Get a Grip (Hollywood Nights) (19 page)

BOOK: Get a Grip (Hollywood Nights)
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              Ivy was glad to see he was still in bed with her this morning. He had been escaping the bedroom early and at last she knew why. Last night had been quick and desperate as make-up sex often is. This morning she had other plans.

“Sit up. I want to breathe with you.” She pulled at his hands and he sat up.

“I wanted to do something else.” He trailed his fingers from her wrist to her elbow.

She smiled. “After. I need it.”

“And I would like to give it to you,” he teased.

She giggled. “That too, but I need this first.”

“Why did I talk you into this crap in the first place?” he grumbled as he moved to allow her to sit on his lap and line up against him flesh to flesh.

They got one breath complete and he said, “Something’s different.”

“Don’t. Do not point it out, Bo,” she warned.

They took two more breaths and he asked, “When was the last time you had…”

“I had one. It lasted two days, but that’s just because I’m stressed. May said it is normal for all that to change around when you get stressed. I’m trying to un-stress here. Focus.” She situated herself again and they got through five breaths.

“This is the same sister who thought people grew out of peanut allergies.”

Ivy had to laugh. She looked at him and said. “Bo. I think I would know. I do know that you noticed the bump. Did you notice I have been eating cake and cookies for a week straight? I just need to go to the gym.” She sighed. She had hoped it was only her wardrobe that noticed, but apparently when you press your entire body up to someone they notice it too.

“What are you talking about?” He leaned back to look at her.

“My stomach, what are you talking about?” She felt her eyes widen.

“Your boobs.” He shook his head. “But if it’s both, you need to make an appointment before you try to lose that weight.”

“Bo!” She didn’t mean to shout since he was right there in front of her, not even an arm’s length away, since she was on his lap. He winced and lifted his hand to his ear. “Sorry. I just. I would know okay. I think I would know. It’s my body after all. And besides, I can’t be pregnant. We get married in December.”

He cracked up laughing at her. She folded her arms and waited for him to get it together. He said, “Sweetheart, I swear I have just figured out the one nut I can eat that isn’t going to kill me.” 

“What are you talking about?”

“You. Ivy. You are nuts. I love you, but you are action packed with issues.” He still laughed, but lightly as he pulled her into his arms. “Okay. I can breathe now. Dale is going to get a kick out of that one, I know it.”

She harrumphed.

He smooched her lips and smiled, “We will go to the doctor’s when you finish work Monday. I bet you are. What do you want to wager you are not?”

She couldn’t breathe now. She couldn’t breathe a normal breath much less a focused meditative one. “But.”

“No meditation?” he asked. She shook her head no. “Then on to the next plan.”

“What’s that?” She barely got the words out before she was being rolled over and onto.

“This,” he said and kissed her. He pressed his tongue into her mouth and she had to admit she was okay with this plan so far. He nibbled her lips and then moved to her neck. His humor had faded and he was intently focused on her body.

His hand cupped her breast gently and caressed with more care than he had the first time they made love. She wasn’t going to admit that she did feel a bit sensitive there. When his lips moved over the nipple and his mouth opened, she didn’t have to say it. Her body showed it.

He increased the pressure of his tongue, of the suckle, until she was writhing beneath him and begging for more. Then he switched and started over with the other one.

“Sweetheart,” he whispered. She had a death grip on his shoulders. “I can slide down easier if you let me go.”

She eased her grip and he kissed his way down her body. She was already wound up. He barely got his mouth over her clit and she was tensing up to release. She didn’t want to tell him that she had been horny as hell lately and masturbating since he hadn’t been interested. Today, he didn’t have to make much effort.

He slid his finger into her and she convulsed in a quick clap of thunder followed by bolts of lightning throughout her body. He looked up at her and said, “Damn.”

              “I want you now,” she demanded.

He moved up and she couldn’t help it. The thoughts so fresh in her mind she asked, “Shouldn’t we use something?”

He looked more intrigued than offended and asked, “What did you have in mind? I don’t exactly have a pair of handcuffs in the night stand.”

“Well I…that would be…I meant shouldn’t we use a condom?” She was dead serious.

He couldn’t hold back the snicker of a laugh. “I think it’s a little late for that.”

“But it might not be.”

“But it is.” He was insistent.

“But it might not be.” She sounded like a weak and broken record.

“What is your wager?” He let his weight settle over her, his cock poised at her entry and anxious to breach, but refraining.

“I don’t know.”

“Okay then. I’ll go first. If you are. I get to tie you up and try three new positions.” He added, “This week.”

She hated to admit it but it didn’t sound like she would be losing anything with that bet. “If I’m not, and I’m not.”

“If you are not then…I will let you tie me up and you can do anything you…” He must not have liked her expression. “
anything you want to me.”

“Hmmm. What if I say, if I am you can do ANYTHING you want to me. And if I am not, which I am not. I can do ANYTHING I want to you.” She let her fingers slip down his spine in a tickling soft touch. His hips shifted forward, the head pushed almost inside. It had to be torture for him to wait there. It was difficult enough for her not to lift up and push him in.

“Deal.” He leaned down and kissed her. Her grip on his back tightened. She urged him forward with her hands, her arms, her hips.

“Sweetheart,” he called out to her as he sank into her. She groaned in acceptance and sighed with the pleasure. “I’
m known for two things, luck and timing. I knew the chances that first night.”

