Game For Love: Best Laid Plans (Kindle Worlds Novella) (2 page)

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“Maura Maxwell, the owner of Rising Community Center.” She didn’t stop or look back.

“Nice to meet you MM,” Garret called after her.

“You too, Mister Reid.” She paused opened the double doors before going into the building.

Garret took out his cell and called Symon. As the phone rang he stared at where she had went too.

“Gar.” Symon sounded amused.

“You bastard.”

“My mama would take offense to that.” Symon chuckled. “I take it you meet MM.”

“Yeah.” Garret thought of the brief yet impactful moment. “”She’s not older.”

“In life experiences she is,” Symon replied. “In years not so much. She’s the same age as we are.”

“Why’d you let me believe she was older?”

“’Cause I know what your reaction would be when you found out.” Symon lowered his voice tone going intense. “And from your tone she piqued your interest. Don’t mess with her unless you are serious. MM is a woman who you commit to not dally with.”

“Dally.” Garret frowned. “Dude who the hell says dally?”

“You know what I mean.”

“Yeah.” Garret looked at the center. “She told me to go home.”

“I figured she would.” Symon snorted. “She doesn’t like professional athletes much.”


“No clue. I had to win her and her second at the center over before they would let me work there.”

There was something in Symon’s tone that made Garret take notice. “What’s up with you and the second?”

“She’s a pain in the ass and tries to control everything.”

“Feisty and take charge, that’s just your type.”

“Usually but not with her.” Symon growled. “Change the subject.”

“Okay. So why didn’t you tell me that this MM hated professional athletes?” Garret glanced again at the center and saw someone in the windows next to the door.

He lifted a hand and gave a finger wave. The person didn’t return it. He figured it was Maura watching to see him leave.

“Because I know since women love you, you’d win her over,” Symon said deadpan.

“You’re such an ass.”

“Yep.” Symon retorted. “So are you leaving or staying?”

Garret knew it wasn’t really a question since Symon knew him so well.

“Challenges are what gets the body moving.”

Symon laughed.



Maura stared out the glass at the man Symon had sent to run the athletics program for the next few weeks. She would be mad at Symon for his high-handedness at just sending someone and texting then emailing her to let her know after he’d already set it up but she was getting used to the aggravating stubborn man. Symon Kyle was a force to be reckoned with when he set his mind to something. And for some reason he had set his sights on her center and making sure it had an athletics program. He’d not only donated money but got others to also donate to make it a reality. He’d also got donors to just donate to the center in general for whatever they needed. There was even one of his old team mates who retired and owned a tech company getting their computer program up and running—donating not just their time but systems for them as well as upgrading the centers computers. Yeah, Symon was a formidable man with a sharp intellect he wielded while making you think he was easy going.

Now the man he’d sent was so similar to him yet she never had the reaction she did to Symon as he did to him. The man was too damn good looking for her own good.
It’s a hell of a time to discover I have a libido.

“So did you scare away our new volunteer?” a melodious feminine voice asked to her left.

Maura glanced at Heather James —her friend and second at the center. The mirth in her pale grey gaze made Maura stick out her tongue.

“Mature much.” Heather chuckled then peeked out the window too. “You know if you keep giving our volunteers attitude and telling them they can take a hike they might stop coming to volunteer.” Heather paused. “Then again seems like you have a knack for making a man want to get all stubborn and come in anyway.”

Maura looked back out the window then grunted as she watched Garret head toward the doors. The man moved slow and deliberate but it reminded her of a predator—taking in all aspects and figuring out the weakness of its prey. She’d seen him play both on television and live. He’d been a hell of a quarterback and had a few Super Bowl rings to prove it as well as many awards. They said he had an easy going temperament but Maura knew that had to be false.

“I didn’t give anyone attitude.”

“Really. I recall when Symon came you almost bit his head off.”  Heather paused. “Although he did deserve it.”

“I’m not the one who did that. You were.” Maura chuckled recalling the look on Symon’s face—a mixture of aggravation and lust that had quickly morphed into disbelief that they weren’t falling all over themselves at his offer.

