G'baena's Pirates (18 page)

Read G'baena's Pirates Online

Authors: Rachel Clark

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/m/f), #Menage Amour

BOOK: G'baena's Pirates
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The plan was simple. Ben and Trey were to be reported as criminals wanted for their involvement in the slave trade, they’d escape, G’baena’s fathers would be publicly executed for selling G’baena and blamed for their mate’s and daughter’s disappearances. But that’s where simple became problematic.

Flynn was still in serious pain. Any jolting movement could dislodge the broken ribs and puncture her lung, so moving her was going to be difficult, especially if they needed to go quickly. It didn’t help that they wouldn’t be able to leave through official channels with four G’trobian women in tow. Thanks to the law that forbade females to leave the planet, they would need a stealthy exit—quite difficult a task with a woman so badly injured. They also needed to escape the planet and rendezvous with the pirate ship somewhere far away so that suspicion would not fall onto Jordan and his crew. That meant acquiring a spaceworthy ship large enough to hold eight people with enough supplies for several weeks.

And to top it all off, G’darlee had caught the eye of Ben and Trey’s cousins and they were hinting at the possibility of Devlin leaving the girl in their care. Not fucking likely. Devlin felt a responsibility to protect his family, and G’darlee was a part of that now. He’d protect her from overindulged royalty as determinedly as he would protect her from anyone else. The child was too young for an official mating, and even though he felt he could trust Ben and Trey’s cousins, Devlin was not willing to leave G’darlee behind. Hopefully he would be able to work out a compromise.

The only good news was that
’s tooth had been pulled and the contact with Keytark had gone smoothly. Without actually mentioning any specifics, Tee-ani had managed to reassure Devlin that
was in good spirits and there was no trace of the poison in his system. She’d also asked him to make sure Ben and Trey were safe, and he got the impression she knew more than they’d been able to explain via the satellite comms. Considering that G’ntriel used her empathic skills to monitor them from the ship, chances were Tee-ani really did know more than Devlin.

Devlin rolled his head on his neck, trying to ease the tightness that had grown worse as the day lengthened. His protective instincts were screaming at him to gather them all in one room so that he knew where everyone he felt responsible for actually was.

Ben and Trey had left the meeting early, hoping to make contact with someone they’d known several cycles ago. Devlin suspected it was the same someone who helped them get off the planet that first time, but he knew better than to ask in front of Ben and Trey’s family. He had no desire to put their contact in royal sights if things went badly.

Decisions made and meeting finally adjourned, Devlin returned to their quarters to find Kam alone. Kam explained that G’baena was in the next room visiting with her mother and entertaining her younger sisters.

“You look like hell,” he said, as he embraced Devlin.

Devlin smiled but didn’t quite have the energy to laugh. “Thanks, mate.” He used the ancient colloquial term for friend, but one look at the love on Kam’s face, and he realized he’d meant it in the truest sense of the G’trobian translation.

He leaned forward, pressing his lips softly against Kam’s. The kiss quickly morphed into a heated mating of mouths. Dev ripped Kam’s jumpsuit open, pushing the material off his shoulders and down his legs. Kam hurriedly toed off his boots and then stood naked before him, his cock jutting proudly as he smiled shyly.

“I’ve never done this before,” Kam said quietly. He seemed more excited than nervous, but Devlin forced himself to slow down. Kam had to be ready. Hell, they were both new to this side of lovemaking, so they both needed to be ready.

One thing Devlin knew for absolute certainty was that he loved this man deeply and needed to make their emotional connection physical as well. To hell with this planet’s attitudes—he loved Kam and was loved in return. How the two of them chose to show that love was their business, no one else’s.

“Tub?” Kam asked in invitation. Devlin nodded in agreement. The fluid-like substance had proven to be a good natural lubricant as well as a cleanser, so there was less chance of hurting Kam if things got a little rough.

And things were about to get a little rough.

Devlin’s cock strained against the restrictions of his clothes, pulsing in beat with his heart, leaping excitedly when he thought of how he wouldn’t need to restrain his strength with Kam as he did with G’baena. The man was about to be fucked in the rawest sense of the word.

He watched as Kam lowered himself into the warm fluid, tiny, slow-motion ripples covering the surface as he moved. Devlin admired the sleek muscles and long limbs a moment longer before hurriedly stripping out of his own clothes and joining him.

He slid into the tub, wrapping a strong hand around the back of Kam’s neck and pulling him closer. He kissed him aggressively, demanding control, seeking Kam’s submission. Arousal surged through him as the man whimpered and opened his mouth, accepting his dominance, offering his surrender.

Devlin wrapped his fist around Kam’s hard cock, pumping up and down, squeezing the engorged shaft roughly, touching Kam the way Devlin himself liked to be touched.

“On the ledge,” he ordered, urging his soon-to-be lover out of the fluid without releasing his cock. Devlin knelt in the fluid, his elbows resting on Kam’s thighs as he dipped his head to taste the bulbous top of Kam’s erection.

Kam groaned, twisting his fingers into Devlin’s hair, caressing his scalp, urging him closer. Devlin hummed around the tumescent flesh, licking the thick vein as he squeezed the base in his grasp. Kam bucked, lifting his hips, his reactions jittery, his breathing ragged.

“Dev,” he gasped as Devlin used his weight to hold him in place and sucked harder. He could taste the pre-cum, the salty essence mixing with the scent of his man and their mutual growing need. The harder Kam tried to move, the tighter Devlin held him and the more excited they both became.

Cum burst from Kam’s cock, coating Devlin’s tongue, filling his mouth. He licked and sucked until Kam groaned, his erection spent, his energy gone. Devlin licked the softening flesh a moment longer and then slapped Kam’s thigh hard.

