Game On (2 page)

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Authors: Lillian Duncan

Tags: #christian Fiction

BOOK: Game On
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“You can't turn me down without at least hearing what I have to say.”

Two customers from another store gawked at them. She didn't need a scene, so she marched to her office door and unlocked it. She turned to Lucas. “In fact, I can do just that.” Nikki opened the door, and then closed it before he could come in. She smiled at him as she turned the lock.

His look of shock was genuine. He knocked.

“Go away, Lucas.”

He knocked louder. “I'm not leaving until you talk to me.”

She shook her head. How could she get out of here? She could use the back door, but her car was out front. Certainly he'd notice her walking to the car.

After a moment, he fished out his cell phone and hit some numbers.

Her phone rang.

Lucas smiled and pointed to the phone number on the door.

Acting this way was beneath the new Nikki. Sometimes it was so hard to be a Christian. She unlocked the door.

Lucas sauntered in, still smiling. Didn't anything ruffle those political feathers of his? “Shall we try this again? Good afternoon, Nikki.”

“It was until a few minutes ago, Lucas. Or should I call you Senator? Which do you prefer?”

“I'm not a senator yet. And even if I were, you could still call me Lucas.”

“Actually, I don't plan to call you anything.” She placed her hands in her lap to keep them from shaking. She forced her voice to sound calm and reasonable. “I don't have time for this. You need to leave. I really do have things to do. Some of us have to work for a living.”

“I want to hire you.”

How could he even think she'd consider such a thing? “I choose whom I work for and whom I do not work for. You can be sure I won't work for you. Not now, not ever.”

She looked at the yellow sticky note attached to her computer monitor.
was written in huge capital letters. It was her God word of the month. She'd made a commitment to not only study the fruits of the Spirit, but to cultivate them in her everyday life. Her Christian mentor had assured her she could do it. That nothing was too difficult when one put God in control of one's life. Her fingernails tapped on her desk.
Jesus said to forgive our enemies.

Lucas might not be her enemy, but he was close.

But this…this was much more than she'd bargained for. Never in a million years had she thought she'd ever come face to face with Lucas McMann again.

This wasn't a test she'd expected, nor could she pass it. She opened the drawer and picked up the camera. “Lucas, I don't have time for this. I am in hot pursuit of a philandering husband. He just gave me the perfect opportunity to prove it to my client—his wife.”

“Can't it wait?”

“No. As I said, some of us have to work for a living.”

He flinched as if she'd slapped him. She brushed away the momentary guilt. Surely he hadn't thought she'd welcome him with a smile and a hug.

“I don't blame you for being angry.” His voice was calm and rational, just the opposite of what she was feeling. “But it was years—”

“Don't flatter yourself. That was years ago.” She'd thought she was over it until now.

“I'll pay you whatever you want.”

“You think your money can buy me.” Her voice was tinged with rage. “But I'm not for sale. I am not my parents.”

“That's not what I meant, Nikki. Give me a break here. I'm in trouble, and you're the only one I trust.” He sounded sincere, but that meant nothing.

“That doesn't speak well for you or your friends, does it?”

“I guess it doesn't.” He grinned. “I'm only asking for a few minutes of your time. I know I have no right to ask anything of you, but please listen to me.”

“Sorry, I really don't have the time.” She gravitated towards the door.

“Fine, give me a time and I'll meet you back here later.”

Instead of answering him, she opened the door and motioned for him to leave.

He sighed but walked out.

After locking the door, Nikki turned to him. “One of the good things about owning my own business is there's no one to tell me what to do. Hire someone else. I can give you a list of some good investigators.”

“I want you.”

Her heart cracked just a little. He'd told her that once before. She walked to her car.

He followed. “I think you'd change your mind if you'd only listen to me.”

Her response was to hit the unlock button on her car. “Sorry, Lucas. The McManns can't always get their way.” As she slid into her seat, another sticky note on the dashboard caught her eye.
. To remind her to be nicer when she drove.

