Gem Stone (9 page)

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Authors: Dale Mayer

Tags: #Mystery, #contemporary fiction, #YA, #coming of age, #suspense, #adventure, #Dale Mayer, #Adult crossover, #Family Blood Ties

BOOK: Gem Stone
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He'd checked out the girl's flash drive that the cousins had retrieved before contacting his uncle at the waste disposal company. The pictures showed his cousins, but contained nothing incriminating. At least nothing clear enough that would stand up in court. But the pictures might raise a few questions…


He needed them kept under observation.


Old Creepers could do that if the kids were back where they belonged – at the correctional center. Like how hard could that be? Creepers should have shipped them back when he thought they were cheating at their schooling..


But no, Creepers hadn't wanted to be a hard ass. Why not? He was any other time. And Fixer had already warned him about the creek and to keep the kids away. It would have been so easy to have sent them back then. Damn it.


He could only hope after the mess last night, Creepers would do the right thing now.


Whether that was because they were in trouble, causing trouble or just to keep them safe, he didn't care. Fixer
them sent back to juvie. The easiest way was to put the kids in danger. In order to send the kids back to the center for their own safety, he had to make it real. Make it fact.


That shouldn't be hard. If this plan didn't work out, they
be in real danger – he couldn't have them messing things up more.


The kid in the hospital wouldn't be out for a few days. He didn't know what drugs his cousins had used, but the girl had had some kind of allergic reaction to them. That was good news. One down – at least long enough to make sure her symptoms weren't from exposure to the shit in the creek.


He figured the kids were clear anyhow. The area had been thoroughly cleaned up, but they were paying him the big bucks to make sure.


Now he needed to figure out if they'd seen anything important, or not.


Thank heavens for insider information from the sheriff's office. From the kids' statements, it appeared they'd only seen his cousins standing around at the creek. Not incriminating in any way.


But the kids were from juvie. That made them liars and thieves. Who knew if they were telling the truth?


he next morning Gem opened her eyes then slammed them shut again. She didn't want to be awake. She hated mornings at the best of times, but today her body fought wakefulness with everything it had. She rolled over and buried her face in her pillow.


. She bolted upright and groaned. Everything ached. Grabbing her housecoat, she headed down to the kitchen. Mark, Reid and Doris were all there. "Any news on Misty?"


Doris offered a tired but valiant smile. "She's reacted to the drugs in a bad way. She's going to be okay, but it's a good thing you found her when you did. And I doubt that she's going to be released today or tomorrow."


"Oh, wow. That's scary." And it was. Then again, as much as she hated the thought of Misty still suffering, she might be safer in the hospital than here. And was it safe for any of them here if people were searching their rooms and taking belongings?


"Why the frown? Everything's good." Mark seemed to love to tease her. Then again, he teased everyone. She never knew how to take his remarks. Neither did she know how he regarded her. It occurred to her that the sheriff should have asked her about the possibility that Mark kidnapped Misty. Mark was big enough. She knew he'd had nothing to do with it, but they hadn't even put two and two together and gone there.


Mark didn't have that kind of behavior in him. In another life, where juvie didn't play a part in creating their character, he'd have made a great teddy bear. Gem rolled her stiff neck. What a crappy night.


"Get some coffee. It might make you feel a little more human this morning," Mark suggested.


"Might?" She poured coffee and sat down. The house was quiet for this time of day. She glanced at the clock. It was only seven am. After noting the sleepy looks on the faces around her, she stood up and excused herself to return to her room.


She dressed while her laptop booted up then checked her photos again to make sure they were still there. She brought them up on the screen, one at a time, using her generic imaging program. She enlarged and cropped, then enlarged again. She split each picture into eight pictures and enlarged each to the point they showed details she wouldn't see otherwise. As she made each one full screen, she used the magnifying tool and went over them inch by inch.


The only interesting picture was of Dumpty holding a tube or small kit of some kind.
Chemicals? Water treatment stuff?
Who knew? But the pictures were so blurry she didn't see anything new.


Were the men allowed to be there with that stuff? And why would they care if they'd been seen? Or had they kidnapped Misty for an entirely different reason? Maybe they were just tying up loose ends – as a precaution, so to speak.


A knock sounded on her door. Gem turned around. "Come in."


The door opened and Mark walked in. "Hey. How are you today?"


"Now that I know Misty's safe…" She shrugged. "Fine, I guess. You?"


"Tired, but otherwise okay." He leaned against the window sill. "My room was searched. Was yours?"


"Yes," she said, so angry it came out in a hiss. "My flash drive is missing. The one with all the photos I took out there last night."


"What?" He straightened. "Are you sure? Did you check everywhere? What about the USB port in the laptop? The camera case? Maybe it's loose somewhere in your room?"


"I've checked everywhere. Not only did they take that but they deleted all the photos in my desktop folder."


He stared at her, his shock clear on his face. "Are you serious? It's one thing to lift a card or flash drive but another thing altogether to turn on someone's laptop, check it over and delete stuff."


"I know. The folder isn't even there," she explained.


"How many pictures did you lose?"


"None that were important." She gave him an evil grin. "I always do a new folder when I download the card. Then sort them and only keep the ones I want. Then I send a backup by emailing them to myself. The creeps didn't find those."


Let me see them."


"That's what I'm working on. Here." She showed him the line of thumbnail images open at the bottom of her screen. "I've just gone through them all. This one is the most interesting."


