Game of Thrones and Philosophy (25 page)

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Authors: William Irwin Henry Jacoby

BOOK: Game of Thrones and Philosophy
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moral evil


accountability and

happiness and

motivation for

power and

power and dependency

punishment and

social contract theory and

virtue ethics and motivation

moral luck

categorical imperative and

control and

moral responsibility and

role of moral character in

society and

“Moral Luck” (Nagel)

moral relativism, cultural relativism and

moral responsibility, moral luck and

moral universalism, cultural relativism and

Mordane, Septa

Arya and

game theory and

More, Sir Thomas

Mormont, Ser Jorah

biomedical ethics and

cultural relativism and

epistemology and

idealism and

magic and

power and

mortuary cannibalism, cultural relativism and


happiness and

just war theory and

for morality

virtue ethics and



Nagel, Thomas

biomedical ethics and

metaphysics and

“Moral Luck”

Name of the Wind, The

narrative mode, virtue ethics and

natural evil


Nicomachean Ethics

Nietzsche, Friedrich

Night’s Watch

Ninjutsu, as spiritual practice

non-zero-sum games


Nymeria (direwolf)

Nymeria (Warrior Queen)

objectivity, metaphysics and

omnipotence, problem of evil and

omniscience, problem of evil and

On Liberty





Pascal, Blaise

Pascal’s Wager


Payne, Ser Ilyn

Pearson, John

perfect goodness

phronesis, virtue ethics and


magic and metaphysics

materialism and metaphysics

See also




happiness and

happiness and morality

happiness and virtue

life of reason and

love and


“Why be moral?”

polar concepts


aspiring to

of hereditary and new rulers

insanity and

morality and

morality and dependency

problem of evil and

social contract theory and


Prince, The

Prinz, Jesse

prisoners of war, just war theory and

probability of success, just war theory and

problem of evil


evil, defined

free will defense and

logic and

natural evil and

natural evil
. moral evil

omniscience, omnipotence, perfect goodness, and

polar concepts and

power and

punishment, morality and

Pycelle, Grand Maester

chivalry and

insanity and

Rachels, James

rape, cultural relativism and

rationality, game theory and

Raydar, Mance

reality, magic and


the good life and

virtue ethics and

reliabilism, epistemology and


chivalry and

problem of evil and

reprisal, just war theory and


resultant luck




Right and the Good, The

ring of Gyges

Ross, W. D.

Rothfuss, Patrick

Royce, Ser Waymar


types of, and power (
See also

tyrant’s soul and happiness

See also individual names of characters

Russell, Bertrand

Sartre, Jean-Paul

Saul, Jennifer

Scanlon, T. M.

science, magic and

Sealord of Braavos

Second Sex, The


self-interest, game theory and

Selmy, Ser Barristan (“the Bold”)

chivalry and

game theory and

lying and

madness and


Sept of Baelor

sexism, chivalry and


Shaw, George Bernard

Singer, Peter

skepticism, epistemology and

Slynt, Janos

Small Paul

Snow, Jon

consciousness and behavioral evidence for

epistemology and

fatalism and

power and

self-discovery and

as warg

social contract theory


loyalty and

morality and

power and

resistance to

thought experiments and

warfare and


chivalry and

moral luck and

social control and insanity

See also
cultural relativism


on evil and a good person

happiness and injustice

ring of Gyges

self-discovery and

Song of Ice and Fire, A (Martin), conclusion of.
See also individual names of characters


causation and

consciousness, animals, and

magic and

Southron religion

spirit, happiness and

Spiritual Practices of the Ninja, The

Spivak, Gayatri

Stark, Arya

chivalry and

fatalism and

morality and

Ninjutsu and self-discovery

problem of evil and

self-discovery by

self-knowledge and

swordplay and

Taoism and

Water Dance and

Zen seeing and mindfulness

Stark, Benjen

Stark, Bran

biomedical ethics and

chivalry and

consciousness and

happiness and

magic and

physical causation and

virtues and

Stark, Catelyn

chivalry and

cultural relativism and

epistemology and

game theory and

insanity and

just war theory and

lying and

problem of evil and

views on Cersei’s character

Stark, House of.
See also individual names of family members

Stark, Lord Eddard (“Ned”)

biomedical ethics and

chivalry and

cultural relativism and

epistemology and

fatalism and

game theory and

happiness and

honor and

idealism and

just war theory and

lying and

moral evil and

morality and

power and

problem of evil and

social contract theory and

virtue ethics and

Stark, Lyanna

Stark, Rickon

epistemology and

magic and

Stark, Robb

fatalism and

game theory and

just war theory and

lying and

power and

social contract theory and

Stark, Sansa

bad faith and

game theory and

just war theory and

problem of evil and

zombies and

Steinem, Gloria


Studies in the Way of Words

subjectivity, consciousness and

Summer (direwolf)

consciousness and

magic and

Swinburne, Richard


self-discovery and

training and

Zen and

Tai Chi

Taoism, leading good life and

Tao Te Ching
(Lao Tzu)

Targaryen, Aerys (Mad King Aerys II)

game theory and

immorality and

insanity and

insanity and power

as Leviathan

power and

Targaryen, Daenerys (“Dany”)

adaptability and

assassination and

biomedical ethics and

cultural relativism and

fate and

idealism and

insanity and

just war theory and

lying and

magic and

power and

problem of evil and

social norms and

subjectivity and

Targaryen, House of, and social contract theory

See also individual names of family members

Targaryen, Maester Aemon

epistemology and

game theory and

Targaryen, Rhaegar

Targaryen, Rhaego

Targaryen, Viserys

cultural relativism and

just war theory and

power and

Targaryens, incest and

Tarly, Samwell

epistemology and

magic and

Thorne, Alliser

thought experiments, social contract theory and

Tooley, Michael

Trant, Ser Meryn


Truth and Truthfulness

Tully, House of

just war theory and

war and

See also individual names of family members

Twain, Mark

Two Treatises of Government

Tyrell, Ser Loras

chivalry, homosexuality and

insanity and

lying and

social contract theory and

Tyrells, House of, and cultural relativism

upward blocks, in martial arts


valar dohaeris

valar morghulis

Varys, Lord (“the Spider”)

idealism and

lying and

morality and

on power

protection of realm

social contract theory and

virtue ethics and

violence, cultural relativism and



intention and

luck and


virtue ethics



good life and

happiness and

honesty and

martial arts and

moral attributions and

narrative mode and interpretation of

virtuous person, defined

vitalism, metaphysics and

vulnerability, chivalry and

Wall, the


epistemology and

lying and

power and

social contract theory and

See also
just war theory

warfare cannibalism, cultural relativism and


consciousness and

epistemology and

War of the Five Kings

just war theory and legitimate authority (
See also
just war theory)

power and

Warren, Mary Anne

Water Dance, Taoism and

Waters, Gendry

What We Owe to Each Other

Wheel of Time


epistemology and

magic and

metaphysics and

wildlings, epistemology and


Williams, Bernard


Wode, Ser Willis

wu wei



epistemology and

self-discovery and


self-discovery and

Zen seeing and


zombies, materialism and


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