“Up,” he ordered, lifting Kam’s legs and spreading him wide. He hooked Kam’s legs over his own arms, ordering him with a touch and a stern look not to move. Kam complied wordlessly, leaning back a little and giving Devlin a perfect view of that tight ass. The pucker of Kam’s hole lay exposed, clenching spasmodically, begging for Devlin’s attention.

Devlin touched the pink skin, rubbing the slippery, fluid-like substance over the quivering flesh. He pressed a single finger against the muscle, marveling at the resistance he felt until he pushed past the tight ring and into Kam’s heat.

Devlin pressed back and forth, caressing, stretching, determined to do this right so that they could both remember their first time together as perfect.

“Please,” Kam begged as Devlin slowly pushed a second finger and then a third in and out of his anus.

“Soon, love. Very soon.”

He replaced his fingers with his cock, groaning as he slid slowly into Kam’s tight passage. Devlin held still, balls deep, and watched the emotions that played across Kam’s face. He moaned and squirmed from the sensations but didn’t seem to be in pain.

Carefully, Devlin pulled out, easing back in just a little faster. Again and again, he slid into Kam’s body and eased out, each time with just a little more speed than the last. Steadily, the rhythm changed, the tempo growing faster, the motions getting stronger. Devlin slammed into Kam’s ass, grasping his thighs and pulling the man closer, pushing deeper, possessing him completely. Every muscle screamed with tension as he pounded hard and fast into his lover’s body.

“D…Dev. L…love you,” Kam cried as he came again, his cum splattering over his chest and abdomen. The sight inflamed Devlin, and he slammed harder, crying out as his cock exploded deep in Kam’s ass. He rocked their bodies together as his orgasm went on and on, exhaustion eventually seeping through his veins as he tried to assimilate all the amazing emotions he was feeling.

He pressed his forehead against Kam’s, both of them gasping for air as they tried to recover. “I love you, too,” Devlin finally managed to say, his words still choppy, his breathing uneven.

“I love you both.”

The quiet feminine voice startled Devlin so much that he almost launched across the tub, but Kam held him tightly, soothing the panic that filled him for a moment.

“How long were you there?” Devlin asked, feeling his face fill with color.

“I’ve been able to feel your emotions since you got back, Dev, but I only just came into the room a few moments ago.”

“So, long enough,” he said, feeling a smile curl his mouth despite his mild embarrassment. “Wait,” he said with a groan, “you could feel us? What about your mother? Your sisters?”

G’baena shook her head as she stepped up to the tub and then kissed him quite thoroughly. “I am attuned to you both,” she assured Devlin, “so I feel your emotions much stronger than anyone else’s. I am certain my mother and sisters were unaware.”

Devlin moved slightly, and both men groaned as his softened flesh slipped from Kam’s passage. “Have you eaten?” G’baena asked breathlessly, her gaze riveted to the place where Devlin and Kam had been joined.

“Yes,” Devlin answered, glancing over to see Kam nod.

“Bed?” she suggested.

Devlin couldn’t think of anything more perfect than holding both his lovers as the three of them slept.

* * * *

“Goddess, just one more day. Is it too much to ask for just one more fucking day?” The anger came from her fear. They had planned to leave the planet tomorrow, but now they were being rushed into action in the middle of the night, by the kings, no less. Just the thought of moving her mother sent G’baena into panic mode. She was still in great pain, and one harsh jolt could cause even more dangerous injuries.

“G’baena, we are truly sorry that we cannot give you more time, but to stay on the planet any longer puts us all at risk.” One of the kings carefully lifted Flynn from her bed and carried her down the long hallway and out to the transport. There were no servants in sight. “In the past two days, we have been approached by several influential citizens demanding explanation for your fathers’ disappearance,” one of the kings whispered hurriedly. “Today they released what little information they know through the news networks. The resulting speculation will cause severe political upheaval if not dealt with quickly.” He ran an agitated hand through his thinning hair. “I am sorry, but even a royal family cannot act without repercussions.”

“Where are Kam and Devlin?” she demanded, placing herself between the king carrying her mother and the open door of the transport.

“They are coming,” the man growled as he tried to push past her.

“Bae, it’s okay. Let him through.” Her knees wobbled with relief when she heard Kam’s deep voice. Within seconds, she was engulfed in his reassuring hug. “We need to go,” he said, as he lifted her into the transport and turned to help her sisters. The small craft lifted into the air almost immediately. Only then did she realize Trey was the pilot.

She sat by her mother, holding her sisters close as they sped through the air, staying much lower to the ground than she’d expected. “Where are—” She hesitated, briefly worried that her words weren’t shielded. Kam nodded and lifted his hand, showing her the small device Devlin used to soundproof their discussions.

“Devlin and Ben are getting the ship ready for launch. We’ll be home in a couple of weeks.”

“Weeks?” Panic stole her voice, the word a mere squeak.

Kam leaned forward to touch her face as he nodded. “Trust me,” he whispered and then moved back to his seat and sat toward the front of the craft. He had a stun rifle draped over his shoulder, another smaller version clipped to his belt. Clearly, he was prepared for trouble. G’baena hoped it was just a precaution.

Chapter Thirteen

“Fuck,” Devlin swore, as he found yet another problem. This tin can of a spaceship could turn out to be their coffin.

“Is she spaceworthy?” Ben asked, sounding more worried than Devlin had ever heard him.

“Barely,” Devlin replied, as he started yet another diagnostic test on the ship’s critical systems. “There’s a problem with life support, so we won’t be able to use the three living quarters on the outer ring. I think the other two are okay, but with eight of us, it’s going to be cramped.”

“Is there enough air for me to go in and empty out the rooms? I’d like to clear out the bedding and other supplies if we can.”

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