Symon had come to learn that they were protective of the center. Although his offer sounded good, they didn’t want anyone to use them as a tax break or just to get their name in papers as someone who gave back. It took him some convincing and showing for them to believe he was genuine. And that everyone he had brought to the center so far was too.

Then why didn’t you give Garret a chance as you planned to? As you promised Symon you would?

Maura sighed. Maybe Heather was correct she needed to work on her people skills with volunteers. At least when it came to certain types of people like professional athletes. The doors opened and she took a breath then blew it out as she saw him again. His heavily-lashed, deep blue eyes caught her first. They seemed to see right through her and she didn’t like that at all. His hair, various shades of blond and dark brown, framed a craggy face that showed character. Garret smiled and those damn dimples bracketed lips that made her want to taste. As he moved toward them his muscular frame was emphasized by the dark blue T-shirt he wore. His jeans fit him well showing off his body.

“You’re drooling,” Heather whispered.

“Kiss my butt,” she said equally as low.

“I’ll admit he is drool worthy but you usually don’t.” Heather made a humming noise then. “What are you going to do about it?”

Maura had no clue. For now she’d focus on getting him settled at the center since from the look on his face, Garret Reid wasn’t going anywhere. 


Chapter 2

Maura waited until he was in front of them before speaking. “Mister Reid, this is Heather James. She is my second here at the center. While you are getting settled, if you can’t find me look for her and she can help you.”

“It’s Gar.” Garret smiled then glanced at Heather and held out his hand then she accepted it. “Nice to meet you Miss James.”

“Heather.” She said a devilish smile on her face. “I heard you’d be with us for a few weeks.”

“Maybe.” He returned his attention to Maura. “That is if the boss here will let me.”

“Don’t call me boss.” Maura stared at him. “And we’ll see if you want to come back after today. Come with me.”

Maura pivoted and headed toward the athletics area. As she walked she heard his footsteps behind her. Maura slowed then waited until he was adjacent to her.

“Let me fill you in on the center.” She went into what she usually told the volunteers.

Garret didn’t ask any questions but she could tell her was listening when she glanced at him and saw the intense look on his face. By the time they arrived at the athletics area she has finished. She quickly showed him around pointing out the various things they had and went over what Symon did. Finally she led him to the office Symon used.

“Symon mentioned he told you where to find his notes and such.”

“Yes.” Garret finally spoke.

The raspy tenor of his voice set off another spark of need as it had earlier outside. She really needed to control that.

“I’ll leave you to get settled, Mister Reid.” She turned to leave.

“When are you going to call me Gar?” Garret spoke behind her.


“I’m gonna call you DD. So you might as well not be so formal with me.”

“DD my nickname is MM.” Maura stopped, turning her head toward him.

“I know. And I’ll call you that in front of others but when it is just us I’ll call you DD.” Garret smiled.

She debated a moment if she wanted to know then. “Why DD?”

“Diva Duo.” Garret slid his hands into his pockets and smiled. “I have a cat and she is the original Diva and after meeting you I’m thinking you’ll be my other Diva.”

“I’m not your anything.” Maura lifted an eyebrow.

“And there is the Diva look. Just like my cat does.” Garret chuckled.

“You do know comparing me to your cat is not a way to go about endearing me to you?” Maura looked at him deliberately.

“I’ll say that you mentioning that I could endear you to me is progress.” Garret rocked back on his heels. “Here less than an hour and progress already.”

“Keep dreaming, Mister Reid.” Maura turned back to the door and continued on.

“I love dreaming. When I dream it helps me visualize what I want.”

The slow drawl and tone made goosebumps break out on Maura’s arms. She ignored it knowing she was only projecting what she was feeling onto him. No way a man like that wanted her and hell, she knew better than to even contemplate anything with him.

“Do you dream, DD?”

“Don’t call me DD,” she replied and left without answering him.

As she headed back to her office, Maura absently greeted others she saw and checked in on the other volunteers as she thought of her new volunteer. She’d keep an eye on Garret to make sure that he didn’t cause a disruption at her center.

