jonas. He wasn’t her
other co-star either. Nor was he the lead singer of a popular band who thought he would be the one to break her resolve. None of them had. Bo had only wanted to take her out to dinner. She had forced him to Vegas to marry her instead. They wouldn’t be in this current position had she not rushed into everything.

His hands stilled on her hips, holding her steady, firm against him, but preventing her from undulating again.
She fought the embarrassment of her position and the urge of her body to keep pressing for the pleasure. He breathed more than said, “We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready.”

“You don’t want me?” She
could barely whisper the words. Her pulse went wild for a new reason. Her insecurity was taking over. Bo Bliss had no idea what he had gotten into when he married her. Ivy could chase a man away easily because she was always too worried about everything. Everything!

“I want you more than my next breath, but I don’t want you to…” He gasped as she moved her hips again against his hold. “Regret anything.”

“I want you,” she whispered.

“Good,” he said and smiled. His
whiskey eyes looked up at her longingly, lovingly, though she knew he didn’t love her. “I’ll let you lead unless you want me to take over.”

“I’m nervous,” she admitted.
She at least owed him the truth. “This is about as far as I’ve ever gone before.”

He lifted his eyebrow and said, “Really? No
t even oral?”

Ivy blushed as she shook her head no. “I’ve never been totally naked with anyone. The closest I got was on set and we had those nude suits so…”

“We’re rolling,” he said as he shifted. Before she knew it he was on top. His lips came down on hers and she welcomed the feel of his kisses, the slide of his tongue, and the nip of his teeth as he let go.

He moved to her neck and laved it with similar treatment. His hand pushed up her shirt and exposed her bra and the tops of her breasts. He began there. Tormenting her with his thumb as it stroked over the nipple through the bra with one hand and his mouth covered the bud through the fabric on the other.

Her body began to move on its own accord. Her hips began shifting to rub her sex against his. Her back arched to give him more. Her arms wound around his back and her fingers dug into the muscles trying to hold him closer.

He found the clasp on the bra in the front and unfastened it. The moment his mouth hit flesh, his fingers touched her without a barrier, Ivy thought she would come undone. Sure, she had made out with guys before. All bases were touched with at least a bra and panty barrier because at some point she knew, like now, there would be no way she could stop without them. Her body trembled and ached in ways she had previously only imagined it would.

He slid lower on her body and she grew desperate for the release. Acting a bit more like her characters than she believed she would she said, “I want you. I need you. Now.”

He licked her belly button and she closed her eyes on a moan. His fingers hooked her panties and slid them down her legs. As he moved between them again, he kissed her ankle, holding her foot high, and looked down to see what no one other than her, the lady a the spa two days ago when she had it waxed, and a gynecologist had seen since she was an infant. Ivy was suddenly embarrassed under his scrutiny.

He didn’t say anything. He trailed kisses down the inside of her leg from her ankle to her thigh until she could feel his warm breath there, over the delicate flesh. Ivy grabbed the sheets on either side of her to keep from digging h
er nails into his shoulders. His thumbs eased along the flesh, parted her, his tongue probed gently, exploring, testing.

“Good, God, Bo.” She had never felt anything like it. She could feel herself melting under his touch. Then his
tongue settled over her clitoris and danced. Ivy knew all of the words in the air had come from her mouth, but she wasn’t sure she recognized her own voice. Her body arched, her hips moved in time with the rhythm, and soon everything was winding up too much, the pressure of it coiled too hard, and then it broke.

It was during this break she could feel through the ecstasy a new sensation. His finger, sliding into her, began easing its way through the tunnel as if searching for something. He had larger fingers than her, he could probe deeper and without the limitations of her own hand. He pulled back, pushed in, pulled, and pushed again. Then a second digit worked its way into her and she realized he was trying to make this easier for what was to come.

Her body slowly recovered from the orgasm and began pressing against his fingers, discovering and seeking a new sensation to build from. His lips occasionally tested her flesh only to have her tremble and jerk as a response. It took a few minutes before he could lick her clit again and get the reaction he wanted. A third digit stretched her impossibly more and she was grateful for the dual assault since the stimulation of the clit made the unfamiliar stretching sensations easier to adapt to.

She was calling his name within moments. Panting, racing towards the edge of a cliff she was going to leap from without looking down. The orgasm began with tension in her toes, ran up her legs, through her spine and out of her arms until every muscle was clenched tightly before the release.

This time, as the waves of her orgasm started, he quickly removed his fingers and kneeled between her legs. His cock in hand he pressed against the spasms at her entry and pushed into her. The difference was at once noticeable, painful, pleasurable, as he sank deeper inside of her.