Standing at the bedroom window, she studied the terrain outside. Last night's fiasco had started over the right side of the property, back by an old tree. She should check it out in daylight. She glanced at Mark.


"Well, go get yourself a pop or something and let me look." Already consumed with the project, he sat down in her chair and bent closer to the monitor.


“I could use some fresh air,” she said. "Why don't we go take a look in a bit? It's morning. You never know what we might find in the light of day."


Only their walk never happened.


John was also keeping everyone close to home, and so far, had stymied both Mark's and Gem's attempts to get outside. They didn't want to push it with John, nor did they want to cross any other lines right now. Too much was at stake.


By afternoon a maudlin gloominess had overtaken the home. They'd had news that Misty was continuing to experience severe nausea from drugs she'd been given, so she wasn't going to be released any time soon. Hadn't even been able to talk to the police although she had managed to say she didn't remember anything of what happened to her.


That pissed Gem off. She wanted Misty back to normal and back here where she could ask her what the hell happened. If Misty didn't remember anything, Gem wanted to hear it straight from her.


Reid was researching but hadn't been able to find out anything on the three men – yet. No surprise there. However, he had found and downloaded an older trial version of a better imaging program, allowing Gem to manipulate the photos for more clarity. With it, she could see the canister better, but it still wasn't clear enough to make out any lettering or symbols. They could tell the Ford pickup was dark green. That was the extent of the useful details.


Mark had given Reid the information he'd pulled off the car. But so far, Reid hadn't any luck getting more information.


So she had nothing concrete. The one profile picture she had looked like Dumpty – but she couldn't be sure.


Would they have left anything behind? She was itching to find out. Considering there'd been a new lock on the pump house, they might have even stashed stuff in there then removed it when they dumped Misty. She glared at the open window. She wanted to get out. It was so dark last night she might have missed tons of stuff.


Gemma pondered the problem as she finished wiping the counters. Then she vacuumed the floors. Right now would be a perfect time to go look. She'd finish the housework first then maybe they'd be allowed a couple of hours of free time. Mark was cleaning windows and Reid was scrubbing the kitchen floor. She hadn't seen Stephen but he was probably helping with the laundry. Everyone was on their best behavior.


They had to make sure that what happened to Misty didn't happen again. And they needed to know who did it and why…


Opening the closet, she stored the vacuum away for another week and headed back into the kitchen. Doris sat cradling an empty coffee cup at the table, John at her side. Giving them a closer look, Gem realized how tired and worn-out they both appeared, obviously from more than just a bad night. Maybe they'd taken some serious flack over Misty's kidnapping.


Misgivings fluttered through her belly. Surely, not? Misty had been found, safe…but even she knew it had been a close call – too close.


Then, who knew what the sheriff had said to John and Doris?


"Hi, the vacuuming is done." She walked over to the sink and filled a clean glass with cold water. She smiled at the two of them. "Mark is almost done the windows too."


"Thank you, Gem." Doris smiled, her face brightening. "You've been a big help today. We both appreciate it."


"Last night was enough trouble for a long time. You two don't need more right now."


They nodded. "The police said they might come back this afternoon for further questions. I need you to be ready to talk to them," John said, slumping back into his chair.


"No problem." She stared out the window, hating the clenching in her gut at the thought of more cops. "Considering that, any problems with us going out for a walk? The sun is out and it would be nice to have a chance to enjoy it before the weather changes."


"Sure. Please, stay close and take your phones with you."


Smiling, Gem headed to find the others. Stephen elected to stay behind.


"What?" Mark said a few minutes later as they walked through the house. "They actually said we could all go?"


"More or less. I think they're afraid I might get kidnapped, like Misty, if I go alone."


Reid grinned. "You're too big and too heavy. They'd need two men to take you down and you'd cause a hell of a raucous before going gently into the night."


There was no point arguing or being affronted by that comment. He was right. This wasn't the time to wish she could be a tiny doll. Being as big as she was might be what saved her last night.


Outside, she couldn't help lifting her face toward the sun to enjoy the warmth on her face. At the edge of the front yard, they automatically turned in the direction of the pump house.


Once out of sight of the house, Gem asked the question that had been bothering her since last night, "All joking aside, why did they grab Misty and not me?"


"I wondered about that. Your bedroom is on the side of the house and higher off the ground. It would've been harder for them to access your room. Maybe they didn't think they'd be able to get to you. Maybe they saw you climb in Misty's window… With the house built into a hill, from the back Misty's bedroom is ground level."


"Which brings up another question, why bother coming to the house after snatching Misty? It's not like they could grab me at the same time." Gem studied a car coming down the road. She relaxed when she recognized a neighbor from the end of their road. She really didn't want to see any authorities right now.


"True. But consider this – they now know what rooms we all sleep in," Reid said. "And they know how many of us are there."


. That was a consideration Gem didn't want to dwell on. "I'm afraid John and Doris are going be in trouble over this."


Reid nodded. "Creepers might try to use it as an excuse to close this project down once he hears about this. Especially if it reflects badly on him. You know him."


Gem shook her head. "That's not fair. It's not John's fault."


"Which won't matter to Creepers."


"Ah, that's your cynicism showing. Besides, he started this project. Why would he get rid of it? I know he wants to retire – you'd think he'd be happy to walk away." Although Gem privately agreed, she held off allowing that same bitterness to apply to everyone. There was no comparison between her disrupted and lonely past and Mark's. His circumstances had been brutal.

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