The passenger door opened. Lucas slid in just as the car started moving.

“Lucas, get out of my car. I don't have time for this.”

“This really is important. I'm not leaving until I talk to you.”

“Get out of my car.” Her gaze moved up to the sticky note. She added, “Please.”

“Go follow that philandering husband. I'll sit here quietly until you have the time to talk with me. Better hurry before he leaves.”

Why wouldn't he leave her alone?

She really did need to get to that motel.

Instead of answering him, she put the car in gear and then turned the radio up full blast. Even if he tried to talk, she wouldn't be able to hear him. She refused to give in to the twinge of curiosity. He had no right to ask anything of her. Anger surged through her once again.

A moment later, he joined in with the song. Lucas knew the words to a Christian praise song? Surprising.

Her heart thumped as his deep, rich baritone filled every space of her car. How was she supposed to ignore him? Her hands tightened on the steering wheel as she gritted her teeth, determined to not let him get to her.
Focus on the traffic, not Lucas or that beautiful voice.

Why was the one person she would never forgive sitting beside her?
Certainly You don't want me to forgive him, do You, Lord? He doesn't deserve it.
In her heart, she knew God's answer. She hadn't deserved forgiveness either, but God had gladly given it to her.

When Nikki got to the motel, she grabbed her camera and finally looked at Lucas. “Stay in the car. Or I'll take your picture at this no-tell motel and post it all over the web. I'm sure your opponents would love that.”

“Whatever you say. Your wish is my command.”

That charming little grin of his that she'd once loved so much only managed to irritate her. That proved she was over him. “If that were true, you wouldn't be sitting in my car.”

“I just want you to listen. But we can talk about all that later.” He motioned for her to go. “Take care of your business. I don't want to interfere with you making a living.”

“Promise me that you'll stay in the car. No matter what.”

“Whatever you say.”

“That wasn't really a promise.” But it would have to do. She grabbed the camera and marched towards room seven, hoping she wasn't too late.

The happy couple stepped out of the room arm in arm.

Nikki lifted her camera and clicked five photos in quick succession with the cheap motel sign flashing in the background. She'd earned her money this time.

“Hey, what are you doing?” the man yelled out at her.

Time to go. Nikki lowered her camera as she turned towards her car. Now his wife could get the alimony she deserved.

“Hey, I'm talking to you.”

Nikki quickened her steps. A hand grabbed her shoulder and twirled her around.

“I said, what are you doing?” His mottled-red face was an angry mask.

“Back off.” She stepped back with her hands in a surrender position, the camera hung around her neck. “I don't want any trouble. I'm leaving.”

“Not before you give me that camera.” He stepped towards her.

“That's not going to happen.”

“Give me that camera.” He made a grab for it.

“Stop it!” Nikki jumped back.

“Give her some money, Stanley.” The woman stepped up and looped her arm through his. “Just pay her more than your money-grubbing wife, and she'll give you the pictures. That's how those people are.”

“Good idea, Macy.” He beamed at the woman and then turned back to Nikki. “How much will it take for you to give me those pictures instead of my wife?”

“Sorry, they aren't for sale.”

“Then I want that camera.” He lunged at her. “Give it to me. I mean it.”

Nikki pushed him away with her free hand.

Stanley stumbled but charged at her again, his face red and angry.

Macy came at Nikki from the side and pushed her off balance.

Nikki shoved her away with ease, but that gave Stanley time to grab the camera. The strap tightened around her neck as he pulled on it. “Stop it.”

His response was to tug even harder.

OK, she'd tried reasonable—it hadn't worked. Nikki moved in close and elbowed him in the stomach. His hold loosened. Nikki pulled the camera from his grasp.

Lucas had an enraged expression on his face as he opened the car door.

“Stay in the car. I can handle this.”

Stanley grabbed the camera. “You aren't going to ruin my life.” He glared as he twisted her wrist.