“You okay?” he

She nodded. He leaned forward, covering her body with his
as his lips captured hers and he kissed her. She could taste herself, the revelation both shocking and erotic to her. He began to move, slowly inside of her. Her body adjusted to the new sensations, the fullness, and soon her legs wrapped around him, her arms held him tight. She couldn’t get enough of him. She wanted him to do this to her forever.

“Let me know if I hurt you, okay?” he said before he picked up the pace a bit, delved deeper until he pressed against her cervix with each thrust.

She wouldn’t tell him anything. The pain was nothing compared to the pleasure and he had given her plenty of that. She could feel his muscles ripple under her palms. He couldn’t kiss her anymore, but he looked at her, asked again, “Still okay?”

“Yes,” she said on a gasped breath. “You feel good inside me.”

His eyes closed and a moment later opened with a blaze of lust, of wanting. “Say it again.”

Her fingers dug in to his back and her nails bit just a
fraction into his flesh. She said, “God, Bo. You feel so good inside of me.”

His lips came down on hers with haste, need. She could feel his back
bow; his hips pressed him deep where he remained as warmth and liquid spilled into her. Little tremors rolled through the mountains of tense muscles on his body as he eased the kiss and settled on top of her. He was still inside of her. A short jerk of his hips caused his eyes to close, open. He looked at her with such satisfaction she couldn’t help but smile.

His hand came up and wiped away tears she didn’t know she had been shedding. He frowned a moment and said, “I tried.”

“Tried what?”

“Not to hurt you.”

“You didn’t.” She reached her hand up to stroke his short brown hair.

“You’re crying.” He pointed out the obvious.

Ivy pulled his face closer to her and kissed his lips. She then looked at the man who had handled her so gently, had tried so hard to make it a good experience for her. “They must be tears of joy, because I didn’t even know they were there until you pointed it out. I’ve never felt better in my life than I do right now.”

That was the truth and she was a bit stunned by her own admission.

Even more surprising was his response, “That makes two of us.”




Bo sat at the table wearing his robe. She sat across from him wearing hers. He kept stealing glances towards her, but she kept catching him. He hoped she wasn’t lying about not being hurt. He had done his best to make it as good as possible for her, but he felt like a complete bastard when he pressed into her and noticed the tears in her eyes. They had taken a shower, but not together. He ordered food while she showered. Then she brushed her long, wet hair as he showered.

He spared her another quick glance and she smiled at him. He held her gaze and asked, “What?”

“Nothing,” she lied. He could tell. She was blushing.

“Tell me.” He almost laughed.

“I was just wondering…if maybe…”

“What?” He did laugh this time. Her cheeks were blazing pink and she could barely keep a straight face. He absolutely had to know.

“If next time I could do to you what you did to me.” She let out a whoosh of breath after she finished as if it took some courage to ask.

His immediate thought was that she really would be the death of him. He cleared his throat and said, “Anytime.”

“Really?” And damned if she didn’t seem excited about it. “I’ve never done it before. I might not be very good at it.”

It took a moment for his brain to forge sensible words together. “I’m sure you’ll do great.”

It sounded more like he was telling her she would ace a test rather than successfully blow him, but that was what he could come up with in this bizarre situation.

She smiled. Her big brown eyes lit up with excitement. Her face was still a bit flushed from the embarrassment of asking about it. He watched as she stood up and moved to stand next to him.

“You should turn to face me, right?”

He looked up at her and realized she meant to do it right now.

He tried for a cool he couldn’t master as he moved the chair and his body to face her. Almost immediately she moved to her knees in front of him. He took a breath and said, “Ivy, you don’t have to…”

Her hands slid over the robe and up his thighs.
Fuck it!
He wasn’t going to fight her on this. She wanted to do it now, so be it. Her hands unfastened the belt of the robe and slowly opened it. He couldn’t get past the way she looked at his naked body. He could feel his chest and face warm under her scrutiny.

She had that effect on him. He had wanted to kick his own ass on more than one occasion for blushing when Ivy Mills paid attention to him. He always felt so privileged, so special to have her attention. She had no idea what a crush he had had on her for years.

Now, as she trailed her fingers lightly over his thighs, he didn’t see the movie star. He saw the woman who always smiled at him and said hello. He saw the girl who had talked about the same music he listened to and the same places he liked to go. He looked at his wife. The reality still shadowed by the fantasy they were currently living in.

He tried to let her figure it out, but she was being way too gentle for him to stand it much longer. “You can hold it firmer.”

BOOK: Get a Grip (Hollywood Nights)
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