Or do you mean no disruption with your equilibrium? Wait it’s too late for that.
Maura wondered if he was already driving her crazy. She didn’t usually do internal reflection. She was more of a doer when it came to things she wanted.

“I don’t want him,” she said softly.

Finally arriving at her office, Maura went to her desk and noted the time. She had at least an hour before she would go check on Garret as the kids arrived. Setting the alarm so she could make sure she didn’t miss it. Pulling up the work she had been doing earlier, she focused back on it. All too soon the alarm went off. Maura rose then stretched and went toward the athletics area. As she went she was stopped by other wanting to talk with her. It took her longer to get to the athletics area than she planned. Maura paused outside the door. The kids were already there and Garret was speaking.

“Symon had something unexpected come up and asked me to come by to help out.” Garret shrugged. “So if you could fill me in on what he was doing that would be good.”

“Mister S probably already filled you in,” Ronald said his arms crossed over his chest. “No need to act like you don’t know.”

“It’s not going to make you cooler to us to let us decided.” Darcia cocked her hip and glowered.

The others echoed them in various ways. Garret glanced at them all not seeming at all put off.

“From his notes I do know what he was working on but I wanted your take.” Garret shrugged again. “But if you don’t want a say that’s fine.”

“That’s not what we said,” Roland said. “We’re working on getting a team together so we can play against teams at other centers.”

“First up is football.” Darcia sneered. “I bet you don’t know anything about that.”

“I might know a little something.” Garret sat on the floor then crossed his legs beneath him. “Cop a seat and let’s see what you all know about the game.”

“Not as much as you.” Roland squatted. “Mister NFL Quarterback with all those rings. Why’d you quit anyway?”

“I retired,” Garret said.

“Probably the same reason as Mister S.” Darcia sat. “He got too old to play.”

“Is that what Symon told you?” Garret seemed more amused than anything else.

“Nah, he claimed it was time for something new.” Roland shrugged. “Code for old folks when they don’t want to tell us what the real reason is.”

“Did you ever think that maybe that is the real reason?” Garret asked. “And I’m sure you’ve known Symon long enough to know he doesn’t sugarcoat anything. He’s a really blunt guy.”

“Yeah he is.” Darcia smirked. “How about you, Newbie?”

“I don’t have time to sugarcoat.”  Garret glanced at each and every one of them. “Now are you ready to get started.”

“We’ve been ready just waiting for you.” Roland crossed his arms over his chest.

The others agreed.

“Are you all going to bust my balls all day?” Garret rolled his eyes.

“Only some of it. We have other things to do,” Darcia said.

They all laughed. Maura smiled and stepped back. With her kids Garret had to be on his toes. She’d check back later when the other set of kids came in. Throughout the day she looked in on him and each time he seemed to have it under control. At almost the end of the last class Maura stopped by the door and listened as he wrapped up.

“Tomorrow we’ll work on team work,” Garret spoke and the kids agreed.

“He seems to be at least being able to talk to them,” Heather said behind her.

“Yeah.” Maura turned to her. “Time will tell if he wins their trust. Well that is if he comes back tomorrow.”

“I guess Symon getting help with the program is on hold until he comes back.” Heather crossed her arms over her chest and rested her shoulder against the wall. “He’s really putting in a lot of time here.”

“Yes, he is. I don’t know all details on what he had for the volunteers he was lining up to rotate to help with the athletics program.” Maura blew out a breath. “I do bet he’s bringing in more professional athletes.”

“And you’ll be kind about it and welcoming,” Heather said.

“You act as if I can’t be. I can be kind and welcoming.” Maura pouted.

Heather just stared at her.

“Sometimes.” Maura conceded.

Heather laughed. Maura joined her then stopped and listened. She realized that it was quiet in the room beyond. She peeked in and found it was empty.  From where she stood she could see across the vast room to the office which also seemed to be vacant. Maura glanced at the door that lead to the courtyard outside and figured he’d went out that way. She walked towards it. Heather fell into step with her.

“When will we be announcing about the tech program?”

“At the benefit next month,” Maura said. “It’ll have more impact and also hopefully make others want to donate too. After I pitch the need for more funds.”