Instead of answering, she moved forward to relieve the pressure around her neck.

Macy jumped at her from behind, grabbing her hair.

That was it!

Now she was mad. In one fluid motion, Nikki let go of Stanley, then bent low so the strap slipped from around her neck. He could keep the stupid thing. She could always take more pictures. The man probably wouldn't even end his affair after all this.

Nikki turned towards Macy and flipped her onto the ground.

Stanley held the trophy—her camera. “Hey, don't you hurt her,” he yelled.

“Then give me back my camera.” She moved forward.

“No way.” He tucked the camera into his arm as if it were a football.

“Last chance. Give my camera back. You don't want to get arrested, do you?”

“Me? You're the one who needs to be arrested.”

“It's not against the law to take pictures.”


Wow. Nikki really could take care of herself.

Lucas had to fight the urge to help. That probably wouldn't make her agree to work for him though. He'd hoped she'd be over their mangled teenage romance, but that didn't seem to be the case. Promise or not, if it looked as if she was in danger, he wouldn't sit there and do nothing.

A police car with flashing lights pulled in.

Good. The cavalry had arrived.

As the officer stepped out of his car, Lucas did the same.

The officer moved towards Nikki and the couple. “Break it up.” The officer turned to the man. “Back up a few steps, sir.”

“I'm not the one causing the problem. It's her.” The businessman pointed at Nikki, then at the woman who was still on the ground. “She assaulted my friend. Arrest her.”

The officer glared at Nikki.

“He stole my camera.” Nikki spoke in a calm voice. She must be used to this type of situation. “And she attacked me first. Pulled my hair.”

The officer walked over to the woman on the ground, his gaze clearly on her thigh. Her tight red dress had moved up several inches during the wrestling match. He helped her up. “Are you all right, miss?”

“I suppose, but…”

“What's going on here?”

Macy launched into a tirade.

Nikki stared hard at Lucas and then shook her head. Why wouldn't she let him help?

“Look, I can explain, Officer,” Nikki said. “If you would just listen to me.”

“I'll get to you when I get to you.” He turned back to Macy, who was making quite the show of brushing herself off. “Are you sure you're all right, miss?”

“I guess so. She knocked me on the ground.” The woman pouted, but then gave Nikki a smug look as if to say,
I win.

Lucas had heard enough. He wouldn't let Nikki get in trouble when she hadn't been at fault. She'd just have to be angry that he interfered.

Another cruiser pulled in as the officer turned to Nikki. Lucas decided to wait another moment to see what would happen next.

“She attacked me first.” Nikki's tone was reasonable.

“I'll let you know when I want you to talk.” The officer glared.

As the other officer stepped out of his cruiser, Nikki smiled. The man winked at Nikki as he walked up. “What's going on, Sam?”

“Apparently, this woman assaulted these people, Rob.”

“Really. That doesn't sound much like Ms. Kent.”

“You know her?”

“She used to be on the force. Now she's a law-abiding private investigator serving the fine people of Jacksonville. I doubt very much if she assaulted anyone unless she was attacked first.”

“Oh.” The younger officer's face turned slightly pink. “I didn't know.”

“If you don't mind, I'll handle this,” Rob said.

“No problem.” The first officer walked back to his cruiser.

Macy didn't look quite as smug

Rob turned to Nikki. “What's happening?”

“He stole my camera and attacked me.” Nikki pointed at the businessman. “Then she jumped on my back.”

“That belong to her?” Rob asked Stanley.

The man nodded.

“Then I guess you should give it back to her, don't you think?”

“But she took pictures of me. She had no right to do that. Make her erase them.”

“There's nothing illegal about her taking pictures.”

Lucas grimaced. Unfortunately, the officer was right. It wasn't against the law to take someone's picture, especially a public figure like himself. But did that mean people had the right to stalk him? Maybe he shouldn't have come to Nikki. She made a living taking pictures of people who didn't want them taken. Nikki might not see anything wrong with what was happening.

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