Unfortunately, at this stage in their relationship she knew that was true. Everyone had said it. He had been the one to find the animation job for he
r because he happened to be in the right place at the right time to overhear the project. Everything about the wedding that Bo was involved in ran smoothly. When it was just her and one or all of the boys, Mathis, Dale, and Gabe nothing was ever on schedule.

Still, Ivy had her doubts. She had a two day cycle. She was stressed. She was eating like there was a limited amount of cookies left on earth to be consumed.
Her mind wanted to wander but he hooked her leg and lifted it higher, allowing him deeper. “Fuck.”

“Is that a command?” he teased.

She didn’t curse a whole lot. They had that in common. She thought this might be the exception to the rule. “Yes.”

“Then say it again.” His voice dropped an entire octave.

She was keenly aware of the glazed look in his eyes. She was still a little awkward with the whole talking during sex thing, but she was an actress, so she dipped into that bag of characters and pulled out, “Fuck me. That’s right. You heard me.”

He was surprised. His reaction spurred her reaction and she was really getting into it.
“Oh, yes. Bo. Just like that. How do you want me?”

“Really?” He was almost too excited about the question.

She took a deep breath and reminded herself that he had done nothing but please her, take her to new heights, make her come. She had not learned to tame the dragon. She needed to figure out how and soon so she said, “Really.”

“Turn over.” She missed the feel of him instantly. A little disgruntled by the exit, she apparently amused him. “It’s going back in sweetheart, don’t worry.”

“You don’t think this position is degra…oh wow.” Ivy discovered she liked the degrading position. She was becoming more aware of the difference between what she thought and how she perceived things from her pre-sex days and her lofty position as a virgin judging her friends for things like this, and how she felt right now. Like if he told her to bark, she would if it meant he would keep going. “That’s a good spot. Oh fuck that is a great spot. Don’t move.”

He stopped and groaned as he did so. “God you’re killing me.”

“I mean keep moving just don’t move-move.”

He laughed and the vibration pushed him just a fraction over and she was oh so glad it did. “That’s good. Keep doing that. Fuck.”

He moved one of his hands from her hip around to stroke her clitoris. She was gone. Within a few circles she was howling out his name and hers too for all she could tell. The orgasm slammed into her and racked her body from head to toe. She wasn’t even sure if he came. She just knew her arms were spent, her legs too weak. She fell forward on the bed in that exhausted daze that followed.

He moved beside her
to lie face up and then looked at her. She blushed.

“That doesn’t count.” He was sated, his skin flushed, and he had a sleepy grin on his adorably handsome face.

“Count?” She moved to her side because her belly was not happy in the current position.

“Yeah, when I win,” he said around a yawn. “That is a new position for us, but it doesn’t count against me.”

She had to giggle.

“And Ivy,” he said gently and moved to push her hair behind her ear. “I would never do anything to degrade you. We can have fun, we can play, we can do whatever you want, however you want, and I will never think that makes you less than my everything. Because you are.”

He always said the sweetest things. She bit her lip and said, “Because you wanted me to bark from that position?”

He opened one of his closed eyes and cheekily said, “A little bit.”

Her mouth rounded and her eyes opened wide. “Bo!”

He laughed and reached out to pull her close to him as he moved to face her on his side.

“I’m glad I amuse you.” She said with a light laugh.

“I love you.” He wasn’t joking then.
He closed the distance between their lips and kissed her tenderly, passionately, until she was breathless. “You would be amazed at all the things we can do if you let me lead you there.”

“Okay,” she said quietly.

“Okay?” he asked and propped up to look at her.

“I know I need to learn how to tame the dragon. I guess that is only going to happen when you teach me.” She rolled to her back and decided right then and there that she had to trust him. She had to let go of all the proper things and figure out what was right for them.

“What are you talking about? What dragon?” He was wide awake, curious, and amused.

She bit into her lower lip, boldly slid her hand down to cup him and said, “This dragon.”

“You call Mr. Bliss a dragon?” he quirked a brow.

She returned the expression and asked, “You call it Mr. Bliss?”

“Well, yeah. When I was a little boy my momma would say, cover your Mr. Bliss, Bo. Don’t let anyone touch your Mr. Bliss. Don’t let Mr. Bliss get you in trouble at co-ed camp.” He laughed. “I’m sure she didn’t know what to call it. My dad was in the military and gone more than not. He enlisted when Alex was five and I was born. Alex had dad for some of that stuff. I had mom. He died shortly after Dale was born.”

Ivy asked, “So Sam isn’t your full sister?”

“I don’t understand the question.”

“You have different dads.” She reached out to stroke his hair. She wanted to be connected to him while he talked about this. He hadn’t discussed it with her in detail before.

“Oh, well yeah. I guess if you look at it that way.” Bo shrugged. “I guess I just see my little sister.”

“Where is her dad?” Ivy asked gently.

“My mom went through some stuff the year after my dad passed. When she emerged from that depression, she really started going through some stuff. We never met them, but there were boyfriends. Several. It went on like that until Sam.

Now, I don’t even know if my mom is dating. I think
between the depression year and the dating year she might have thought she was too old for pregnancy, I don’t know. I really don’t know.” Bo plopped his head back onto the pillow as he adjusted and then looked up at the ceiling.

BOOK: Get a Grip (Hollywood Nights)
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