Heather nodded. They arrived at the door and Heather pushed it open. Maura stepped through and Heather followed. Maura glanced around and saw some of the kids as well as adults who were patrons of the center. Yet she didn’t see the man she was looking for. Maura strode across the yard and greeted people as she went. She heard Heather also doing the same. They came to the corner of the building and Maura paused as she heard his voice.

“Five bucks says I can hop on one leg all the way,” Garret said.

“You’re on,” the child said.

Maura peeked around the building and smiled as she spotted Vicki. Garret was balancing on his toes so he was at her level. The seven-year-old had on her usual a T-shirt and tutu with combat boots.

“Should we warn him that she’s a hopscotch master?”  Heather asked.

“Nah. He’s probably the only one she can con out of money around here. Let her have her fun.” Maura settled her shoulder on the wall watching the two as they set their terms.

Garret got ready and he looked at Vicki. “No cheating or welshing on the bet.”

“I don’t cheat,” Vicki said it so innocently Maura could almost believe her.

Garret looked at her suspiciously. Vicki smiled widely. Maura stifled a chuckle. She knew that look and had stopped falling for it a long time ago. Garret tossed the rock then when it landed he smirked.

“Five dollars is mine,” Vicki hooted.

“Always bet on Reid,” Garret countered.

He started hopping on one leg then set off down the course. Maura wondered if he would let Vicki win. Garret came to the rock then made it past it. Vicki paced him outside and heckled him trying to break his concentration. Garret didn’t even stop and went through the course then back again. Vicki was scowling when he finished. Garret stood over her and held out his hand.

“Give me my five,” Garret said.

“You wouldn’t take a five from a little kid would you?” Vicki batted her eyes at him.

“I sure would.” Garret wiggled his fingers. “Give me.”

Vicki reached into her tutu and pulled out the five and gave it to him. “Fine. I’m gonna win that back.”

“I look forward to a rematch Miss Vicki,” Garret replied as he took the five then he bowed low to her.

Vicki giggled. “Mommy would say you’re a charmer.” Vicki looked over at them. “Right Mommy?”

Garret looked toward them shock on his face.

“Right baby,” Heather said. “Now come on and stop trying to con folks out of their money.”

“But I lost Mommy.” Vicki pouted.

“And that’s a lesson to you that you need to be a graceful loser as you are winner,” Heather said.

“Okay Mommy,” Vicki said before turning to Garret. “Thanks for the game Mister G.” She curtsied then ran to her mom. Heather led her away.

Garret came over to Maura. He studied her.

“So you survived today.” Maura turned. “Maybe you’ll be by tomorrow.”

“You have a habit of walking away from me,” Garret said.

She didn’t answer just kept going.


* * * * *


Maura headed to where she knew she would find him. He’d been there almost two weeks already and she was getting to know his patterns. She paused by the side of the building as she had for the last week at the end of the day watched him with Vicki. They had their heads together and were whispering. They were talking too low for her to hear. She knew soon enough that they would make their wager then proceed with the game. She rested her shoulder against the wall as waited.




“When are you going to ask Miss M out?” Vicki looked at him with those familiar eyes like her mother.

“I—“ Garret didn’t know what to say.

When the little girl had started to whisper he’d thought it was the usual her telling him a secret or something. He hadn’t expected her to ask that question.

“Miss M is nice and she needs a date.” Vicki stared at him her gaze intent.

Garret tried to not squirm. Facing down a linebacker was easier than a determined little girl.


“Let’s play,” Garret said. “Same stakes as usual.”

“Chicken,” Vicki said then. “Same stakes.”

Garret rose and he went to take his play. He glanced at Maura who was in her usual stop watching them. He’d gotten to know her over the last week. Although there interaction had been brief he’d heard from every one—volunteers, employees and patrons of the center—about her. They all respected her and were fiercely loyal as she was with them. It was a great thing to see. Even in the Harlem neighborhood where the center was the other businesses and residents respected her too. She’d carved out a place for herself here. As he hopped, Garret continued to look at her. Soon he won and after collecting his winnings from Vicki she left passing by Maura.

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